

1. 开口说英语,更自然更自信

2. 功夫下到位, 解决朗读心态的问题


1. 表达没有标准答案,注意变扭的和自己没用过的。特别要注意细节

2. 主动使用学过的东西

3. 有意识地练习阅读时扫一眼可以照顾到完整的句子,朗读时尽量不要卡顿

4. 长句子怎么破:听/模仿原声掌握整体语调和节奏,找到重音位置

5. 说话要有“证据”

6. /s/和/z/要分清

(1) /s/: loose, this, less(er), kiss, insult, salt, base, sense, chase, salt, assume

(2) /z/: lose, these (are), those, is, was, how's it going, what goes around comes around, choose/chose, nose, result, reserve, news, raise, re'sume/'résumé, hands-off, hands-on, advertise, bus i ness, franchise

7. soften和fasten的t不发音


1. 重音在前

fast track (n.->v.), stocking stuffer, game plan, (WELL-)educated guess, product line, brand equity, reality check, overtime pay, track record, child's play, fall guy, whipping boy, dental floss, team player, strip joint/club, sob story, yes man, brown noser, brownie points, hot-head, drawing board, go-getter, trade fair/show, people person, stepping stone, cookie-cutter, jet-lag

2. 重音在后

last year/month, real dog, clean house, fine-tune, can-do attitude, me-too product, double-check, strike gold, vice-president, drop the ball, belt-tightening, hands-off, dot-com bust, the nitty-gritty, human being


1. blockbuster = hit/sensation 大片、爆款

2. bells and whistles 华而不实的东西;appealing features 吸引人的特点

3. Old habits die hard. 旧习难改

4. under wraps 保密

5. rip it off 造假;rip-off 太贵

6. off the ground = take off = fly = hit the ground running 起飞、付诸实践

7. 常见的名词作动词的用法:fast track = expedite, name, holiday, jet, greenlight, arm-twist

8. back-of-the-envelope calculations = ballpark figure = rough figure 近似数、大致计算的结果

9. (well-)educated guess/opinion = (well-)informed guess = evidence-based guess = fact-based guess 有根据的猜想(反义词 wild guess 胡乱猜想)

10. get sb in hot water / in deep water / in deep shit = get sb in (big) trouble

11. end up +with/+doing/+n.

12. pull the plug 把插头拔出来(终止、叫停)

13. run some ideas by sb 有个主意想跟某人商量

14. half-baked ideas = ill-conceived ideas 不成熟的主意、欠考虑的注意

15. tagline / slogan

16. throw cold water on = pour cold water on = put a damper on 泼冷水

17. plug sth = promote 宣传、打call、站台;give the place a little plug 给……打广告

18. twist my arm 说服某人、劝酒、盛情难却;arm-twist (v.)

19. flesh sth out 充实证据

20. Mum's the word. = It's between us. 保密

21. touch base with sb 与某人沟通、交流、联系(通常指短暂的会面),来自于棒球术语

22. buzz

the buzz topic 热门话题

buzz word/phrase 流行语

23. work out the kinks = iron out the kinks = fix/address the problems 解决问题

24. fine-tune = tinker = tweak 微调,对应 heavy lift = overhaul 彻底改造

25. cut sth a little close/fine = time tight

26. step up to the plate 挺身而出做某事

27. ifs, and, buts 的用法

That is a big "if". = maybe

28. real dog/lemon 不好的东西

29. fast follower, first mover

30. cash cow 摇钱树(最挣钱的产品);拓展 sacred cow 神圣不可侵犯的东西

31. me-too product 跟风产品

32. for starters = first

33. beef up = strengthen

34. kudos to sb = give sb the thumbs-up 给某人点赞

35. free gift = giveaway = freebie, sample 试用装

36. for the record 把话说清楚;记住我的话

37. pan out = work out 奏效

38. the name of the game = the central issue; the most important thing; the main goal

39. give... a run 与……媲美

40. face the music = reality check 面对现实

41. no wonder = I'm not surprised. 怪不得

42. eat our lunch 抢饭碗

43. cash in on 利用(蹭热点、发国难财、趁虚而入)

44. run in place 原地踏步、毫无进展

45. You took the words right out of my mouth! = I hear what you're saying. = I was gonna say that. = Tell me about it. = You're telling me. = You can say that again. = I couldn't agree more. = I'll say. = You said it.


You don't say. = Are you kidding me?

What's cooking? 咋啦?

Way to go! 棒棒哒!

Will the duck swim? = Is ice cold? = Does a bear shit in the woods? 当然喽!

46. new/fresh blood

47. back and forth on sth = debating 纠结

48. bite the bullet / pull the trigger / take the bull by it's horns / throw caution to the winds 硬着头皮做某事(不要怂,就是干)

49. call

tough/good call = tough/good decision

Who makes the call? 谁做主?

