Patch Set - List of Bug Fixes by Problem Type (文档 ID 401436.1)

Bugs fixed in the Patch Set

  • See Note:316900.1 for Support Status and Alerts affecting 10.2.0 releases.
This note lists the customer bugs fixed in the Patch Set which are not already fixed in an earlier 10.2 Patch Set.

Bugs are listed by product. RDBMS (Server) bugs are listed under significant headings relating to either a feature or a characteristic of the bug. Some bugs are listed in more than one section. Each documented bug number is hyperlinked to a Support Bug Description.

  • '*' against a bug indicates that an alert exists for that issue.
  • '+' indicates a particularly notable bug.
  • 'P' indicates a port specific bug.
  • "OERI:nnnnn is used as shorthand for ORA-600 [nnnnn].
  • The term "Undocumented" is used to indicate bug fixes for which there is no published description of the issue/fix.

Notable exceptions and omissions

  • Enterprise Manager / Database Control fixes are NOT listed.
  • Port specific bug fixes are not usually listed .

Security Alert Issues fixed in the Patch Set

Fixed Bug# Security Alert# Document Summary
1.0.-2.-0.-4 - / - Note:467881.1 Critical Patch Update (Apr 2008) Bug Categories

  • Advanced Networking Option
  • JDBC
  • JPublisher
  • Net Manager - NetMgr
  • Oracle Database Configuration Assistant
  • Oracle Database Gateway for DRDA
  • Oracle Database Gateway for Sybase
  • Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ
  • Oracle Database Upgrade Assistant
  • Oracle Fusion Middleware
  • Oracle Globalization Development Kit
  • Oracle Internet Directory
  • Oracle Multimedia
  • Oracle Net Services
  • Oracle ODBC Driver
  • Oracle OLAP
  • Oracle Security Service
  • Oracle Server
    • ANSI Joins
    • ASSM Space Management (Bitmap Managed Segments)
    • Advanced / Secure Networking
    • Advanced Queuing
    • Analytic SQL (Windowing etc..)
    • Application Context
    • Automatic Memory Management
    • Automatic Storage Management (ASM)
    • Bitmap Indexes
    • Change Data Capture
    • Cluster Ready Services / Parallel Server Management
    • Code Improvement
    • Compressed Data Storage
    • Compressed Key Index / IOT
    • Connect By / Hierarchical Queries
    • Constraint Related
    • Corrupt/Bad Backup
    • Corruption
    • Corruption (Dictionary)
    • Corruption (Incorrect / Missing Corruption Checks)
    • Corruption (Index)
    • Corruption (Logical)
    • Corruption (Physical)
    • DBVerify Utility
    • Database Link / Distributed
    • Datapump Export/Import
    • Datatypes (AnyData)
    • Datatypes (LOBs/CLOB/BLOB/BFILE)
    • Datatypes (Objects/Types/Collections)
    • Datatypes (TIMESTAMP)
    • Deadlock
    • Diagnostic Output Problem / Improvement
    • Direct Path Operations
    • Domain Indexes
    • Excessive CPU Usage
    • Export/Import
    • Expression Filters / Rules
    • External Tables
    • Feature Unusable
    • Flashback
    • Function Based Index (Including DESC Indexes)
    • Gateways / Heterogeneous Services
    • Gateways / ODBC
    • Gateways / Transparent Gateway For DRDA
    • Gateways / Transparent Gateway For SQL Server
    • Global Temporary Tables
    • Globalization Support (NLS)
    • Hang (Involving Shared Resource)
    • Hang (Process Hang)
    • Hang (Process Spins)
    • Hash Join
    • Index Organized Tables (IOT)
    • Install/Patching Is Not Performed Correctly
    • Instance May Crash
    • Instance Startup
    • Interoperability (Between Releases)
    • JDBC
    • JavaVM / JSP / Corba etc..
    • Job Queues
    • LDAP / Oracle Internet Directory
    • Latch Contention
    • Leak (Memory Leak / Growth)
    • Leak (Resources Eg: File Handles)
    • Literal Replacement (CURSOR_SHARING)
    • LogMiner
    • Memory Corruption
    • Merge SQL (MERGE .. USING)
    • Migration / Upgrade / Downgrade
    • Multi Table Insert SQL
    • NCOMP
    • NUMA Related
    • Network
    • OCCI
    • OCI
    • Online DDL
    • Optimizer
    • Optimizer (Stored Outlines)
    • Optimizer (Subquery Factoring - WITH clause)
    • Optimizer Bad Cardinality
    • Oracle Data Mining
    • Oracle Disk Manager
    • Oracle Label Security
    • Oracle OLAP
    • Oracle Text (Formerly interMedia Text)
    • Oracle Univeral Installer
    • PL/SQL
    • PL/SQL (DBMS Packages)
    • PL/SQL External Procedures (EXTPROC)
    • Parallel Query (PQO)
    • Partitioned Tables
    • Performance Affected (General)
    • Performance Monitoring
    • Performance Of Certain Operations Affected
    • Performance Of Query/ies Affected
    • Physical Standby Database / Dataguard
    • Pro* Precompiler
    • Query Rewrite (Including Materialized Views)
    • RAC (Real Application Clusters) / OPS
    • RMAN (Recovery Manager)
    • Read Only Tablespace/s
    • Recovery
    • Recycle Bin
    • Regular Expressions
    • Replication
    • Resource Manager
    • Row Level Security / FGA
    • SQL*Loader
    • Security ( Authentication / Privileges / Auditing )
    • Shared Pool Affected
    • Shared Server (formerly MTS)
    • Space Management (Locally Managed Tablespaces)
    • Spatial / Spatial Advisor
    • Spatial Data
    • Star Transformation
    • Star Transformation With Temp. Tables
    • Storage Space Usage Affected
    • Streams / Logical Standby
    • System Managed Undo (SMU)
    • Transparent Application Failover
    • Transparent Data Encryption
    • Transportable Tablespaces
    • Triggers
    • Truncate
    • Unstable Execution Plan
    • Wallet Manager
    • Workload repository / reporting
    • Wrong Results
    • Wrong/Bad Shared Cursor
    • XA / Distributed Transactions
    • XDB
    • XML
    • Error May Occur
    • Internal Error May Occur (ORA-600)
    • Process May Dump (ORA-7445) / Abend / Abort
    • Miscellaneous
    • Notable change of behaviour introduced in
    • Notable change of behaviour introduced in
  • Oracle Spatial
  • Oracle Text
  • Oracle Ultra Search
  • Oracle XML Developers Kit
  • PL/SQL
  • Precompilers
  • SQL*Plus Bug Fixes by Category

Advanced Networking Option

Advanced Networking Option
887753 Services do not register with ASO encryption turned on
3667025 Kerberos cross realm authentication fails using Microsoft Credential Cache (//osmsft)
3786828 ORA-12638 using kerberos on Windows
4518385 TNS-12637 / dump from simultaneous Kerberos connections
4764518 Internal code needed by OID
5031220 Incorrect parsing of KRB5CCNAME environment variable (Kerberos)
5031224 Default realm clause of client side krb5.conf is not compatible
5095984 Kerberos adapter does not support type 4 credential cache file created by kinit
5629724 Add support for mapping of > 30 character kerberos principal to DB schema


3844473 getString on a CLOB does not work with ScrollableResultSet
4439777 JDBC SQLException binding user ADT to PLSQL
4485954 JDBC describe of CHAR semantics column gives wrong size
4523729 JDBC XAConnection / XAResource should have one-to-one mapping
4563894 Cache parameter of createTemporary API in oracle.sql.clob is ignored
4659157 WE8MSWIN1252 characters not converted properly by JDBC Thin
4711863 setBigDecimal corrupts number for negative values
4722328 Unread CallableStatement refcursor OUT parameter causes dump
4999817 getIndexInfo() slow (performs ANALYZE operations)
5069831 SQLException "internal error" using JDBC batching
5086162 "character set not supported" occurs in JDBC using user defined character set
5124016 Implicit connection cache getConnection() blocked during up event processing
5176155 JDBC unable to properly locate the scope of an ADT
5231687 OERI:kokeeiix selecting an updated ADT which has evolved in JDBC
5256848 Corrupt results changing fetch size in JDBC
5347395 JDBC batch update returns ORA-910
5347429 handleAbandonedConnection is called every "property-check-interval" seconds
5354004 ArrayOutOfBoundsException selecting > 200 columns in JDBC
5356342 updateCharacterStream() causes ORA-1401 and ORA-12899
5385803 JDBC KRPB can dump [lxgu2t]
5499691 Non-recoverable ORA-1460 exception on a select
5499751 JDBC clearParameters destroys hidden generated key parameter
5506478 Using a scrollable resultSet can lead to a hang
5597215 Memory leak in Jdbc XA
5614685 Suspended transaction cannot be ended from another connection in JDBC XA
5635254 Wrong values can be inserted when using JDBC batch inserts
5657975 FCF does not work for 10.2 JDBC to 10.1 database
5658207 SQLException "missing in or out parameter at index" with clearParameters
5658909 connection.rollback() does not clear outstanding batches
5660734 JDBC does not update evolved types properly
5691585 getProcedureColumns method returns wrong number of rows when running against 10g
5721063 Retries fail after XAER_RMERR during xa_commit from JDBC
5752856 ArrayOutOfBoundsException with NCHAR literal in JDBC
5867781 NullPointerException from StructMetadata of a STRUCT with an ARRAY in it
5875110 NullPointerException closing OracleConnectionCacheImpl
5892966 No columns from getColumns() when includeSynonyms=true
5892995 JDBC XA should not need execute permission on DBMS_SYSTEM
5910901 OERI[17278] / OERI[17282][1001] from JDBC Thin using REF CURSORS
5998293 No XA_PROTO ending a transaction that has not been started in XA
5998987 Incorrect values inserted when first row bound as NULL in JDBC
6006898 JDBC OCI driver does not failover on receipt of OCI FAN
6275369 JDBC Thin driver does not close the socket on IOException
6731468 Stored Java does not work with a custom NLS characterset

Undocumented JDBC
5327559 5475615 5500494 5742117 5927522 6045785 6658792


5206270 JPUB plsql_wrapper.sql uses undefined preprocessor directives
5847296 JPublishers errors processing package with name length of 29 characters

Net Manager - NetMgr

Net Manager - NetMgr
4661200 Net manager adds alias to incorrect context

Oracle Database Configuration Assistant

Oracle Database Configuration Assistant
5690286 DBCA does not show all available disks
5710808 DBCA errors if ORACLE_HOME contains a directory called "bin"
5875729 DBCA silent carries on and completes 'successfully' despite fatal errors
6132986 DBCA creates wrong OID entry during DB registration

Undocumented Oracle Database Configuration Assistant
6431822 6692557

Oracle Database Gateway for DRDA

Oracle Database Gateway for DRDA
5606511 ORA-28500 calling a DB2 stored procedure with DECIMAL
5745055 Error in table/index statistics cache lookup in HS
5923091 Placeholder bug for TG4DRDA part of fix for bug 5877437
6007665 TG4DRDA dictionary update to ALL_TABLES

Oracle Database Gateway for Sybase

Undocumented Oracle Database Gateway for Sybase

Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ

Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ
5713766 Setting MQPMO_NO_SYNCPOINT results in mqput/mqget error 2046
6415898 ORA-28511 / ORA-29400 from PG4MQ

Oracle Database Upgrade Assistant

Oracle Database Upgrade Assistant
5115926 DBCA does not support XE to EE database cloning / migration
6399599 DBUA alters NLS_DATE_FORMAT in newly created spfile resulting in ORA-1830
6505158 DBUA hangs with patch 5115926 during 32-bit to 64-bit upgrade

Oracle Fusion Middleware

Oracle Fusion Middleware
5749953PI+ Solaris: CRS crashes after applying Patch Set
6083726 ONS does not receive NODEDOWN event

Oracle Globalization Development Kit

Oracle Globalization Development Kit
5465998 unable to add user-defined character sets to Java
5470375 Add toUnicodeChars method
6200032 oracle.i18n.util.OraSQLUtil.isValidIdentifier always returns true for UTF-16

Undocumented Oracle Globalization Development Kit
5706974 5860226

Oracle Internet Directory

Oracle Internet Directory
5223331 Memory corruption from DBMS_LDAP_UTL.NORMALIZE_DN_WITH_CASE
5237812 Client hangs if the an OID DIRECTORY_SERVERS entry in ldap.ora is down
5386748 A non-privileged user can perfom config operations in oiddas
5497683 Cannot sync LDAP entries with UTF8 characters when using mapping operators
5586373 Login with special characters fails with NullPointErexception in ismemberofgroup
5632861 DIP_GEN_CREATECHG_EXCEPTION when source contains > 10 object classes
5705503 SearchDeltaSize ignored on DIP synchronization
5742856 Dump on login if NIS has LDAP configured
5943019 ldapsearch fails to connect to Active Directory server

Oracle Multimedia

Oracle Multimedia
6445892I ORDSYS objects invalid in the SYS schema after upgrade
4765206 Processing JPEG file fails with IMG-703
5505981 IMG-703: unable to read image data using set.properties() on TIFFfiles
5748273 Failed Image process() corrupts original LOB
5770164 ORDX_HTTP_SOURCE leaks connections (ORA-29270)
5978773 processCopy fails with IMG-2 "unrecoverable error"
6042995 Extract of JPEG image from DICOM file fails with IMG-705
6255772 IMG-2 from ORDSYS.ORDIMAGE.process

Undocumented Oracle Multimedia
5174238 5637901 5692668 5717209 6161898 6450327

Oracle Net Services

Oracle Net Services
4417761 Net listener cannot contact ONS daemon in different ORACLE_HOME
4570363 JavaNet throws exception with nested/multiple ADDRESS_LIST clauses
4570768 CMAN not able do connection over two hops - ORA-12564
5076238 Dump [nstotoqgetkey] after Net error
5128376 Aliases in non-default context not removed by NetCA
5236140 Memory leak in clients when using TAF
5351620 ORA-12559 from JDBC OCI driver
5518312 Small memory leak when niotns fails
5541589 Connect timeout with ADDRESS_LIST does not handle refuse correctly
5549203 Client spins when sqlnet.outbound_connect_timeout is set
5594035 Unable to change the listener password
5663043 Memory leak in nsbGet / dump possible under nsbrfr
5701515 Only first 5 LDAP server entries used (directory_servers) in ldap.ora
5713832 ORA-12637 using DESCRIPTION_LISTS with multithreaded client
5754150 ORA-12152 from non-blocking OCI
5837468 EMON hangs when client application suspended
5854698 Listener dumps / corrupted listener.ora after save_config

Undocumented Oracle Net Services
4723343 4966897 5854128 6397121 6410510 6700564

Oracle ODBC Driver

Oracle ODBC Driver
5202103 Requery of data returns old data using ODBC
5376170 ODBC ORA-904 for SQL with column names containing spaces
5389003 ODBC driver does not round off double data
5706606 ODBC driver dump when fetching TIMESTAMP / INTERVAL types
5747525 ODBC has wrong sqresus.dll

Undocumented Oracle ODBC Driver
5680202 5758953 5760923 5763138 5763172 5770374 5838037 5846726 5852189 5879622 5888808 5915427 5948621 6059365 6077885 6188277

