

Leon and Amy:


农村,village, countryside, rural areas.

我来自农村。I come from the countryside.

我妈妈是一个农民。My mother is a farmer.

我小时候生活在农村,那时很好玩。I lived in the countryside when I was a kid, it was very funny.

放学后,我和朋友们会一起做作业。After school, my friends and I would do the homework together. 放学,after school.

在晚上,我们会看电视剧。In the evening, we would watch TV shows. 电视剧,TV shows.

有时候,我们会在池塘里游泳。Sometimes we swam in the pond. 游泳,swim/swam/swum. 池塘,pond, pool.

有时候,我们会到山上玩。Sometimes we played in the hills. 山,hill, mountain. hill是指小山,mountain是指很高的大山。

有时候,我们会在河里抓鱼。Sometimes we catched fish in the river. 河,river. 抓,catch. 鱼, fish.

那时候的动画片很好看,游戏很好玩。At that time, the cartoons were very good, and the games were very interesting. 动画片,cartoon. 游戏,game. 好玩、有趣,funny/interesting.

那时的天好蓝,水好清澈。At that time, the sky was so blue, the water was clear. 天空,sky. 蓝色,blue. 水,water. 清澈,clear.

我们的房子很小,我和哥哥睡在同一张床上。Our house was very small, my brother and I slept in the same bed. 房子,house. 小,small. 哥哥、兄弟,brother. 睡觉,sleep/slept/slept. 相同,same. 床,bed.

我们的蔬菜很好吃。Our vegetables are delicious. 蔬菜,vegetable.

