




  • 1 Applied fields 123
    • 1.1 CAx
      • 1.1.1 CAD
      • 1.1.2 CAE
    • 1.2 Finance
    • 1.3 Geographic information system
    • 1.4 Math
    • 1.5 Science and Measurement
      • 1.5.1 Scanning probe microscopy
  • 2 Assistive Technology and Accessibility
  • 3 Data storage and management
    • 3.1 File archivers
    • 3.2 Database management systems (including administration)
  • 4 Document editing
    • 4.1 Office software suites
    • 4.2 Word processing
    • 4.3 Note-taking
    • 4.4 PDF-writing
    • 4.5 Scientific Text Editors
    • 4.6 Spreadsheet Editors
    • 4.7 Text editors
  • 5 Educational
    • 5.1 Educational Suites
    • 5.2 Art
    • 5.3 Learning support
    • 5.4 Language
    • 5.5 Mathematics
    • 5.6 Science
    • 5.7 Typing
    • 5.8 Other educational programs
  • 6 File managers
  • 7 Games
  • 8 Graphical user interface
    • 8.1 Windowing system
    • 8.2 Desktop environments
    • 8.3 Window managers
  • 9 Groupware
    • 9.1 Content management systems
    • 9.2 Weblog systems
    • 9.3 Wiki software
  • 10 Media
    • 10.1 Multimedia codecs / containers / splitters
    • 10.2 Audio editors / audio management
    • 10.3 Graphics
    • 10.4 Image galleries
    • 10.5 Image viewers
    • 10.6 Media players
    • 10.7 Video editing
    • 10.8 CD-writing software
  • 11 Networking and Internet
    • 11.1 E-mail
    • 11.2 HTML Editors
    • 11.3 Instant messaging
    • 11.4 Instant messaging servers
    • 11.5 Communication-related
    • 11.6 File transfer
    • 11.7 P2P file sharing
    • 11.8 Remote access
    • 11.9 Web browsers
    • 11.10 Webcam
    • 11.11 Webgrabber
    • 11.12 Web-related
    • 11.13 Middleware
    • 11.14 Other networking programs
  • 12 Operating systems
  • 13 Password management
  • 14 Personal information managers
  • 15 Programming language support
  • 16 Publishing
  • 17 Screen savers
  • 18 Security
    • 18.1 Anti-virus
    • 18.2 Encryption
    • 18.3 Firewall
    • 18.4 Monitoring
    • 18.5 SSH
    • 18.6 Other security programs
  • 19 Other
  • 20 CD compilations of open-source software for Windows
  • 21 External links

623 reads

Submitted by xyz黑板 on 星期日, 十月 30, 2005 - 15:01

This is a list of open-source software packages: Computer software licensed under an open-source license. Software that fits the Free software definition may be more appropriately called free software; the GNU project in particular objects to their works being referred to as "open source". For more information about the philosophical background for open source software, see open source movement and free software movement. However, nearly all software meeting the Open Source Definition is also Free Software, so it is all listed here. But there is also a List of Free Software packages where only software whose licence is approved by Free Software Foundation is listed.

See also: list of Unix programs, list of GNU packages, list of KDE applications, list of GNOME applications, freeware, shareware, public domain, proprietary software, Freshmeat, SourceForge, OSDir, Free Software Directory, GNU_Savannah, ObjectWeb

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Applied fields 123


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  • BRL-CAD — 3D solid modeling computer-aided design and much much more
  • QCad — 2D CAD (newer versions are no longer open-source)
  • OpenCASCADE (site)
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  • Impact (site) — Finite element program
  • Code-Aster (site) — Full-featured 3D finite element simulation code
  • Salome (site) — CAE platform for pre / post processing
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  • GnuCash (site)Double-entry book-keeping based, personal finance system. Development stage: Production/Stable
  • JCash (site) — Full featured, Java based money management application software. Development stage: Alpha
  • JMoney (site) Personal finance (accounting) manager written in Java. Development stage: Beta
  • JGnash
  • QuantLib
  • Grisbi
  • PayThyme — Payroll software
  • QuotesViewer (site) — Euronext stock quotes, watchlist
  • SQL-LedgerDouble-entry book-keeping system
[ edit]

Geographic information system

  • NASA World Wind — similar to Google EarthProject Site
  • TerraLib — TerraLib is a Geographic information system (GIS) classes and functions library.
  • OpenMap — Java based programmer's toolkit — Project Site
[ edit]

experix — data acquisition, array arithmetic and math with graphics.

