Office series 13: Setting KPIs

I've been meaning to do something

In our lesson today we find out that Zack has been meaning to talk to Karen about KPIs for a while. Why does he use this phrase and what does it mean?

在我们今天的课程中我们发现Zack has been meaning跟凯伦谈论KPI的意义。他为什么使用这个短语,这是什么意思呢?

When you say "I've been meaning to do something," it means that you have thought about it for a while, but haven't actually done it yet. In other words, it's something that you intend to do, but haven't yet started.

当你说“I've been meaning to do something”时,意味着你已经考虑一段时间了,想做,但实际上还没有做。换句话说,这是你打算做的,但还没有开始。

For example, if there's something you've been meaning to talk to someone about, maybe the reason you haven't done it yet is because you're nervous. Just as likely, because you're busy with other things, you've just forgotten to. Let's take a look at a few more examples:


Sample sentences:

Shetoldmethatshe'sbeen meaning tocontactyou.She'sjustbeenreallybusylately.


I've been meaningtochangethatbrokenlightbulb.Ijusthaven'tgotten around toityet.


We've been meaningtovisitGrandma.Therejustneverseemstobeenoughtime!


Didn'tyoutellmeyou've been meaningtogive upjunkfood?


John,there'ssomeoneI've been meaningtointroduceyouto.


Common Key Perfomance Indicators


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs for short) are measurable values that show how well a company, business unit, project, or individual, is performing compared to their strategic goals and objectives. Well-designed KPIs are tools that give management a clear understanding of current levels of performance. Because they can be used in many different types of businesses, there are all kinds of KPIs. Most of these indicators can be broken down into the following categories:


Quantitative indicators:can be presented with a number.


Qualitative indicators:can't be presented as a number.


Leading indicators:can predict the outcome of a process


Lagging indicators:can present the success or failure


Input indicators:can measure the amount of resources used to reach the outcome


Output indicators:can reflect the outcome or results of the process activities


Directional indicators:can specify whether or not an organization is getting better.


Actionable indicators:are sufficiently in an organization's control to effect change.


Financial indicators:can be used in performance measurement and when looking at an operating index


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