frame rate (frames per second or fps) - 帧率 - 每秒帧数

frame rate (frames per second or fps) - 帧率 - 每秒帧数

1. What is FPS?

The term FPS (frames per second) refers to the frequency of individual images that are displayed on a video device or the number of recorded images per second. We can also encounter the abbreviation Hz (Hertz) instead of FPS, but they both basically express the same value.
术语 FPS (每秒帧数) 是指在视频设备上显示各个图像的频率或每秒记录的图像的数量。我们也可以使用缩写 Hz (Hertz) 而不是 FPS,但它们基本上都表示相同的值。

abbreviation [əbriːvɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n]:n. 缩写,缩写词

FPS can be described as the picture’s smoothness - the higher the FPS, the smoother the final picture.
FPS 可以描述图片的平滑度 - FPS 越高,最终图片越平滑。

smoothness ['smʊðnɪs]:n. 平滑,柔滑,平坦

2. How does FPS work?

The human eye records images at a frequency of 24fps. So, for example, if we display an image at 50fps, the resulting image seems smoother and sharper to the human eye, as it is receiving twice as much information. There are several commonly used values for video recording. For streaming, we use values between 25 and 120 fps (namely 25, 30, 50, 60, and 120 fps).
人眼以 24fps 的频率记录图像。如果我们以 50fps 显示图像,则所得到的图像对于人眼来说看起来更平滑和更清晰,因为它接收的信息是两倍。视频录制有几种常用值。对于流式传输,我们使用 25 到 120 fps 之间的值 (25,30,50,60 和 120 fps)。

3. When should we be careful with our FPS settings?

If you’re recording fast action in front of your camera, it will be more pleasant for the viewer to watch the image at a higher frame rate. The resulting image will seem smoother and more natural. High FPS is typically used in sports streams, where a lot of fast action passes in front of the camera. In these situations, the viewer’s main interest is the smoothness and sharpness of the image. No one likes watching a ball that leaves a blurry trail behind it while flying through the air.
如果您在相机前录制快速动作,观看者以更高的帧速率观看图像会更加愉快。生成的图像看起来更平滑,更自然。高 FPS 通常用于运动流中,其中许多快速动作通过相机前方。在这些情况下,观众的主要兴趣是图像的平滑度和清晰度。在空中飞行时,没有人喜欢看一个在它后面留下模糊痕迹的球。

pleasant ['plez(ə)nt]:adj. 令人愉快的,舒适的,讨人喜欢的,和蔼可亲的

frame rate (frames per second or fps) - 帧率 - 每秒帧数_第1张图片

Resolutions are getting larger and larger, while the screens that we play video on are growing as well. That’s why 30fps is usually unsuitable for recording movement and leads to fuzzy images. As you can see on the image, doubling FPS makes for a much better image and the resulting impression on the viewer is more acceptable. Today’s new IP cameras record images at up to 120fps, ensuring that the resulting image is perfectly smooth.
分辨率越来越大,而我们播放视频的屏幕也在不断增长。这就是 30fps 通常不适合录制动作并导致模糊图像的原因。正如您在图像上看到的那样,加倍 FPS 可以获得更好的图像,并且对观看者产生的印象更容易接受。今天的新型 IP 摄像机可以高达 120fps 的速度记录图像,确保产生的图像非常流畅。

FPS means smoothness of the image. If you want a sharp, seamless image that’s pleasant to watch, think about the size of your frame rate.
FPS 表示图像的平滑度。如果您想要一个令人赏心悦目的清晰无缝图像,请考虑帧速率的大小。
