Unitimes 精选 | 澳大利亚小学正在打造迷你加密货币企业家;20 国集团将制定加密货币反洗钱和反恐融资法规...

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2019 年 4 月 7 日,以太币交易总额为 2,395,955 ETH ,比前日上升 28.20%;日活跃用户量 168,174,比前日上升 5.04%;新增合约 25,556 个,比前日下降 38.93%;平均交易费用为 11.25 GWEI,比前日上升 4.83%;最活跃合约为 0X24B663...;通证代币交易总额为 289,381 个,比前日上升 1.18%。

April 7, 2019, ETH transferred volume is 2,395,955 ETH, increasing 28.20% (compared to April 6); the number of daily active users is 168,174, increasing 5.04%; the number of new contracts is 25,556 , decreasing 38.93%; average fees are 11.25 GWEI, increasing 4.83%; the most active contract is 0X24B663...; tokens transferred volume is 289,381 , increasing 1.18%.




一所澳大利亚小学正在开设自己的区块链课程,以此作为常规课程的一部分,甚至还创建了学校的加密货币。位于维多利亚州东部的 Wooranna Park 小学所处区域的社会经济较为低迷,在教育技术专家 Keiran Nolan (之前是一名网络工程师)的密切关注下,该校在进行其加密货币项目。学校的课程并不是一夜之间诞生的,而是在维多利亚墨尔本区块链中心支持下的五年规划结果。区块链现在已被纳入从学龄前到六年级的所有学生的课程中,并已成为学校课程的特色。Nolan 的下一个项目是一个区块链和 IPFS 教育平台——Rocketshoes,该平台允许学生“跟踪自己的学习资料,包括作业、笔记和数字资产”。随着全球教育机构对区块链的兴趣不断增长,来自全国各地的 300 所学校对 Wooranna Park 的计划表现出了强烈的热情。

Australian Primary School Is Creating Mini Crypto Entrepreneurs

An Australian primary school is running its own blockchain course as part of the curriculum and has even created its own school cryptocurrency. Wooranna Park Primary School in the eastern state of Victoria, situated in a low socioeconomic area, is running its crypto programme under the watchful eyes of former network engineer turned educational technologist Keiran Nolan. The course at the school wasn’t born overnight, but a result of five years of planning, with support from Victoria’s Melbourne Blockchain Centre. The blockchain is now on the curriculum for all students from pre-primary to year 6 and has become a daily feature of school programmes.Nolan’s next project is Rocketshoes, a blockchain and IPFS educational platform that allows students to “keep track of their own learning materials, including assignments, notes, and digital assets.” 300 schools from across the country have now expressed some enthusiasm for the Wooranna Park programme as the interest in blockchain grows across the global educational establishment.



20 国集团将于 6 月制定加密货币反洗钱和反恐融资法规

20 国集团成员国将于 6 月 8 日和 9 日在日本福冈举行会议,讨论国际加密货币反洗钱法规。4 月 4 日,当地新闻机构共同社的一份报告中发布了这一消息。报告称,根据官方计划,20 国集团央行行长和财政部长将参加会议。该活动的重点是建立一个框架,以此打击使用加密货币的洗钱和恐怖主义融资。据报道,该集团正在寻求对以加密货币方式进行交易的个人进行更严格的身份识别,以保持资产流动的透明性。正如 Cointelegraph 去年 12 月报道,20 国集团成员国已经呼吁“建立跨境电子支付服务的税收制度”以及打击洗钱的法规。

G20 to Establish Crypto AML and Counter-Terrorism Financing Regulations in June

G20 member countries will meet to discuss international cryptocurrency Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulation on June 8 and 9 in Fukuoka, Japan. The news was revealed in a report from local news outlet Kyodo on April 4. Per the report, and in accordance with official plans, G20 central bank governors and finance ministers will take part in the meeting. The event will be focused on establishing a framework to combat crypto-enabled money laundering and terrorism financing.The group is reportedly looking to establish stricter identification of individuals transacting in crypto at the moment of transaction, to keep asset flow transparent. As Cointelegraph reported in December last year, the G20 countries have already called for “a taxation system for cross-border electronic payment services” as well as regulation to combat money laundering.



