Opening Doors Within 敞开内心之门 June 14

Opening Doors Within 敞开内心之门 June 14_第1张图片

【作者】Eileen Caddy



Why condemn yourself for your seeming inadequacies, mistakes, faults and failings? Why not, instead of dwelling on the negative in your life, turn those weaknesses into strengths and your faults and failings into virtues by allowing the positive to express itself in your life? Find deep within yourself real beauty, virtue and goodness. Have faith that it is there and you will find it when you search for it. When you refuse to see the best in yourself and choose to dwell on all the negative within you, you must be willing to accept the consequence, for you draw to you what you hold in your thoughts. As you think, so you are. Think the very best, and you will draw the very best to you. Know that you can do anything when I AM with you, leading and directing you. When you accept that I AM within you, how could it be otherwise?



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