Elon Musk -Mice in space-2


2002年6月, Space Exploration Techonolgies 成立,年轻的技术咖们被Musk的信任所鼓舞,怀揣“天高任鸟飞”的激情,开始了白手起家造火箭的征程。没有官僚体制的束缚,一帮年轻人肆意发挥创新和想象,体验着每一个小小改变带来的喜悦,感受着一次次失败带来的沮丧。但是那种历经挫折终见彩虹的体验,让这帮年轻人为之着迷。

“I was exhausted and out of shape mentally , but soon I loved it and got totally hooked. ”

Musk一如既往开启先知+先行的模式,先知体现在他的胸有成竹,Bowing to his nature , Musk set an insanely ambitious timeline for all of this . 公司成立之初,已经列出了时间表,预计在十五个月后进行第一次发射。先行体现在他的脚踏实地。From time to time , Musk participated in the testing process firsthand...Musk , clothes ruinted ,had decided the hardware was flawed ,tested his hyposthesis ,and moved on quickly ,asking the engineers to come up with a new solution .


面对悲伤时,他不愿袒露忧伤,始终“向前看”。当他经历了第一个孩子夭折时, I am not sure why I 'd  want to talk about extremely sad events. It does no good for the future .....wallowing in sadness does not good for anyone around you 。这一点值得我们学习,面对悲痛,伤怀感伤无济于事,尽快从悲痛中走出来,给自己和身边的人以力量,眼光投向未来。

面对压力时他流露出对别人的体恤、关怀和信任。之前对于他confrontational know-it-all 的感觉,在这一节中大为改观。例如,在引擎测试连续失败的时候,团队面对压力非常沮丧。Musk的一席话,提振了团队士气。

Elon had pretty good patience . ."Okeay ,all right , that's fine . Just calm down . We 'll do it again tomorrow " . .... Cowworkers reported that Musk had been near tears during this call after hearing the frustration and agony in Mueller's voice .

面对别人的不理解时,例如,当他提出要造一个火箭模型展示于众时,大家都不理解,这边紧锣密鼓真火箭还没整出来,要弄一个模型出来不是劳民伤财吗? 矛盾的爆发源于一个身心疲惫、连续加班、弄丢眼镜的技术员,一顿发泄非但没有招致斥责,反而是Musk为他预约了眼科医生。绝对是润物无声,无声胜有声的温情和关怀。比说教、反驳、命令强得多的思维模式。矛盾和情绪很快得到化解,而且大家事后也很快认同了Musk的想法。

这也是我们感受到Musk向Interdependance提升的个人成长的一大步。当然必须要提到的一个人就是Musk的忠实助手Brown, 严肃认真又不失和蔼,善于察言观色,又能够内外周旋。她是极其重要的一个角色, 可以说在Musk处理一些人际关系方面起到了很大作用。

she would emerge as the only bridge between Musk and alll of his interests and was an invaluable asset to the companies' employees.


1、His sanity fray .

①clothor rope frays=come apart from each other磨损

例:The fabric is very fine or frays easily.

②=become nervous or easily annoyed because of mental strain and anxiety. 烦躁

例:Tempers began to fray as the two teams failed to score.

2. In my mind ,it was a boondoggle 补刀狗?

Boondoggle= waste a lot of time and money and does not achieve much. (劳民伤财的)无用物/例:The new runway is a billion-dollar boondoggle.这条新跑道是一个价值十亿美元的废物。

3. She helped balance the vibe around the office.

Vibes are the good or bad atmosphere that you sense with a person or in a place.感应;气氛

例:Sorry, Chris, but I have bad vibes about this guy.我对这家伙感觉不太好。

4. 发挥不屈不挠的精神 put Space X’s relentless ethos into play .

    鼓舞士气  The resultant mammoth government contractor held a picnic to boost morale but                            ended up failing at ever this simple exercise.

  本性使然:Bowing to his nature , Musk set an insanely ambitious timeline for all of this.


1. 有了这么一大笔投资,再没有人能够像当初收购Zip2和PayPal那样把SpaceX的控制权从马斯克手中夺走了。

With such a massive up-front investment, no one would be able to wrestle control of SpaceX away from Musk asthey had done at Zip2 and PayPal.

up-front --预付款,up-front investment --前期投资;wrestle control away from... --从...夺走控制权

2. 她始终坚定地站在他这一边,淡定、从容。

Brown put on her firm countenance and no-nonsense attitude.

countenance --面容,表情(书面语);no-nonsense --严肃的,正经的,与down-to-earth同义

3. SpaceX的普通工程师都是年轻的小伙子,他们在学校时成绩优异。

The rank-and-file engineers at Space Xtended to be young, male overachievers.

rank-and-file --一般大众的,基层的;overachiever --成绩优异者,反义词-- underachiever

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