Day15, Page161-170


can't help doing sth. 忍不住做某事,情不自禁的做某事

I really couldn't help doing what I did next.

例句:I can't help doing anything for you, not asking for return, only because I love you.

造句:I can't help wondering what was she do.

ironic [aɪ'rɑnɪk]  adj.反语的;讽刺的;(因出乎意料而)奇怪的

...I'm sure she would have said the whole situation was "ironic".

例句:Everything is ironic to me.

造句:It's ironic that I helped him, but he said I hit him on the crossing. 

get a kick out of sth. 从某事获取乐趣,以某事为乐

I thought he might actually get a kick out of what happened.

例句:I really get a kick out of being around you.

造句:Sometimes my friend called me out and I get a kick out of it.

team up 合作,协作,使结成一队

Me and Rowley decided to team up and do a cartoon together.

例句:Recently a friend suggested that we team up for a working holiday in Europe in the summer.

造句:Let's two team up.

bog down 停滞不前,陷入困境

That way we wouldn’t get bogged down with having to write actual jokes, and we could concentrate on the pictures.

例句:The negotiations are likely to bog down.

造句:Lack of data will bog the work down.


...And in less than a minute, he reduced all our hard work to nothing.

reduce all one's work to nothing 将一切努力化为乌有

造句:The accident happened, it's reduce all my work to nothing.

...And what kind of ticks me off is that Chris smokes at least a pack of cigarettes a day.

 ticks me off 让我生气

造句:It really ticks me off when she doesn't keep her promises.


Since I decided to study English be well this year, I stay away from other activities, I figure I spend some time learning English every day. How I wish I had such a situation when I was in school.

Today, I read an article about what mistakes Chinese schools have when they teach English. In my opinoin, learn English was a long way, the important thing is to persist, and the more important than that is vocabulary. Without words, you can't do anything, and reading is a good way to accumulate words.

I signed up for Eric's reading group next month, and I hope I can get a kick out of it.


all-out 全力以赴的

hit-and-run 肇事逃逸的

hogging it all to 霸占这一切

你可能感兴趣的:(Day15, Page161-170)