Oracle OLAP

Oracle OLAP
5121436 Dump possible using OLAP (under xstfContextClean -> kghfrh_internal)
5146569 Line graph shows axis and labels but no line in the graph
5326419 Surrogate build error when loading dimension in AWM
5336254 Error with measure folder in two different schemas
5347785 OLAP drill down throws exception
5355084 AWM randomly gets OOPS with vcread01 and rsdepage02 errors
5357405 Session dumps using DBMS_AQ.INTERP
5360145 Error during load of AWM
5360207 Cannot rerun measure query to refetch data only without affecting edges
5361171 Upgrade to 10.2 in AWM hangs
5367686 OLAP trigger not working on relation
5384375 ORA-3115 from OLAP DB link measure load
5389170 Cannot load large cube in OLAP
5392882 cube maintenance from AWM dumps (xspgInitPool)
5436458 single allocmap and single allocate command return NA
5507506 TOTAL function takes a long time in 10g
5555067 OLAP ACROSS command wrong in second iteration
5574866 OLAP cubes will not update the cube with incremental data
5577196 Use of trigger function causes session to dump (in xsILFUNC)
5578127 AW attach / initialization in BI beans and D4O slow
5581628 OWB generated AW shows incorrect average results
5582161 AW measure folders may not show in Discoverer for OLAP or the addin
5603293 OLAP DML sort can dump
5604376 OLAP session dumps on permitreset
5633245 OERI[kghalo2] using OLAP_TABLE rank
5642311 BIA-4085 error writing back data to Excel when using permit_write program
5652733 OERI:xscbtAddUb401 from OLAP
5653421 Error using even numbers for forcasts 'median smoothing window' in OLAP
5676244 Values of a variable dimensioned by compressed composite cannot be modified
5684721 Dump (in xsAGMClearCompiled) compiling aggmap in OLAP
5687603 AW is cached across database sessions
5700568 OERI[xscbtaddub401] from OLAP
5700725 Query of measure DIM with constant source returns wrong numbers in OLAP
5703138 Top/bottom by comprising percent pattern ignores comparison operator
5739350 OERI [XSOOPS][XsRS64UpdateIndex01] importing EIF files
5746153 OLAP a patch for
5762192 Dump from compile of aggmap
5888194 Export AWM project to XML with french accents ( utf-8 )
5889531 Retrieval of schema list is slow in OLAP
5934559 OERI[XSOOPS][rsalpage01] updating structures in OLAP
5941689 MovingTotal function fails in OLAP
5945656 Decode function fails with NA as the third argument in OLAP
6076154 OLAP dump executing package body GENDEFINITIONMANAGERINTERFACE
6119941 ORA-36188 from OLAP AVERAGE operator
6164538 Cannot export AW to EIF
6489332 ORA-29532 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError in OLAP load of AW

Oracle Security Service

Oracle Security Service
4407719 SSL variables may not display properly
4895416 Unable to import ANCERT CA certificate into wallet manager
5131722 OWM will not import Verisign ECA certificate
5220448 Wallet manager limits the number of certificates that can be loaded (65k)
5396837 File handle leak from nzcrlGetCRLFromFile
5450462 OWM fails to import root CA from Microsoft certificate authority
5532208 Root certs not found in some cases
5851310 Unable to import trusted certificate into Wallet Manager
6124217 SSL NZ error 28757 / cannot use certificate due to Empty subject field

Undocumented Oracle Security Service
4489608 4555147

Oracle Server

ANSI Joins
4204383 Dump [kkqtnlocbk] optimizing ANSI OUTER JOINs with subqueries
4702830 OERI[kkoljt1] when using star transformation with an ANSI outer join
4901291 Wrong results with left outer joins on view with a function
5188321 wrong results (no rows) OR ORA-1445 from ANSI outer join
5590396 Dump or Wrong Results with ANSI JOINS and CONNECT BY
5652086 OERI[15160] from ANSI join
5765958 OERI[qcscpqbTxt] / OERI[qcsfbdnp:1] from ANSI query in PLSQL
5964193 OERI[kkqsRewriteCorrCols-1] during query rewrite with ANSI joins
5988085 Dump [kkodsel] from STAR transformation with ANSI view
6006457 Suboptimal plan from ANSI outer join
6033480 High parse time of query when using ANSI style joins

ASSM Space Management (Bitmap Managed Segments)
5530583 ASSM managed INDEX updates can be slow compared to non-ASSM
5557421 Self-deadlock (ORA-60) on FB enqueue if session killed during INSERT in ASSM
5637976 ORA-8103/ORA-1410 from concurrent INSERT / export on ASSM tables
5695131 HW enqueue deadlock / OERI:1153 from array insert with SAVE EXCEPTIONS to READ ONLY ASSM segment
5728380 DML may spin under ktspffc searching for space in ASSM segment
6075487 OERI[kddummy_blkchk]..[18020/18026] for DDL on plugged ASSM tablespace with FLASHBACK
6086497 OERI[ktspgetmyb-1] / bitmap segment corruption for ASSM segments
6376915 HW enqueue contention for ASSM LOB segments

Advanced / Secure Networking
4395849 ESM tool hangs connecting to directory server on SSL port
5079968 SSL auth client connections create erroneous trace files in udump
5584798 Unnecessary trace files using EUS with LDAP_DIRECTORY_PASSWORD='PASSWORD'

Advanced Queuing
4478139 ORA-28031 "maximum of 148 enabled roles" when creating queue table
4618808 AQ operation requiring exclusive lib cache lock may hang
4715375 OERI[kwqmtdel] in q00 process in RAC when any instance goes down
4719848 Streams DELETE_ERROR does not maintain AQ$_QTABLE_I
4733582 Upgrade to 10.2 deletes statistics on AQ tables
4745691 OERI[kghufree_06] from AQ propogation of XML payload
5018886 OERI:[kwqitnmptme:wait] in Qnnn during propagation of delayed messages
5092843 Dump (kpceclose) in EMON
5095889 PGA leak during propagation in "kwqpcbk:koioalm" and "kwqpcbk:csid"
5225596 AQ propogation does not work after failover
5358598 EMN0 not posted for ha notification
5408664 Messages not marked as undeliverable after transformation failure
5415506 ORA-4020 when dbms_aqadm.purge_queue_table and select are run
5439588 Notifications not delivered when client machine has multiple NICs
5452715 OERI[kwqbgqc: bad state] reported after restart of database
5494866 PLS-302 'dbver_10i' importing 10g export into 9i with AQ
5506702 Dequeue delay experienced after reconfiguration
5523578 DBMS_AQADM.add_subscriber fails with ORA-1925 "maximum of x roles exceeded"
5526245 "ksxplookup: warning cnh incarnation number" messages in QMNC trace
5545530 EMON may spin in kpcopen
5561130 Performance of long running transaction using AQ degrades over time
5580871 AQ bytes message <= 2000 bytes incompatible between PLSQL and Java
5590163 Message dequeued more than once from single consumer queue
5594352 JMS-120 / OCI-1858 when dequeueing AQ bytes message with JDBC-OCI
5605319 Cursor leak from QMON coordinator exceptions
5608198 Memory leak by advanced queuing XML transformation
5648610 ORA-25235 during AQ propagation
5654680 JMS worker thread does not end if exception thrown in onMessage() method
5655612 AQ$_PENDING_MESSAGES table can grow indefinitely
5666374 FIFO does not occur when multiple listens are followed by dequeues
5717536 Dequeue can suffer from a memory leak
5725109 Hang if AQ listener onMessage() method raises an error
5734276 Queue slave process may spin in kwqitptm
5751016 AQ messages enqueued at non-owner instance not moved from WAIT to READY
5758963 UGA memory leak possible from AQ dequeue
5852253 ORA-25316 from AQ after rollback to savepoint with loopback database link
5857313 OERI[kwqbmcrcpts101] after drop propagation
5941601 TM deadlock from concurrent dbms_aqadm_sys.alter_subscriber()
5955596 DBMS_AQ.LISTEN hangs after datapump has executed
5962680 Dump[kwqicgsubname1] on an AQ enqueue call
6001290 Node down events not posted in AQ when node leaves the cluster
6016707 OERI[kwqpuspse0-hwmack] from propogation
6044513 Cannot dequeue a message with a correlation padded with spaces
6049324 Memory leak from array dequeue
6057422 ORA-25228 occurs every 30 seconds in racgimon session trace file
6065604 DBMS_AQ.DEQUEUE_ARRAY PGA memory leak
6143688 node startups cAN spend up to 2 mins in AQ partition code
6154655 QMON fails to update queue table affinity for several minutes after failover

Analytic SQL (Windowing etc..)
4436832 False ORA-979 "not a group by expression" with literal replacement
4587572 ORA-12801/ORA-60 possible from parallel DML with grouping sets
4597871 ORA-904 from query using CUBE
5162852 Dump from FIRST / LAST aggregations on a NULL table
5196061 Dump in evaopn2() from WITH query using WINDOW functions
5216642 Dump from SQL using window functions
5286826 Wrong results from complex view merge with windowing
5302124 Join Predicates are not push inside window functions -- superceeded fix
5638080 Wrong sort order using window functions
5641873 ORA-904 using a WITH clause that includes a UNION
5670585 OERI [kxfxsSendCounter1] / OERI [15574] / spin from WINDOW query
5847881 ORA-3001 from GROUPING SET query against a view containing a function
5906937 Wrong result using ROW_NUMBER in SQL using a WITH query block
5942097 OERI:qernsRowP from SQL with GROUP BY , ROLLUP and DISTINCT aggregates
6012053 OERI [qctcte1] from GROUPING SETs query
6026281 OERI[qeshCloseHTI.2] from spreadsheet query
6051782 Wrong results using GROUPING SETS with ORDER BY and DISTINCT

Application Context
4902585 OERI[510] and ORA-28106 using application context over 30 bytes long

Automatic Memory Management
4433838 Resizing cache crashes instance with OERI[kmgs_pre_process_request_6]
4921418 Free extents in PGA subheaps not freed (ORA-4030) with Auto Memory Management
5702177 Instance crash from OERI[kghchoose_grow_1]
6528336 Automatic SGA may repeatedly shrink / grow the shared pool

Automatic Storage Management (ASM)
5526987* ASM instance hang / OERI [2103] on DB instance. This bug is alerted in Note:468572.1
5081798+ Additional diagnostics for OERI[2103] when ASM involved
6453944+ ORA-15196 with ASM disks larger than 2TB
6051728P* HPUX Itanium: Cannot use ASM (ORA-15059). This bug is alerted in Note:434500.1
4110313 ASM disk resize fails for OS devices grown after ASM instance startup
4319031 Wrong header_status in V$ASM_DISK when disk is offline
4380450 Unbalanced space usage if diskgroup has only two disks, both of different size
4431215 "backup archivelog all delete input" from RMAN removes ASM directory
4489948 ASM hangs during a parallel mount and shutdown in RAC
4708822 OERI[kfiounidentify01] from PMON
4767278 OERI[kcrrupirfs.20] archiving redo to standby with ASM
5230765 LGWR spins while waiting for 'log file parallel write' using ASM
5471453 OERI[kfkfilrqarr01] using ASM
5472917 DBVERIFY may error if ASM disk disconnected
5483613 OERI [kfgscAcquireLcl_6] in ASM
5502365 OERI [kfcDel20] in ASM
5504989 PMON dump [kfgGlobalClose] / instance crash
5554692 Error ORA-15196 reporting ASM block header invalid ora-15196 after ORA-600[kfcgetbuffer10]
5555908 OERI[kghstack_underflow_internal_2] in kfrcsoDelete
5556674 V$ASM* dynamic views leak cursors (ORA-01000)
5571643 OERI:[kfclAttachBuffer10] in ASM
5575584 Failure of an entire failure group is detected one disk at a time
5576584 Poor ASM parallel read performance
5682184 OERI[kfdAuDealloc2] from resize/drop more than 16TB ASM file
5743325 ASM instance fails with OERI[kfaDropCOP04]
5757711 ORA-15080 during file creation / resize on ASM with HARD
5757752 OERI:kghstack_alloc / OERI:kfcbCkpt04 / ASM crash
5761185 ORA-15041 diskgroup space exhausted after adding disks to a diskgroup
5891737 Dump (kcblsod) / OERI:723 / Memory leak in ASM/RAC
5893614 Full table scan very slow on ASM
5899033 SMON dump (kfrCheckCtx) diskgroup instance recovery
5909894 ASM datafile lost after rename (ORA-1157)
5922733 ASM dump in kfkdumprq with event=15199 level=1050631
5939241 Inconsistent diskgroup configuration after rejected DISK OFFLINE
6013983 ASM signals OERI [kfdasecondaries01] / [kffrelocate87] during rebalance
6069360 DBW can spin in kfcRunnableWaiter holding a latch in ASM
6074842 unable to repair failed asm failgroup after replacement of disks
6139547 Shadow process leak on ASM instance when diskspace exhausted (ORA-20)
6334552 Hang / ORA-4031 / OERI:kfrcsoDelete_3 on rollback of ASM file resize
6597063 OERI [kfrpass2_03] can occur in ASM
6655999 ASM instance hangs on clssgsgetmemberpublicinfo
6674196 OERI / buffer cache corruption using ASM, OCFS or any ksfd client like ODM

Bitmap Indexes
4596807 OERI[6002] on update statement with concurrent ONLINE rebuild of bitmap indexes
4697632 OERI[atbbjie2] from exchange partition with bitmap join indexes
5063279 OERI[kdibllockrange:not validated] updating a partitioned bitmap index
5113934 PQ slave dump in qerixGetKey() when using bitmap index access
5262017 Query on partitioned table with bitmap index gives OERI[qernsRowP]
5331374 OERI [kdiblsorget:rowidIllegal] updating partitioned table with row migration
5401876 wrong results when optimizer uses "BITMAP CONVERSION" over "BITMAP OR"
5449488 Suboptimal plan for SQL with negated predicates (BITMAP MINUS)
5667683 Parse of query can spin in kkosbn
5960268 Dump (kkoiodoi) when FIRST_K_ROWS considers bitmap index
6694548 Suboptimal execution plan using bitmap full index scan

Change Data Capture
5165904 Materialized View DDL may execute when it should wait
5252389 CDC apply changes lead to maximum open cursors exceeded (ORA-1000)
5533982 Updated columns set to null show old not-null values in change table using async CDC
5693948 ORA-31466 error when setting up CDC with table names using multibyte characters
5881493 CDC ordered sequence causes large performance degradation on RAC
6064864 Archives containing DDL for not replicated objects take longer to process
6314151 '1/1/1988 0:0:0' in COMMIT_TIMESTAMP$ column when CDC apply error is re-executed

