在生物、医药学研究中,论文被拒的原因是复杂的,多方面的。从研究本身看,有选题、设计、实验数据、统计等方面的间题。从论文本身看,有论文格式、英语水平,以及撰写细节诸方面的局限和问题。从投稿方面看,选择目标杂志或栏目的偏差、网上投稿岀现某些错误等。加之“论文竞争”、“不正之风”等不良因素的影响,使论文被拒的原因更加复杂化。这里,笔者根据 Pierson(2004)和 Bordage(2001)在文章中所提出的种种原因,以及笔者本身的观察、体会和分析,列出下述九点论文被退还的最常见理由。对论文作者来说,更为重要的是,如你希望论文能顺利通过,尽快发表,就应该远离这些被拒的原因,从而避免以下的情况发生。
(1)所投杂志不适合论文发表( Unsuitable journal)。
(2)未按投稿需知要求撰写和安排稿件( Not following instructions)。
(3)研究课题并非重要的科学问题( Less importance of the topic)。
(4)研究缺乏原创性—他人已有相同或相似的报道( Lack of originality)。
(5)研究设计未能验证作者提出的假说( Poor experimental design, study design does not support inferences made)。
(6)样本数据不足或偏离,数据结果不充分( Sample too small or biased, insufficient data presented)。
(7)统计学分析方法不对或不够妥当( Inappropriate or incomplete statistics)。
(8)作者未能公正而客观地从其实验结果中得出结论( Over interpretation of result Inadequate discussion)。
(9)论文语言写作和表述太差,使读者难以理解( Poor written, text difficult to follow)。
“退稿”( rejection)是研究工作者撰写论文的附属品,是编辑工作中正常的业务活动。有投稿就必然有退稿。只要你不停地撰写研究论文,“退稿”就一定会不断地出现。笔者曾就“退稿”一事请教过美国Science杂志的一位编委,他说“退稿”对硏究者来说是正常现象。只有不做研究、不写论文、不投稿的人才见不到退稿。否则退稿将永远伴随着投稿不停地发生。研究者的间题不是自己有没有退稿,而是应该如何恰如其分的对待退稿。那么,应该如何对待自己被拒绝的论文呢?这里应该首先具体分析被拒绝的原因和理由,而后再有针对性地找出应对的方法和措施。
请注意编辑部的退稿信:“ We regret to in form you that the manu is not acceptable for publication in×××××××… The overall priority rating was sufficiently low that the editors feel the paper would be noncompetitive even if the specific comments could be addressed.. regret that we cannot offer any further editorial consideration of this work”。从上述语句可知,不论该文是经过审稿的退稿还是未经审稿的退稿,这篇论文已经彻底被拒绝,完全没有可能在该杂志上发表。应该怎么办?有两种途径可供我们选择。
Example rebuttal letter
Dear Dr.×××( Editor),
We received with some surprise your letter dated××/××/××××, rejecting our manu on the basis of one reviewer's opinion We wish to indicate our dissatisfaction with this reviewers comments, which appear to ignore the new experiments we conducted in the revised manu.This reviewer states:“××××××”. This was precisely the point we were trying to make in the new experiment which indicated that there were no such deficits.We would greatly appreciate it if you would submit this manu, reviewer#lt's comments, and our rebuttals, to an additional unbiased reviewer. We would be very surprised if the new reviewer would consider the comments of the reviewer # 1 as reasonable, but if he/ she did so, we would accept a negative decision gracefully.
Author's name, Ph. D. or M.D.
Dear Dr.×××( Author),
Your manu has been evaluated by three reviewers and the editors as a Report. We regret to inform you that the manu is not acceptable for publication in×××××.There are concerns about the interpretation of the data and the limited
insights into the mechanism of alternans and the role of the SR, if any, in embryonic mouse ventricle. The reviewers felt that substantial new experiments would be required to address these issues.Given the nature of these concernS, the editors do not encourage revision Nevertheless, if you feel you can effectively ad dress the reviewers concerns, we would be willing to evaluate a revised version on a de novo basis. The paper would be reviewed again, with no guarantee of acceptance.Despite our decision, we wish to thank you for having submitted this manu to××××.
Very truly yours,
Name and Title
读完此信,就完全可以了解这是一封退稿信,但与完全性退稿信又有差别,这就是第二类退稿。一般而言,第二类退稿是文章尚包含某些有用的数据和信息,主编拒绝这类文章是由于数据或分析有严重缺陷( There is the type of manu that contains some useful data but the data are seriously flawed. The editor would probably reconsider such a manu if it were considera bly revised and resubmitted, but the editor does not recommend resubmission.)。对这类文章,作者不要急于修改,等找到更广泛的证据支持或有了更明晰的结论后,再进行较为全面而彻底的修订。把焕然一新的文章寄给同一杂志,主编通常是会考虑重新受理这类文章的。当然也不排斥把新修改的论文投到另一个目标杂志,如果作者经过认真考虑的话。
第三类退稿是基本上可以接收,但有时可能需要追加一些试验。某些杂志使用“Reject-Resubmission Encouraged”,也许更能说明第三类退稿的含义。遇到这种情况,首先要认真阅读编辑部来函,并上网找到退稿原因,以及需求追加实验的具体内容。而后详细考虑规划下一步的实验工作,力争用最简单而有效的方法,在尽可能短的时间内完成。最后按编辑部及审稿人的要求修改论文。一般来说,这是应对第三类退稿的最佳选择。考虑新的目标杂志是不适宜的,因为第三类退稿在该杂志发表的可能性很大,没有必要“重打鼓另开张”。以下是第三类的退稿信,请比较与前两封退稿信的差别。
Dear Dr.Author,
A Reviewing Editor and two Expert Referees have assessed your paper, and I regret to say that, on balance, it is not considered suitable for publication in the ×××× In its present form. The reasons for this are set out in the3 reports which can be
found at×××××( journal website).Although we could give no guarantee of ultimate acceptance at this stage, the Journal would be prepared to consider a resubmission of the work, provided the authors are able to satisfactorrily address all of the concerns raised Such a resubmission would be given a new manu number and date of receipt, but the same reviewers would be involved, wherever possible. Please, therefore, include a point-by-point response to each of the reports, should you decide to resubmit.
Yours sincerely,
Name and Title