UNIT1 passage1


1:tuition:n. 学费;讲授

英文解释:a fee paid for instruction


I have no income and I have to pay my tuition.

/ tju'ɪʃ ə n /

2:equity:n. 公平,公正;衡平法;普通股;抵押资产的净值

the ownship interest of shareholders in a corporation


Do you plan to go for debt or equity financing?

/ 'ekwɪti /

3:tightened:v. 拉紧;固定;加严(tighten的过去式形式);使紧密

made tighter or more stringent


We noticed that the specifications have tightened up in some areas and have been implemented as such.

4:prospect:n. 前途;预期;景色

the possibility of future success


But with no signs of any precipitation, the prospect of the harvest looks bleak.

/ 'prɒspekt /

5:options:n. 选择;期权;[计] 选择项(option的复数)

one of a number of things from which only can be chosen


If they do not match, you have two options.


6:prepaid:adj. 先付的,已支付的

used especially of mail;paid in advance


First, prepaid customers pay smaller monthly bills: $34 on average, compared with the $56 average paid by contract customers.

/ ‚priː'peɪd /

7:district:n. 区域;地方;行政区

a region marked off for administrative or other purposes


The flood inundated the whole district.

/ 'dɪstrɪkt /

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