  • GAP — (Groups, Algorithms and Programming) computational discrete algebra, mainly for group theory.
  • KSEG — interactive geometry program for exploring Euclidean geometry.
  • LaTeX — mathematical typesetting system.
  • MAXIMA — a computer algebra system, based on the original Macsyma
  • NTL — number theory library
  • Octave — a MATLAB-style language.
  • Scilab — similar to MATLAB www.scilab.org
  • PARI/GP (site) — computer algebra system, number theory functions
  • R — Computational statistic package.
  • SINGULAR — polynomial computations, commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, and singularity theory.
  • Yacas — computer algebra system.
  • muParser (site) — a mathematical expressions parser library
  • XNUMBERS (site) — a floating-point add-in for Microsoft Excel.
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Science and Measurement

Scanning probe microscopy

  • Gwyddion (site) — Scientific data analysis
  • Gxsm (site) — Gnome X Scanning Microscopy - dsp supported scanning probe acquisition
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Dasher (site) — Unique text input software

Assistive Technology and Accessibility
  • EMACspeak (site) — Audio desktop
  • PowerTalk (site) — Automatic Text narration of presentations
[ edit]


Data storage and management

File archivers

  • 7-Zip [(site)
  • arj
  • bzip2
  • DAR (Disk Archiver)
  • FilZip (site)
  • GRZipII (site)
  • gzip
  • ha (site) — (historical ppm-based archiver)
  • PPMd (site)
  • rzip
  • Tar (file format)
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Database management systems (including administration)

  • Berkeley DB
  • db4o (object database)
  • Firebird
  • Ingres
  • JEDI Database Desktop
  • Kexi
  • MySQL — database server
  • One$DB
  • phpMyAdmin
  • PostgreSQL — database server
  • SQLite
  • TOra — database administration and development
  • GT.MMultidimensional database
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Document editing

Gnome Office

Office software suites
  • KOffice
  • NeoOffice [site] — fork of OpenOffice.org to produce a Mac OS X version
  • OpenOffice.org [site] — similar functionality to Microsoft Office, including file compatibility
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Word processing

  • AbiWord
  • OpenOffice.org Writer
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FreeMindMind mapping software

  • KeyNote (site)
  • Tomboy (site)
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  • Ghostscript
  • Monkeyscript
  • PDFCreator
  • ReportLab — includes an open source PDF library
  • Scribus — User-friendly but powerful Desktop Publishing
  • xPDF [site]
  • OpenOffice.org [site] creates PDFs
  • NeoOffice [site] creates PDFs
[ edit]

GNU TeXmacs (site)

Scientific Text Editors
  • Kile
  • LyX
[ edit]

Spreadsheet Editors

  • Gnumeric (site) — Part of the Gnome Project, but cross-platform versions are available.
  • OpenOffice.org [site] Calc
  • NeoOffice [site] Calc
[ edit]

Text editors

  • Bluefish
  • Elvis
  • FreeDOS edlin
  • GNU Emacs
  • Gedit
  • jEdit — Java-based, many plug-ins, allows folding, has a function browser.
  • Kate
  • Katoob
  • Kedit
  • KWrite
  • Nano — A free clone of Pico.
  • NEdit
  • Notepad2 — Small and fast with syntax highlighting.
  • Notepad++ — Fast, tabbed interface with syntax highlighting
  • Pico
  • SciTE — A cross-platform text editor written using the Scintilla editing component.
  • Tail For Win32
  • Vim
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ChildsPlay (site)

Educational Suites
  • GCompris (site)
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Tux Paint (site)

  • The Gimp (site)
[ edit]

Dokeos (site)

Learning support
  • ILIAS (site)
  • ATutor (site)
  • Moodle (site)
  • Whiteboard (site)
  • OLAT (site)
  • eXe (site)
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  • FlashCard
  • Kiten
  • KLettres
  • KMessedWords
  • KVerbos
  • KVocTrain
[ edit]