50. test the waters 试水;bricks and mortar 房产、实体产业

51. go all out = pull out all the stops = try (very) hard

52. make an all-out effort 全力以赴

53. deliver your promise 兑现承诺;overpromise and underdeliver

54. swamped = super busy

55. make it up to sb 补偿某人(如错过生日party,惹某人生气时)

56. ahead/behind schedule

57. not mince words 直言不讳

58. a far cry from = much less than

59. get right on sth = start on sth immediately

60. out of one's mind = crazy/insane/nuts

61. take a crack at sth 试一试;give it one's best shot = make an all-out effort

62. What... are you/they looking for?

63. can-do attitude

64. new improved formula 新的改进方案

65. be out of

out of touch 不了解情况

out of place 不在正确的位置上;状态不对

out of reach 很难接近、够不着

out of order 不得体;出故障

out of hand 失去控制

out of the question 肯定没戏了

out of loop / in loop 在圈外/里

out of line 出格、举止不当、不符合、不在一条直线上

66. work our tails/butt off 竭尽全力

67. call it quits = throw in the towel = give up

68. roll up my sleeves; get down to business 着手干

69. be on board = in agreement

70. Count me in! / I'm in!

71. track record 业绩记录

72. cover a lot of ground 这里的ground指subject或idea

73. in a nutshell 简而言之

74. put sth lightly 说得太委婉了,put在这里表示“说”,例如 Let me put it this way.

75. put in my two cents 说说我的拙见

76. circle back to 翻回头来再说某事

77. like a hole in the head = not really need

78. bigwig = very important person

79. rally the troops = motivate others

80. at a premium = at a high(er) price

81. short by = shy of 少了

We short by / shy of 1 Majiang player.

82. No big deal. = No biggie. It's a deal. 一言为定

83. mind your p's and q's. 注意你的言行举止;dot your i's and cross your t's = be very careful

84. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.

85. 有关 ball 的表达

drop the ball = make a mistake

get the ball rolling = start it

Oh, we had a ball! 玩得开心极了(ball在这里是尽欢的意思)

86. sth hasn't been up to scratch 没有正常发挥

87. asleep at the wheel 玩忽职守;behind the wheel 开车

88. push the envelope 挑战极限

89. How did you pull that off? 你是如何挺过来的(强调难度大);How did you do that?

90. burn the midnight oil = pull an all-nighter

91. around the clock = open 24/7

92. pitch in = help 做贡献

93. all in a day's work 分内之事

94. shell out 付(一大笔钱);fork out 大把花钱;splurge/blow sth on sth 挥霍、乱花钱

95. talk/trick sb into doing sth 劝说某人做某事;talk sb off doing sth 劝说某人不做某事

96. pass the buck 推卸责任、踢皮球;the buck stops here 不再踢皮球

97. Dream on! 做梦吧!(痴心妄想);read on 继续读

98. stop pointing fingers at each other. / finger-point; arm-twist

99. track down 找出蛛丝马迹

100. I thought they were fake. 我以为...(注意时态)

101. fall guy = scapegoat = whipping boy 替罪羊

102. Make it harder to wimp out. 反悔

103. You've got another think coming. 你得改变计划/主意

104. catch/take sb unawares = catch/take sb off-guard 使...措手不及

105. tighten belt 勒紧裤腰带;belt-tightening 节衣缩食、节省开支

106. choose the lesser of two evils 两害相权取其轻;better the devil you know 宁可跟熟识的魔鬼打交道(也比跟未知的魔鬼打交道好)

107. as a last resort 最终手段

108. bat around some ideas = bounce ideas off (each other) 头脑风暴、集思广益

109. Let's just agree to disagree. 彼此保留意见

110. lousy (idea) 糟糕的

111. go off (闹钟)响;set off (警报)响

What set it off? 什么让警报响了?

112. tell sb off = chew sb off 训斥某人

113. spare us the sob story 别买惨了;use sob stories to get their way 用悲惨故事博得同情

114. pull your weight 做分内事

115. Don't waste your breath! 不要浪费口舌了;XX is a waste of breath.(注意表达的灵活使用)

116. Don't burn your bridges. 不要过河拆桥(不要自断后路)

117. make a pass at sb = flirt sb = hit on sb

118. dirt = gossip = tidbit = scoop = scandal (吃)瓜、黑历史

119. un-的前缀很灵活

That so un-Eric. / We're so not-brothers.