Cluster Ready Services / Parallel Server Management
6001843P cluvfy error during CRS post installation check
5667023P+ Linux: CRS does not start after applying
5495242PI HPUX: CRS may not install
5845104PI Win64: OPMD.EXE does not work
3602716 EVMD unable to detect EOF while reading configuration file
4440013 CRS startup of RAC fails when FSFO enabled
4566428 cluvfy displays duplicate names in the output
4574574 crs_start opens a physical standby database as opposed to mounting the instances
4587300 Improve CRS shutdown sequence
4598992 "Action script for resource 'ora.xxx.vip' stdout redirection" errors in crsd.log
4692561 cluvfy reports a failure if ssh banner enabled
4882822 Service failover blocked on VIP
4906820 EVMD deadlocks on disconnect
4930431 Failure of 1 CSSD can hang starting CSSD on other nodes
4951464 CRS shutdown stops and then restarts EVMD
4996577 CVU does not recognise long device names
5003881 Value of restart_attempts wrong after DB policy is changed
5014134 Improved diagnostics for oclsomon (do not overwrite log file)
5093126 FCF does not respond to SRV_PRECONNECT events
5101517 VIP does not failover with auto_start=2
5125957 Cannot start CRS after CRS ugprade
5129769 CLUVFY check subsystems which are not configured
5131219 CSS shuts down the node when disk IO is suspended momentarily
5137401 oprocd logfile is cleared after a reboot
5168043 VIPCA silent mode cannot handle upper case characters in hostnames
5169752 SRVM OCR keys not security consistent with respective CRS resources
5188493 crsd.bin can use excess CPU on reboot
5192194 CSS does not start on one of the nodes ("takeover aborted due to unknown nodes")
5207138 Add support for 'toc' for reboot in HPUX
5220760 Dump in NetLocalGroupGetMembers
5236370 OCR cache invalidation error with delete key operation
5274513 VIP,ONS,GSD check fails in cluvfy when nodename is in capital letters
5278777 CRSD version is after applying patchset
5297925 Disabling one instance disables restart of all the instances in the node
5303454 Better diagnostics when CSS voting disk IO hangs but later resumes
5334170 racgevtf can dump in lmmstfree
5334661 ocssd.log refers to non-existing node 0
5336797 EVMD and CSSD core files are overwritten
5338035 PRKR-1008 using DBCA to create RAC instance
5348062 A 500 ms delay can occur until CSS starts reconfiguration after vendor CM reconfiguration
5365683 CRS repeatedly stops and restarts VIPs while recovering multiple nodes
5377165 Dump from crsctl when invalid parameters are passed
5388818 cluvfy should not use remote shell for local node
5437462 CSS does not monitor vendor clusterware network
5442229 VIP does not failover when public LAN disconnected pulled (crsd communicating on public LAN)
5442867 Deadlock can occur by terminating multiple CSS clients
5446160 RLB information cannot be forwarded
5448707 Better tolerance of CRS init scripts to low system resource conditions
5451987 CSSD could run as root if oracle_user not set
5454307 CLWS OCSSD dump during startup
5454388 OPROCD dumps with fix for bug 5015469
5458333 racgimon should do more checking for connections
5461281 Reconfiguration delayed due to diskping seen after reboot was issued
5467456 Directory $ORA_CRS_HOME/crs/auth was unexpectedly removed
5479767 CLWS instance going down not noticed for 10 min
5487604 CRSD core dump
5488977 scls_process_spawn provides insuficient diagnostics on execve() failure
5503111 racgimon startd uses a lot of CPU
5507883 CRS install fails in CRS root.sh due to node panics
5513471 cluvfy needs easy to parse output for each nodes status
5529659 OCSSD fails to join the cluster
5533311 crsctl debug log res: does not check name
5549682 High CPU usage by srvctl
5553318 CRSD dump before node rebooted when killed CSSD in CRSD master
5555728 Some peer-to-peer connections between EVMD's not established properly
5556681 OCR does not correctly compare OCR configurations
5568399 CRS upgrade can corrupt OCR
5601369 OCSSD dump in clssgmmbrdatacmpl()
5623137 CSS time out during reconfiguration (timeout in clssgmMasterCMSync)
5629557 CRS does not receive reconfig from CSS on SAN failure
5651085 Session disconnection blocks service resource stop action
5664042 Internal change to diagcollection.pl script
5668854 CRSD may dump if resource unregistered/re-registered as it starts
5679560 Unexpected node reboot on death of "init.cssd fatal"
5690258 Default VIP check_interval should be less than 60 seconds
5698321 Wrong return code from srvctl from failed "modify nodeapps" operation
5709121 CRS startup can hang
5734797 CSSD abort possible from concurrent startup
5735507 Dump in procr_open_key
5735768 killed ocssd.bin on a node causes other nodes's crsd restart
5736843 WaitOnEvictions can wait too long (another misscount)
5843485 Unnecessary VIP failback trial makes VIP unavailable for 14s on network down
5852975 Shared storage check does not discover shared disks
5853909 CSSD permission problems (skgxninit errors in CSSD log)
5854172 VIPCA fails with exception thread main error
5855383 CRS bundle patch does not apply on some platforms
5858733 cvu checks for exact package versions
5861703 CSSD failure 139 and node reboot if nfs mounted voting disk is remounted
5862719 init.crsd does not set a high file limit on all platforms (notable Linux)
5893629 crsd dumps after being unable to delete backup OCR file
5901176 Memory corruption in CLSC async connect handling
5901254 Starting node cannot join the cluster
5903964 EVMD does not shut down when OCR is corrupted
5911174 Hang in CLSC in nsevwait
5911855 Split brain resolution can fail
5929527 racgimon dump in clsrcwrft() during instance startup
5929833 OCR cannot determine the latest update
5932861 VIP does not switch over when CRS is stopped
5938788 False split brain
5949311 False split brain result
5974219 Cluster hang when node dies during reconfig
6001290 Node down events not posted in AQ when node leaves the cluster
6005526 CSS will not shutdown evmd.bin with fix for bug 5442229
6022204 oprocd enhanced error reporting mechanisms
6029676 OPEN/CLOSED messages from userid 0 after CRS shutdown
6051925 racgimon dump under slzgetevar -> getenv
6054978 Locked resources are not recovered by CRSD even once they are unlocked
6057422 ORA-25228 occurs every 30 seconds in racgimon session trace file
6087596 OCR can hang
6114137 Running LMS in real-time can cause CSS crash and node reboot
6117687 CRS slow memory leak from repeated "crsctl check crs"
6134126 OCR backup can fail
6655999 ASM instance hangs on clssgsgetmemberpublicinfo

Code Improvement
5031712 DBV enhanced to report NOLOGGING corrupt blocks with DBV-201 instead of DBV-200
5238255 Timezone changed data in CSV format
5245494 Improved control over whether star transformation is performed
5614566 Enh: Allow library cache heaps to be purged manually
5726895 Code allowed to throw ORA-0 which can give misleading ORA-1 errors
5932060 Enh: Add support for direct SQL on partitioned table/index
5933469 ORA-20 does not show in any trace / alert
5966238 Better diagnostics for OERI[kcbgtcr_1]
6022204 oprocd enhanced error reporting mechanisms
6875865 Database instrumentation for OCM

Compressed Data Storage
4061534 OERI[krvtadc] / dump in capture mining redo for COMPRESSed table
4600946 Dump / OERI[kghstack_free1] on array insert to COMPRESSed table
5496041 OERI[6006] / index corruption on compressed index
5577788 Block corruption / OERI:6585 updating row in compressed block
5599596 Block corruption / OERI [kddummy_blkchk] on clustered or compressed tables
5621677 Logical corruption with PARALLEL update
5912350 Dump (kdr9ir2f0rst4srp0) on select of compressed table having > 255 columns
6268371 ORA-12996 / ORA-12998 / corruption from ALTER TABLE DROP UNUSED COLUMNS CHECKPOINT

Compressed Key Index / IOT
4545196 Corrupt index leaf by RMAN CONVERT from cross platform transport of compress-key indexes
5034323 Dictionary corruption when adding a subpartition to a table with a key compressed local index

Connect By / Hierarchical Queries
4770292 Wrong results from CONNECT BY query on IOT with secondary index/es
5033488 Dump in kokmrwo from CONNECT BY
5061079 Poor CONNECT BY plan
5065418 CONNECT BY performance degrades when temp space needed on disk
5119354 OERI from CONNECT BY and correlated START WITH columns
5126645 OERI [kkqtcorcbk: correlated string no] from CONNECT BY
5150562 Dump expCheckExprEquiv from pipelined function in hierarchical query
5211863 Poor plan for CONNECT BY
5225168 Dump (evaopn2) from CONNECT BY
5234379 Dump in qknlazopn() from hierarchical query
5254539 OERI[qkacon:FJfsrwo] on executing hierarchical query
5371149 OERI[qctcte1] from query with CONNECT BY
5391575 OERI:[qkaconCompareOpn:dty] from CONNECT BY with HAVING clause
5487686 Wrong results from CONNECT BY query
5488174 Dump [evaopn2] on a CONNECT BY query
5507887 Wrong results for CONNECT BY using CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF
5526851 Wrong Results (missing rows) on CONNECT BY when using function-based index
5590396 Dump or Wrong Results with ANSI JOINS and CONNECT BY
5594381 OERI[qkacon:FJswrwo] from CONNECT BY query
5837795 Wrong results / OERI from cost based CONNECT BY
5847521 Hierarchical (CONNECT BY) query on IOT returns wrong results
5854634 OERI[qkshtQBGet:1] from CONNECT BY query
5872956 Slow or Wrong Results on CONNECT BY queries with constant predicates
5882372 Wrong results from CONNECT BY
5903581 Wrong Results with "Connect By with Filtering"
6027610 Wrong results from CONNECT BY query
6333108 Wrong results (duplicates) from CONNECT BY query

Constraint Related
4580190 Bulk insert to partitioned table can insert constraint violating rows
4618715 Dump inserting into a view with OLS policy on tables
4620832 Dump in kzrtppg with multiple referential constraints and OLS policy
4771851 Dump (kxccsrw) from INSERT .. AS SELECT / MERGE
5324773 Constraints using LTRIM() may fail for valid data
5462687 CHECK constraint can cause wrong results
5472523 Non violated deferred CHECK constraint fails (ORA-2290) at COMMIT
5504961 ORA-2292 slow to be signalled with many child rows
5579055 Dump (kxccres) updating view with instead of trigger
5766196 ORA-942 on schema level import of table with foreign key and XMLSchema
5923497 Select with constraints fails with OERI[12863]

Corrupt/Bad Backup
4125093 OPEN RESETLOGS is not possible if RMAN backup omits plugged-in READ ONLY tablespaces

6453944+ ORA-15196 with ASM disks larger than 2TB
4201573 ALTER SYSTEM RESET of an spfile parameter can corrupt the SPFILE
4344935 OERI from DML on TEMPORARY TABLE after autonomous TRUNCATE
5031712 DBV enhanced to report NOLOGGING corrupt blocks with DBV-201 instead of DBV-200
5690593 Datafile corrupt for ASM datafiles copied using xdb/ftp
5892080 updateXML corrupts repeating elements
6057203 Corruption with zero length column (ZLC) / OERI [kcbchg1_6] from Parallel update
6075487 OERI[kddummy_blkchk]..[18020/18026] for DDL on plugged ASSM tablespace with FLASHBACK
6086497 OERI[ktspgetmyb-1] / bitmap segment corruption for ASSM segments
6132301 OERI[kcb_pre_apply_1] when db_block_checksum is set to FULL

Corruption (Dictionary)
5034323 Dictionary corruption when adding a subpartition to a table with a key compressed local index
5632050 OERI[kkpolpd12] / dictionary corruption from CONCURRENT partition DDL
5936058 Corrupt metadata from tablespace transport
6136074 ORA-4068 / ORA-4065 ORA-6508 on VALID objects
6436867 Recompilation may skip compilation of some dependent objects (ORA-4068)

Corruption (Incorrect / Missing Corruption Checks)
3569503 PQ may signal a false ORA-8103 under load

Corruption (Index)
4545196 Corrupt index leaf by RMAN CONVERT from cross platform transport of compress-key indexes
5179313 INSERT /*append parallel*/ can corrupt an index
5181547 Index corruption after insert-only merge /*+ append */ or PDML into table
5496041 OERI[6006] / index corruption on compressed index
5621677 Logical corruption with PARALLEL update

Corruption (Logical)
5363584+ Array insert into table can corrupt redo
5686711+ Wrong cursor may be executed if schemas have objects with same names
3419260 Silent truncation on insert via DB link from single to multibyte charset
4193047 Sequences / synonyms / indexes not created in logical standby database
4580190 Bulk insert to partitioned table can insert constraint violating rows
4714295 It is possible to drop an OLS group which is still in use in an existing label
4883635 MERGE (with DELETE) can produce wrong results or Logical corruption in chained rows
4904743 ALTER SESSION SET NLS% does not work if OCI_PARSE_ONLY used
4933222 Apply update of clob in multibyte charset double spaces characters
4959294 DBMS_XMLSTORE does not follow CHAR based semantics
5019803 Wrong data inserted for INSERT INTO .. SELECT DISTINCT with DEFAULT values
5024737 Streams LCRs may be filtered when using distributed commit SCN
5087369 logical standby potential data loss during failover
5104257 SQLLoader truncates nested table columns
5165904 Materialized View DDL may execute when it should wait
5182679 INSERT as remote SELECT using CASE can produce wrong data
5190543 Wrong timestamp from oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ near daylight savings transition
5256791 Trigger "UPDATING('col')" clause can return TRUE when column not updated
5352587 Triggers not working correctly with timestamp datatype
5436371 Image corruption / spin loading multiple nested objects in multibyte
5515703 Streams table diverges after partial rollback on primary
5554692 Error ORA-15196 reporting ASM block header invalid ora-15196 after ORA-600[kfcgetbuffer10]
5567934 NCHAR literal replacement can produce corrupt N literals
5577788 Block corruption / OERI:6585 updating row in compressed block
5588615 Single source streams with DML handler duplicates CLOB column value
5616820 Triggers using :OLD values of TIMESTAMP columns see :NEW values instead
5621677 Logical corruption with PARALLEL update
5685411 Updating columns to NULL in a trigger may have no effect
5872835 Multiple trigger execution from SERIAL insert as Parallel select
5873852 sqlldr inserts character data longer than the column length (CHAR length semantics)
5874989 Datapump import can load data longer than column definition
5936058 Corrupt metadata from tablespace transport
6057203 Corruption with zero length column (ZLC) / OERI [kcbchg1_6] from Parallel update
6075487 OERI[kddummy_blkchk]..[18020/18026] for DDL on plugged ASSM tablespace with FLASHBACK
6329316 Wrong number of rows inserted by ARRAY insert into partitioned table with concurrent DDL
6674196 OERI / buffer cache corruption using ASM, OCFS or any ksfd client like ODM

Corruption (Physical)
6646613* IOT corruption after upgrade from <= 9.2 to >= 10g. This bug is alerted in Note:471479.1
4450606+ LOB corruption / ORA-600 [ktsbvmap1] when updating a LOB
4592596 Corruption (ORA-1410 / ORA-8103) from multi-table insert with direct load
4899479 Undo/redo corruption if distributed transactions used
5599596 Block corruption / OERI [kddummy_blkchk] on clustered or compressed tables
5609096 MERGE / UPDATE to IOT can cause corruption
5636728 LOB corruption / ORA-1555 when reading LOBs after a SHRINK operation
5909894 ASM datafile lost after rename (ORA-1157)
5941030 Datapump import can produce corrupt blocks when there is a LONG / LONG RAW
6268371 ORA-12996 / ORA-12998 / corruption from ALTER TABLE DROP UNUSED COLUMNS CHECKPOINT
6674196 OERI / buffer cache corruption using ASM, OCFS or any ksfd client like ODM

DBVerify Utility
5031712 DBV enhanced to report NOLOGGING corrupt blocks with DBV-201 instead of DBV-200
5472917 DBVERIFY may error if ASM disk disconnected