  • GAP (site) — Groups, Algorithms, Programming - System for Computational Discrete Algebra
  • GNU Octave (site) — Clone of MATLAB
  • GNUPlot* (site) — high quality function plotting with command line interface, incorporates GNUFit for nonlinear regression (curve fitting)
  • KBruch
  • KGeo
  • Kig
  • KmPlot
  • KPercentage
  • KSEG
  • LabPlot (site) — nonlinear regression (curve fitting) - OriginLab( Microcal Origin) Clone
  • SciGraphica (site) — A better Origin Clone
  • Maxima (site) — Analytical function handling, similar to the Maple computer algebra system
  • PARI/GP (site) — computer algebra system, number theory functions, factorisation, elliptical curves
  • QtiPlot (site) — nonlinear regression (curve fitting) - Microcal Origin Clone
  • R programming language (site) — very powerful scripting-language with a strong focus on statistical functions, similar to S programming language
    • RKWard (site) — frontend to R
  • Tux, of Math Command (site)Missile Command-themed, fast-action math quiz
  • XMgrace (site) — 2D drawing, data plotting, nonlinear regression (curve fitting), formerly called xmgr
  • Yacas (site)

... *Note: This software is no longer under the GPL but it is still free. Older versions of this software are still open-source.

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  • Celestia—a 3D space simulation program.
  • experix — data acquisition and device control with graphical data analysis
  • Kalzium
  • KStars
  • Cartes du Cielhttp://www.stargazing.net/astropc/; sky chart drawing, planetarium and more
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  • GNU Typist
  • KTouch
  • Tux Typing
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Other educational programs
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File managers

  • Krusader
  • Midnight Commander
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Games Main article: List of free game software

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Graphical user interface

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Windowing system

  • X.Org
  • XFree86
[ edit]

Desktop environments

  • Calmira
  • Geoshell
  • GNUstep
  • KDE
  • Litestep
  • Mezzo
  • Xfce
  • XPde
[ edit]

Window managers

  • AfterStep
  • Blackbox
  • Ctwm
  • Enlightenment
  • Fluxbox
  • FVWM
  • IceWM
  • Ion
  • Kahakai
  • Kwin
  • Metacity
  • Openbox
  • Oroborus
  • PekWM
  • PWM
  • Ratpoison
  • Sawfish
  • Twm
  • Waimea
  • Window Maker
  • WindowLab
  • WMI
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  • Kolab
  • Kroupware
  • OpenGroupware.org
  • phpBB — PHP-based bulletin board package
  • PunBB — PHP-based bulletin board package
  • PHProjekt
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Content management systems

  • Apache Lenya — Apache Software license, Java/XML, based on Apache Cocoon
  • b2evolution
  • Drupal
  • e107
  • Envolution
  • Geeklog
  • Joomla!
  • Mambo (CMS)
  • myPHPNuke (site)
  • Nuxeo CPS
  • PHP-Nuke
  • phpWebSite
  • Plone
  • Postnuke
  • Scoop
  • Sioux (site) — GPL'ed
  • Slashcode
  • Typo3
  • Xaraya
  • eZpublish
  • Xoops
  • WordPress (site) — GPL'ed
  • DotNetNuke (site)
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Weblog systems

  • b2evolution
  • bBlog
  • Blojsom
  • boastMachine [site]
  • Coreblog
  • Pebble
  • Pivot
  • pLog
  • Textpattern
  • Typo [site]
  • WordPress
  • Serendipity (S9y)
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Wiki software

  • DokuWiki (site) — written in PHP and works on plain text file.
  • ErfurtWiki (site) — based on WikiWikiWeb and written in PHP.
  • Flexwiki (site) — written in ASP.NET
  • Kwiki — written in Perl
  • MediaWiki — powers Wikipedia.
  • OpenWiki
  • PmWiki
  • PhpWiki — based on WikiWikiWeb and written in PHP.
  • TiddlyWiki — runs entirely on a single file, using JavaScript. There is also a server-side variation.
  • TikiWiki
  • Twiki
  • UseModWiki
  • WackoWiki
  • WikkaWiki (site) — lightweight and flexible wiki engine written in PHP, forked from WakkaWiki
  • XWiki
  • Zwiki (site) — a wiki product add-on to Zope
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codecs / containers / splitters

