Delivering Happiness-3-Diversify


Zappos would take orders from customers on the Internet, then transmit the order to the manufacturer of each brand, which would then ship directly to the Zappos customers.


1. Evaluating Market opportunities (评估市场机会):玩扑克牌最重要的决定就是选对一张桌子,这就好比人生的选择,我们的选择决定我们走在什么路上,遇到什么人,看到什么风景。以前对于这一点没有什么太大的感觉,这两年尤其强烈,做选择是我觉得最艰难的事情。

I learned that the most important decision I could make was which table to sit at. In business, one of the most important decisions for an entrepreneur or a CEO to make is what business to be in.

2. Marketing and Branding (市场和品牌):做企业要懂得怎样玩好手中的牌,act weak when strong, act strong when weak. Know when to buff.

3. Financials(财务管理):要敢玩 go for positive expected value, not what's least risky. 但也要理智抉择,在自己可承受范围之内 play only with what you can afford to lose.而且要把眼光放长远,不要在乎一时的得与失。

4. Strategy (战略):不要随破逐流,企业也好,学业也罢,不要看到别人发展的好,也跟风去学,而要评估自己的水平和能力。 Don't play games that you don;t understand, even if you see lots of other people making money from them. 要坚持原则和底线,要独树一帜,不要盲目跟风,试着走出人群去看看。Differentiate yourself.

5. Continual Learning(持续学习):持续学习,用理论指导实践,用实践检验理论,向高级圈子的人学习多读书,多思考,多总结。Focus, feedback and fix.

6. Culture(文化):做一行,爱一行,保持激情,保持好奇心,保持喜悦感;懂得分享,乐于助人,把握机会,活在当下。


1. I'd started to force myself to think again about what I was trying to get out of life. I asked myself what I was trying to accomplish, what I wanted to do, and whether I should be sitting at a differentt table. From my poker experience, I knew it was never too late to change tables.

2. I guess at the end of the day, my thought is that it's pretty hard to find a good companion that's compatible with so many parts of your life and is always there to support you along the way.

3. Every interaction with anyone was an opportinuty to gain additional perspective.

4. Envision, reacte, and believe in your own universe, and the universe will form around you.

5. I was passionate about proving everyone wrong.

6. I have friends from all different walks of life. Some friends I enjoy hanging out with at bars. Some friends I enjoy watching movies with. Some friends I enjoy walking with. Some friends I enjoy hiking with. And some friends I enjoy writing with, occasionally discussing what preposition not to end a sentence with.

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