

        1、aodh的启动,源码位于  aodh/aodh/evaluator/  中的start

def start(self):
    super(AlarmEvaluationService, self).start()
    # allow time for coordination if necessary
delay_start = self.partition_coordinator.is_active()
    if self.evaluators:
        interval = self.conf.evaluation_interval
            initial_delay=interval if delay_start else None)

2、告警分配 _evaluate_assigned_alarms,该功能应该是参考ceilometer的告警分配机制,每个计算模块,分配一定的告警规则

def _evaluate_assigned_alarms(self):
        alarms = self._assigned_alarms()'initiating evaluation cycle on %d alarms') %
        for alarm in alarms:
    except Exception:
        LOG.exception(_('alarm evaluation cycle failed'))

    3、计算告警 _evaluate_alarm状态

def _evaluate_alarm(self, alarm):
    """Evaluate the alarms assigned to this evaluator."""
if alarm.type not in self.evaluators:
        LOG.debug('skipping alarm %s: type unsupported', alarm.alarm_id)

LOG.debug('evaluating alarm %s', alarm.alarm_id)
    except Exception:
        LOG.exception(_('Failed to evaluate alarm %s'), alarm.alarm_id)

其中:evaluators 从entry_point中获取


self.evaluators = extension.ExtensionManager(


gnocchi_aggregation_by_metrics_threshold = aodh.evaluator.gnocchi:GnocchiAggregationMetricsThresholdEvaluator
combination = aodh.evaluator.combination:CombinationEvaluator
composite = aodh.evaluator.composite:CompositeEvaluator
gnocchi_resources_threshold = aodh.evaluator.gnocchi:GnocchiResourceThresholdEvaluator
gnocchi_aggregation_by_resources_threshold = aodh.evaluator.gnocchi:GnocchiAggregationResourcesThresholdEvaluator
threshold = aodh.evaluator.threshold:ThresholdEvaluator

当采用ceilometer alarm-gnocchi-resources-threshold-create创建告警的时候,告警类型是gnocchi_resources_threshold,统计信息的获取是调用gnocchi的api

如果采用ceilometer alarm-create,默认的告警类型是threshold,统计信息的获取是通过ceilometer

    4、gnocchi_resources_threshold  对应的告警计算源码位于 aodh/evaluator/

class GnocchiAggregationResourcesThresholdEvaluator(GnocchiBase):
    def _statistics(self, rule, start, end):
        # FIXME(sileht): In case of a heat autoscaling stack decide to
        # delete an instance, the gnocchi metrics associated to this
        # instance will be no more updated and when the alarm will ask
        # for the aggregation, gnocchi will raise a 'No overlap'
        # exception.
        # So temporary set 'needed_overlap' to 0 to disable the
        # gnocchi checks about missing points. For more detail see:
            return self._gnocchi_client.metric.aggregation(
                start=start, stop=end,
        except Exception:
            LOG.exception(_('alarm stats retrieval failed'))
            return []
    5、 GnocchiAggregationResourcesThresholdEvaluator的父类GnocchiBase代码如下:


class GnocchiBase(threshold.ThresholdEvaluator):
    def __init__(self, conf):
        super(GnocchiBase, self).__init__(conf)
        self._gnocchi_client = client.Client(
            '1', keystone_client.get_session(conf),

    def _sanitize(rule, statistics):
        """Return the datapoints that correspond to the alarm granularity"""
TODO(sileht): if there's no direct match, but there is an archive
# policy with granularity that's an even divisor or the period,
        # we could potentially do a mean-of-means (or max-of-maxes or whatever,
        # but not a stddev-of-stddevs).
TODO(sileht): support alarm['exclude_outliers']
LOG.debug('sanitize stats %s', statistics)
        statistics = [stats[2] for stats in statistics
                      if stats[1] == rule['granularity']]
        statistics = statistics[-rule['evaluation_periods']:]
        LOG.debug('pruned statistics to %d', len(statistics))
        return statistics

    6、 GnocchiBase的父类 threshold.ThresholdEvaluator计算过程:

源码位于 aodh/evaluator/threshold.py中

def evaluate(self, alarm):
    if not self.within_time_constraint(alarm):
        LOG.debug('Attempted to evaluate alarm %s, but it is not '
                  'within its time constraint.'
, alarm.alarm_id)

state, trending_state, statistics, outside_count = self.evaluate_rule(
    self._transition_alarm(alarm, state, trending_state, statistics,


def evaluate_rule(self, alarm_rule):
    """Evaluate alarm rule.

:returns: state, trending state and statistics.
start, end = self._bound_duration(alarm_rule)
    statistics = self._statistics(alarm_rule, start, end)
    statistics = self._sanitize(alarm_rule, statistics)
    sufficient = len(statistics) >= alarm_rule['evaluation_periods']
    if not sufficient:
        return evaluator.UNKNOWN, None, statistics, len(statistics)

    def _compare(value):
        op = COMPARATORS[alarm_rule['comparison_operator']]
        limit = alarm_rule['threshold']
        LOG.debug('comparing value %(value)s against threshold'
                  ' %(limit)s'
, {'value': value, 'limit': limit})
        return op(value, limit)

    compared = list(, statistics))
    distilled = all(compared)
    unequivocal = distilled or not any(compared)
    number_outside = len([c for c in compared if c])

    if unequivocal:
        state = evaluator.ALARM if distilled else evaluator.OK
        return state, None, statistics, number_outside
        trending_state = evaluator.ALARM if compared[-1] else evaluator.OK
        return None, trending_state, statistics, number_outside
