

Jiang Ge Case

On Nov 3 last year, Chen Shifeng, 26, stabbed Jiang Ge, 24, in the neck a dozen times outside her apartment in Tokyo's Nakano Ward. Jiang, a friend of Chenand his’sformer girlfriend Liu Xin, died about two hours after arriving at a nearby hospital.

去年11月3日,24岁的江歌在其东京中野区的公寓外被26岁的陈世峰多次刺伤颈部( stab in the neck a dozen times),送往附近医院约2小时后死亡。江歌是陈世峰和其前女友刘鑫的朋友。(此处注意顺序,先将一件事情叙述完了之后再解释说明当事人的关系,符合中国报道习惯)

Chen and Liu attended the same graduate school in Tokyo. After living together between June and August, they broke up, with Liu moving in with Jiang.


To win back Liu, Chen had intimidated her before he killed Jiang, according to the police.

警方提到,为了和刘鑫重归于好(win 此处对应前文分手,因此是想要重归于好。我原来想的赢得好感,大概是以前从来没有谈过的情侣吧,字字斟酌吧),陈世峰在江歌被害前曾恐吓(intimidated)刘鑫。

Before the killing, Jiang and Liu had a quarrel with Chen, who had hidden himself in the apartment building with a fruit knife and waited for the women to return from an evening out, the court was heard.

庭审证词显示(the court was heard.标准化的证词显示),案件发生前,江歌和刘鑫曾与陈世峰发生争吵。此前(加一个状语很棒)陈世峰身带水果刀藏在公寓楼里,等待刘鑫回家。

The prosecutor requested imprisonment of 20 years for Chen. The court approved the recommendation.


But Jiang Qiulian, mother of Jiang Ge, had asked the court to deliver capital punishment for the killer. She presented the court a petition signed by more than 4.5 million people before the hearings started.

但江歌母亲江秋莲请求法院判处陈世峰死刑(deliver capital punishment 死刑还能这么说哈哈,记着)。审理(hearings听证会)开始前,她已收集450余万份请愿签名,并当庭展示。


Buddha-like youngsters

An article describing the attitude of post-1990s generations toward life has recently gone viral on Chinese social media, which resonates with millions of youngsters for reflecting their casualness and calmness under mounting social pressure.

近来,一篇谈论90后生活态度的文章刷爆(gone viral on 英文经常用病毒式的蔓延这句来形容某件事情火爆)中国社交媒体,其中(which不知道怎么翻译就可以模糊翻译)反映了年轻人在与日俱增的社会压力下随意、淡然的态度,引发了数百万年轻人的共鸣。

By using the phrase "Buddha-like youngsters", it claimed that some of the post-90s generations, who were born between 1990 and 1992, have " seen through the vanity of life" and kept a casual and calm mindset toward career and life.

该文章指出,出生于1990-1992年间的90后可以称为(By using the phrase)“佛系青年”。他们早已“看破红尘”(seen through the vanity of life vanity指虚荣),面对职场和生活保持随性而淡定的心态。

"It's fine to have something or not and there is no need to pursue or win anything, "said the article, while defining "Buddha-like" people and clarifying that the phrase has nothing to do with the religion of Buddhism.

文章将“佛系”人群定义为:有也行,没有也行 直接译not,不争不抢(没有必要,争和抢一个意思),不求输赢("It's fine to have something or not and there is no need to pursue or win anything, )。同时还表明“佛系”与佛教并无关系。

The phrase has touched the nerves of the Chinese youngsters who are facing the fast-paced life, cut-throat world of career and great mental pressure in China, read a commentary by People's Daily on last Wednesday.

12月13日,《人民日报》评论称,中国的年轻人生活节奏快、职场竞争残酷(都是改变词性)、精神压力大,(字数太多,后置,然后用这些这种等词分割句子)这些“佛系”人生的表达对他们而言可谓一语中的戳中了他们的痛点(touched the nerves戳痛了神经)。

3.Madam Brexit


British prime minister Theresa May was left smirking at a press conference with her Polish counterpart on Thursday after a translator accidentally called her “Madam Brexit”.


May was in Warsaw for talks with prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki, with the discussions inevitably turning to Britain’s 2019 departure from the European Union.

