刻意练习 8.15

知识与技能(knowledge vs. skills)是什么关系?这也是我们所说的“知与行”的关系。以往的传统观念总是强调“知”,而对于“行”则总是陷入一种“知道了就自然会做”的假象。Traditionally,the focus is nearly always on knowledge. Deliberate practice, by contrast, focuses solely on performance and how to improve it.因此作者强调要改变这种knowledge-based approaches,而采用skills-based training programs ,更多地关注于“做”,尤其学习高手的方法。training should focus on doing rather than on knowing—and ,in particular , on bring everyone’s skills closer to the level of the best performers in a given area。

感觉这几节的内容,作者在持续给读者“洗脑中”,通过大量的事例反复灌输和印证MR的重要性,耳边总是在响起:孩子…快去找到高手,学习他们的MR…    高手的thought process或MR是什么样?Over time they have developed effective mental representations that they use in planning something,in performing it ,and in monitoring its progress so that they detect when something is wrong and adapt accordingly。


1.It was likely that olderdoctors’ patients fared worse/ someone or something fares well or badly进展/例:It is unlikely that the marine industry will fare any better in September.海运业不大可能在9月份有所好转。

2.表示“等等”的一个表达,出现多次。They are attending conferences, meetings, workshops, and the like.

3.I picked a field at random .随机

4.keep skills sharp / hone your skills / sharpen your skills

5.to quiz sb / to grill sb about sth

6.涉及到as代替句子的用法,参《赖氏经典英语语法》p129 此时as=which:More generally ,the fieldof medicine—as is the case with most other professional fields—lacksa strong tradition of supporting the training . / As is the case in so many situations,once you……

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