Database Link / Distributed
3419260 Silent truncation on insert via DB link from single to multibyte charset
4311273 ORA-2064 using MERGE statement over a database link
4351422 Dump from CREATE TABLE AS SELECT (CTAS) over DB link
4373687 SET_SCHEMA_INSTANTIATION_SCN does not error if database link unavailable
4490782 Unparse operations give wrong date for BC TO_DATE literals
4491223 Dump selecting ROWID with a remote join
4581334 Cursors accessing remote tables may be repeatedly rebuilt and not used
4624183 ORA-1017 reported using DB links with IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY accounts
4648039 PLSQL hangs with database links and autonomous_transaction
4658456 ORA-920 from distributed query using CASE against remote table/s
4701527 Cursors not shared when executing procedures over a dblink
4768022 ALTER TABLE can fail with ORA-60
4865959 Wrong results / exception from Java Stored Procedure accessing data over DBLINK
4889807 False ORA-904 from co-located join (over database link)
4899479 Undo/redo corruption if distributed transactions used
4913460 Soft parsing re-occurs for select using database link
5015321 OERI[qerrmObnd1] [932] using binds with some functions over a DBLINK
5015547 Cannot create a materialized view over a database link (ORA-942)
5024737 Streams LCRs may be filtered when using distributed commit SCN
5128933 Dump from DBMS_SQL selecting TIMESTAMP data over a database link
5182679 INSERT as remote SELECT using CASE can produce wrong data
5216523 OERI[16608] from create materialize view on remote table with objects / types
5223587 OERI[4400] from distributed PDML with DDL
5245451 Intermittent ORA-904 referencing remote objects columns
5246372 OERI[opidsii1] accessing remote database accessing 3rd remote database
5299546 ORA-942 from create materialized view with join between local and remote tables
5327132 Wrong results from colocated OUTER join over DBLINK with TO_DATE
5354469 Poor performance of remote fetch with high fetch counts
5405345 OERI[kkofkrMarkK] when running a query using a database link
5455632 Dump accessing tables over a database link
5467520 PLSQL errors accessing synonym to remote object
5509293 Query with subquery across DB link has poor performance
5852253 ORA-25316 from AQ after rollback to savepoint with loopback database link
6028753 ORA-907 / ORA-933 from DML over database link
6029071 Wrong results from distributed SQL with OUTER joins
6145525 Dump selecting > 34 columns from HS (FDS)

Datapump Export/Import
4352110 ORA-39125 from expdp/impdp of triggers with nulls in WHEN clause
4517481 ORA-904 / ORA-20000 loading metadata with IMPDP using varying width characterset
4595736 ORA-6502 during impdp due to wrong logging_level put in export dump
4660745 TABLESPACE GROUP clause not generated by DBMS_METADATA.GET_DLL
4996004 EXPDP fails with ORA-31642 when NLS_SORT=binary_ci and NLS_COMP=ansi
5027003 ORA-39068 from EXPDP if parallel > 1
5071931 Datapump import with remap tablespace and schema is very slow
5095025 ORA-4030 (kxs-heap-c,temporary memory) using expdp
5120780 Long text for job gets EXP-85 ORA-6502 on dbms_sched_job_export
5135951 ORA-22337 on import if database schema has been evolved
5152232 EXPDP loses global index parameters for local domain indexes
5157602 Datapump export/import modifies the chains created with dbms_scheduler
5220845 Large packages imported via data pump are not shipped to logical standby
5292551 IMPDP slow when importing a table with initialized column of type varray
5352426 Data pump import dumps (lxinitc)
5464834 ORA-4030 (kxs-heap-c,temporary memory) using EXPDP
5472417 EXPDP on RAC fails with ORA-39014 / ORA-12801 (error signaled in parallel query server)
5502124 ORA-39096 importing 10.1 EXPDP file with 10.2 data pump
5515882 ORA-1427 from EXPDP
5548895 OERI [OCIKCallPush: deprecated] from EXPDP of ANYDATA column
5550618 Dump [nszgclient] from EXPDP
5555463 Slow performance of datapump IMPORT with small LOBs
5576865 Dumps in strlen/kpodpmop/kpodpp errors during IMPDP
5590185 Consistent export data pump job (flashback_time) has poor performance
5620375 PLS-103 from datapump import of dbms_scheduler jobs with PLSQL_BLOCK
5632683 EXPDP / IMPDP may error for DDL modified tables
5680970 ORA-39001 when attempting to export partition defined as an object type
5713912 ORA-39125 / ORA-6502 from datapump import via network
5714205 EXPDP / IMPDP do not support long lists for parameters
5718757 ORA-31693 / ORA-6502 during datapump net import
5857884 EXPDP fails with ORA-39125 / ORA-6502
5874989 Datapump import can load data longer than column definition
5875568 IMPDP can error on create table in multibyte with ORA-39125 / ORA-6502
5891213 ORA-6502 / LPX-7 from DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL with domain index present
5910237 EXPDP / DBMS_METADATA has wrong syntax for for nested table with row movement enabled
5941030 Datapump import can produce corrupt blocks when there is a LONG / LONG RAW
5972794 EXPDP via network_link with parallel > 1 fails with KUP-4038
6063940 Datapump export / import does not handle tablespace groups
6080303 Datapump export does not unload data until all metadata unloaded with PARALLEL > 1
6140330 imp / impdp cannot create object views with circular dependencies
6379123 EXPDP/IMPDP ORA-39083 due to changes in MERGE privilege between 10.1 and 10.2

Datatypes (AnyData)
4531589 ORA-22370 when passing sys.anydata containing collection to a method
5307199 OERI:OCIOpaqueDataLoad1 can occur using ODCI with AnyData / AnyDataSet
5350076 Anydata and timestamp can loose precision
5548895 OERI [OCIKCallPush: deprecated] from EXPDP of ANYDATA column

4450606+ LOB corruption / ORA-600 [ktsbvmap1] when updating a LOB
4559728 Select lob from view loops / OERI [17059] if synonym dropped
4583442 ORA-22877 during move hash partition with LOB
4680009 Insert LOB data fails with ORA-3106 or ORA-8176
4745114 OERI[kolrrdl:0rfc] using temporary LOBs in PLSQL
4865755 OERI[9999] during DBMS_LOB operation
4933222 Apply update of clob in multibyte charset double spaces characters
5051432 DBMS_LOB does not execute with the privileges of the calling procedure
5176017 Exp/imp loses "RETENTION" settings of LOB columns
5196175 OERI[kghstack_underflow_internal_1] with supplemental logging for LOBS
5374820 Client side dump on import of table with more than one LOB column into 32k block size
5396550 Spin in ktsplbfmb holding HW enqueue during LOB segment management
5413989 OCIStmtSetPieceInfo() does not work for piece sizes > 16777180
5442534 Dump in kokscold assigning NULL to CLOB
5447395 Shared server tied to session when BFILE used
5472702 ORA-1403 during SQL Apply of redo from table import (redo issue)
5500044 Waits on 'cursor: pin X' / 'kksfbc child completion' or ORA-44203 on table_x_x child from concurrent LOB append and drop partition
5510345 ORA-22282 with LOB buffering enabled
5549410 Inconsistent characters read returned from OCILobRead
5555463 Slow performance of datapump IMPORT with small LOBs
5560256 Multi threaded OCI program hang when calling OCILobLocatorAssign
5588615 Single source streams with DML handler duplicates CLOB column value
5636728 LOB corruption / ORA-1555 when reading LOBs after a SHRINK operation
5644951 OERI[rworupo.2] querying outline LOB with ORDER BY clause
5654094 ORA-3106 for SQL with RETURNING clause with indicator binds
5666733 LOB segment does not use free space from freelist in RAC database
5674184 ORA-22282 when using LOB buffering
5676637 OERI[17114] using EMPTY_CLOB() in a trigger
5682121 Multithreaded OCI clients do not mutex properly for LOB operations (ORA-21500 [17099])
5721994 Unexpected errors from non blocking OCI LOB calls
5723140 Temp LOB space not released after commit
5723260 Logminer slow / excess memory use processing batch inserts with LOBs
5870781 DBMS_LOB.INSTR() function does not find patterns across the 4gig boundary
5879179 ORA-22925 from CSSCAN when reading CLOB data
5926074 OERI [12333] on update of more than one CLOB column
5941355 "Split partition" does not move LOB to correct tablespace
5974207 Unexpected ORA-1031 from LOB access - affects NCOMPed PLSQL
6148212 Dump [qmuhshget_internal] can occur accessing LOBs
6315913 ORA-3106 for SQL using BLOBs after TAF failover
6376915 HW enqueue contention for ASSM LOB segments

Datatypes (Objects/Types/Collections)
4309607 ALTER TYPE CASCADE fails adding attributes to various types
4554026 Pinning TDO may fail for extensibility types
4583492 Dump possible using ADT columns when table has many columns
4643723 After type evolution extracting attributes gets OERI[17280]
4691237 High "library cache" latch gets from SQL using objects in PLSQL
4726702 ALTER TYPE may dump (koktupd_dplvl) due to a REF dependency
4895068 Dump [kopxccc] during pickling
5022188 Direct SQLLOAD of partitioned object table of non final types fails
5076729 OERI[pmucitnxt] doing type manipulation
5104257 SQLLoader truncates nested table columns
5135951 ORA-22337 on import if database schema has been evolved
5182299 Dump on grant / revoke of privileges on a TYPE
5192858 DROP TABLE with object type column with statistics can dump (kknerd)
5216523 OERI[16608] from create materialize view on remote table with objects / types
5225836 DROP TYPE .. VALIDATE dumps for large partitioned table
5292551 IMPDP slow when importing a table with initialized column of type varray
5368266 ORA-904 using multiple TABLE() objects in the FROM clause
5436371 Image corruption / spin loading multiple nested objects in multibyte
5520937 Cannot upgrade images for dictionary types to 8.1 image format
5577046 ADD or DROP attribute causes UNION query to fail with ORA-1790
5721821 SGA corruption / Dump[kglobcl] / crash if objects dropped / recreated
5725761 Objects with debug privilege are not shown in the ALL_OBJECTS view
5763434 Spin in kokes2q when sorting on VARRAY column over 4k long
5763538 Wrong results / dump with object type column in SQL
5841624 OERI[kokeicadd2] accessing object with embedded substitutable attributes
5910237 EXPDP / DBMS_METADATA has wrong syntax for for nested table with row movement enabled
6029647 ORA-12714 accessing typed column from TABLE() function
6118038 OERI[koputilcvto2n] on an ALTER TYPE
6140330 imp / impdp cannot create object views with circular dependencies
6145841 OERI[kologsf2] on COLLECT(..) with wrong datatype
6150438 COLLECT() does not work correctly for ADTs residing in different schemas
6452485 SGA memory corruption / OERI [17182] with fix for bug 6085625

Datatypes (TIMESTAMP)
4992603 TIMESTAMP.timestampValue(Calendar) does not exist
5126270 Version 3 TIMEZONE check script (utltzuv2.sql)
5128933 Dump from DBMS_SQL selecting TIMESTAMP data over a database link
5190543 Wrong timestamp from oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ near daylight savings transition
5238255 Timezone changed data in CSV format
5350076 Anydata and timestamp can loose precision
5350339 ORA-979 using TIMESTAMP in triggers and GROUP BY clause
5352587 Triggers not working correctly with timestamp datatype
5417281 oracle.sql.DATE looses a year when constructed from BC Timestamp
5468695 TIMESTAMPTZ wrong near daylight switch
5616820 Triggers using :OLD values of TIMESTAMP columns see :NEW values instead
5632264 Version 4 TIMEZONE files
5688685 JVM timezone changes for Western Australia December 2006 (superceeded)
5726033 timezdif.csv for version 4 timezone files
5865568 JVM timezone changes (version 4 timezone data for JVM)
5885079 Incorrect output from INTERVALDS.stringValue() for negative intervals
5910187 No bind peeking for implicit string bind to timestamp
5923970 Include objects/nested tables in utltzuv2.sql
5961654 ldiinterfromtz returns wrong offset during DST fallback
5973217 OCCI::intervalds object attribute uses day precision for fractional seconds
6156762 OCCI fractional seconds portion can be wrong

5907779+ Self deadlock hang on "cursor: pin S wait on X" (typically from DBMS_STATS)
4441119 Not enough information dumped when RAC detects a deadlock
4587572 ORA-12801/ORA-60 possible from parallel DML with grouping sets
4768022 ALTER TABLE can fail with ORA-60
5334733 Deadlock resolution can be slow in RAC
5415506 ORA-4020 when dbms_aqadm.purge_queue_table and select are run
5454831 RAC deadlock possible on working set latches
5470095 Self deadlock should provide more targeted diagnostics
5485914 Mutex self deadlock on explain / trace of remote mapped SQL
5557421 Self-deadlock (ORA-60) on FB enqueue if session killed during INSERT in ASSM
5604698 Deadlock between 'library cache lock' and 'library cache pin' using replication
5685189 Self deadlock on dc_objects after DBMS_SPACE.UNUSED_SPACE errors
5695131 HW enqueue deadlock / OERI:1153 from array insert with SAVE EXCEPTIONS to READ ONLY ASSM segment
5883112 False deadlock in RAC
5941601 TM deadlock from concurrent dbms_aqadm_sys.alter_subscriber()
5983020 MMON deadlock with user session executing ALTER USER
5998048 Deadlock on COMMIT updating AUD$ / Performance degradation when FGA is enabled
6057351 AWR deadlock between Mxxx processes during snapshot purging process
6267208 OERI:2103 due to deadlock between PV enqueue and "slave class create" latch
6496514 RAC deadlock between "libary cache lock" and TX enqueue

Diagnostic Output Problem / Improvement
5950810P Missing Call Stack in Trace
5963785P HPUX: Missing Short Stack in tracefiles
3995047 Explain plan does not show a part of the execution path
4995756 Enhanced diagnostics for index code
5385614 Need diagnostics for OERI:ktrviupk_4
5470095 Self deadlock should provide more targeted diagnostics
5696474 Diagnostic enhancement for ORA-600 errors on global temporary tables
5721941 Additional diagnostict for OERI[kgmgchd1]
5843585 Additional diagnostics for "ges inquiry response" RAC hangs
5854415 RAC diagnostic enhancement for corrupt messages
6155905 Additional diagnostics

Direct Path Operations
4592596 Corruption (ORA-1410 / ORA-8103) from multi-table insert with direct load
5022188 Direct SQLLOAD of partitioned object table of non final types fails
5179313 INSERT /*append parallel*/ can corrupt an index
5181547 Index corruption after insert-only merge /*+ append */ or PDML into table
5228136 ORA-26065 from SQLLDR direct path load of objects containing a LOB and constraints
5510918 Log miner slow mining direct load redo
5941030 Datapump import can produce corrupt blocks when there is a LONG / LONG RAW
5944227 SQLloader direct path load into IOT can dump [kdblldrp]
5953355 OERI[klaprs_30] / OERI[klaprs_10] during SQLLOADER direct path load
5973648 ORA-54 during concurrent parallel direct SQLLOAD in RAC

Domain Indexes
4566516 Transportable tablespace does not handle domain indexes
4644425 SGA corruption on UPDATE with functional domain index
5136863 OERI from join between partitioned table and domain index
5152232 EXPDP loses global index parameters for local domain indexes
5228074 OERI[12455] raised from SQL with DOMAIN index when FOR UPDATE option is used
5252061 PGA memory corruption / OERI[17456] creating a domain index
5307199 OERI:OCIOpaqueDataLoad1 can occur using ODCI with AnyData / AnyDataSet
5370332 ODCITableFetch fails with ORA-28579
5403398 Dump when costing user defined operators / functions
5530761 ORA-1031 from EXP of domain index
5656948 Dump returning collection from ODCIAggregate
5891213 ORA-6502 / LPX-7 from DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL with domain index present
5908945 Dump [qxopqdca] with ancilliary operator