当时(引入情景,用一个状语当时很贴切),特蕾莎·梅正在华沙(Warsaw)与波兰总理莫拉维茨基进行会谈,话题自然切入到(inevitably turning to比不可避免地转入好啊)英国2019年脱欧的事宜(补充)

Part of Morawiecki’s opening speech was translated as: “It’s very important for us that this cooperation, even though it ( 代指上文的合作cooperation)will be based soon on different rules and different regulations than it has been so far because of Brexit, because as Madam Brexit said, Brexit is Brexit.”

莫拉维茨基的开幕词(opening speech开幕致辞)被翻译成了“对我们来说这项合作仍然非常重要,尽管由于英国脱欧,不久合作就将基于与现在不同的规则和不同的规定。正如脱欧女士所说,脱欧就是脱欧。”

The two leaders signed a joint treaty on defence and security, and spoke about the next phase of the Brexit negotiations, due to begin in the new year.

在此次访问中,英国和波兰领导人签署了防务与安全联合条约(joint treaty ),并谈到了即将于2018年开始的下一阶段的“脱欧”谈判。


Tu An passed away

Well-known poet, translator, the editor-in-chief of the People's Literature Publishing House Tu An died in Beijing on 16 December 2017, aged 94.

2017年12月16日,著名诗人、翻译家、人民文学出版社原总编辑(the editor-in-chief)屠岸先生在京逝世(died in Beijing 很简练),享年(多次说到,享年很尊敬)94岁。

Jiang Bihou, better known by his pen name Tu An, was born into a scholarly family in November 1923 in Changzhou, Jiangsu. When he was a child, his mother taught him Chinese literature. Tu started to publish works in 1941. He graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University in 1946. Tu joined the China Writers Association in 1956.

蒋壁厚因笔名“屠岸”为人熟知,1923年11月出生于江苏省常州市的一个知识分子家庭(scholarly family )。屠岸从小受到母亲的中国文学教育的熏陶(When he was a child, his mother taught him Chinese literature.一个句子可以被如此简练翻译,说明只要意达),1941年开始发表作品。1946年,屠岸从上海交通大学毕业,后在于1956年加入中国作家协会。

Tu was among the first few in China who translated the works of John Keats into the Chinese language. His translations are well respected by domestic and overseas scholars. His translation work, Poetry of John Keats, won the 2nd Lu Xun Literary Prize in 2001.

屠岸是济慈诗作(John Keats )为数不多(few)的首批(不翻译成第一批,觉得太棒了)汉语译者(Chinese language一个从句who trsnslate就可以改变词性. )之一。他的译作受到(受到而不是被,被动译法很好)国内外学者的推崇(respected 受到推崇是固定搭配啦)。2001年,《济慈诗选》译本获第二届鲁迅文学奖。


Twelve Landscape Screens

A collection of 12 landscape painting by famed Chinese artist Qi Baishi (1864-1957) fetched 931.5 million yuan (140 million U.S. dollars) last Sunday night at Beijing Poly Auction, setting a new record for any piece of Chinese artwork sold at auction worldwide.


The set of "Twelve Landscape Screens" started at 450 million yuan and received more than 60 bids in 20 minutes. It was finally sold for 810 million yuan, with the total transaction price hitting 931.5 million after adding a 15-percent commission, making it the priciest Chinese artwork ever auctioned.

作品起拍价(started at)为4.5亿元,经过持续(语意更通畅)二十多分钟的六十多次竞价,最终以8.1亿元落槌(sold哈哈妙啊,都是按照场景的专业词汇翻译,一点也不死板),按15%佣金计算成交价为9.315亿元,成为目前最贵的中国艺术品。

The set of paintings was painted in 1925. Each of the 12 paintings is 1.8 meters long and 47 centimeters wide. Qi blended a homesickness of his native village in Central China’s Hunan province with a deep longing for a bucolic life.

这组《山水十二条屏》创作于1925年,每屏画面尺寸纵(long 描绘书画的长宽,有专门的词汇,纵横)180厘米、横(wide)47厘米,画中融合了齐白石对湖南家乡的思念(homesickness此处不翻译成乡愁,而是思念)和对田园生活的向往。

There are only two sets of extant "Twelve Landscape Screens." The other is stored at a museum in Chongqing Municipality in southwest China.



