Jedis returnBrokenResource returnResource的标准写法

Jedis 3.0 以后(含3.0)

finally {
  if (jedis != null) {
  • If Jedis was borrowed from pool, it will be returned to pool with proper method since it already determines there was JedisConnectionException occurred. If Jedis wasn't borrowed from pool, it will be disconnected and closed.


Jedis 3.0 以前

public String get(String keyName)
    Jedis redis = null;
        redis = redisPool.getResource();
        return redis.get(keyName);
    catch (JedisConnectionException e) 
        if (redis != null) 
            redis = null;
        throw e;
        if (redis != null)
  • You are supposed to use returnBrokenResource when the state of the object is unrecoverable. A Jedis object represents a connection to Redis. It becomes unusable when the physical connection is broken, or when the synchronization between the client and server is lost.
  • With Jedis, these errors are represented by the JedisConnectionException. So I would use returnBrokenResource for this exception, and not the other ones.
  • JedisDataException is more related to bad usage of the Jedis API, or to server-side Redis errors.
  • JedisException is for everything else (usually raised after a lower-level error, independant from Jedis).

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