

Cars became the daily transportation and people couldn't live without it anymore. What's your definition about cars? A simple transportation ? or show the quality of your life. ?I still remember a man who went inside a bar and put his BMW key on the table. A lot of people wants to talk to him because they think he's rich and he enjoy the feeling of being known as a rich man. He always bring his key with him and do the same thing everytime (leave the key on the table). But i knew it's not legit/real, his car is small and cheap. Through this story we may know that the person just want to show off and mislead people about his quality of life. He just want others to  look up him.  Recently, I discovered in Japan that cars are cheap and most people just use motorbike. I asked them why don't they want to buy expensive or big cars to suit their identity such us boss, manager etc. They told me cars for them are just transportation and no other meaning. So they will chosse the small and easy cars to run instead of expensive or branded cars. Yes, I couldn't agree more withthem. JUst like in our life, we like others to see or to know that "I'm good, I'm rich and I'm better than you!". But in fact what you need and want will not make you happier  unless you will do thing right and be honest to yourself and to everybody. So dears/guys, only focus on your real needs and happiness and remember materials are only for people to use. You should control them so that you will win more happiness.
