boolean eglMakeCurrent(EGLDisplay display, EGLSurface draw, EGLSurface read, EGLContext context)
该接口将申请到的display,draw(surface)和 context进行了绑定。也就是说,在context下的OpenGLAPI指令将draw(surface)作为其渲染最终目的地。而display作为draw(surface)的前端显示。调用后,当前线程使用的EGLContex为context。
那么为什么调用了该函数之后,OpenGL ES的api函数就可以用了呢?
l frameworks/native/opengl/libagl
l frameworks/base/cmds/bootanimation
Pixelflinger是Android系统中为OpenGL ES引擎提供的一套软件渲染器(renderer)。Pixelflinger作为软件渲染器,为OpenGL ES引擎提供了一系列基础绘图功能。这些功能包括定义各种颜色格式像素位置、画点画线、绘制矩形及三角形、填充纹理等等。由于OpenGL ES相当于一个状态机,配置OpenGL ES状态的函数也均由Pixelflinger提供。
l egl_context_t
l Ogles_context_t
l Context_t
context_t结构体,用来存储OpenGL ES状态及数据上下文。context_t结构体中包含GGLContext、state_t、shade_t、iterators_t、generated_vars_t等结构体。
GGLContext结构体中包含了Pixelflinger库可提供给上层调用的一些函数接口,包括画点画线、绘制多边形、配置OpenGL ES状态机等函数接口。
state_t结构体用来描述OpenGL ES状态机的状态,包含多个子结构体,每个子结构体均负责处理一部分OpenGL ES功能。包括存储贴图及纹理、裁剪操作、光栅操作、混合操作、景深操作、雾化操作等功能。
EGLContext eglCreateContext(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config, EGLContext /*share_list*/, const EGLint* /*attrib_list*/) { if (egl_display_t::is_valid(dpy) == EGL_FALSE) return setError(EGL_BAD_DISPLAY, EGL_NO_SURFACE);
ogles_context_t* gl = ogles_init(sizeof(egl_context_t)); if (!gl) return setError(EGL_BAD_ALLOC, EGL_NO_CONTEXT);
egl_context_t* c = static_cast c->flags = egl_context_t::NEVER_CURRENT; c->dpy = dpy; c->config = config; c->read = 0; c->draw = 0; return (EGLContext)gl; }
ogles_context_t *ogles_init(size_t extra) { // 申请空间,空间大小为egl_context_t & ogles_context_t + 32,为了32位对齐。 void* const base = malloc(extra + sizeof(ogles_context_t) + 32); if (!base) return 0;
// 将指针C指向ogles_context_t,32位对齐 ogles_context_t *c = (ogles_context_t *)((ptrdiff_t(base) + extra + 31) & ~0x1FL); memset(c, 0, sizeof(ogles_context_t));
// 调用ggl_init_context初始化context_t ggl_init_context(&(c->rasterizer));
// XXX: this should be passed as an argument sp c->surfaceManager = smgr.get(); c->surfaceManager->incStrong(c);
sp c->bufferObjectManager = bomgr.get(); c->bufferObjectManager->incStrong(c);
ogles_init_array(c); ogles_init_matrix(c); ogles_init_vertex(c); ogles_init_light(c); ogles_init_texture(c); // 初始化纹理相关的状态。
c->rasterizer.base = base; c->point.size = TRI_ONE; c->line.width = TRI_ONE;
// in OpenGL, writing to the depth buffer is enabled by default. c->rasterizer.procs.depthMask(c, 1);
// OpenGL enables dithering by default c->rasterizer.procs.enable(c, GL_DITHER);
return c; }
void ggl_init_context(context_t* c) { memset(c, 0, sizeof(context_t)); ggl_init_procs(c);// 将state_t结构体的函数指针与Pixelflinger.cpp中的函数挂钩。 ggl_init_trap(c);// 配置OpenGL ES状态机的状态。 ggl_init_scanline(c); // 主要将scanline函数与context_t的接口挂钩。 ggl_init_texture(c); // 初始化纹理相关的状态。 ggl_init_picker(c); // 空函数。 ggl_init_raster(c); // 将Raster.cpp中的函数与state_t结构体的函数指针挂钩。 c->formats = gglGetPixelFormatTable(); c->state.blend.src = GGL_ONE; c->state.blend.dst = GGL_ZERO; c->state.blend.src_alpha = GGL_ONE; c->state.blend.dst_alpha = GGL_ZERO; c->state.mask.color = 0xF; c->state.mask.depth = 0; c->state.mask.stencil = 0xFFFFFFFF; c->state.logic_op.opcode = GGL_COPY; c->state.alpha_test.func = GGL_ALWAYS; c->state.depth_test.func = GGL_LESS; c->state.depth_test.clearValue = FIXED_ONE; c->shade.w0 = FIXED_ONE; memcpy(c->ditherMatrix, gDitherMatrix, sizeof(gDitherMatrix)); } |
