Day10 Page103-113

Words and Exprsesions

1.But today, the kid's mom came in and said she wanted her child to walk around on two legs, because crawling around on all fours would be too "degrading."

①crawling/creeping around on all fours:to move along on one's hands and knees 匍匐前行

仿写:We were crawling around on all fours.

②degrading:a degrading experience, event etc is unpleasant and makes you lose respect for yourself 有辱人格的,令人羞耻的

例句:No one should have to suffer such degrading treatment.

仿写:It is so degrading to destory the environment for money.

2.So now we've got a dog that's gonna be walking around on his hind legs for the whole show.

hind:①at the back of an animal's body; ②female deer

hind legs/feet/limbs/quarters(后臀以及后腿)

仿写:Dog raises/lifts  his hind leg when he pees.

3.Toward the end of practice, Archie Kelly tripped over Rodney James and chipped his tooth because he could't stick his arms out to break his fall.

trip (over/on):to hit something with your foot by accident so that you fall or almost fall 近义词:stumble

例句:Clary tripped over a table and broke his foot.

仿写: I remembered when I was in elementary school, I tripped over a silde.Unfortunately, I broke my left arm.

chip:accidentally break

chip his tooth:敲掉他的牙齿

仿写: Jame tripped on the stone and chipped her two front teeth when playing badminton.

4.The play was supposed to start at 8:00, but it got delayed because Rodney had stage fright.

stage fright:feel never while performing in front of a lot of people.

例句:Den suffered terribly from stage fright.

仿写:Every time I have to give a presentation, I have stage fright.

Day10 Page103-113_第1张图片
stage fright

5.So I did some quick ad-libbing and I was able to deflect the embarrassment over the Archie Kelly

ad-libbing:to say things that you have not prepared or planned when you are performing or giving a speech即兴讲话

例句:I never use a script; I just ad-lib the whole programme.

仿写:She did a wonderful ab-libbing yesterday.

deflect:to do something to stop people paying attention to you, criticizing you etc

例句:His attempts to deflect attention away from his private life

仿写:He did something wrong and deflected criticism by blaming others.


1.hop into/off the stage  登上/退下舞台

2.a bouquet of flowers 一束花

3.toss sth. in the trash can 把东西扔到垃圾桶 自己一般想到的是throw

4. wear a clip-on tie 用wear表示带领带

Day10 Page103-113_第2张图片
clip on tie

5.I felt my stomach jump.我觉得好紧张??


1.I could feel about 300 pairs of eyeballs pointed my way.

仿写:She piped up suddenly. After that, she told me that she could feel about 300 pairs eyeballs pointed her way.

2He must have found out I was singing, and he could't resist the chance to see me embarrass myself.

结构:couldn't resist the chance to do sth.

仿写:These shoes are 50% off now, and she could't resist the chance to buy them.


I have been watching TV show called Rugouwoniuyouaiqing for all morning. I really enjoyed it. So I handed in note so late. Writing notes is another thing that makes me feel happy. Hang it on.

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