超级账本Hyperledger fabric的区块结构

> 之前学习比特币和以太坊,必先学习其区块结构,当时在银行做Hyperledger相关项目时,我却对结构很忽略,只关心智能合约,居然也能初步掌握并开始项目相关的开发。这说明超级账本的区块属性其实比较弱,重要的是智能合约的属性。性能也不错。从这个意义上讲Hyperledger用来做存证是大材小用的。


Transactions are collected into blocks/batches on the ordering service first. Blocks are cut either when the BatchSize is met, or when BatchTimeout elapses (provided a non-empty block).


  • 交易数量够了

  • 超时时间到了


  • configtx.yaml in the common/configtx/tool/ directory for more info on the block-cutting criteria.

  • The Block type definition in protos/common/common.proto

超级账本Hyperledger fabric的区块结构_第1张图片


// This is finalized block structure to be shared among the orderer and peer

// Note that the BlockHeader chains to the previous BlockHeader, and the BlockData hash is embedded

// in the BlockHeader. This makes it natural and obvious that the Data is included in the hash, but

// the Metadata is not.

message Block {

BlockHeader header = 1;

BlockData data = 2;

BlockMetadata metadata = 3;


// BlockHeader is the element of the block which forms the block chain

// The block header is hashed using the configured chain hashing algorithm

// over the ASN.1 encoding of the BlockHeader

message BlockHeader {

**uint64 number = 1;** // The position in the blockchain

**bytes previous_hash = 2;** // The hash of the previous block header

**bytes data_hash = 3;** // The hash of the BlockData, by MerkleTree


message BlockData {

repeated bytes data = 1;


message BlockMetadata {

repeated bytes metadata = 1;



These blocks are stored locally to disk on every ordering service node along with a LevelDB to index these blocks by number – see orderer/ledger/file

// Append a new block to the ledger

func (fl *fileLedger) Append(block *cb.Block) error {

    err := fl.blockStore.AddBlock(block)

    if err == nil {


        fl.signal = make(chan struct{})


    return err