在eglCreateContext函数中,首先会调用ogles_init为ogles_context_t & egl_context_t申请地址空间,并完成结构体中成员的赋值,然后将ogles_context_t->rasterizer->base指向elg_context_t。最后,返回执行ogles_context_t结构体的指针gl。
eglMakeCurrent将申请到的display,draw(surface)和 context进行了绑定。也就是说,在context下的OpenGLAPI指令将draw(surface)作为其渲染最终目的地。而display作为draw(surface)的前端显示。调用后,当前线程使用的EGLContex为context。
if (eglMakeCurrent(display, surface, surface, context) == EGL_FALSE)
return NO_INIT;
EGLBoolean eglMakeCurrent( EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface draw, EGLSurface read, EGLContext ctx) { if (egl_display_t::is_valid(dpy) == EGL_FALSE) return setError(EGL_BAD_DISPLAY, EGL_FALSE); if (draw) { egl_surface_t* s = (egl_surface_t*)draw; if (!s->isValid()) return setError(EGL_BAD_SURFACE, EGL_FALSE); if (s->dpy != dpy) return setError(EGL_BAD_DISPLAY, EGL_FALSE); // TODO: check that draw is compatible with the context } if (read && read!=draw) { egl_surface_t* s = (egl_surface_t*)read; if (!s->isValid()) return setError(EGL_BAD_SURFACE, EGL_FALSE); if (s->dpy != dpy) return setError(EGL_BAD_DISPLAY, EGL_FALSE); // TODO: check that read is compatible with the context }
EGLContext current_ctx = EGL_NO_CONTEXT;
if ((read == EGL_NO_SURFACE && draw == EGL_NO_SURFACE) && (ctx != EGL_NO_CONTEXT)) return setError(EGL_BAD_MATCH, EGL_FALSE);
if ((read != EGL_NO_SURFACE || draw != EGL_NO_SURFACE) && (ctx == EGL_NO_CONTEXT)) return setError(EGL_BAD_MATCH, EGL_FALSE);
if (ctx == EGL_NO_CONTEXT) { // if we're detaching, we need the current context current_ctx = (EGLContext)getGlThreadSpecific(); } else { egl_context_t* c = egl_context_t::context(ctx); egl_surface_t* d = (egl_surface_t*)draw; egl_surface_t* r = (egl_surface_t*)read; if ((d && d->ctx && d->ctx != ctx) || (r && r->ctx && r->ctx != ctx)) { // one of the surface is bound to a context in another thread return setError(EGL_BAD_ACCESS, EGL_FALSE); } } // 调用makeCurrent,将gl和当前的进程进行绑定。 ogles_context_t* gl = (ogles_context_t*)ctx; if (makeCurrent(gl) == 0) { if (ctx) { egl_context_t* c = egl_context_t::context(ctx); egl_surface_t* d = (egl_surface_t*)draw; egl_surface_t* r = (egl_surface_t*)read;
if (c->draw) {// 断开当前draw surface的绑定 egl_surface_t* s = reinterpret_cast s->disconnect(); s->ctx = EGL_NO_CONTEXT; if (s->zombie) delete s; } if (c->read) { // FIXME: unlock/disconnect the read surface too } // 将draw & read 绑定到当前的上下文。 c->draw = draw; c->read = read;
