

I wanted to follow up after the lessons today to help facilitate better practice at home. In addition to this, please don't hesitate to let me know how else I can help! I want the boys to make progress and be successful, but can only help if I know what the questions are.

So, with regard to your note taking- here would be a sample from today.

In general, if I say it, write it down! correcting a note or a rhythm that I don't mark, you don't have to write down (unless its a note like, play etude with metronome for correct rhythm).

If i point out a particular note or rhythm to correct and mark it, make a note so you are sure to make sure its fixed at home.

If I say to do something, keep a certain position, isolate a spot and have the student repeat it, tell where to play something in the bow etc, those are things that need to be repeated and reinforced at home, so you must make a note of it.


scales- DM working up to 4 to a bow scales, 3 to a bow arpeggio.

keep wrist straight and thumb down during all shifts. palm not touching violin.

always keep good strong tone.


at least 1-7 but can go as far as able as long as ever line is correct. will play duets from the week in lesson. remember its reading. start at beginning of line and must play correctly through.


do 2nd- 3rd position this week


24. metronome marking in music, work up to 58 to quarter. must be correct rhythm. keep bow strokes and bowings as marked.

good tone! every note must be clear and strong sound.

my note- learn in small sections and then put it together.

Bach double-

playing with cd is good, but must also practice practice parts slowly (many times!) with good intonation. Watch all markings in music (can play sometimes with music and/or mom watches music). pay particular attention to places we have circled and bowings marked!

all places with 3 note slurs stay closer to lower half of bow

even tone and good sound all the time

remember lift/set bow places (all marked in music with the red commas)

keep reviewing the pieces for book 4 test. both playing with cd and reviewing old practice spots slowly

**** always working on good tone (using bow well) and tall fingers with thumb down on left hand



no sliding into notes!

EM- keep shifts like the ghost shifts we practice

round knuckles


do every day. still 1st-3rd.


go on to next one (sorry, I don't exactly remember what we did on this today!)


must keep reviewing the first one!! play with cd for good rhythm. review esp the doubles that we worked so hard on, keeping elbow and wrist down and relaxed.

current Seitz-

keep working on practice spots. the 16th note passage on second page continue doing in groups but make sure all notes totally even. when this is good, go on to groups of 12, then 16 etc until passage is complete. Strong even tone.

Bariolage- Do on perpetual motion. then practice that spot in Seitz. passage right after that must be isolated and drilled slowly, gradually build speed.

practice with cd under tempo for good rhythm etc along with practicing spots.


**** always working on keeping bow hold round fingers and relaxed, elbow and shoulder down so bow arm is relaxed and big sound!!

we didn't do reading today, but continue to do some every day. I think we are near the end of volume 1?

They both will need you to supervise the majority of their practice until they know how to practice correctly on their own. Practice should be MINIMUM 45 min at least 5 days a week. Really 1 hr is the standard for book 4. In an hour of practice, something like 25 min scales, shifting, etude, reading. 15 min review and 20 min on current piece (10-15 min drilling spots and 5-10 min playing with cd). Listening isn't included in this hour and the times can be adjusted day to day depending on focus. Nothing in the practice should be without a goal or a focus.

Please think this week about your questions regarding how to practice, what to practice etc. In order for the Suzuki triangle to be complete, I need to be 100% clear on what you should do at home. So please do let me know if you have questions! I will work to make sure i have done my part and you are clear on what to do. But then it does have to happen at home! repeat lessons are not ideal for anyone.

unfortunately, the parent training classes just ended. but if you want to observe some other lessons, or talk to some other parents for practice tips thats always great! Cindy's lesson is right after Alexander's group class and her dad has a good system of note taking/video during lessons if you think that would be helpful. My door is open and my email active if there is anything I can do to help

happy practicing!

