Peak- Mental Representation


If you are facing with an issue now, you will recall related information and knowledge to analyze the issue, explain the causes and even offer your solutions to it. The series of actions you have taken in are mental presentations that are preexisted in your mind.

The more complete your mental representations are, the more correct your solutions will be. It means that mental representations help you (to) find an answer.

In addition to analyze problems, you also use mental representations to make a plan. The ability to create a detailed, organized and accessible plan before embarking on it is something that only comes with experience. The experience is what we call mental representations.

If you zero in on one field day and night but never optimize your mental representations step by step, you will not become more skilled or strength your mental representations.

By contrast, if you constantly strength the relationship between skills and mental representations, then honing the skill improves mental representations. And mental representations helps hone the skill.

As you push yourself to do something new,- to develop a new skill or sharpen an old one- you are also expanding and sharpening your mental representations, which will in turn make it possible for you to do more than you could before.


今天在阅读的时候,想到一些事情,心里好惊喜。文中在介绍杂志上医生设定的病症解读栏目时,提到了美剧House M. D,这是我前两个月一直在追的剧。作者说这个栏目的设定同《豪斯医生》有些相似,我再联想剧中的情况,也就明白了书中的例子。Doctor House是一个医生奇才,热心肠但是为人怪癖。他有三个医生助手,每次在分析病人的病症时,他会拿着马克笔,让医生助手们将病症相关的所有疾病一一例举,他就会在白板上一一写下来。然后他会在各个病症之间排除,找出最有可能的情况。剧中是傲娇大叔,但是每次在分析病症时,他的思路和全面总是令人佩服。也就是说他的mental representations足够强大。之前看的另一部电视剧《Good Doctor》,剧中的主人公朴施温(自闭症患者)是一名小儿外科的专业医生。他的不同之处在于他将一本本医用书籍,医学案例背下来,存储在大脑里,同时能够在看到病人的症状时,在脑海中看到病人的身体情况。听起来比较玄乎,但是通过本章的学习,我明白了这就是记忆的多到把mental representations组合成动画了!

Peak- Mental Representation_第1张图片
House Doctor的傲娇小表情


虽然上述的例子因为影视的作用而有一些夸张,不能否认的是他们都通过刻意练习而形成庞大的mental representations。而我因为之前看过这些影视作品,就能够瞬间理解作者的意思。读过,看过的东西因为相似性而相通,这个感觉还是很让人欣喜的。用类比的方式,将新事物同旧事物链接了。



“The damage hurts the eye’s ability to dilate and often limits the movement of the eyelid covering that eye”

dilate: to (cause a part of the body to) become wider or further open (使身体的一部分)扩张,展开

[例句] The pupils of the eyes dilate as darkness increases. 光线变暗时瞳孔就会放大。

[造句] When I see horrible situations in horrible movies, I will unconsciously dilate my pupils.

“expert diagnosticians have built sophisticated mental representations that let them consider a number of different facts at once, even facts that at first might not seem germane.”

germane: describes ideas or information connected with and important to a particular subject or situation (想法、讯息等)有密切关系的,有重要意义的

[例句] Her remarks could not have been more germane to the discussion. 她的说话跟这次的讨论密切相关。

[造句] A good speaker will be happy to hear germane questions of his topics.


1. “In a later column”; multiline insurance

2.“a prescription for antibiotics”

3.Knifelike pain

4. Differentiate = distinguish; beginning and intermediate and advanced musicians = beginners and intermediate students

5.“assimilate facts about the patient, recall relevant medical knowledge, and use the facts and medical knowledge to identify possible diagnoses and choose the right one.”

6. “In this particular sort of challenge—piecing together a number of clues—the mental representations of expert doctors come to the fore

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