A story by casual mind

Once upon a time, there was a girl who stayed up late every night. Then a witch came to her and turned her an old woman when she was on the way to her school.

One day a really handsome man face of whom resembles pancake came and tried to rescue her, but he had no idea what to do then he went back to Germany to ask a philosopher to help...

...The philosopher said he could come to help but no, unless this young man bring a new girl here to be a maid for him ...He struggled over night and decided to accept this deal. So he went to Indonesia again to find a girl who is willing to sacrifice herself for helping him.

He settled down in Java island soon after by renting a house of a nice couple.

This couple have twin children, one is girl, another boy, the age of them was about 17~18.

Months past, the young man still has no idea about where can he find a little girl for being the maid of the Philosopher, so he looks sad and more than half of his hairs turned grey gradually...

...days after, suddenly a new young man with hairy beard came from India and rented another small room at the same house in this beautiful Java Island.

So he had a neighbor now.

One day he came across the doorway, surprisingly, hearing this new man doing sth weird but seemingly magic. He was so shocked and could hardly help to knock the door...

..when the door was opened, he could not even believe what he had seen ...

...He was so terrified and ran away...

Chapter 1 finished, the update will be at the next time.


Chapter 2

...when he was running his way to sea, he could not help to repeat the scene on his brain. The fire, the master, the blood sucker, the unknown Chinese characters on his body seemingly "煞",and a pill on his hand or even a pawn...

...then he ran directly to the Pacific Ocean without stopping his steps. He dive into the sea...AGAIN! He saw the Master again...

你可能感兴趣的:(A story by casual mind)