Open WebRTC Toolkit Client iOS SDK Documentation

Open WebRTC Toolkit Client iOS SDK Documentation

/Users/zhangbin/tet/webrtc_build/owt-native/src/src/talk/owt/docs/ios 下面的

  • api 是oc的

1 Introduction {#section1}

Open WebRTC Toolkit Client SDK for iOS provides the tools for developing iOS native WebRTC applications using Objective-C APIs. This document describes all the APIs available in the SDK and how to use them.
This SDK is interoperable with Open WebRTC Toolkit Client SDK for JavaScript*, C++ and Android*.
Refer to the Release Notes for the latest information in the SDK release package, including features, bug fixes and known issues.

2 Supported platforms {#section2}

Open WebRTC Toolkit Client SDK for iOS supports in iOS 9.0 and later versions.
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