Kaka announced retirement

The former AC Milan and Real Madrid midfielder revealed his decision on social media on Sunday, more than two months after playing his last match for Orlando City.

12月17日,这位曾加盟(former)AC米兰和皇家马德里的中场球员(Real Madrid midfielder )在社交媒体上正式公布自己的决定,两个多月前他刚为奥兰多城打完最后一场比赛。

He began his career at Sao Paulo in 2001, but it was at AC Milan - whom he joined in 2003 - where he left his greatest mark.

2001年,卡卡在圣保罗开启职业生涯(began his career)。但在AC米兰,卡卡迎来巅峰时期(left his greatest mark留下了最好的分数.)。卡卡他于2003年加入AC米兰。

Capped 92 times for his country, Kaka was a part of the Brazil squad that won the 2002 World Cup and was voted the FIFA world player of the year in 2007.

卡卡曾加入巴西国家队,出场(Capped)92次,随队夺得2002年世界杯冠军,并且在2007年当选世界足球先生。FIFA 国际足球联盟

Kaka said that he would like to remain linked professionally to soccer, perhaps as a manager or sports director of a team.



family doctor/physician

China launched a new program Friday to help address poverty caused by illness.

12月15日,为解决因病致贫(poverty caused by illness.中文就很简练,由于……就翻译成因……)难题,中国开展了一项新活动。

The program, which will last until February, aims to use the slack farming season and the Spring Festival holiday when migrant workers return home, to figure out how many poor people have diseases and keep them updated with new policies, according to Xia Gengsheng from the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development.

据国务院扶贫开发领导小组办公室工作人员(the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development.)夏更生介绍,将利用群众农闲(slack farming season)和外出务工人员春节集中返乡的时机,核准(figure out)贫困人口患病情况(how many 怎么样的就用情况 ),推动新政策的贯彻落实(keep them updated with new policies),活动将持续到明年2月份。


21st Century Fox bought by Disney

Walt Disney Co. has finalized a $52.4-billion deal to buy much of 21st Century Fox.

华特迪士尼公司与21世纪福克斯公司达成协议,以524亿美元(finalized a $52.4-billion deal)(约合人民币3465.11亿元)收购后者(中文的前者和后者很好用)大部分资产。

The deal, which Disney announced Thursday morning, represents Disney’s boldest acquisition yet. If regulators approve it, Disney would take over the 20th Century Fox movie and television studio, Fox’s 22 regional sports channels, cable entertainment brands FX and National Geographic, and Fox’s portfolio of international operations。

12月14日,迪士尼正式宣布协议,这是迪士尼有史以来(yet)最大并购(boldest acquisition)。如果通过监管程序(监管部门批准),迪士尼将正式收购20世纪福克斯影业、20世纪福克斯电视公司、22 家地方有线体育电视台、娱乐品牌FX有线电视网与国家地理,以及福克斯一系列(portfolio)国际业务。

The purchase would eliminate one of the six major Hollywood film studios.


Disney would also assume about $14 billion in debt, resulting in a total deal value of about $66 billion. Following the transaction, Fox shareholders would make up about 25% of the bulked-up Disney.

迪士尼还将接受(assume 承担)21世纪福克斯约140亿美元(约合人民币924.95亿元)的债务,使得交易总价值达到约660亿美元(约合人民币4360.49亿元)。交易结束后(Following the ),福克斯股东在扩张后(bulked-up)的迪斯尼持股比例(make up about)为25%左右。

The deal probably won’t close until sometime in 2019, according to Disney, because the company has to secure approvals from regulators in Washington and in other countries.

迪士尼表示,此次收购可能到2019年才会结束,因为该公司必须得到(secure approvals)美国及其他国家监管部门的批准

Disney plans to launch its own streaming service in 2019 to compete directly with Netflix. And it is pulling its content from Netflix in preparation for the launch.

迪士尼计划在2019年启动(launch)流媒体服务,和网飞(Netflix)正面(directly)竞争。为此(in preparation for the launch.与上文同义,用为此就可以,避免啰嗦),迪士尼将从网飞平台下架(pulling)本公司视频(content迪士尼的主营为视频啊,因此推断出下架视频)。
