
Lecture 1:http://startupclass.samaltman.com/courses/lec01/

1:good idea, good product,good team, good execution
2: 首先是要有Idea

  • Idea赋予团队共同的使命,可以激励团队一起前行
  • take over small specific market first
  • take time to think how the market to evolve, make sure it will grow bigger & fast.
    3: Why now
  • in general, you'd build something yourself need
  • From the public, from what they need, not what you want to express


  • build something small people love, not a lot of people like
  • self organic growth, growth hacking
  • simple is good: focus on one thing that people loves.
  • fanatical users: recruit them by hand, face them close enough
  • users feedback:
  • what they like
  • what they would pay
  • what they would recommend
  • Metrics to growth:
  • Total registration
  • Active Users
  • Activity levels
  • Cohort retention
  • Revenue
  • Net promoter score

The most important thing, you can not not to do it.
