语法: res = ngx.location.capture(uri, options?)
作用域: rewrite_by_lua*, access_by_lua*, content_by_lua*
location ~ /comment/([0-9]+) { internal; set $goodsId $1; content_by_lua_block{ local args = ngx.req.get_uri_args() ngx.say("comments for goodsId :", ngx.var.goodsId) ngx.say("comments for goods:", args.offset) } } location ~ /goods/detail/([0-9]+) { set $goodsId $1; default_type plain/text; content_by_lua_block{ local res = ngx.location.capture("/comment/"..ngx.var.goodsId.."?offset=0") ngx.say(res.status) ngx.say(res.body) } }
200 comments for goodsId :123123 comments for goods:0
method: 请求方法,默认为ngx.HTTP_GET body: 请求内容,仅限于string 或 nil args: 请求参数,支持string 或 table vars: 变量,仅限于table ctx: 可参考中ngx.ctx的用法: openResty中ngx_lua模块提供的API copy_all_vars: 复制变量 share_all_vars: 共享变量 always_forward_body: 当设置为true时,父请求中的body转发到子请求。 默认是false,仅转发put和post请求方式中的body。如果设置body选项,则该设置失效。
1.2.1 always_forward_body
栗子 01: location ~ /comment/([0-9]+) { internal; set $goodsId $1; content_by_lua_block{ ngx.req.read_body(); local args = ngx.req.get_uri_args() local data = ngx.req.get_body_data() ngx.say("comments for goodsId :", ngx.var.goodsId) ngx.say("comments for rank:", args.rank) ngx.say("comments for data :", data) } } location ~ /goods/detail/([0-9]+) { set $goodsId $1; default_type plain/text; content_by_lua_block{ ngx.req.read_body(); local res = ngx.location.capture("/comment/"..ngx.var.goodsId.."?rank=5",{ method = ngx.HTTP_GET, always_forward_body = false, }) ngx.say(res.status) ngx.say(res.body) } }
请求raw: uid=37A059714A2B4B4280794DCA5C150DF0,请看如下输出
200 comments for goodsId :123123 comments for rank:5 comments for data :nil
将 栗子 01 中的:method = ngx.HTTP_GET ,更改成 method = ngx.HTTP_PUT或 method = ngx.HTTP_POST,请看如下输出:
200 comments for goodsId :123123 comments for rank:5 comments for data :uid=37A059714A2B4B4280794DCA5C150DF0
重新将 栗子 01 中的 always_forward_body = false 更改成 always_forward_body = true,其他不变,请看如下输出:
200 comments for goodsId :123123 comments for rank:5 comments for data :uid=37A059714A2B4B4280794DCA5C150DF0
always_forward_body:当设置为true时,父请求中的body转发到子请求。设置为false,仅转发put和post 请求方式中的body.
继续更改 栗子 01 :
local res = ngx.location.capture("/comment/"..ngx.var.goodsId.."?rank=5",{ method = ngx.HTTP_GET, body = 'hello, world', always_forward_body = false, --也可以设置为true })
200 comments for goodsId :123123 comments for rank:5 comments for data :hello, world
当选项中设置 body (只能为string)时,always_forward_body 选项失效。
栗子 02: location ~ /comment/([0-9]+) { internal; set $goodsId $1; content_by_lua_block{ local args = ngx.req.get_uri_args() ngx.say("comments for goodsId :", ngx.var.goodsId) ngx.say("comments for rank:", args.rank) ngx.say("comments for args.a:", args.a) ngx.say("comments for args.b:", args.b) ngx.say("comments for vars.a:", ngx.var.a) ngx.say("comments for vars.b:", ngx.var.b) } } location ~ /goods/detail/([0-9]+) { set $goodsId $1; set $a ''; set $b ''; default_type plain/text; content_by_lua_block{ local res = ngx.location.capture("/comment/"..ngx.var.goodsId.."?rank=5",{ method = ngx.HTTP_GET, args = {a = "aa", b = "bb"}, vars = {a = "aa", b = "bb"}, }) ngx.say(res.status) ngx.say(res.body) } }
200 comments for goodsId :123123 comments for rank:5 comments for args.a:aa comments for args.b:bb comments for vars.a:aa comments for vars.b:bb
从栗子 02 中可以看出,args 和 vars的区别。
在发送参数到子请求中,一般参数使用 args;如特殊参数可以使用 vars,但也可以使用 args 代替。
请看栗子 03
栗子 03: location ~ /comment/([0-9]+) { internal; set $goodsId $1; content_by_lua_block{ ngx.ctx.foo = "bar" } } location ~ /goods/detail/([0-9]+) { set $goodsId $1; default_type plain/text; content_by_lua_block{ local c = {} local res = ngx.location.capture("/comment/"..ngx.var.goodsId.."?rank=5",{ method = ngx.HTTP_GET, ctx = c, }) ngx.say(c.foo) ngx.say(ngx.ctx.foo) } }
bar nil
栗子 04 : location ~ /comment/([0-9]+) { internal; set $goodsId $1; set $dog "$dog world"; echo "$uri dog: $dog"; } location ~ /goods/detail/([0-9]+) { set $goodsId $1; default_type plain/text; set $dog 'hello'; content_by_lua_block{ local res = ngx.location.capture("/comment/"..ngx.var.goodsId.."?rank=5",{ method = ngx.HTTP_GET, share_all_vars = true, }) ngx.print(res.body) ngx.say(ngx.var.uri, ": ", ngx.var.dog) } }
/comment/123123 dog: hello world /goods/detail/123123/view: hello world
更改栗子 04 :更改 share_all_vars = true 成 copy_all_vars = true
/comment/123123 dog: hello world /goods/detail/123123/view: hello
share_all_vars 可能会污染全局变量,不推荐使用。
和 ngx.location.capture 的用法相似,但可以同时并发多个请求。
查看栗子 0 5
res1, res2, res3 = ngx.location.capture_multi{ { "/foo", { args = "a=3&b=4" } }, { "/bar" }, { "/baz", { method = ngx.HTTP_POST, body = "hello" } }, } --注意:这里省略了(),相当于({{}}) if res1.status == ngx.HTTP_OK then ... end if res2.body == "BLAH" then ... end
local reqs = {} table.insert(reqs, { "/mysql" }) table.insert(reqs, { "/postgres" }) table.insert(reqs, { "/redis" }) table.insert(reqs, { "/memcached" }) -- issue all the requests at once and wait until they all return local resps = { ngx.location.capture_multi(reqs) } -- loop over the responses table for i, resp in ipairs(resps) do -- process the response table "resp" end
ngx.location.capture = function (uri, args) return ngx.location.capture_multi({ {uri, args} }) end