Albert Einstein

这周读完Who was系列的一本小书 Albert Einstein .周末将学习的字词句整理一下,温故而知新。

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who was 系列-爱因斯坦
Albert Einstein_第2张图片
Albert Einstein

1.介词of在age, size ,color ,height ,shape ,height,,use等名词搭配时往往可以省略。如:They had a daughter my age. You look a million better than most women your age.

2.Algebra(代数)is math that involves equations,Geometry(几何)is math that involves shapes –squares,cubes ,circles and spheres。

3.事情的结果比他想象的好很多。The consequence turned out to be far better than he could have ever imagined.

4.金玉其外败絮其中 it would be a sad situation if the wrapper were better than the meat wrapped inside it .

5.There was a parade in his honor.向…致敬

6.经历成功和失败后,他的生活又回到了原点。After having ups and downs, his life has come full circle.

7.人们为科技界失去了乔布斯这位奇才而哀悼。To mourn the loss of a wizard. (Wizard: sb good at doing a particular thing)

8.他们想不干什么就不干什么。If they don’t want to do sth , they didn’thave to do sth .

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