懂你英语文本leve3 Unit3 part 4 listening

leve3 Unit3 part 4 listening

Leonardo Da Vinci is one of the greast geniuses of all time. He was a painter,an architect,and engineer and scientist. He was born in Vinci Italy in 1452. vinci is a town just outside the greast Italy city, Florence. His named Da Vinci means up Vinci. Leonardo’s father was a lawyer and landowner and his mother was a peasant. Leonardo’s parents were never married to each other.

Leonardo lived with his mother until he was around 5 years old.when he was 5,he moved into the home of his father.by then, his father had married a 16 years old girl. Leonardo’s mother married another man and moved to another town. She had many more children after that, with serveal different man. In the end, Leonardo had more than 15 half-sisters and brothers.

As a young man. Da Vinci didn’t go to school. He was educated at home in reading,writing and mathematics. In other subjects, he was mostly self-educated. He had access to books at his father’s home. Leonardo spent a lot of time outdoors and developed a strong interest in nature. He loved to observe things.especially birds. He was also interested in the properties of water.

Leonardo’s early drawings and paintings demonstrated a rare talent. His father and his father’s friend recognized his talent and encourage him. When he was 15, he was sent to Florence. In Florence, he became an apprentice to a famous master painter. For the next few years. Leonardo worked at his master’s workshop. It wasn’t long before his ability surpassed that of his master. Some people say that his master became jealous of Leonardo’s great talent. They say that the master vowed to never paint again! In 1478,with his father’s help,Leonardo set up his own work shop.

In 1482,he entered the servise of a powerful man in the city of Milan. This man was the deal of Milan. For the next few years. L designed buildings, machinary and weapons of war. Weapons were important because Italy was constantly at war during the period. From 1485 to 1490. Leonardo produced designs for a variety of weapons.in his notes, he predicted the development of advanced weapons.such as submarines and flying machines. In 1499, the French invaded italy and Leonardo left Milan.

All together.L spent 17 years in Milan. During this period he spent much his time studying nature. He dissected bodies both human and animal, to study an illustrate anatomy .

His detailed illustrations are masterpieces. Leonardo feel many noted books with drawing and ideas.he wrote back words ,so,your need a mirror to read them.

After 1500 Leonardo spent time in a number of italian cities .he worked very slowly and the rang of his interest was very wide. As a result, Leonardo left many paintings and projects unfishished. One painting that his didn’t finish was the Monaliza.one of the most famous painting. People are still interested in this painting. 500 years after he painted it. Those they are many thoeries nobody knows who the woman in the paintings really was.

In 1516, Leonardo left Italy for good when the French king Francis I.offered him a position. There he had the freedom to paint and draw whatever he wanted. Leonardo died in 1519 at the age of 67. some say that the French king who was became a close friend was with him when he died. He was buried in a church which was destroyer during the French Revolution.the extaly location of his remains is unknow.

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