有黑客表示可绕过三星 Galaxy S10 生物安全系统保护的加密货币钱包

根据一位名叫 Darkshark 的安全研究人员在网上发布的视频显示,有一种方法可以绕过智能手机的生物安全系统。一旦完成此操作,手机和手机上其他所有受指纹保护的程序就会受到威胁,其中包括加密货币钱包。在视频中,Darkshark 演示了他如何能够破解手机内置的超声波指纹传感器。据他说,使用一个被破解设备上已保存指纹的三维模型,就可以任意访问智能手机。这个过程通常包括“摄取原始指纹、在 Photoshop 中修改图像、创建一个3D模型、打印”。从开始到结束大约需要 13 分钟。

Hacker Shows That the Samsung Galaxy S10 Biometric Security System Protected Crypto Wallet Can be Bypassed

According to a video which was posted online by a security researcher, who goes by the name—Darkshark, there is a way to bypass the smartphone’s biometric security system. Once this is done, the phone and every other fingerprint protected entity on the phone get compromised. This includes the crypto wallet. In the video, Darkshark demonstrated how he was able to hack the phone’s built-in ultrasonic fingerprint sensor. According to him, using a 3D model of a fingerprint registered on the device to be hacked, the smartphone can be accessed. This process usually involves “photographing an original fingerprint, doctoring the image in Photoshop, creating a 3D model and, finally, printing it.” This is estimated to take about 13 minutes from start to finish.





Blockchain and Crypto to Reinforce Tourism & Culture in Italy

Using their cultural strength, Italy wants to promote and use innovative technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), smart contracts, the internet of things (IoT), crypto and others to lift the capacity of territories, particularly in the tourism industry. Italy is the first country in the whole world with much cultural influence, according to the research conducted by U.S News magazine and the University of Pennsylvania. Since the sector is one of the biggest in the world, blockchain technology has been seen confidently entering and being adopted in the market. The technology also enables the use of cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple and others. In addition, the Italian digital tourism has registered more opportunities being created all aiming at boosting the economy, and the country now plans to create an effective national strategy to heighten digital currencies and further develop major projects which could add a brick to the country’s tourism industry.



Joseph Young


‏比特币价格再次接近 5300 美元,但还比历史最高点低了 75%。


Bitcoin nearing $5,300 again, it is now less than 75 percent down from its all-time high.

A long way to go towards a full recovery in terms of price but the industry remains very active.



Vinay Gupta

 Mattereum CEO

区块链是互联网上唯一有生命力的组织。它是真正有内涵的技术,而不仅仅是为了利润。Instagram 改变了一些人的生活,但并没有改变他们活着的原因。区块链做到了这一点。

About the only tissue on the internet is the blockchain space. That's technology which is *about something* rather than just being technology for the sake of profit. Instagram changed some people's lives, but it didn't change why they were alive. Blockchain makes meaning.



Matthew Green


国防部内部一些非常聪明的官僚主义人士看到了认证开源软件的价值,并意识到这可以为政府节省大量资金。因此,他们努力推动并获得了 OpenSSL FIPS 模块的第一个“源代码认证”。‏

Some very bright bureaucratic warriors inside the DoD saw the value of certifying a piece of open source software, and realized this could save the government a ton of money. So they pushed hard and got the first “source code certification” for the OpenSSL FIPS module.



Luis Cuende

Aragon 项目主管


Is there any service that notifies you when a certain function gets called on a smart contract?


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Unitimes 精选 | 澳大利亚小学正在打造迷你加密货币企业家;20 国集团将制定加密货币反洗钱和反恐融资法规..._第1张图片

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