Excessive CPU Usage
6455161+ Higher CPU / Higher "cache buffer chains" latch gets / Higher "consistent gets" after truncate/Rebuild
4605569 LCK may accumulate CPU time on one instance
4697189 High CPU usage for large sorts
5362897 Non linear CPU increase when adding more shared server sessions
5399325 Mutex latch spin causes high CPU on non-CAS platforms
5471994 LCK may accumulate CPU time when SMON does Serial Transaction recovery
5530958 Larger SGAs and SQL in long running transactions can use excess CPU in ktaifm
5734276 Queue slave process may spin in kwqitptm
5896963 High LGWR CPU and longer "log file sync" with fix for bug 5065930
5958244 LMS processes running in realtime can spin
6001617 LCK may accumulate CPU time / ORA-4031 possible
6356566 Memory leak / high CPU selecting from V$SQL_PLAN (affects statspack)
6407273 LGWR spins during slow log switch

3370858 Import fails (ORA-932) using FROMUSER / TOUSER for schema based xmltype
4038803 IMP-3 / ORA-1722 when using nls_numeric_characters != '.,'
4328909 Resource plans and resource groups not imported during full import
4559546 Cannot used exp/imp of MVIEW with XMLTYPE column
4912371 Dump possible in kohrsmc()
5120780 Long text for job gets EXP-85 ORA-6502 on dbms_sched_job_export
5176017 Exp/imp loses "RETENTION" settings of LOB columns
5349808 IMP-60 hit when importing a table with an XML schema based XMLType column
5374820 Client side dump on import of table with more than one LOB column into 32k block size
5391326 ORA-942 importing functional indexes as SYS
5402151 ORA-439 when importing into Standard Edition db using streams_instantiation=y
5494866 PLS-302 'dbver_10i' importing 10g export into 9i with AQ
5530761 ORA-1031 from EXP of domain index
5664206 ORA-6502 during export of functional index expression over 4k
5766196 ORA-942 on schema level import of table with foreign key and XMLSchema
5872788 ORA-29821 importing OPERATORS
6140330 imp / impdp cannot create object views with circular dependencies

Expression Filters / Rules
6349820 Expression filter indexable attributes truncates length to 500 characters

External Tables
4644351 OERI[15819] / wrong results from parallel select
5195356 Dump (memcpy) under kudmprcbk() when accessing external table
5600425 wrong results from select on external table
5676948 OERI [qxxmslSelectLocator_10] from SQL*Loader

Feature Unusable
6074842 unable to repair failed asm failgroup after replacement of disks

4459574 FLASHBACK_TRANSACTION_QUERY shows multi row INSERT as SELECT as only one row
5172559 ora-600's during reinstate of logical standby after fast-start failover
5209867 ORA-38777 is thrown by MRP when flashback through resetlogs
5225733 After flashback operation, new logs are not applied in logical standby
5385614 Need diagnostics for OERI:ktrviupk_4
5891280 MRP0 on standby may not start (OERI:krfg_aset_1)
5933838 Database crash (ORA-449) after ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK OFF in RAC
5949116 Flashback logs are not purged when archiver is out of disk space
6010833 Recovery following flashback does not utilize changes in online redo log
6075487 OERI[kddummy_blkchk]..[18020/18026] for DDL on plugged ASSM tablespace with FLASHBACK
6168063 High "Flashback buf free by RVWR" waits
6406880 System hang possible after killing processes when waiting for flashback logs
6768069 Cannot FLASHBACK DATABASE on RAC physical standby

Function Based Index (Including DESC Indexes)
4619997 Function based index may not be used for INLIST predicate
4916783 Wrong results/Missing predicates from query using INLIST w/FUNCTION BASED index
5377092 Wrong results from FAST FULL SCAN of an index on a CASE expression
5391326 ORA-942 importing functional indexes as SYS
5513123 DUmp [kkfies] from SQL using functional indexes with subqueries
5526851 Wrong Results (missing rows) on CONNECT BY when using function-based index
5574966 Dump (evaopn2) or Wrong Results with views and function-based index
5619833 Dump (qerixGetKey) from query rewrite on join including functional index
5664206 ORA-6502 during export of functional index expression over 4k
5686412 Dump (evaopn2) from query using functional index
5698193 Wrong Results when using TRIM on check constraints or function based indexes.
5796376 Dump [kkobrak] from index join with a FUNCTION based index
5843316 Wrong results with index join and function-based index
5860221 Apply aborts with OERI[17147] / memory corruption with FUNCTION BASED index
5889331 Dump from cost based optimization of INSERT .. SELECT with function based index

Gateways / Heterogeneous Services
3197358 Dump when DBMS_HS_RESULT_SET is fetched out of sequence
4767996 Dump in HS with very long TNS connect string
4864563 HS does not send to_number predicate to HS database
4998706 Gateway agent trace does not work
5175364 Data truncation / null data selecting NVARCHAR2 over TG4MSQL
5229137 PLS-201 compiling program units referencing tables on RDB
5489166 INSERT SQL over HS may error
5550614 Wrong results selecting BIGINT data from MySQL using MySQL ODBC driver
5601756 HS does not supply size for large objects (ORA-28500)
5610906 HSODBC dump invoking Data Dictionary translation query multiple times
5738652 Intermittent lost RPC connection when executing FDS stored procedure
5898868 SELECT FOR UPDATE errors over HS to Teradata
5900857 ORA-23619 from HS log based replication
5935527 Cursor leak with fix for bug 5260266 / OERI:17280 from Ctrl-C using pipeline function
6053772 Dump [kpubsuuc] for SQL over HS using binds
6145525 Dump selecting > 34 columns from HS (FDS)

Gateways / ODBC
5385973 ODP.NET gets truncated char/varchar data in HSODBC environment

Gateways / Transparent Gateway For DRDA
5877437 TG4DRDA gets sqlcode=-102, sqlstate=54002 using concat function

Gateways / Transparent Gateway For SQL Server
4552393 Heterogenous apply fails for updates with WHERE .. IS NULL
5733637 Select for update fails against TG4MSQL
5844876 ORA-28550 from TG4SYBS

Global Temporary Tables
4344935 OERI from DML on TEMPORARY TABLE after autonomous TRUNCATE
4736557 ORA-1466 on read only transaction
5081271 PMON may crash the instance with OERI:kcblibr_1 during temp table cleanup
5689991 ORA-8176 fetching from global temporary table with INSERTS between fetches
5696474 Diagnostic enhancement for ORA-600 errors on global temporary tables
6193398 Wrong results with parallel query with temporary tables inside views

Globalization Support (NLS)
3419260 Silent truncation on insert via DB link from single to multibyte charset
4346448 NLS_COMP = ANSI gives wrong results comparing CHAR with VARCHAR2
4517481 ORA-904 / ORA-20000 loading metadata with IMPDP using varying width characterset
4730249 Logical Standby or Adhoc query fails with ORA-1801 when using a different characterset
4904743 ALTER SESSION SET NLS% does not work if OCI_PARSE_ONLY used
4905638 Wrong results / errors in session that opens the database for certain NCHAR characterset
4933222 Apply update of clob in multibyte charset double spaces characters
4959294 DBMS_XMLSTORE does not follow CHAR based semantics
4996004 EXPDP fails with ORA-31642 when NLS_SORT=binary_ci and NLS_COMP=ansi
5017909 V$SQL / V$SQLAREA.SQL_FULLTEXT corrupt for multibyte
5120476 No blank padding with multibyte charset if no character set conversion
5126270 Version 3 TIMEZONE check script (utltzuv2.sql)
5128625 OERI[17147] / OERI [17182] / NULL result from NLSSORT
5175364 Data truncation / null data selecting NVARCHAR2 over TG4MSQL
5252496 Wrong result when using a LIKE predicate with NLS_COMP = LINGUISTIC
5257698 9idata NLS files missing leading to file handle leak
5259741 DBMS_XMLGEN.CONVERT trims output for multibyte database
5285966 Dump [lxhlod] on select passing NULL for NLS parameter to a function
5326327 OERI[qctbyt : bfc] using NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS=CHAR
5436371 Image corruption / spin loading multiple nested objects in multibyte
5444175 glb files created in gdk_custom.zip by ginstall are ignored by Java
5494008 Wrong results from LIKE in multibyte when NLS_COMP=linguistic and NLS_SORT=binary_ci(ai)
5526851 Wrong Results (missing rows) on CONNECT BY when using function-based index
5567934 NCHAR literal replacement can produce corrupt N literals
5576865 Dumps in strlen/kpodpmop/kpodpp errors during IMPDP
5594352 JMS-120 / OCI-1858 when dequeueing AQ bytes message with JDBC-OCI
5604120 Performance problems after applying calendar deviation
5632264 Version 4 TIMEZONE files
5685296 Logical apply stops with PLS-103 due to NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS setting
5693948 ORA-31466 error when setting up CDC with table names using multibyte characters
5712086 OERI[17147] / dump from TO_CHAR(date) with over long FORMAT string in multibyte
5757315 Spin possible comparing 2 strings with monolingual sort (NLS_SORT)
5838153 CAST operator does consider NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS
5873852 sqlldr inserts character data longer than the column length (CHAR length semantics)
5875568 IMPDP can error on create table in multibyte with ORA-39125 / ORA-6502
5879179 ORA-22925 from CSSCAN when reading CLOB data
5903706 ISO2022-JP-OUTLOOK has no mapping for the katakana middle dot character
5985257 Wrong results from UTL_I18N.TRANSLITERATE using 'hwkatakana_fwkatakana'
6168288 Dump instead of ORA-1863
6357601 Romanian base letter mapping missing for some characters
6460895 CSSCAN may hang / run slowly
6494820 CSSCAN fails with ORA-1455 on tables with more than 2^31-1 blocks

Hang (Involving Shared Resource)
5526987* ASM instance hang / OERI [2103] on DB instance. This bug is alerted in Note:468572.1
4489948 ASM hangs during a parallel mount and shutdown in RAC
5057695 SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE can be slow
5079641 Switchover hangs attempting to recover a log file from a previous primary
5188493 crsd.bin can use excess CPU on reboot
5230765 LGWR spins while waiting for 'log file parallel write' using ASM
5376770 Spin in kcldle in RAC can cause a cluster hang
5387017 Primary hang when physical standby "shutdown immediate"
5688403 'IPC Send timeout' error just after 'flush_cache' event in RAC
5931789 Database hang possible as CKPT cannot get controlfile enqueue (CF)
5955955 DWB may spin when collecting object level statistics with concurrent DDL
6069360 DBW can spin in kfcRunnableWaiter holding a latch in ASM
6310591 DB hang with CKPT waiting for enquiry response in RAC
6406880 System hang possible after killing processes when waiting for flashback logs

Hang (Process Hang)
5898210+ Hang from concurrent MV refresh and library cache invalidation in RAC
5907779+ Self deadlock hang on "cursor: pin S wait on X" (typically from DBMS_STATS)
3140249 Data guard broker hangs when standby listener is down
4618808 AQ operation requiring exclusive lib cache lock may hang
4648039 PLSQL hangs with database links and autonomous_transaction
4927753 GRANT / ALTER USER can hang
4930431 Failure of 1 CSSD can hang starting CSSD on other nodes
5023410 QC can wait on "PX Deq: Join ACK" when slave is available
5166735 DBMS_SCHEDULER "EXECUTABLE" jobs with large amounts of data output to STDERR can hang
5225733 After flashback operation, new logs are not applied in logical standby
5378806 xa_rollback cannot interrupt a long running SELECT branch
5382088 Fast start failover can hang on broker MIV mismatch
5392993 DDL can hang if EXPLAIN PLAN issued previously for the same DDL statement
5396550 Spin in ktsplbfmb holding HW enqueue during LOB segment management
5399901 Archived log entries can take a long time to search in Dataguard
5444539 Database connections not released after database failover or recycle
5454831 RAC deadlock possible on working set latches
5500044 Waits on 'cursor: pin X' / 'kksfbc child completion' or ORA-44203 on table_x_x child from concurrent LOB append and drop partition
5503590 Logminer Adhoc can hang or error mining logs from a RAC database
5511675 OCCI hang in terminateStatelessConnectionPool
5560256 Multi threaded OCI program hang when calling OCILobLocatorAssign
5567141 OERI[526] / hang with fix for bug 5508574 installed with > 31 CPUs
5602452 Capture gets stuck in 'dictionary initialization' after recovery
5604698 Deadlock between 'library cache lock' and 'library cache pin' using replication
5654680 JMS worker thread does not end if exception thrown in onMessage() method
5692304 Enabling fixes for bugs bug 4364202 and bug 3566511 causes shutdown immediate to hang (for n-minutes)
5725109 Hang if AQ listener onMessage() method raises an error
5746223 Old primary hangs after a FSFO and prevents automatic reinstatement
5955596 DBMS_AQ.LISTEN hangs after datapump has executed
5974219 Cluster hang when node dies during reconfig
5983020 MMON deadlock with user session executing ALTER USER
6013968 Hang / OERI:504 with patch for bug 5863519 installed
6019084 RAC hang possible when node leaves the cluster with fix for bug 5844816
6057351 AWR deadlock between Mxxx processes during snapshot purging process
6144079 Instance crash in RAC (OERI:2103)
6334552 Hang / ORA-4031 / OERI:kfrcsoDelete_3 on rollback of ASM file resize
6496514 RAC deadlock between "libary cache lock" and TX enqueue

Hang (Process Spins)
6110331+ OERI[kcbget_37] / OERI[1100] / spin possible
5452672P A database hang can occur (DBW spin)
3551896 Dump / spin from SELECT on V$SESSTAT
4387531 Spin running XPATH on SB table with IOT structured varrays
4553025 Large inserts into hash clustered tables can spin
4605569 LCK may accumulate CPU time on one instance
4697189 High CPU usage for large sorts
4699720 MMON or PMON spin in RAC
5369855 OERI:733 or Spin (qksopLogSame) from star transformation
5376770 Spin in kcldle in RAC can cause a cluster hang
5417292 Query compilation may spin in kkogtp
5436371 Image corruption / spin loading multiple nested objects in multibyte
5471994 LCK may accumulate CPU time when SMON does Serial Transaction recovery
5484652 QMNC process spin in Streams
5545530 EMON may spin in kpcopen
5631915 Select from V$ views using X$KGLLK can spin
5667683 Parse of query can spin in kkosbn
5670585 OERI [kxfxsSendCounter1] / OERI [15574] / spin from WINDOW query
5692304 Enabling fixes for bugs bug 4364202 and bug 3566511 causes shutdown immediate to hang (for n-minutes)
5718007 Spin (in qcopxla / qcopx0la) with OR predicates on PARTITION key columns
5728380 DML may spin under ktspffc searching for space in ASSM segment
5734276 Queue slave process may spin in kwqitptm
5757315 Spin possible comparing 2 strings with monolingual sort (NLS_SORT)
5763245 Parse may spin in kkpapRTPRuningSetup
5763434 Spin in kokes2q when sorting on VARRAY column over 4k long
5952530 Spin / hang after cluster reconfiguration
5955955 DWB may spin when collecting object level statistics with concurrent DDL
5958244 LMS processes running in realtime can spin
6001617 LCK may accumulate CPU time / ORA-4031 possible
6041084 Spin during parse of query with INLIST against list partition key
6069360 DBW can spin in kfcRunnableWaiter holding a latch in ASM
6084108 Dump / CPU spin possible after an ORA-3115
6460895 CSSCAN may hang / run slowly
6640950 Update of LONG can cause Streams capture to spin / spill
6753486 PMON spins if dead process hold library cache mutex

