
title: preclud
date: 2019-05-31 10:12:22
NO_sents: 592
NO_references: 308


  • This does not preclude the existence of genetic variability in the response to shared environment in males, and thus, it is possible that even the extensive environmental controls do not eliminate this effect. (Signor et al., 2017)
  • Previously, we inferred that there was little global population structure in the DGRP from our eigendecomposition of the genetic covariance matrix, but noted that the large variance in this decline did not preclude local structure due to structural variation (Mackay et al 2012). (Huang et al., 2014)
  • This helps preclude the kinds of ad hoc analyses mentioned in the previous paragraph, and is an accurate representation of what we can do with limited data. (Borenstein et al., 2009)
  • This apparent conundrum can be explained by the observation that for the majority of genes (~75%), homozygosity for LoF mutations is viable but confers a modest selective dis- advantage that is sufficient to preclude fixation of the mutations, which explains the evolutionary conserva- tion of the corresponding gene. (Georges, Charlier, Hayes, 2018)
  • The public release of summary statistics is a useful compromise in situations when sample consent restrictions or privacy concerns preclude the release of individual-level data in a public repository. (Pasaniuc, Price, 2017)
  • Even though the release of summary statistics can in principle lead to privacy concerns107, more recent work has shown that such privacy attacks have low power when the summary sample size exceeds the effective number of independent markers (currently estimated at 60,000 in typical GWAS datasets108), implying that privacy concerns should not preclude the public release of summary statistics from large studies109愼㹤111. (Pasaniuc, Price, 2017)
  • GS not only could preclude or at least enhance the efficiency of progeny testing but would also optimize clonal testing phases by advancing a smaller number of pre-selected trees to be assessed in multi-site expanded clonal trials (Resende et al, 2012a) (Figure 1). (Grattapaglia et al., 2018)
  • Note that string tensors don't exist in Numpy (or in most other libraries), because tensors live in preallocated, contiguous memory segments: and strings, being variable length, would preclude the use of this implementation. (Chollet, 2018)
  • At times, private inheld parcels preclude conducting landscape-level burn units. (Kabrick et al., 2007)
  • The results thus do not preclude the addition of further propagation cycles, should even higher multiplication factors be required. (Carron, Aken, 1992)
