1907. Occurrence and Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 9 January 2007 at 3:29 PM
During my 3 PM prayer time, I felt in the Spirit the Lord holding my hand. I got choked up and wanted to cry, but I remembered all the prayer requests I had received, so I prayed for the people who needed prayer….
Hi Ray,
While reading this prophecy of yours, it reminded me so much of what I’ve been experiencing with the Lord so often now.
Usually it’s while driving during the morning on my courier route for our bank. I have a few hours, most of which I have alone with Jesus in what has become a deep communion with a powerful sense of His presence, occasionally a word from Him, and a fresh understanding of something from scripture. Ray, I literally feel His arms around me in the spirit! His loving pleasure is so intense, I weep. I feel so unworthy, yet so passionately loved! He is always there with me, revealing His joy, delight and desperate desire and zeal for my soul.
Ray, I have often said that I am just living to one day see His smile on my life. That’s been my ultimate desire, to actually see His approving smile. I couldn’t care less about what anybody else thinks of me, as long as I’m obedient to Him, and I’m representing Him the way He desires.
The image below depicts exactly what goes on in the spirit during my times of communion with Him. He told me, “Come up higher”. I said, “Yes Lord, show me how to do that!” He showed me that the way to do that, to actually sit in heavenly places with Christ, is to godeeper with Him. Deeper in intimate communion, where I pour out my soul, telling Him that He is the lover of my soul, the strength and substance of my life, the One I desire.
The One to Whom I run. The One upon Whom I call. The One upon Whom I lean heavily. My earnest expectation in all things.
The Biblical account of Elijah and Elisha in II Kings ch. 2 illustrates this to me. I have to be able to “see” Him when He is “taken from me”. Elijah took Elisha on a descending journey to eventually cross the Jordan. There is great richness in this story for all of us. Elisha went “deeper”, staying with Elijah all the way till they crossed the Jordan. Then God intervened. Elijah was taken up to heaven, and Elisha was also “taken up”, i.e., elevated to Elijah’s place, but with a double portion of Elijah’s anointing.
He showed me the key to “come up higher”: Jude 21. Keep myself in the love of God… If we do that we will beobedient. If we do that we will bedemonstrating the greatest commandment. If we keep ourselves in the love of God, then we will also love our neighbor as ourselves. We will therefore also sit in heavenly places with Christ.
Lastly, I have come to realize that I don’t have to wait until I stand before Him after this life. I stand before Him in this life by His grace. I’m also experiencing first hand His intense pleasure like never before. I don’t have to see with my physical eyes, but with my spiritual senses. And that is exactly what is going on. It is beyond words to describe His love. I talk to Him about His covenantal loving kindnesses and tender mercies which are fresh and new for me every morning like the dew on the grass, and of His faithfulness every night.
God is calling us to deeper communion with Him daily. Unfortunately many think that communication is the same thing. Not so. Consider a marriage where there is only communication, but very little communing going on… Not a good situation.
This is how Jesus and I commune in the morning.
Ray, keep up the great work, brother.