Lattice FPGA 使用指南4 - 全局复位网络GSR的使用

Lattice FPGA 之GSR (全局复位网络) 

使用GSR可以节省布线资源, 并消除难于解决的setup和hold时序违例。从以下语句来看, Lattice仅有一个GSR网络,所以最好设计仅有一个复位,则全部逻辑都可用GSR来复位。若有多个不同复位,建议GSR用于负载最重的一个复位,从而尽量减小对布线资源的占用。

There are two primary ways to take advantage of the GSR hardware resource
in your design: 
1)use the GSR to reset all components on your FPGA or
2) to use the GSR to eliminate any routing resources needed for one reset in a multiple reset design. 

If there is only one reset signal for the entire design, you would
want to use the GSR in the first way, to reset all components on the FPGA.
When using the GSR to eliminate any routing resources needed for one reset
in a multiple reset design, typically the GSR would be used for the reset with
the highest fan-out. 

   GSR u_GSR (.GSR(复位信号名));
   GSR_NET NET "复位信号的层次名",如
   GSR_NET NET "my_design/u_RST/rst_n"
4) 在spreadsheet的Global preferences标签下找到Global Set/Reset Net,然后指定一个希望连接到GSR的复位信号。详细方法参见diamond工具帮忙文件:Applying Design Constraints>setting preferences > setting a global set/reset net preference, 该页面有详细说明。