120. What goes around comes around. 善有善报恶有恶报

121. right off the bat = immediately

122. strip joint = strip club 脱衣舞俱乐部

123. 常见的人名与小名

William - Bill(例如比尔盖茨的全名是William Henry Gates III), Rachel - Dick, James - Jim, Thomas -Tom, Abigail - Abby, Joseph - Joe, Donald - Don, Alexander/Alexandra - Alex, Patricia/Patrick - Pat, David - Dave, Michael - Mike, Elizabeth - Betty/Betsy, Benjamin - Ben, Susan - Sue

124. 关于生气的表达

let sb/sth push your buttons

He gets under my skin.

get bent out of shape

be in a snit

125. give sb an earful = give sb a talking-to

拓展:a handful 难以控制的人 His children can be a real handful.

126. get a chip on one's shoulder 记仇

127. personality 的用法

大佬 a big personality in+领域

网红 internet personality = influencer = red-hot on the web = internet star/celebrity/celeb/sensation = wanghong

128. grin and bear it = put up with it 默默忍受

129. an expert at = excel at sth / in 领域 = get/have a knack for sth 善于

130. at... expense 以……为代价

131. brown noser = apple polish 马屁精;yes-man 唯命是从的人;butter up = kiss up 巴结、讨好、拍马屁;brownie points 拍马屁得分

132. cookie-cutter approach 千篇一律的要求

133. don't you know... 句式

134. talk behind someone's back 背后说人坏话

135. Sorry, I just overheard... 搭讪名句;overhear 不经意听到,eavesdrop 故意偷听

136. a likely story 接着忽悠

137. 累的表达 be wiped (out) = be beat = be shot; burn out = worn out

138. juggle sth with sth  兼顾、同时应付 You really do have a lot on your plate.

139. not optional = obligatory 有义务的,必须的

140. I can't afford to get sick.

141. up to my ears in work = have a lot of work

142. in tip-top shape

143. under your belt 收入囊中;in the bad 胸有成竹、十拿九稳

144. inside and out 了如指掌

145. different animal = world of difference

146. There may be a thing or two to learn. = a few things

147. a no-brainer = easy decision;brainy = very intelligent

148. go back to the drawing board 从头开始

149. miss the point / get sb wrong

Don't get me wrong. 别误会

150. make a splash 引人注目

151. no can do 不行

152. I'm on the tight budget.


(1) adj. budget = very cheap 例如 budget trip/travel 穷游;budget car/hotel/man;high quality goods at budget prices 物美价廉

(2) vt. budget your time 管理时间

153. give sb more bang for the buck 物超所值

154. off the record 私下说、别声张

155. You really don't wanna advertise in that rag!(吐槽)

156. hard sell 强行推销

157. second 支持、赞成(主意、建议等),附议。I'll second that! = I agree.

158. I got my wish. 如愿以偿

159. eclectic 包罗万象的

160. do a 180 180度大转弯

161. make heads or tails of sth 搞不懂某事(硬币的正反面)

162. go the extra mile = proactive 更积极主动

163. go-getter 实干家;can-do attitude

164. Don't push your luck. = Don't try to get too much. 别得寸进尺

165. play your cards right 如果一切顺利

166. ten years down the road 未来、今后

167. keep up the good work = keep it up

168. read between the line = take a hint 领会暗示

169. my hands are tied 束手无策

170. soften/cushion the blow 减轻伤害

171. make the grade = succeed

172. pride oneself on sth 对……引以为荣

173. be in a funk: to be very unhappy and without hope. 造句 I've been in a real funk since my grandma was sick.

174. It is not every day that... 可遇不可求。造句 It is not every day that one meets a good teacher.

175. when the shit hits the fan 当事情出岔子时、当麻烦开始的时候

176. I'm between jobs/schools. 无业游民

177. I wear many hats. 多面手

178. get your foot in the door 可以帮助你得到某机会

179. What are you looking for a job?

180. niche market 小众市场

181. carve out 闯出一片天地

182. It's not all it's cracked up to be. 没有想象中的那么好

183. go belly up  = go bankrupt 破产;lose one's shirt 输得精光、倾家荡产

184. dot-com bust/bubble 网络公司破产/泡沫

185. Are you sure you wouldn't be happier at a start-up?

186. get cold feet 临阵脱逃

187. the nitty-gritty (细节) 与 the big picture (全局) 对应,Let's get down to the nitty-gritty. = Let's get down to brass tacks. 谈谈细节、讨论实质问题

188. happy medium 折中办法

189. first thing in the morning

190. shape up or ship out

191. if-then 流程

192. down-to-earth 接地气

193. expats = expatriates 外籍人士、侨民

194. Cell phones have become an indispensable part of our lives. 必不可少的、不可或缺的

195. It stands to reason that I should accept his invitation. 很显然、按照常情、依照常理

196. be a first for sb/sth 对……来说是破天荒的事情,首开先河

197. keep up with the Joneses 攀比;on a par with sb/sth 不相上下、伯仲之间

198. per se = by itself

199. stay in place 不变

200. function (v.) = operate 起作用、正常运转;funtion as sb/sth 具有……功能,例如 The sofa also functions as a bed.
