Status: Since Findbugs is no longer maintained, please use Spotbugs which has a Maven plugin. It is located at here.
Please Note - This version is using Findbugs 3.0.1.
FindBugs looks for bugs in Java programs. It is based on the concept of bug patterns. A bug pattern is a code idiom that is often an error. Bug patterns arise for a variety of reasons:
- Difficult language features
- Misunderstood API methods
- Misunderstood invariants when code is modified during maintenance
- Garden variety mistakes: typos, use of the wrong boolean operator
FindBugs uses static analysis to inspect Java bytecode for occurrences of bug patterns. We have found that FindBugs finds real errors in most Java software. Because its analysis is sometimes imprecise, FindBugs can report false warnings, which are warnings that do not indicate real errors. In practice, the rate of false warnings reported by FindBugs is generally less than 50%.
FindBugs is free software, available under the terms of the Lesser GNU Public License. It is written in Java, and can be run with any virtual machine compatible with Java 7. It can analyze programs written for any version of Java. FindBugs was originally developed by Bill Pugh. It is maintained by Bill Pugh, David Hovemeyer, and a team of volunteers.
FindBugs uses BCEL to analyze Java bytecode. It uses dom4j for XML manipulation.
This introduction is an excerpt from the Facts Sheet at FindBugs home page.
To see more documentation about FindBugs' options, please see the FindBugs Manual.
Usage version3.0.6-SNAPSHOT/version The following examples describe the basic usage of the FindBugs plugin.
Generate FindBugs Report As Part of the Project Reports
To generate the FindBugs report as part of the Project Reports, add the FindBugs plugin in the
org.codehaus.mojo findbugs-maven-plugin 3.0.6-SNAPSHOT ...
Then, execute the site plugin to generate the report.
mvn site
Generate FindBugs xdoc Report As Part of the Project Reports
To generate the FindBugs xdoc report as part of the Project Reports, add the FindBugs plugin in the
org.codehaus.mojo findbugs-maven-plugin 3.0.6-SNAPSHOT true target/site ...
Then, execute the site plugin to generate the report.
mvn site
Filter bugs to report
To filter the classes and methods which are analyzed or omitted from analysis you can use filters. The filters allow specifying by class and method which bug categories to include/exclude in/from the reports. The filter format specification also contains useful examples.
org.codehaus.mojo findbugs-maven-plugin 3.0.6-SNAPSHOT findbugs-exclude.xml findbugs-include.xml ...
Then, execute the site plugin to generate the report.
mvn site
Specifying which bug filters to run
To filter the classes and methods which are analyzed or omitted from analysis you can use filters. The filters allow specifying by class and method which bug categories to include/exclude in/from the reports. The filter format specification also contains useful examples.
org.codehaus.mojo findbugs-maven-plugin 3.0.6-SNAPSHOT findbugs-exclude.xml findbugs-include.xml ...
Then, execute the site plugin to generate the report.
mvn site
Specifying which bug detectors to run
The visitors option specifies a comma-separated list of bug detectors which should be run. The bug detectors are specified by their class names, without any package qualification. By default, all detectors which are not disabled are run.
org.codehaus.mojo findbugs-maven-plugin 3.0.6-SNAPSHOT FindDeadLocalStores,UnreadFields ...
Then, execute the site plugin to generate the report.
mvn site
Specifying which bug detectors to skip
The omitVisitors option is like the visitors attribute, except it specifies detectors which will not be run.
org.codehaus.mojo findbugs-maven-plugin 3.0.6-SNAPSHOT FindDeadLocalStores,UnreadFields ...
Then, execute the site plugin to generate the report.
mvn site
Specifying which classes to analyze
The onlyAnalyze option restricts analysis to the given comma-separated list of classes and packages.
org.codehaus.mojo findbugs-maven-plugin 3.0.6-SNAPSHOT org.codehaus.mojo.findbugs.* ...
Then, execute the site plugin to generate the report.
mvn site
Using Third party or your own detectors
The pluginList option specifies a comma-separated list of optional BugDetector Jar files to add.
org.codehaus.mojo findbugs-maven-plugin 3.0.6-SNAPSHOT myDetectors.jar, yourDetectors.jar ...
Then, execute the site plugin to generate the report.
mvn site
Using Detectors from a Repository
The plugins option defines a collection of PluginArtifact to work on. (PluginArtifact contains groupId, artifactId, version, type.)
org.codehaus.mojo findbugs-maven-plugin 3.0.6-SNAPSHOT com.timgroup findbugs4jmock 0.2 ...
Then, execute the site plugin to generate the report.
mvn site
Launch the Findbugs GUI
This will launch the FindBugs GUI configured for this project and will open the findbugsXml.xml file if present. It therefore assumes a pom.xml with the minimum as follows.
org.codehaus.mojo findbugs-maven-plugin 3.0.6-SNAPSHOT ...
Then, execute the findbugs plugin with the gui option.
mvn findbugs:gui
二、SpotBugs Maven Plugin
SpotBugs is a program to find bugs in Java programs. It looks for instances of “bug patterns” — code instances that are likely to be errors.
This document describes version 4.0.3 of SpotBugs. We are very interested in getting your feedback on SpotBugs. Please visit the SpotBugs web page for the latest information on SpotBugs, contact information, and support resources such as information about the SpotBugs GitHub organization.
To use SpotBugs, you need a runtime environment compatible with Java version 1.8 or later. SpotBugs is platform independent, and is known to run on GNU/Linux, Windows, and MacOS X platforms.
You should have at least 512 MB of memory to use SpotBugs. To analyze very large projects, more memory may be needed.
Supported Java version
SpotBugs is built by JDK8, and run on JRE8 and newer versions.
SpotBugs can scan bytecode (class files) generated by JDK8 and newer versions. However, support for Java 11 and newer is still experimental. Visit issue tracker to find known problems.
SpotBugs does not support bytecode (class files) generated by outdated JDK such as 10, 9, 7 and older versions.
Using the SpotBugs Maven Plugin
This chapter describes how to integrate SpotBugs into a Maven project.
Add spotbugs-maven-plugin to your pom.xml
into your pom.xml
like below:
4.0.0 com.github.spotbugs spotbugs 4.0.3
Goals of spotbugs-maven-plugin
spotbugs goal