Elon Musk-(10)The Revenge Of The Electric Car 3/3


1. outage: a period when a power supply or other service is not available or when equipment is closed down.

原文:the battery units could be used to help large customers get through the night or during unexpected outages

glut: an excessively abundant supply of something.

原文:It could capitalize on the glut in the solar cell market and avoid the large capital expenditures tied to building and running factories.

2.tack on:to add sth new to sth that is already complete, especially in a way that looks wrong or spoils the original thing

原文:utilities tend to tack on extra charges

造句:Do not tack the stuff on the wall.


1. indictment: a thing that serves to illustrate that a system or situation is bad and deserves to be condemned.

2. incremental: 增加的

3. butter up阿谀奉承  spruce up打扮整齐crank out制成

4. pledge: commit (a person or organization) by a solemn promise.

5. revamp改造,翻新,修补 fathom推测,领会morph变形 lard夹杂


这章讲了SolarCity,Musk涉猎了他当初刚从毕业所预言的三大领域Internet, renewable energy, and space。很厉害。不过这章我很好奇的是太阳能板(硅提炼制取的过程)的生产是极其污染环境的,而Musk是怎么解决的?

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