A Depressing Day

A Depressing Day  如果你过得是沮丧的一天,以下句子可以使用:

1. I was depressed all day long because I had fought with my friend.

我一整天都很沮丧因为我喝朋友吵架了。(depressed 沮丧的,忧郁的)

2.My brother was to blame,but my mother got angry only at me.I felt very upset.

应该要怪的人是我弟弟,可是我妈妈却只对我发脾气,我觉得很难过。(be to blame该受责罚的,该负责的)

3.I feel so irritated because my brother keeps on hitting me.

哥哥一直打我让我觉得很烦。(keep on 一直做... ,irritated 烦躁的)

4.My seat mate was making noise,but I got in trouble with the teacher.


5.It was so unfair because I didn't talk at all.


6. I feel so sad because my best friend Amy is moving.

我觉得很难过,因为我最好的朋友Amy 要搬家 了。

7.I want to get a cell phone, but dad doesn't  let me,so I feel upset.


8.I did poorly on my math exam,so I felt down.

我数学考的很烂,所以我感觉情绪低落。(poorly 很糟,feel down 情绪低落)

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