
INT - Interrupt

        Usage:  INT     num
        Modifies flags: TF IF

        Initiates a software interrupt by pushing the flags, clearing the
        Trap and Interrupt Flags, pushing CS followed by IP and loading
        CS:IP with the value found in the interrupt vector table.  Execution
        then begins at the location addressed by the new CS:IP

                                               Clocks           Size
            Operands                    808x  286   386   486   Bytes

3 (constant)                          52/72  23+m   33    26     2
3 (prot. mode, same priv.)              -    40+m   59    44     2      
3 (prot. mode, more priv.)              -    78+m   99    71     2
3 (from VM86 to PL 0)                   -     -    119    82     2
3 (prot. mode via task gate)            -   167+m   TS  37+TS    2
immed8                                51/71  23+m   37    30     1
immed8 (prot. mode, same priv.)         -    40+m   59    44     1
immed8 (prot. mode, more priv.)         -    78+m   99    71     1
immed8 (from VM86 to PL 0)              -     -    119    86     1
immed8 (prot. mode, via task gate)      -   167+m   TS  37+TS    1

LGDT - Load Global Descriptor Table (286+ privileged)

        Usage:  LGDT    src
        Modifies flags: None

        Loads a value from an operand into the Global Descriptor Table
        (GDT) register.

                                 Clocks                 Size
        Operands         808x  286   386   486          Bytes

        mem64             -     11    11    11            5

LLDT - Load Local Descriptor Table (286+ privileged)

        Usage:  LLDT    src
        Modifies flags: None

        Loads a value from an operand into the Local Descriptor Table
        Register (LDTR).

                                 Clocks                 Size
        Operands         808x  286   386   486          Bytes

        reg16             -     17    20    11            3
        mem16             -     19    24    11            5

STI - Set Interrupt Flag  (Enable Interrupts)

        Usage:  STI
        Modifies flags: IF

        Sets the Interrupt Flag to 1, which enables recognition of all
        hardware interrupts.  If an interrupt is generated by a hardware
        device, an End of Interrupt (EOI) must also be issued to enable
        other hardware interrupts of the same or lower priority.

                                 Clocks                 Size
        Operands         808x  286   386   486          Bytes

        none              2     2     2     5             1

RET/RETF - Return From Procedure

        Usage:  RET     nBytes
                RETF    nBytes
                RETN    nBytes
        Modifies flags: None

        Transfers control from a procedure back to the instruction address
        saved on the stack.  n bytes is an optional number of bytes to
        release.  Far returns pop the IP followed by the CS, while near
        returns pop only the IP register.

                                 Clocks                 Size
        Operands         808x  286    386   486         Bytes

        retn            16/20  11+m  10+m    5            1
        retn immed      20/24  11+m  10+m    5            3
        retf            26/34  15+m  18+m    13           1
        retf (PM, same priv.)   -    32+m    18           1
        retf (PM, lesser priv.) -      68    33           1
        retf immed      25/33  15+m  18+m    14           3
        retf immed (PM, same priv.)  32+m    17           1
        retf immed (PM, lesser priv.)  68    33           1

IN - Input Byte or Word From Port

        Usage:  IN      accum,port
        Modifies flags: None

        A byte, word or dword is read from port and placed in AL, AX or
        EAX respectively.  If the port number is in the range of 0-255
        it can be specified as an immediate, otherwise the port number
        must be specified in DX.  Valid port ranges on the PC are 0-1024,
        though values through 65535 may be specified and recognized by
        third party vendors and PS/2's.

                                 Clocks                 Size
        Operands         808x  286   386    486         Bytes

        accum,immed8    10/14   5     12     14           2
        accum,immed8 (PM)            6/26  8/28/27        2
        accum,DX         8/12   5     13     14           1
        accum,DX (PM)                7/27  8/28/27        1

        - 386+ protected mode timings depend on privilege levels.

          first number is the timing if:    CPL ó IOPL
          second number is the timing if:   CPL > IOPL or in VM 86 mode (386)
                                            CPL ò IOPL  (486)
          third number is the timing when:    virtual mode on 486 processor
        - 486 virtual mode always requires 27 cycles
OUT - Output Data to Port

        Usage:  OUT     port,accum
        Modifies flags: None

        Transfers byte in AL,word in AX or dword in EAX to the specified
        hardware port address.  If the port number is in the range of 0-255
        it can be specified as an immediate.  If greater than 255 then the
        port number must be specified in DX.  Since the PC only decodes 10
        bits of the port address, values over 1023 can only be decoded by
        third party vendor equipment and also map to the port range 0-1023.

                                 Clocks                 Size
        Operands         808x  286   386    486         Bytes

        immed8,accum    10/14   3     10     16           2
        immed8,accum (PM) -     -    4/24 11/31/29        2
        DX,accum         8/12   3     11     16           1
        DX,accum (PM)     -     -    5/25 10/30/29        1

        - 386+ protected mode timings depend on privilege levels.

          first number is the timing when:    CPL ó IOPL
          second number is the timing when:   CPL > IOPL
          third number is the timing when:    virtual mode on 486 processor


MOVZX -- Move with Zero-Extend

MOVZX -- Move with Zero-Extend Opcode Instruction Clocks Description 0F B6 /r MOVZX r16,r/m8 3/6 Move byte to word with zero-extend 0F B6 /r MOVZX r32,r/m8 3/6 Move byte to dword, zero-extend 0F B7 /r MOVZX r32,r/m16 3/6 Move word to dword, zero-extend Operation DEST = ZeroExtend(SRC); Description MOVZX reads the contents of the effective address or register as a byte or a word, zero extends the value to the operand-size attribute of the instruction (16 or 32 bits), and stores the result in the destination register. Flags Affected None Protected Mode Exceptions #GP(0) for an illegal memory operand effective address in the CS, DS, ES, FS, or GS segments; #SS(0) for an illegal address in the SS segment; #PF(fault-code) for a page fault Real Address Mode Exceptions Interrupt 13 if any part of the operand would lie outside of the effective address space from 0 to 0FFFFH Virtual 8086 Mode Exceptions Same exceptions as in Real Address Mode; #PF(fault-code) for a page fault

CLD - Clear Direction Flag

        Usage:  CLD
        Modifies flags: DF

        Clears the Direction Flag causing string instructions to increment
        the SI and DI index registers.