Hash Join
5383936+ Wrong results from Parallel Query with OUTER join and HASH join
4475206 Excess PGA memory use with many hash joins
4540971 Hash group by significantly over allocates memory and breaks V$SQL_XX statistics
4566991 Hash group-by is not reported in v$sql_workarea_active
5376015 Wrong results with hash semijoin when build rows do not fit in memory/Spill to disk
5759075 Wrong results from PQ with HASH on ANSI CHAR join
5893340 OERI [32695] [hash aggregation can't be done] from hash aggregation
5947623 Excess PGA memory used by hash joins

Index Organized Tables (IOT)
6646613* IOT corruption after upgrade from <= 9.2 to >= 10g. This bug is alerted in Note:471479.1
4387531 Spin running XPATH on SB table with IOT structured varrays
4719798 DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.maintain_schemas incorrectly requests supplemental log for IOT with overflow
4725385 DBMS_STATS on partitioned IOT with additional indexes can be slow
4770292 Wrong results from CONNECT BY query on IOT with secondary index/es
5236908 Primary key index not used for IOT
5255455 DML error logging not working for primary key violation with insert on IOT table
5494240 OERI[15201] during select from an IOT
5558244 OERI[kcbnew_3] can occur
5567937 False ORA-1 / ORA-1403 from logminer rolling back IOT redo
5609096 MERGE / UPDATE to IOT can cause corruption
5685645 Logminer does not support IOT with OVERFLOW if table has been altered
5847521 Hierarchical (CONNECT BY) query on IOT returns wrong results
5924538 Logical standby apply fails with ORA-1427 for operations on IOTs
5944227 SQLloader direct path load into IOT can dump [kdblldrp]
6070548 Dump (qertbGetPartitionNumber) / wrong results from bitmap access to IOT

Install/Patching Is Not Performed Correctly
6051728P* HPUX Itanium: Cannot use ASM (ORA-15059). This bug is alerted in Note:434500.1
5495242PI HPUX: CRS may not install
5845104PI Win64: OPMD.EXE does not work
5161782 Dump installing XDB
5507883 CRS install fails in CRS root.sh due to node panics

Instance May Crash
5605370* Various dumps / instance crash possible. This bug is alerted in Note:454464.1
6017420* OERI[kcbo_link_q_1] / crash with fix for bug 5454831 installed. This bug is alerted inNote:453309.1
6441119P Instance crash due to ORA-27300 / ORA-27152
6458590P Solaris: SIGFPE in kglsim_update_simresz / ORA-822 MMAN terminates instance
6656824P DBW can crash with fix for bug 6087207 installed
4422686 LMD/LMS cannot be frozen during reconfig
4433838 Resizing cache crashes instance with OERI[kmgs_pre_process_request_6]
4744529 OERI:kclpred_1 / crash possible in RAC
5081271 PMON may crash the instance with OERI:kcblibr_1 during temp table cleanup
5118012 Instance crash with OERI[kclswrite_3] with multiple DBW processes
5118272 Instance crash with ORA-600 [1433], [60] due to lgwr filling up msg blocks (Messages could be for LGWR or ARCH)
5131219 CSS shuts down the node when disk IO is suspended momentarily
5190596 LMON dumps LMS0 too often during DRM leading to IPC send timout
5324905 nsprecv() can corrupt the SGA when using shared servers
5375583 LMS process dies with OERI[kclexpandlock_1]
5377099 Dump [kksfreeheap] / OERI:504 / SGA corruption / crash possible
5384248 OERI[k2gtelock: !k2gtca] / instance crash cleaning up distributed transaction
5412994 Dump in ksrchconnect_ctx leading to instance crash
5476873 Instance crash due to PMON ORA-601 / OERI[ksudlp1]
5504989 PMON dump [kfgGlobalClose] / instance crash
5512921 Instance crash caused by SMON OERI[kcblus_1] / dump
5554692 Error ORA-15196 reporting ASM block header invalid ora-15196 after ORA-600[kfcgetbuffer10]
5578157 Instance crash with ORA-600 [1433] (RSM has all message blocks)
5587421 LMS fails with OERI [kjmpmsg_1]
5600050 LMON may fails with OERI [kjbrref:pkey] during DRM
5690100 RAC instance crash with OERI[kjbmpwrite:wip2]
5702177 Instance crash from OERI[kghchoose_grow_1]
5721821 SGA corruption / Dump[kglobcl] / crash if objects dropped / recreated
5730717 OERI:kclchkinteg_18 / LMS crashes the instance
5736850 SGA corruption / crash from PQO bloom filter
5757752 OERI:kghstack_alloc / OERI:kfcbCkpt04 / ASM crash
5762514 DBWR crashes instance with OERI[kcbbctsc_3]
5863519 Instance crash due to LMS dump (in kclcsr)
5899033 SMON dump (kfrCheckCtx) diskgroup instance recovery
5933838 Database crash (ORA-449) after ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK OFF in RAC
5962344 Dump from Logminer due to stack corruption under krvtgct_GetColumnTranslation
5983403 PMON may crash the instance with OERI[kksStatsRecovery-Bad-Opcode]
6005113 OERI[kclrwrite_7] in DBWn process followed by instance crash in RAC
6013983 ASM signals OERI [kfdasecondaries01] / [kffrelocate87] during rebalance
6018125 Instance crash during dynamic remastering or instance reconfiguration
6035614 Instance crash / dump [kghunphy] with fix for bug 5922239
6075582 OERI[kjbmpref:sh] / dump [kjmpbmsg] in LMS causing instance crash
6144079 Instance crash in RAC (OERI:2103)
6195283 OERI[1100] / crash using Resource Manager
6239052 LMS can crash instance with OERI[kjbrchkinteg:last]
6271689 RAC instance crash possible
6501007 DRM sync timeout in RAC
6674196 OERI / buffer cache corruption using ASM, OCFS or any ksfd client like ODM

Instance Startup
5752399P+ Sol: Mandatory Patch to use Oracle with Veritas or Solstice Disk Suite on Solaris
4125093 OPEN RESETLOGS is not possible if RMAN backup omits plugged-in READ ONLY tablespaces
4440013 CRS startup of RAC fails when FSFO enabled
4771560 Open resetlogs can fail with ORA-1667
5087787 ORA-29702 starting RAC with large buffer cache
5247609 RMAN slow performance during register database/open resetlogs
5572026 ORA-942 / ORA-1031 in tracefile when starting the database as SYSOPER
5744546 MMON OERI [1403]
5855896 Reconfiguration takes a long time restarting instance in active/standby RAC
5857949 Startup may fail due to dump [rfmsoexinst] from DMON
6143688 node startups cAN spend up to 2 mins in AQ partition code
6781496 OERI[KGHLATCH_REG4] on STARTUP with >61 CPUs in RAC with fix for 5508574

Interoperability (Between Releases)
5933477* Client <= / can dump when running against higher level database. This bug is alerted in Note:455832.1
5245451 Intermittent ORA-904 referencing remote objects columns

4308334 OERI[12314] during XA commit/rollback/prepare while attached to different transaction
4992603 TIMESTAMP.timestampValue(Calendar) does not exist
5190543 Wrong timestamp from oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ near daylight savings transition
5417281 oracle.sql.DATE looses a year when constructed from BC Timestamp
5468695 TIMESTAMPTZ wrong near daylight switch
5734901 JDBC Thin XMLType.getDOM fails with SQLException
5885079 Incorrect output from INTERVALDS.stringValue() for negative intervals
5945463 XA clients should not require execute privilege on DBMS_SYSTEM
6278984 java.awt.font.glyphvector.getglyphoutline returns empty shape

JavaVM / JSP / Corba etc..
4865959 Wrong results / exception from Java Stored Procedure accessing data over DBLINK
4898765 NullPointerException from stored Java when maxAdvance of glyph computed
5074285 Dump [eorealize_xref] from stored Java using reflective methods
5258410 Dump [eoa_scan_mark_object] using stored Java threads
5372831 OERI:26599 / dumps in JVM after database has been closed for recovery / opened
5400158 OERI[17078] / dump running Java DDL (loadjava) concurrently
5688685 JVM timezone changes for Western Australia December 2006 (superceeded)
5711011 "SocketException: socket is closed" using RMI with shared servers
5862057 Oracle JVM incorrectly returns true for "x instanceof object[]" when "x" is a class
5865568 JVM timezone changes (version 4 timezone data for JVM)
5963041 Socket.shutdownOutput() closes the socket in the Oracle JVM
6065183 A dump in AccessControlContext methods in the Oracle JVM
6065728 Oracle JVM performance enhancement
6120084 Dump (eoistrnrep->strncpy) in Oracle JVM

Job Queues
4552696 DBMS_Scheduler is suppressing no_data_found exceptions in jobs
4904904 Problems with DBMS_SCHEDULER JOB_START time (eg ORA-1877)
5111250 DBMS_SCHEDULER jobs fail silently with OLS / OID
5120780 Long text for job gets EXP-85 ORA-6502 on dbms_sched_job_export
5140631 V$SESSION.sql_address not set by DBMS_SCHEDULER
5157602 Datapump export/import modifies the chains created with dbms_scheduler
5166735 DBMS_SCHEDULER "EXECUTABLE" jobs with large amounts of data output to STDERR can hang
5377153 DBMS_SCHEDULER call heap memory leak when changing attributes of a job
5593617 Job scheduler cannot be used on logical standby (ORA-16224)
5620375 PLS-103 from datapump import of dbms_scheduler jobs with PLSQL_BLOCK

LDAP / Oracle Internet Directory
4395849 ESM tool hangs connecting to directory server on SSL port
4571240 ESM denies access to non-orcladmin users if anonymous binds disabled
5111250 DBMS_SCHEDULER jobs fail silently with OLS / OID

Latch Contention
6455161+ Higher CPU / Higher "cache buffer chains" latch gets / Higher "consistent gets" after truncate/Rebuild
4691237 High "library cache" latch gets from SQL using objects in PLSQL
5749075 High Requests on dc_rollback_segments. latch / US enqueue contention
5918642 Heavy latch contention with DB_CACHE_ADVICE on
6333663 Shared pool latch contention due to fragmentation of large pool
6356566 Memory leak / high CPU selecting from V$SQL_PLAN (affects statspack)

Leak (Memory Leak / Growth)
4475206 Excess PGA memory use with many hash joins
4540971 Hash group by significantly over allocates memory and breaks V$SQL_XX statistics
4566991 Hash group-by is not reported in v$sql_workarea_active
4587117 ORA-384 can occur even if there is free space in some pool/s
5058318 Memory leak (in "koh-kghu" heap of type "kolccst obj")
5089522 Memory leak in niotns in MRP process
5095025 ORA-4030 (kxs-heap-c,temporary memory) using expdp
5095889 PGA leak during propagation in "kwqpcbk:koioalm" and "kwqpcbk:csid"
5220562 ORA-4030 (sort subheap,sort key) on insert a partitioned table with concurrent DDL
5377153 DBMS_SCHEDULER call heap memory leak when changing attributes of a job
5377973 Register schema fails with ORA-4031
5382621 OCCI memory leak in getColumnListMetaData()
5386986 Leak / ORA-4031 leak when DROP UNUSED COLUMN issued on large partitioned table
5391505 High PGA consumption for query (kxs-heap-c) from OR expansion
5408970 Memory leak using XMLType() constructor on ADT in a loop
5464834 ORA-4030 (kxs-heap-c,temporary memory) using EXPDP
5477912 Memory leak parsing DTD
5482555 Shared server does not release memory
5485417 Memory leak of "blockers api immd" during global hang analyze
5516917 Excessive mermory usage when running a query using nested loops
5529797 PGA leak / OERI KWQPCBK179 during Streams propogation
5548510 _FIX_CONTROL parameter leaks memory in the shared pool
5556674 V$ASM* dynamic views leak cursors (ORA-01000)
5573238 Shared pool memory use / ORA-4031 due to "obj stat memo" in one subpool
5608198 Memory leak by advanced queuing XML transformation
5618049 "mvobj part des" leaked memory after partition DDL (ORA-4031)
5629416 Client memory leak after switching schema
5668025 XMLParser.Parse() can leak memory
5717536 Dequeue can suffer from a memory leak
5723260 Logminer slow / excess memory use processing batch inserts with LOBs
5758963 UGA memory leak possible from AQ dequeue
5891737 Dump (kcblsod) / OERI:723 / Memory leak in ASM/RAC
5947623 Excess PGA memory used by hash joins
6011182 Parsing of large query takes long time / memory leak / ORA-4030 /4031
6043052 Leak in perm allocations with "library cache" comments (ORA-4031)
6049324 Memory leak from array dequeue
6065604 DBMS_AQ.DEQUEUE_ARRAY PGA memory leak
6356566 Memory leak / high CPU selecting from V$SQL_PLAN (affects statspack)

Leak (Resources Eg: File Handles)
5705795P* Many child cursors possible for SQL using BINDS. This bug is alerted in Note:403616.1
4367986 Bind peeked parallel cursors do not share
4584641 Cursor leak using DBMS_XMLGEN with a PLSQL function returning sys_refcursor
4918946 OCCI terminateEnvironment can leave threads
4966024 VLM buffer leak on if an error occurs
5141429 "skgspawn 27142" errors and defunct Oracle processes
5166745 Excessive redo generation with auditing enabled
5252389 CDC apply changes lead to maximum open cursors exceeded (ORA-1000)
5257698 9idata NLS files missing leading to file handle leak
5557660 ORA-20 / process group leak from OCI Connection Pool connections
5605319 Cursor leak from QMON coordinator exceptions
5935527 Cursor leak with fix for bug 5260266 / OERI:17280 from Ctrl-C using pipeline function
6139547 Shadow process leak on ASM instance when diskspace exhausted (ORA-20)

Literal Replacement (CURSOR_SHARING)
5146740+ Wrong results with bind variables/CURSOR_SHARING
2837580 Dump if SQL has > ~35000 literals
4202503 Parse errors possible using CONTAINS with cursor_sharing=similar/force
4436832 False ORA-979 "not a group by expression" with literal replacement
4513695 Poor performance for SELECT with ROWNUM=1 with literal replacement
5155885 OERI[kkslgbv0] with CURSOR_SHARING=similar
5254759 ORA-12801/ORA-1008 occurs on a parallel query with bind variables
5364819 OERI[kkslpbp:1] when using literal replacement
5476507 OERI[15868] / OERI[15160] can occur with cursor sharing
5757106 OERI[15851] selecting aggregate of a constant with literal replacement
5762750 ORA-907 when cursor_sharing is enabled
5863277 ORA-1008 from SQL on second run when cursor_sharing=similar/force

5035058 V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS.MineValue may not show an UNDO value
5299237 Inconsistent results from v$logmnr_contents with committed_data_only
5388885 Hang / OERI[krvxbpns01] accessing V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS from RAC
5437445 Incorrect username displayed from logminer adhoc query when auditing is on
5503590 Logminer Adhoc can hang or error mining logs from a RAC database
5510918 Log miner slow mining direct load redo
5518651 ORA-1301 from dbms_logmnr_d.build
5531784 V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS CSF may be wrong
5567937 False ORA-1 / ORA-1403 from logminer rolling back IOT redo
5685645 Logminer does not support IOT with OVERFLOW if table has been altered
5723260 Logminer slow / excess memory use processing batch inserts with LOBs
5744428 dbms_logmnr_d.build may get a downstream build failure
5888733 Wrong results from V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS referencing AUDIT_SESSIONID
5962344 Dump from Logminer due to stack corruption under krvtgct_GetColumnTranslation
6064864 Archives containing DDL for not replicated objects take longer to process
6114833 Logminer does not signal error if log unavailable in continuous_mine
6124804 Dump [krvxbpc_processcommit] selecting from v$logmnr_contents