if (c->flags & egl_context_t::NEVER_CURRENT) { c->flags &= ~egl_context_t::NEVER_CURRENT; GLint w = 0; GLint h = 0; if (draw) { w = d->getWidth(); h = d->getHeight(); } ogles_surfaceport(gl, 0, 0); ogles_viewport(gl, 0, 0, w, h); ogles_scissor(gl, 0, 0, w, h); } if (d) { if (d->connect() == EGL_FALSE) { return EGL_FALSE; } d->ctx = ctx; d->bindDrawSurface(gl); } if (r) { // FIXME: lock/connect the read surface too r->ctx = ctx; r->bindReadSurface(gl); } } else {//取消绑定 // if surfaces were bound to the context bound to this thread // mark then as unbound. if (current_ctx) { egl_context_t* c = egl_context_t::context(current_ctx); egl_surface_t* d = (egl_surface_t*)c->draw; egl_surface_t* r = (egl_surface_t*)c->read; if (d) { c->draw = 0; d->disconnect(); d->ctx = EGL_NO_CONTEXT; if (d->zombie) delete d; } if (r) { c->read = 0; r->ctx = EGL_NO_CONTEXT; // FIXME: unlock/disconnect the read surface too } } } return EGL_TRUE; } return setError(EGL_BAD_ACCESS, EGL_FALSE); } |
static int makeCurrent(ogles_context_t* gl) { // 取得当前GlThread的context信息。 ogles_context_t* current = (ogles_context_t*)getGlThreadSpecific(); if (gl) { egl_context_t* c = egl_context_t::context(gl); if (c->flags & egl_context_t::IS_CURRENT) { // 标记是当前的context,但实际却不是,出错。 if (current != gl) { // it is an error to set a context current, if it's already // current to another thread return -1; } } else { // 执行glFlush,然后将当前的context标记为非当前context if (current) { // mark the current context as not current, and flush glFlush(); egl_context_t::context(current)->flags &= ~egl_context_t::IS_CURRENT; } } if (!(c->flags & egl_context_t::IS_CURRENT)) { // 然后将context和thread进行绑定,同时将context flag设置为current // The context is not current, make it current! setGlThreadSpecific(gl); c->flags |= egl_context_t::IS_CURRENT; } } else { // gl为空,就将当前context flags设置为非当前,然后将当前thread的context设置为0 if (current) { // mark the current context as not current, and flush glFlush(); egl_context_t::context(current)->flags &= ~egl_context_t::IS_CURRENT; } // this thread has no context attached to it setGlThreadSpecific(0); } return 0; } |
#ifdef HAVE_ANDROID_OS // We have a dedicated TLS slot in bionic inline void setGlThreadSpecific(ogles_context_t *value) { __get_tls()[TLS_SLOT_OPENGL] = value; } inline ogles_context_t* getGlThreadSpecific() { return static_cast } #else extern pthread_key_t gGLKey; inline void setGlThreadSpecific(ogles_context_t *value) { pthread_setspecific(gGLKey, value); } inline ogles_context_t* getGlThreadSpecific() { return static_cast } #endif |
从上面的代码分析可以知道,eglMakeCurrent会将第四个参数context设置到GLThread的__get_tls()[TLS_SLOT_OPENGL]中,从而实现context和GLThread之间的联系,同时,会将第二个参数draw & 第三个参数read赋值给context的成员变量,实现了context 和surface的绑定。经过了eglMakeCurrent之后,整个结构关系如下:
接下来,我们来看一下一个简单的opengl es的api实现。比如glclear
void glClear(GLbitfield mask) { ogles_context_t* c = ogles_context_t::get(); c->rasterizer.procs.clear(c, mask); } |
static inline ogles_context_t* get() { return getGlThreadSpecific(); } |
这样就回到了为什么调用eglMakeCurrent完成GlThread上下文的设置之后,opengl es的api就可以起作用咯。