
强调stress emphasize highlight underline

根本原因underlying modivation

拒绝 由轻到强 decline refuse reject

lay down , enact 发布,制定

断言,声称claim  allege assert affirm contend

共和党republican  民主党democracy

显示manifest  表明,暗示indicate  暗示 implicate

依赖live off , lean on, depend on, reply on

dwell in the burrow动物住 , reside in 人住

settle in 住在, settle down my soul 落叶归根

wanted at large 四处闲逛的,在外游走的

扩大,增加enlarge  augment

里程碑landmark milestone


正能量的象征symptom, 恶兆symptom

consideration 体贴,关心,考虑,报酬,补偿费

consider…as, as可省略  conder loss God's present

legal 行为合法,legitimate涉及人的qualification,legitimate heir

creativity抽象,创造力  creation 具体,创造物

individual  collective

鉴于,基于,依据 in view of , regarding, with regard to, considering, concerning, in terms of

take in view sth.=take into account sth.宾语后置

It is worth trying 值得做

应得,配有 be worthy of = deserve