Memory Corruption
4583492 Dump possible using ADT columns when table has many columns
4644425 SGA corruption on UPDATE with functional domain index
4745691 OERI[kghufree_06] from AQ propogation of XML payload
4899479 Undo/redo corruption if distributed transactions used
5128625 OERI[17147] / OERI [17182] / NULL result from NLSSORT
5172559 ora-600's during reinstate of logical standby after fast-start failover
5252061 PGA memory corruption / OERI[17456] creating a domain index
5324905 nsprecv() can corrupt the SGA when using shared servers
5583634 OERI [17147] / dump after inserting a text node of size 64000
5671774 Memory corruption due to TDE with imported certificate
5681955 SGA corruption in RAC (OERI [17114] / OERI [17112])
5712086 OERI[17147] / dump from TO_CHAR(date) with over long FORMAT string in multibyte
5716932 Memory corruption / OERI [17147] / dump selecting from PATH_VIEW
5721821 SGA corruption / Dump[kglobcl] / crash if objects dropped / recreated
5735091 Memory corruption when using XMLAGG
5736850 SGA corruption / crash from PQO bloom filter
5860221 Apply aborts with OERI[17147] / memory corruption with FUNCTION BASED index
5900857 ORA-23619 from HS log based replication
6136494 Capture process aborts with OERI [17112] / OERI [17147]
6143117 Rare intermittent mutex problem
6452485 SGA memory corruption / OERI [17182] with fix for bug 6085625
6674196 OERI / buffer cache corruption using ASM, OCFS or any ksfd client like ODM

4216668 Dump from INSERT / MERGE on internal columns
4311273 ORA-2064 using MERGE statement over a database link
4406211 Dump (insLoadRowInfo) from MERGE SQL with false condition
4572043 DML monitoring is incorrect for MERGE / MTI
4771851 Dump (kxccsrw) from INSERT .. AS SELECT / MERGE
4883635 MERGE (with DELETE) can produce wrong results or Logical corruption in chained rows
5181547 Index corruption after insert-only merge /*+ append */ or PDML into table
5387478 ORA-28132 for user with EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY privilege
5609096 MERGE / UPDATE to IOT can cause corruption
5731952 MERGE statement does not insert rows if source is a (inline) view with parallel
6379123 EXPDP/IMPDP ORA-39083 due to changes in MERGE privilege between 10.1 and 10.2

Migration / Upgrade / Downgrade
6646613* IOT corruption after upgrade from <= 9.2 to >= 10g. This bug is alerted in Note:471479.1
5501528I ORA-6545 recompiling with PLSQL_WARNINGS set
5841554I OERI:kqludp2 during upgrade to
5892355I+ Upgrade to can fail with ORA-600 [22635]
4733582 Upgrade to 10.2 deletes statistics on AQ tables
4882839 ORA-4068 / ORA-4065 after upgrade
5094908 Dump (kokbBuildExplodedTree) recompiling a view after upgrade to 10.2
5125957 Cannot start CRS after CRS ugprade
5520937 Cannot upgrade images for dictionary types to 8.1 image format
5568399 CRS upgrade can corrupt OCR
5640527 ORA-1403 running utlu102i.sql on an database
5715079 ORA-1281 when applying a Patch Set on a logical standby
5871314 Pickler fix needed to allow some DB upgrade / downgrade to work
5947653 XE to EE upgrade fails in XDBx
5955764 OERI[kccirsd_4] during CONTROLFILE upgrade from pre 10.2 version
6052351 Dump running catupgrd.sql when creating/replacing streams$transformation_info
6379123 EXPDP/IMPDP ORA-39083 due to changes in MERGE privilege between 10.1 and 10.2

Multi Table Insert SQL
4397693 Dump (apaqba) from multi table insert with WHEN clause under RBO
4592596 Corruption (ORA-1410 / ORA-8103) from multi-table insert with direct load

5974207 Unexpected ORA-1031 from LOB access - affects NCOMPed PLSQL

NUMA Related
5173642 Data not read from cache on second execution with NUMA optimization enabled

5389730P Solaris-X86: 32bit clients cannot use Native naming adapter (ORA-12154)
4767996 Dump in HS with very long TNS connect string
4998706 Gateway agent trace does not work
5406976 Dump (lxhscn) if DB calls out over NET with a FAILOVER clause
5755010 Listener registration never completes
6083037 Server side load balancing does not work
6390420 TNS-12535 is logged twice to sqlnet.log at time-out with shared servers

4918946 OCCI terminateEnvironment can leave threads
5382621 OCCI memory leak in getColumnListMetaData()
5511675 OCCI hang in terminateStatelessConnectionPool
5956137 OCCI dumps using stack instance of pObject derived classes
5970288 OCCI isNull() on object column always returns false even when object is null
5973217 OCCI::intervalds object attribute uses day precision for fractional seconds
6156762 OCCI fractional seconds portion can be wrong

5389730P Solaris-X86: 32bit clients cannot use Native naming adapter (ORA-12154)
4730906 "ilibociei" target in ins_rdbms.mk does not work
5120476 No blank padding with multibyte charset if no character set conversion
5131157 OCI may error reexecuting a statement against a table with an altered column type
5242942 Client dump (OCIPClearMxCtr) using stateless connection pool
5292883 Dump from OCI client using OCI7 olog() call
5413989 OCIStmtSetPieceInfo() does not work for piece sizes > 16777180
5444539 Database connections not released after database failover or recycle
5497630 ORA-3124 from NULL LONG bind for an UPDATE which matches no rows
5510345 ORA-22282 with LOB buffering enabled
5549410 Inconsistent characters read returned from OCILobRead
5557660 ORA-20 / process group leak from OCI Connection Pool connections
5558356 Bad describe information using change notification
5560256 Multi threaded OCI program hang when calling OCILobLocatorAssign
5629416 Client memory leak after switching schema
5643527 OCILobOpen/OCILobGetChunkSize do not return OCI_STILL_EXECUTING in non blocking mode
5682121 Multithreaded OCI clients do not mutex properly for LOB operations (ORA-21500 [17099])
5683652 OCIHandleFree performance issue. PeopleTools Mandatory
5694101 OCI piecewise operation returns wrong piece length for long / long varchar data
5715788 genezi -v reports 32-bit library instead of 64-bit
5721502 Non blocking client may dump executing PLSQL
5721702 Error information may be lost in non-blocking OCI
5721994 Unexpected errors from non blocking OCI LOB calls
5722178 ORA-1002 in non blocking mode
5736739 Compressed fetching can fail in non blocking mode
5736747 Resumed OCIStmtExecute can fail in non-blocking mode
5765361 Client dump using OCIDirPathPrepare in OCI_UTF16ID mode
5932089 FAN OCI clients not aborted by OCI on public network down

Online DDL
4596807 OERI[6002] on update statement with concurrent ONLINE rebuild of bitmap indexes

599680 Unnecessary sort for SELECT DISTINCT
3748430 i_*part$, i_*part_obj$ should be created as unique indexes
3995047 Explain plan does not show a part of the execution path
4204383 Dump [kkqtnlocbk] optimizing ANSI OUTER JOINs with subqueries
4215910 DBMS_STATS may use a 100% row sample size when not expected
4226736 Wrong clustering factor when DBMS_STATS.GATHER_INDEX_STATS runs in parallel
4273361 Unique index access not used with INLIST predicate
4397693 Dump (apaqba) from multi table insert with WHEN clause under RBO
4422100 Sort merge join on inequality should have control parameter
4444536 Unnecessary sorting when access made through a global index
4483240 INLIST may use suboptimal index
4513695 Poor performance for SELECT with ROWNUM=1 with literal replacement
4545802 Poor Outer Join Cardinality estimation with filters on outer table
4567767 Execution Plan changes upon rowcache reload
4581014 DBMS_STATS issues gathering SIZE AUTO / SKEWONLY
4587431 Dump (in kkqucsv) / spin from query with a multi column IN subquery predicate
4605810 Index may not be chosen to eliminate ORDER BY SORT
4619997 Function based index may not be used for INLIST predicate
4652100 Poor plan with bind peeking for SQL against LIST partitioned tables
4664788 Query with UNION can dump in kkqudhus
4684209 Dump (under evaopn2) with transitive predicate from CHECK constraint
4698023 CBO trace may treat a predicate value as 'out-of-range'
4704779 Incorrect histogram type shown (frequency/height-balanced)
4708389 Nested loop join costing ignores parallelism of index used to probe in right side
4712638 OERI[15160] / dump [kkogbro]
4724074 Small CPU performance overhead during optimization
4725385 DBMS_STATS on partitioned IOT with additional indexes can be slow
4733582 Upgrade to 10.2 deletes statistics on AQ tables
4752814 Wrong selectivity on comparision of VARCHAR2 column with CHAR variable
4868646 Dump from cost based query transformation
4872602 Sub-query is unnested even though cost is higher
4878299 Bad plan from join with FIRST_ROWS_N or a ROWNUM predicate
4899105 OERI[19004] from multi table join
4905112 CREATE OUTLINE on DML using an indexed partitioned table may dump (kauxalo)
4924149 Push predicate not working when function in the filter
5022061 Dump [kkessc] optimizing query with inequality join if INDEX SKIP SCAN considered
5040753 Optimal index is not picked on simple query / Column group statistics
5058503 Dump[kkogtp] can occur selecing ROWID from a join view
5061079 Poor CONNECT BY plan
5082178 Bind peeking may occur when it should not
5089444 Dump (kkodsel) from select with a subquery with star transformation
5101017 Trace files with "table_stats(failed sampling n)" messages
5112856 OERI[kghstack_underflow_internal_1]... [kkocxj : predtailpp]
5128368 Dump [kkoeqv] optimizing a query with nested views
5129407 Suboptimal plan for SQL with multiple OR branches
5163554 OERI[qctopn1] during join predicate pushdown
5169247 Dump (eg in qkarid) from SELECT FOR UPDATE after table elimination
5199213 Very bad plan for UNION ALL and push constant predicate / Wrong Results
5211863 Poor plan for CONNECT BY
5211984 Parse errors with USE_STORED_OUTLINES
5220356 Partition pruning predicates not cost pushed into UNION ALL views
5236881 Wrong Results (More rows) with a CONCATENATE of ANTI joins
5236908 Primary key index not used for IOT
5240607 FIRST_K_ROWS may choose inefficient NESTED LOOPS join
5245494 Improved control over whether star transformation is performed
5259048 Optimizer does not recognize/use HASH clusted index access with OR list
5263572 Wrong cardinarity for predicates of form "col like func(:bind)"
5284303 Poor plan for predicates against character columns containing numeric data
5288623 CBO may not choose the best index for ORDER BY elimination
5302124 Join Predicates are not push inside window functions -- superceeded fix
5308692 ORA-1426 error when running DBMS_STATS.GATHER_FIXED_OBJECTS_STATS
5337352 OERI[kkqtcpopn: 0] during parse with subquery unnesting
5352807 CREATE INDEX with COMPUTE option does not gather statistics
5358150 Dump (apaqbd) using CAST with cost based transformation
5362021 Dump from SQL using user defined functions
5364143 Bind Peeking is not done upon query reload, Execution Plan changes
5382842 Select fails with OERI[qctcte1] using cost based transformation
5385629 Push predicate optimization does not occur
5387148 View not merged even though the cost is lower
5391505 High PGA consumption for query (kxs-heap-c) from OR expansion
5395270 OERI[qctcte1] / dump / wrong results from view merging
5396162 Suboptimal plan from ANSI query with semi join
5399282 First k rows optimization may not always pick best plan
5417292 Query compilation may spin in kkogtp
5434872 OERI[qolgenol-1] when executing dbms_outln.create_outline
5440119 Dump in kkogast
5449488 Suboptimal plan for SQL with negated predicates (BITMAP MINUS)
5454975 Dump executing DBMS_OUTLN.CREATE_OUTLINE
5468809 Predicate order can affect execution plan
5482831 Suboptimal plan with FIRST_ROWS_K or EXISTS subquery
5483301 Cardinality of 1 when predicate value non-existent in frequency histogram
5487686 Wrong results from CONNECT BY query
5488174 Dump [evaopn2] on a CONNECT BY query
5490501 Wrong Results with COALESCE or NVL2 on aggregations inside subqueries
5505157 Predicates are not pushed in UNION ALL views
5519856 Wrong cardinality from CBO for "col LIKE function(:bind)"
5526851 Wrong Results (missing rows) on CONNECT BY when using function-based index
5547058 Poor plan with old_style predicate push into UNION ALL views
5547895 No transitive predicates produced for user defined deterministic function
5548510 _FIX_CONTROL parameter leaks memory in the shared pool
5570942 Query Rewrite causes high parse time with high hits on 'latch: row cache objects' and dc_object_ids / Dump in STRLEN
5573425 Wrong results from subquery unnesting with complex view merge
5580497 Dump (kkeais) during query optimization
5585187 Wrong Results doing MERGE JOIN with a correlated subquery on the right side
5592012 Wrong results with INLIST and UNION/UNION ALL
5608992 Wrong results from filter push with OUTER join
5611962 CBO MAX/MIN optimization may not occur
5618040 FIRST_ROWS may give poor plan if index chosen to eliminate a SORT
5620485 Non code based push predicate into UNION view can get poor plan
5624216 Wrong cardinality for UNION ALL with no WHERE clause
5632128 Materialized View refresh looses statistics on primary key
5632192 Wrong Results with Max/Min in subquery/view
5634346 Multi-column INLIST may not use INLIST ITERATOR
5645718 ORA-1476 gathering statistics with DBMS_STATS
5650477 Poor plan possible due to lack of view merging
5680702 Suboptimal execution path for semi / anti join
5682441 Wrong Results (no rows) joining views with predicates using PLSQL functions
5694466 OERI[15160] from subquery unnesting
5694984 Index distinct key count scaling is wrong for first_rows(k)
5698193 Wrong Results when using TRIM on check constraints or function based indexes.
5705630 Suboptimal plan from 'or' expansion
5707754 Dump can occur executing a large query
5708897 Wrong results from ROWNUM with semi/anti join
5709414 DBMS_STATS.FLUSH_DATABASE_MONITORING_INFO call is very expensive
5741044 Suboptimal execution plan as 1 row table not detected
5741121 Suboptimal plan for "not equals" predicates
5742678 Index range scan used to get MAX value instead of index min/max first row
5754362 Plans can change after deleting statistics on a partitioned table
5762598 Suboptimal plan due to bad cardinality for numeric string constants
5766310 Bad join cardinality is in the presence of histograms
5766450 Dump [kkomprf] when attempting STAR transformation
5796376 Dump [kkobrak] from index join with a FUNCTION based index
5837795 Wrong results / OERI from cost based CONNECT BY
5842686 Poor plan due to bad average column length for tables with LONG RAW
5843316 Wrong results with index join and function-based index
5845347 Dump [kkogbys] parsing SQL with GROUP BY
5872956 Slow or Wrong Results on CONNECT BY queries with constant predicates
5882954 Long parse time for query against tables with many partitions
5889331 Dump from cost based optimization of INSERT .. SELECT with function based index
5891471 Poor cardinality estimates with check constraints
5893396 Wrong results possible due to invalid stored outline
5903581 Wrong Results with "Connect By with Filtering"
5903829 OERI[qkshtTabInf2:1] can occur parsing a query
5913871 FGA records are written for recursive SQL under DBMS_STATS
5932203 Wrong result when comparing same column with values of different datatypes
5939115 ora-600 [kghstack_underflow_internal_1][pcols in kkpapdaextsqueryslvl]
5944076 Suboptimal plan in FIRST_ROWS(K) mode
5949981 Bad cardinality with histogram
5960268 Dump (kkoiodoi) when FIRST_K_ROWS considers bitmap index
5976822 Suboptimal plan possible
6006300 Push predicate does not occur
6007259 CBO does not consider ORA concatenation
6011182 Parsing of large query takes long time / memory leak / ORA-4030 /4031
6016075 Wrong Results for query with correlated subquery and predicate pull up
6016087 OERI[15160] from subquery unnesting
6019818 ORA-1422 from DBMS_STATS auto granularity
6020789 Dump [vopplog] pushing join predicates
6029071 Wrong results from distributed SQL with OUTER joins
6038461 Wrong results from SQL with UNION and a fast DUAL subquery
6041535 Wrong results when predicate pushed into union-all branches
6042205 High parse time for a query using ORDER BY
6051211 Too High Join Cardinality with Histograms Present
6062266 Cardinality of 0 for range predicate and no histograms
6070954 Skip scan may be used instead of a better range scan
6075238 OERI[qctcte1] on parse of query with views / subqueries
6077514 DBMS_STATS.GATHER_FIXED_OBJECT_STATS can be slow with large buffer cache
6082745 Bad Cardinality Estimation with Single Value in Frequency Histograms
6084811 MERGE JOIN CARTESIAN not considered
6087237 CBO may not choose best join order
6114166 Pre-10g outlines may not work in later releases
6119884 Wrong results with query with OR operator with OR expansion
6122894 Poor plan from UNION / INTERSECT views with OR predicates
6123567 Dump [kkosbn] optimizing query on partitioned table
6134565 FIRST_ROWS hint is not honored with "_sort_elimination_cost_ratio" parameter set
6151963 Wrong join cardinality with histograms
6159522 OERI[qkaffsindex3] from ANALYZE TABLE .. ESTIMATE STATISTICS
6163564 Poor cardinality from "LIKE" predicates and binds
6188881 Index selectivity adjustment for anti/semi join causes wrong index to be chosen
6239971 CBO costing can differ greatly for =< compared to <
6251917 Merge join Cartesian setting optimizer_index_caching and optimizer_index_cost_adj
6350462 Incorrect index statistics scaling for first_rows(k)
6400795 Wrong results from view merging
6408017 OERI[12811] optimizing a query against fixed view/s
6511034 Join Cardinality Overly estimated
6758230 MultiColumn Selectity may not be used

