Paying attention to your icons and constancy can truly pay off
Coursera- Coursera is an online education service which provides free university courses on all sorts of topics.
Through Coursera, you can take a biology course from Harvard or finance from Stanford - for free. What they do is amazing. Yet, when you try to browse through their courses using their app, the experience is not that engaging. When you try to look for new courses they are organized in a grid where they are divided into topics.
Furthermore, the topics are accommodated with big icons. The icons are boring; they may depict the topic well but they are also mismatched in style. Some icons are outline, some are solid, some are both, some use negative space, and some use transparency. Similar topics are also colour coded where ‘Art’ and ‘Music, Film and Audio’ are both purple. The colours picked are unattractive, too similar and doesn’t do too much justice. Colour coding helps, but right now most of the topics are blue; there are three different shades of blue making 14/25 categories blue.
This iconography is on the right track; it’s just not 100% there. Tone down the hues and pick better combinations to colour code. Next, spend some time in making sure the style matches. Having higher quality icons has potential to increase engagement and excite students to find new courses. It’s okay to use colour within the icons as well to help bring them further to life; no one ever said all icons have to be exclusively white. Above all, have fun with it. Icons don’t have to be dull, they can also be fun.
Take away:If you are using icons as part of your design don’t let them fall short. They can be a great design element if you make sure the icons are high quality.