  • FLAC
  • LAME
  • Matroska
  • Musepack
  • Ogg Vorbis
  • Xvid
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Audio editors / audio management

  • Ardour (audio processor)
  • Audacity [site]
  • CD-DA X-Tractor
  • CDex
  • Grip audio ripper
  • MusE
  • Rosegarden
  • Streamripper

See Free audio software

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  • Blender3d [site] — 3D modeling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback
  • Crystal Space — 3D gaming graphics engine
  • Dia — Diagram creation GUI with shapes, links, connection points (like Visio)
  • Graphviz — Automatic graph creation from text file input. Output formats: GIF, SVG, Postscript, VRML and more.
  • The GIMP [site] — Photoshop replacement. Excellent tool for image editing. Very powerful.
  • GIMPShop [site] — Bitmap Graphics Editor. Similiar menus and functions to Photoshop. Very powerful. Full featured. Many plugins available.
  • GOCR/JOCROCR program
  • Hugin — Image combining, panorama creation, cross platform
  • InkscapeSVG Vector graphics editor
  • JImage Mosaic
  • KChart
  • Kivio
  • Krita
  • Liquid — 3D graphics editor
  • Moonlight 3D
  • NeoOffice site Draw
  • Pixen [site] — A pixel editing tool for Mac OS X, primarily intended for editing small images.
  • POV-Ray
  • OpenOffice.org site Draw
  • Panorama Tools
  • Simple DirectMedia Layer — a platform independent graphics library, primarily intended for game development
  • SodipodiSVG Vector graphics editor
  • Wings 3D — 3D Subdivisionmodeler
  • Xfig

See also List of diagramming software

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Image galleries

  • Album shaper
  • Gallery
  • Coppermine Gallery
  • Open Clip Art Library [site]
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Image viewers

  • Eye of GNOME
  • Imgv
  • JavaExplorer
  • Java Image Browser and Sorter
  • JCDSee
  • JImageView — Java-based
  • SlideShow Picture Viewer
  • WinPhoto
  • imgSeek
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Media players

  • Foobar2000 (Not really open source. See license)
  • AmaroK
  • Beep Media Player (BMPx will succeed BMP [1] )
  • CoolPlayer
  • K!TV
  • Kaffeine
  • Media Player Classic
  • MPlayer
  • musikCube
  • VLC media player
  • Totem
  • Xine
  • XMMS
  • Zinf
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Video editing

  • Avidemux
  • AviSynth
  • Cinelerra
  • DScaler
  • GNU VCDImager
  • Jahshaka
  • Kino
  • VirtualDub
  • VirtualDubMod
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Cdrdao (site)

CD-writing software
  • Cdrecord (site)
  • Cdw (site)
  • Freeburn (site)
  • Gcombust (site)
  • GnomeBaker (site)
  • Gnome Toaster (site)
  • K3b (site)
  • X-CD-Roast (site)
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Networking and Internet


  • GNU Mail (site) — Part of the GNUStep Project
  • KMail
  • Magic Mail Monitor 3
  • Mahogany Mail
  • Mozilla Mail & Newsgroups [site] — part of Mozilla Application Suite
  • Mozilla Thunderbird [site]— A standalone Gecko-based e-mail and newsreader program derived from Mozilla's Mail component.
  • Mutt
  • Novell Evolution
  • Phoenix Mail
  • POPFile
  • Sylpheed
  • FreePOPs [site] — A plugin-based application that allow POP3 access to many web-based email services
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HTML Editors

  • Nvu [site] - WYSIWYG HTML editor based on Mozilla Composer
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Instant messaging

  • Adium — Multi-protocol instant messaging client for Mac OS X with encryption
  • aMSN — Alvaro's Messenger, or Another MSN Messenger clone
  • CenterICQ
  • Exodus
  • Fire
  • Gaim
  • Jabberzilla
  • Kopete
  • Licq
  • Mercury Messenger (site) (previsously dMSN)
  • mICQ
  • Miranda IM
  • Psi
  • Simple Instant Messenger
  • Tkabber
  • WinJab
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Instant messaging servers

  • ejabberd — Jabber server
  • IServerd — ICQ-compatible server
  • xmppd.py — Jabber server
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sipX — SIP Communications Server

