1. in command of
2. arguably
adv. [sentence adverb 句子副词] 英 / ˈɑːɡjuəbli /
used when giving your opinion to say that there are good reasons why something might be true 可论证地,可以说
Senna was arguably the greatest racing driver of all time.
n. [U] 英 / ɪ'mɜːdʒəns /
when something begins to be known or noticed 出现;显现
[+ of ]
the emergence of new evidence
v. [I] ( endeavor ) / ɪn'devə /
to try very hard 努力,奋力 【正式】
endeavour to do sth
We always endeavor to please our customers.
5. rapacious
adj. / rə'peɪʃəs ; rəˋpeʃəs / formal
英 / rə'peɪʃəs /
always wanting more money, goods etc than you need or have a right to 贪婪的;贪心的;强取的 【正式】
SYN greedy
rapacious landlords
6. burgeon
v. [I] / ˈbɜːdʒ ə n ; ˋbɝdʒən /
英 / ˈbɜːdʒ ə n /
to grow or develop quickly formal 急速增长[发展] 【正式】
the burgeoning market for digital cameras
7. amass
v. [T] / əˈmæs ; əˋmæs / 英 / əˈmæs /
if you amass money, knowledge, information etc, you gradually collect a large amount of it 积聚,积累,大量收集
For 25 years, Darwin amassed evidence to support his theories.
8. domain
an area of land owned and controlled by one person or government, especially in the past 〔尤指过去的〕领地,领土,版图
the extent of the royal domain
9. cartography
n. [U] / kɑː'tɒɡrəfi ; kɑrˋtɑgrəfɪ /
英 / kɑː'tɒɡrəfi /
the activity of making maps 地图绘制
10. demise
n. [U] / dɪ'maɪz ; dɪˋmaɪz /英 / dɪ'maɪz /
the end of something that used to exist formal 〔曾经存在的事物的〕终止,结束,消亡 【正式】
[+ of ]
the imminent demise (= happening soon ) of the local newspaper
11. dominion
n. [U] / də'mɪnjən ; dəˋmɪnjən /
英 / də'mɪnjən /
[C] the land owned or controlled by one person or a government formal 领地,领土,版图 【正式】
the king’s dominions
12. claim n. a right to do something or to have something, especially because it belongs to you or because you deserve it 权利;所有权;要求权
The Maldives pressed its claim to hold the summit.
Philip feared Edward would lay claim to the Scottish crown.
13. charter
n. / 'tʃɑːtə ; ˋtʃɑrtɚ /英 / 'tʃɑːtə /
[C] a statement of the principles, duties, and purposes of an organization 〔组织的〕原则,章程,宪章,宣言
the freedoms embodied in the UN charter
14. pillar
n. [C] / 'pɪlə ; ˋpɪlɚ / 英 / 'pɪlə /
a tall upright round post used as a support for a roof or bridge 柱子,墩
Eight massive stone pillars supported the roof.
15. in part 在某种程度上
16. perpetrator
n. [C] / 'pɜːpɪtreɪtə 'pɜːpətreɪtə ; ˋpɝpə͵tretɚ / formal 英 / 'pɜːpɪtreɪtə /
someone who does something morally wrong or illegal 作恶者;犯罪者 【正式】
The perpetrators were never caught.
[+ of ]
The perpetrators of racially motivated violence must be punished.
17. un‧der‧mine
v. [T] / ‚ʌndə'maɪn ; ͵ʌndɚˋmaɪn /英 / ‚ʌndə'maɪn /
to gradually make someone or something less strong or effective 逐渐削弱[损害]
economic policies that threaten to undermine the health care system
18. turmoil
n. [singular, U 单数] / 'tɜːmɔɪl ; ˋtɝmɔɪl /
英 / 'tɜːmɔɪl /
a state of confusion, excitement, or anxiety 混乱,骚乱,动乱
political/emotional/economic/religious etc turmoil
the prospect of another week of political turmoil