Regulation of TBK1 Stability by the NLRP4 Signalosome

与本result 相关的introduction对应为:

. Recently, we and others found that NLRP4/DTX4 and another E3 ligase TRAF-interacting protein (TRIP) induce the K48-linked  poly-ubiquitination of TBK1, leading to its proteasomal degradation (Cui et al., 2012; Zhang et al., 2012)


开头说到core protein NLRP3,比较地引出了USP38,DTX4 AND TRIP三者与TBK1 的相互作用依赖于NLRP4。因此,根据发现,我们猜想:

NLRP4, together with USP38 and E3 ligases,might form the NLRP4 signalosome to control TBK1 stability and type I IFN signaling。




infected MycTRIP- and GFP-DTX4-expressingcells with VSV, and then we immunoprecipitated different complexes from cells,collected at different time points post-infection with either TBK1 or NLRP4 antibodies.


NLRP4 and USP38 targeted to TBK1 at 6 hr post-infection, whereas DTX4 and TRIP interacted with TBK1 at a later time point (at 8 hr) (Figure 7A)

Importantly, USP38, but not DTX4 or TRIP, constitutively interacted with NLRP4 in unstimulated cells (Figure 7B).

Interaction between NLRP4 and USP38 was further increased after viral infection. Interactions between  NLRP4 and TRIP or DTX4 were detected at 6 or 8 hr, respectively, post-infection  (Figure 7B).

因此,所以结果都表明了:virus 入侵之后NLRP4的动态组成。



generated NLRP4(-/-)andUSP38(-/-)HEK293T cells, respectively (Figures S6A and S6B).


USP38(-/-)cells and NLRP4(-/-)cells showed increasedISRE luciferase activity, ISG expression, and antiviral immunity after viralinfection (Figures S6C–S6F).


USP38 deficiency does not affect the interaction of TBK1 with NLRP4, TRIP, or DTX4 (Figure 7C).By contrast, in NLRP4(-/-)cells, the interactions of TBK1 with USP38,TRIP, or DTX4 were completely abrogated (Figure 7D).




observed increased levels of K33-linkedubiquitination and decreased levels of K48-linked ubiquitination of TBK1 in both USP38(-/-)and NLRP4(-/-)cells (Figures 7E and 7F). 


TRIP or DTX4 deficiency only affected K48-linked ubiquitination, but not K33-linked ubiquitination, of    TBK1 (Figures S7A and S7B).




although NLRP4 or TRIP still interacted with TBK1 in USP38(-/-)cells (Figure 7C), they could not cause TBK1 degradation in USP38(-/-)cells even after VSV infection or IC  poly(I:C)treatment (Figures 7G,7H,S7C,and S7D). 


Overexpression of WT USP38, but not the USP38 (CA/ HA) mutant,restored the function of NLRP4 to degrade TBK1 in USP38(-/-)cells (Figure 7I)。



因此,result 7的结论是:

NLRP4, USP38, TRIP, and DTX4 worked cooperatively as a signalosome to control TBK1 ubiquitination transition and degradation, thus inhibiting IFN-b signaling.。

So here comes a QUESTION:Whats the mechanism for these members  of the NLRP4 signalosome to control  TBK1 ubiquitination transition and degradation?

你可能感兴趣的:(Regulation of TBK1 Stability by the NLRP4 Signalosome)