  • Asterisk — Telephony and VoIP server
  • BitchX — A text-based IRC client
  • Chatzilla — Mozilla-based IRC chat client
  • GnomeMeeting — Video conferencing application for GNOME
  • irssi — text-mode IRC chat client
  • Slrn — a newsreader
  • Speak Freely — Internet voice chat
  • XChat — IRC chat client, Windows version is shareware
  • XChat 2 — IRC chat client, an XChat clone, but is a freeware Windows-only version
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File transfer

  • FileZilla
  • gFTP
  • lftp
  • NcFTP (site)
  • Samba — an implementation of the Microsoft-compatible SMB network protocols
  • TrueDownloader (site)
  • WinSCP
[ edit]

P2P file sharing

  • Azureus — A Java-based Bittorrent client.
  • BitTorrent
  • ctorrent
  • DC++
  • eMule
  • Freenet (site) — Secure Filesharing with encryption
  • giFT
  • Gnucleus
  • GNUnet
  • Lime Wire
  • MLdonkey
  • mutella (site) — A text mode gnutella client
  • Nodezilla
  • Shareaza — Open sourced as of June 2004
  • Rodi
  • Valknut — A GUI client for the DC filesharing network
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Remote access
  • TightVNC
  • Ultr@VNC
  • FreeNX
  • DameWare
[ edit]

Web browsers

  • Epiphany
  • Galeon
  • K-Meleon
  • Konqueror
  • Links
  • Lynx
  • Mozilla Application Suite [site]
  • Mozilla Firefox [site]
  • Camino [site] — for Macs
  • BookmarkSync — a tool for browsers
  • Flock [site]
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  • Dorgem
  • Fwink
  • webcam_server
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  • cURL
  • HTTrack
  • Wget
[ edit]

0W-httpd (site) (aka ZeroWait httpd) — light and fast http server

  • lighttpd (site) — Resource sparing but also fast and full featured HTTP Server
  • 3proxy (site) — HTTP/HTTPS/FTP/SOCKS v4/v4.5/v5/POP3 proxy + TCP and UDP portmappers
  • Apache — the most popular web server
  • Jakarta Tomcat — a servlet container and standalone webserver
  • NetKernel — an internet application server
  • JBoss an application server
  • nginx (site) — high perfomance http and reverse proxy server
  • Oops! (site) — web proxy/cache server
  • Squid cache — web proxy cache
  • Zope — a web application server
  • Apache Cocoon — a web application framework
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ObjectWeb JOnAS — Java Open Application Server, a J2EE application server

  • ObjectWeb JORAM — a JMS/SOAP message oriented middleware
  • ObjectWeb C-JDBC — Clustered-JDBC, a driver for drivers of RDBMS
  • ObjectWeb Celtix — a Java enterprise service bus (ESB) runtime
  • ObjectWeb Shark — a workflow server with a difference
  • ObjectWeb JOTM — Java Open Transaction Manager
  • ObjectWeb OSCAR — an implementation of the Open Services Gateway Initiative (OSGi) framework
  • ObjectWeb ProActive — Java library for parallel, distributed, and concurrent computing
  • ObjectWeb Speedo — an implementation of the JDO specification
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JBidWatcher — Java-based auction bid watching program

Other networking programs
  • OpenLDAP — an open source LDAP server
  • openVXI — an open source VoiceXML interpreter
  • gpppkill — a tool for disconecting idle pppd conections
  • throttled — QoS tool
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Operating systems

Be advised that available distrbutions of these systems often contain, or offer to build and install, added software that is neither free software nor open source.

  • Contiki
  • DragonFly BSD
  • ECos
  • FreeBSD
  • FreeDOS
  • GNU and GNU/Linux
  • Haiku
  • Linux
  • NetBSD
  • NewOS
  • OpenBSD
  • Plan 9
  • ReactOS
  • Syllable
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Password management

  • KeePass
  • Password Safe
  • PINs
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Chandler — In development by Mitch Kapor and the OSAF.