                                 Clocks                 Size
        Operands         808x  286   386   486          Bytes

        none              2     2     2     2             1

TEST - Test For Bit Pattern

        Usage:  TEST    dest,src
        Modifies flags: CF OF PF SF ZF (AF undefined)

        Performs a logical AND of the two operands updating the flags
        register without saving the result.

                                 Clocks                 Size
        Operands         808x  286   386   486          Bytes

        reg,reg           3     2     1     1             2
        reg,mem          9+EA   6     5     1            2-4  (W88=13+EA)
        mem,reg          9+EA   6     5     2            2-4  (W88=13+EA)
        reg,immed         5     3     2     1            3-4
        mem,immed       11+EA   6     5     2            3-6
        accum,immed       4     3     2     1            2-3







Load byte at address DS:(E)SI into AL


LODS m16

Load word at address DS:(E)SI into AX


LODS m32

Load doubleword at address DS:(E)SI into EAX



Load byte at address DS:(E)SI into AL



Load word at address DS:(E)SI into AX



Load doubleword at address DS:(E)SI into EAX


Loads a byte, word, or doubleword from the source operand into the AL, AX, or EAX register, respectively. The source operand is a memory location, the address of which is read from the DS:EDI or the DS:SI registers (depending on the address-size attribute of the instruction, 32 or 16, respectively). The DS segment may be overridden with a segment override prefix.

At the assembly-code level, two forms of this instruction are allowed: the "explicit-operands" form and the "no-operands" form. The explicit-operands form (specified with the LODS mnemonic) allows the source operand to be specified explicitly. Here, the source operand should be a symbol that indicates the size and location of the source value. The destination operand is then automatically selected to match the size of the source operand (the AL register for byte operands, AX for word operands, and EAX for doubleword operands). This explicit-operands form is provided to allow documentation; however, note that the documentation provided by this form can be misleading. That is, the source operand symbol must specify the correct type (size) of the operand (byte, word, or doubleword), but it does not have to specify the correct location. The location is always specified by the DS:(E)SI registers, which must be loaded correctly before the load string instruction is executed.

The no-operands form provides "short forms" of the byte, word, and doubleword versions of the LODS instructions. Here also DS:(E)SI is assumed to be the source operand and the AL, AX, or EAX register is assumed to be the destination operand. The size of the source and destination operands is selected with the mnemonic: LODSB (byte loaded into register AL), LODSW (word loaded into AX), or LODSD (doubleword loaded into EAX).

After the byte, word, or doubleword is transferred from the memory location into the AL, AX, or EAX register, the (E)SI register is incremented or decremented automatically according to the setting of the DF flag in the EFLAGS register. (If the DF flag is 0, the (E)SI register is incremented; if the DF flag is 1, the ESI register is decremented.) The (E)SI register is incremented or decremented by 1 for byte operations, by 2 for word operations, or by 4 for doubleword operations.

The LODS, LODSB, LODSW, and LODSD instructions can be preceded by the REP prefix for block loads of ECX bytes, words, or doublewords. More often, however, these instructions are used within a LOOP construct because further processing of the data moved into the register is  usually necessary before the next transfer can be made. See REP/REPE/REPZ/REPNE /REPNZ--Repeat String Operation Prefix in this chapter for a description of the REP prefix.


IF (byte load)
AL SRC; (* byte load *)
THEN (E)SI (E)SI + 1;
ELSE (E)SI (E)SI - 1;
ELSE IF (word load)
AX SRC; (* word load *)
THEN (E)SI (E)SI + 2;
ELSE (E)SI (E)SI - 2;
ELSE (* doubleword transfer *)
EAX SRC; (* doubleword load *)
THEN (E)SI (E)SI + 4;
ELSE (E)SI (E)SI - 4;

Flags Affected


Protected Mode Exceptions

#GP(0) - If a memory operand effective address is outside the CS, DS, ES, FS, or GS segment limit. If the DS, ES, FS, or GS register contains a null segment selector.

#SS(0) - If a memory operand effective address is outside the SS segment limit.

#PF(fault-code) - If a page fault occurs.

#AC(0) - If alignment checking is enabled and an unaligned memory reference is made while the current privilege level is 3.

Real-Address Mode Exceptions

#GP - If a memory operand effective address is outside the CS, DS, ES, FS, or GS segment limit.

#SS - If a memory operand effective address is outside the SS segment limit.

Virtual-8086 Mode Exceptions

#GP(0) - If a memory operand effective address is outside the CS, DS, ES, FS, or GS segment limit.

#SS(0) - If a memory operand effective address is outside the SS segment limit.

#PF(fault-code) - If a page fault occurs.

#AC(0) - If alignment checking is enabled and an unaligned memory reference is made.

