
1. 01deprive = if you deprive someone of something, you take it away from them or prevent them from having it

e.g. deprive someone of something: As a child, he had been deprived of love and attention.

02 deprived adj. ~poor = not having the things that are essential for a comfortable life

e.g. deprived children in the inner cities

2. advocate= to publicly support a particular policy or way of doing things

e.g. There is no point advocating improved public transport unless we can pay for it.

3. top priority, deprived country, basic needs, social stability,

e.g. The top priority of deprived countries is to satisfy citizens' basic needs, and by doing this, governments can sustain social stability.

4. sustain=  to provide the conditions in which something can happen or exist

e.g. Only two of the planets could sustain life.