Personal information managers
  • Elephant Memory
  • KAddressbook
  • KNotes
  • KonsoleKalendar
  • Kontact
  • KOrganizer
  • Mozilla Calendar — A Mozilla-based, multiplatform calendar program.
  • Multisync (software)
  • Task Coach — Your friendly task manager.
  • Treeline
  • Novell Evolution
[ edit]

Programming language support

  • ArgoUML — ArgoUML is a modelling tool that helps you design using UML diagrams
  • DJGPP — a 32-bit DOS port of GCC and other GNU utilities
  • Eclipse IDE — an extensible integrated development environment
  • Erlang
  • Forth
  • GCC — a set of compilers for multiple programming languages and platforms, including
    • C
    • C++
    • Ada
    • Java
    • Pascal
    • Fortran
  • CLISP — a Common Lisp interpreter and bytecode-compiler
  • CVS — a source code version control system
  • Jikes — Java compiler
  • MinGW — Windows port of GCC
  • MMIXware — simulator for MMIXAL language and MMIX processor
  • MUMPS — aka M GT.M is a GNU/Linux Open Source
  • Objective CAML — a practical and fast functional OO language
  • Perl — a programming language strong on text processing
  • PHP — a scripting language designed for web site applications
  • Prolog — Logic programming
  • Python — A high-level scripting language
  • Refal
  • Rexx
  • Ruby
  • Subversion — A version control system
  • Tcl/Tk — A high-level scripting language with a graphical toolkit
  • experix — command line and stack system for data acquisition and analysis and graphics
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  • Passepartout
  • Scribus
[ edit]

Screen savers

  • Flurry
  • KISS Image Screen Saver
  • Matrix32
  • Really Slick Screensavers
  • Vital desktop
  • xmatrix
  • XScreenSaver
  • Electric Sheep
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  • ClamAV (site)
  • Open Antivirus (site)
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  • CrossCrypt
  • GnuPG
  • KGPG
  • NeoCrypt
  • Seahorse
  • TrueCrypt
  • WinPT
[ edit]


  • Coyote Linux
  • fdgw
  • floppyfw
  • IPFilter
  • ipfw
  • IPCop
  • pf
  • PeerGuardian
  • SmoothWall
[ edit]

MRTG — monitor traffic and create graphs over time

  • Munin — Like MRTG but prettier
  • Nagios — highly configurable systems and network monitoring
  • Rainmeter
[ edit]


  • OpenSSH
  • PuTTY
[ edit]

Ethereal — a network protocol analyzer

Other security programs
  • Snort
  • NMap — Advanced host and port scanning tool
  • Stunnel — an open source Secure Sockets Layer filter
  • PyKeylogger — an open source keylogger for windows, written in Python programming language
[ edit]

Active2 — (codenamed "CNNSlayer") — Codebase project for the Indymedia network and its allies

  • AstroGrep — Grep with a GUI
  • BibleTimeStudy Bible software
  • Bochs — PC emulator
  • Cygwin — open source Unix environment for Win32
  • KRename — batch renaming of files
  • Link Checker — checks HTML documents for broken links
  • Mantis Bug Tracking SystemPHP/MySQL-based bug tracking system
  • Memtest86 — stress-tests RAM on x86 machines
  • Open Scene Graph
  • Qemu — CPU emulator featuring support for multiple architectures
  • TeX — a document formatting system
  • Vitrite — allows transparency in Windows 2000/XP programs
  • WINE — Windows executable support on Linux/BSD
[ edit]


CD compilations of open-source software for Windows
  • Open Source Software CD — ~700 MB, most complete, updated monthly, available via BitTorrent/HTTP/FTP
  • TheOpenCD — ~300 MB, most polished, available via BitTorrent/HTTP/FTP
  • WinLibre
[ edit]

OSDir.com - stable open source applications that are ready for deployment

External links
  • FSF/UNESCO Free Software Directory - a catalog of useful free software
  • Freshmeat software catalog - the Web's largest index of Unix and cross-platform software
  • Linux Links: Software - Linux software catalog
  • Linux Online - Applications - Linux software catalog
  • Cherry Hill Linux User's Group Open source software equivalents
  • The table of equivalents / replacements / analogs of Windows software in Linux
  • Open source software for windows and their closed source equivalents
  • OSSwin: Open source for Windows Comprehensive and up to date
  • VersionChecker. Gives some Open source and freeware last versions
  • Schoolforge-UK software list - educational software compiled by the Schoolforge-UK community

