0CTF 2016 boomshakalaka Writeup

Category: Mobile
Points: 3
Solves: 35

play the game, get the highest score


脑洞题, 基础的分析之后可以发现是由Cocos2d写的游戏程序, 部分与flag有关的代码在Java层, 在sharedPreference里边写了MGNO, 进一步的写sharedPreference在native代码中寻找.

从updateScore函数中可以发现根据分数写flag的明显痕迹, 其他方法中也有一部分写的代码, 但是顺序未知.

    if ( v3 == (const char *)100 )
      v6 = cocos2d::CCUserDefault::sharedUserDefault(v5);
      std::operator+,std::allocator>(&v22, &v20, "MW");
      cocos2d::CCUserDefault::setStringForKey(v6, &v34, &v22);
      v7 = &v22;
    else if ( v3 == (const char *)600 )
      v8 = cocos2d::CCUserDefault::sharedUserDefault(v5);
      std::operator+,std::allocator>(&v23, &v20, "Rf");
      cocos2d::CCUserDefault::setStringForKey(v8, &v34, &v23);
      v7 = &v23;
    else if ( v3 == (const char *)700 )
      v9 = cocos2d::CCUserDefault::sharedUserDefault(v5);
      std::operator+,std::allocator>(&v24, &v20, "Rz");
      cocos2d::CCUserDefault::setStringForKey(v9, &v34, &v24);
      v7 = &v24;
    else if ( v3 == (const char *)3000 )
      v10 = cocos2d::CCUserDefault::sharedUserDefault(v5);
      std::operator+,std::allocator>(&v25, &v20, "Bt");
      cocos2d::CCUserDefault::setStringForKey(v10, &v34, &v25);
      v7 = &v25;
    else if ( v3 == (const char *)5600 )
      v11 = cocos2d::CCUserDefault::sharedUserDefault(v5);
      std::operator+,std::allocator>(&v26, &v20, "RV");
      cocos2d::CCUserDefault::setStringForKey(v11, &v34, &v26);
      v7 = &v26;
    else if ( v3 == (const char *)9900 )
      v12 = cocos2d::CCUserDefault::sharedUserDefault(v5);
      std::operator+,std::allocator>(&v27, &v20, "9Z");
      cocos2d::CCUserDefault::setStringForKey(v12, &v34, &v27);
      v7 = &v27;
    else if ( v3 == (const char *)18000 )
      v13 = cocos2d::CCUserDefault::sharedUserDefault(v5);
      std::operator+,std::allocator>(&v28, &v20, "b1");
      cocos2d::CCUserDefault::setStringForKey(v13, &v34, &v28);
      v7 = &v28;
    else if ( v3 == (const char *)88800 )
      v14 = cocos2d::CCUserDefault::sharedUserDefault(v5);
      std::operator+,std::allocator>(&v29, &v20, "Vf");
      cocos2d::CCUserDefault::setStringForKey(v14, &v34, &v29);
      v7 = &v29;
    else if ( v3 == (const char *)100000 )
      v15 = cocos2d::CCUserDefault::sharedUserDefault(v5);
      std::operator+,std::allocator>(&v30, &v20, "S2");
      cocos2d::CCUserDefault::setStringForKey(v15, &v34, &v30);
      v7 = &v30;
      if ( v3 != (const char *)1000000000 )
        v17 = cocos2d::CCString::createWithFormat((cocos2d::CCString *)"%d", v3);
        (*(void (__fastcall **)(_DWORD, _DWORD))(**(_DWORD **)(v18 + 264) + 428))(
          *(_DWORD *)(v18 + 264),
          *(_DWORD *)(v17 + 20));
        return sub_3A1DDC(&v20);
      v16 = cocos2d::CCUserDefault::sharedUserDefault(v5);
      std::operator+,std::allocator>(&v31, &v20, "4w");

打上一局游戏, root权限查看sharedpreference, 可以发现部分flag:MGN0ZntDMGNvUzJkX0FuRHJvMWRfdz99

注意加粗的地方是与分数先关的, 其余的或许与前面或许与后面有关, 我们不敢确定, 但是我们可以把缺少的分数部分补全.MGN0ZntDMGNvUzJkX0FuRHJvMWRfRzBtRV9Zb1VfS24wdz99, 解码得到0ctf{C0coS2d_AnDro1d_G0mE_YoU_Kn0w?}.

Other write-ups and resources

  • https://eugenekolo.com/blog/0ctf-2016-boomshakalaka-writeup/
  • P4 Team

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