Optimizer (Stored Outlines)
5211984 Parse errors with USE_STORED_OUTLINES
5893396 Wrong results possible due to invalid stored outline

Optimizer (Subquery Factoring - WITH clause)
4702284 ORA-604 / ORA-902 from WITH clause with scalar subquery involving an object column
5073249 Dump from fast refresh of MV using "WITH .. AS"
5130732 Query using "WITH" clause can fail with ORA-942
5196061 Dump in evaopn2() from WITH query using WINDOW functions
5470034 ORA-1436 from TKPROF EXPLAIN of query using a WITH clause
5497168 Wrong results isolation_level=serializable and WITH clause
5641873 ORA-904 using a WITH clause that includes a UNION
5708633 Wrong results / dump [ldxite] from materialized WITH clause
5906937 Wrong result using ROW_NUMBER in SQL using a WITH query block
5987000 OERI:qkxrPXformQbc1 can occur for SQL using a WITH clause
6360220 ORA-21780 from subquery factoring SQL WITH clause

Optimizer Bad Cardinality
4545802 Poor Outer Join Cardinality estimation with filters on outer table
4567767 Execution Plan changes upon rowcache reload
4652100 Poor plan with bind peeking for SQL against LIST partitioned tables
4752814 Wrong selectivity on comparision of VARCHAR2 column with CHAR variable
5263572 Wrong cardinarity for predicates of form "col like func(:bind)"
5284303 Poor plan for predicates against character columns containing numeric data
5364143 Bind Peeking is not done upon query reload, Execution Plan changes
5483301 Cardinality of 1 when predicate value non-existent in frequency histogram
5519856 Wrong cardinality from CBO for "col LIKE function(:bind)"
5624216 Wrong cardinality for UNION ALL with no WHERE clause
5741121 Suboptimal plan for "not equals" predicates
5762598 Suboptimal plan due to bad cardinality for numeric string constants
5766310 Bad join cardinality is in the presence of histograms
5891471 Poor cardinality estimates with check constraints
5949981 Bad cardinality with histogram
6051211 Too High Join Cardinality with Histograms Present
6062266 Cardinality of 0 for range predicate and no histograms
6082745 Bad Cardinality Estimation with Single Value in Frequency Histograms
6151963 Wrong join cardinality with histograms
6163564 Poor cardinality from "LIKE" predicates and binds
6511034 Join Cardinality Overly estimated
6758230 MultiColumn Selectity may not be used

Oracle Data Mining
4509805 Model build fails with dm_nested_* and special characters
5374844 ABN model build fails using dataset in excess of 100,000 rows

Oracle Disk Manager
5698225 ORA-17507 can occur using 16k block size with ODM
5909894 ASM datafile lost after rename (ORA-1157)
6377317 OERI[ksfdrfms3] using ODM if a log corruption is detected
6674196 OERI / buffer cache corruption using ASM, OCFS or any ksfd client like ODM

Oracle Label Security
4304023 Logical Standby does not support OLS properly
4618715 Dump inserting into a view with OLS policy on tables
4620832 Dump in kzrtppg with multiple referential constraints and OLS policy
4714295 It is possible to drop an OLS group which is still in use in an existing label
5111250 DBMS_SCHEDULER jobs fail silently with OLS / OID
5162768 Wrong results using more than one OLS policy on a table
5480607 OERI:kghstack_underflow_internal_3] from DROP_POLICY
5674756 OLS does not set selectivity of predicates causing bad execution plans
5839280 OERI[15265] dropping OLS policy

Oracle OLAP
5586253 Dataload from remote table does not work using DBMS_AW (OLAP)

Oracle Text (Formerly interMedia Text)
4202503 Parse errors possible using CONTAINS with cursor_sharing=similar/force
4614980 OERI:15448 from Text query
5095815 Select with CONTAINS predicate on view fails
5147225 Poor performance of parallel context query with ROWNUM predicate
5259868 Text query using index in another schema fails (ORA-20000, DRG-50857)
5677420 ORA-20000 from Text query against partitioned table
5728347 ORA-20000, DRG-10599 occurs during text query through synonym
5867231 OERI:qernsRowP on Text query with NLS_COMP / NLS_SORT set
5908945 Dump [qxopqdca] with ancilliary operator
6357601 Romanian base letter mapping missing for some characters

Oracle Univeral Installer
6474976P HPUX Itanium: OUI overwrites libnmapi2.so.1 when uninstalling

5501528I ORA-6545 recompiling with PLSQL_WARNINGS set
2834295 ORA-12714 declaring cursor for a function that returns a table of NVARCHAR2
4493741 Cannot see SQL_TEXT for procedure calls from EXECUTE IMMEDIATE
4580190 Bulk insert to partitioned table can insert constraint violating rows
4587556 OERI:17069 compiling a package with a self referencing synonym
4609147 ORA-918 if PLSQL block has same package and function name
4648039 PLSQL hangs with database links and autonomous_transaction
4691237 High "library cache" latch gets from SQL using objects in PLSQL
4725022 Wrong results from a function call using a CONCAT of a NULL
4745114 OERI[kolrrdl:0rfc] using temporary LOBs in PLSQL
4882839 ORA-4068 / ORA-4065 after upgrade
5051432 DBMS_LOB does not execute with the privileges of the calling procedure
5076729 OERI[pmucitnxt] doing type manipulation
5118104 Dump compiling PLSQL using pseudo columns with INSERT .. RETURNING
5150562 Dump expCheckExprEquiv from pipelined function in hierarchical query
5229137 PLS-201 compiling program units referencing tables on RDB
5298826 Wrong results from SQL using DETERMINISTIC function/s
5367514 Wrong number of exceptions returned executing a bulk insert
5401776 Poor performance using DBMS_XMLDOM
5467520 PLSQL errors accessing synonym to remote object
5547895 No transitive predicates produced for user defined deterministic function
5564384 ORA-6502 assigning values from SQL to PLSQL variables
5685189 Self deadlock on dc_objects after DBMS_SPACE.UNUSED_SPACE errors
5721502 Non blocking client may dump executing PLSQL
5765958 OERI[qcscpqbTxt] / OERI[qcsfbdnp:1] from ANSI query in PLSQL
5847881 ORA-3001 from GROUPING SET query against a view containing a function
5933883 ORA-918 error creating a package
5934741 Dump (kgmtncch) from CALL statement with OUT CHAR arguments
5935527 Cursor leak with fix for bug 5260266 / OERI:17280 from Ctrl-C using pipeline function
5974207 Unexpected ORA-1031 from LOB access - affects NCOMPed PLSQL
6136074 ORA-4068 / ORA-4065 ORA-6508 on VALID objects
6494146 OERI [kksfbc-reparse-infinite-loop] can occur

PL/SQL (DBMS Packages)
4430244+ Segment advisor can load blocks of dropped objects into buffer cache (KCB OERI errors)
4226736 Wrong clustering factor when DBMS_STATS.GATHER_INDEX_STATS runs in parallel
4552696 DBMS_Scheduler is suppressing no_data_found exceptions in jobs
4581014 DBMS_STATS issues gathering SIZE AUTO / SKEWONLY
4667479 ORA-16224 when using UTL_FILE / ORA-1031 using a DIRECTORY under GUARD ALL
4898580 DBMS_METADATA.GET_DEPENDENT_DDL does not show comments on materialized view columns correctly
5040555 DBMS_SPACE.OBJECT_GROWTH_TREND output is not correct
5128933 Dump from DBMS_SQL selecting TIMESTAMP data over a database link
5140631 V$SESSION.sql_address not set by DBMS_SCHEDULER
5376783 DBMS_SPACE.OBJECT_GROWTH_TREND can perform excessive IO
5645718 ORA-1476 gathering statistics with DBMS_STATS
5672041 Wrong information returned by DBMS_METADATA
5685189 Self deadlock on dc_objects after DBMS_SPACE.UNUSED_SPACE errors
5709414 DBMS_STATS.FLUSH_DATABASE_MONITORING_INFO call is very expensive
5842686 Poor plan due to bad average column length for tables with LONG RAW
5910237 EXPDP / DBMS_METADATA has wrong syntax for for nested table with row movement enabled
5913871 FGA records are written for recursive SQL under DBMS_STATS
5985257 Wrong results from UTL_I18N.TRANSLITERATE using 'hwkatakana_fwkatakana'
6005996 DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL generates incorrect DDL with UNUSED columns
6017760 DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL does not show changed datafile attributes
6019818 ORA-1422 from DBMS_STATS auto granularity
6077514 DBMS_STATS.GATHER_FIXED_OBJECT_STATS can be slow with large buffer cache

PL/SQL External Procedures (EXTPROC)
5120476 No blank padding with multibyte charset if no character set conversion
5130238 ORA-28583 in external procedure
6397073 Cannot open SYSDBA connection in EXTPROC callout

Parallel Query (PQO)
5383936+ Wrong results from Parallel Query with OUTER join and HASH join
3569503 PQ may signal a false ORA-8103 under load
4226736 Wrong clustering factor when DBMS_STATS.GATHER_INDEX_STATS runs in parallel
4336528 PQ may be slower than expected (timeouts on "PX Deq: Signal ACK")
4367986 Bind peeked parallel cursors do not share
4407269 Wrong result with nested loop parallel query with ROWNUM pushdown
4532105 pqsnap does not report parallelism for alter table modify lob rebuild freepools
4581220 OERI:kzaSqlTxtLob1 with fine grained auditing and parallel query
4587572 ORA-12801/ORA-60 possible from parallel DML with grouping sets
4644351 OERI[15819] / wrong results from parallel select
4708389 Nested loop join costing ignores parallelism of index used to probe in right side
4753238 OERI[kxfpgetsumpms] from PQ
4755448 Dump [kxfxgf] on parallel slave processes when using PQ trace
5023410 QC can wait on "PX Deq: Join ACK" when slave is available
5024703 PARALLEL on Spatial index is ignored
5030215 Excessive waits on PX Deq Signal ACK when RAC enabled
5045992 OERI[kxspoac : EXL 1] from PQ with a numeric bind
5097836 Wrong results / OERI:15818 from parallel query with range TQ
5113934 PQ slave dump in qerixGetKey() when using bitmap index access
5161523 Wrong results / slow Parallel query due to data skew on multi-key table queues
5179313 INSERT /*append parallel*/ can corrupt an index
5181547 Index corruption after insert-only merge /*+ append */ or PDML into table
5223587 OERI[4400] from distributed PDML with DDL
5228711 ORA-604 trace from PQ slaves with FGA policy
5254759 ORA-12801/ORA-1008 occurs on a parallel query with bind variables
5258521 OERI[kkpapDimToLevel1] from parallel query with partitioned tables
5370626 Wrong results (more rows) on a parallel query over one partition with anti/semi join NL.
5409593 Parallel insert as select into partitioned table can dump
5455093 Wrong results from PQ with hash distribution with fixed CHAR join keys
5488790 Wrong results from Parallel Query
5566580 OERI:15817 using parallel query with a large number of columns
5571916 wrong (duplicate) values with parallel and STAR (missing "PX block iterator")
5586632 Dump (qkaGranuleIteratorTraverse) on query on partitioned tables
5611623 Parallel query slave dump (kkpapitsize)
5621677 Logical corruption with PARALLEL update
5645771 No pruning for Nested Loops Join on a range-list partitioned table in parallel
5673934 ORA-12801 / OERI 15810 during parallel DML
5731952 MERGE statement does not insert rows if source is a (inline) view with parallel
5736850 SGA corruption / crash from PQO bloom filter
5759075 Wrong results from PQ with HASH on ANSI CHAR join
5872835 Multiple trigger execution from SERIAL insert as Parallel select
5875941 PQ slave may run under wrong consumer group
5903293 Wrong Results for Parallel Query using Group By or Distinct or has correlation
5910422 SESSIONS_PER_USER resource limit works inconsistently for PQ processes
5947231 Wrong results from parallel STAR query (with temp_disable)
5981212 Wrong results (SORT ORDER BY STOPKEY pushed below a FILTER) in PQ
6057203 Corruption with zero length column (ZLC) / OERI [kcbchg1_6] from Parallel update
6158287 Wrong results from PQO with EXISTS subquery
6193398 Wrong results with parallel query with temporary tables inside views
6241497 Resource manager with PQ enabled does not use parallelism
6274465 DML / queries run serially instead of parallel when there is concurrent DDL

Partitioned Tables
3748430 i_*part$, i_*part_obj$ should be created as unique indexes
4444536 Unnecessary sorting when access made through a global index
4580190 Bulk insert to partitioned table can insert constraint violating rows
4583442 ORA-22877 during move hash partition with LOB
4652100 Poor plan with bind peeking for SQL against LIST partitioned tables
4668012 Wrong results from IS_ALTER_COLUMN / IS_DROP_COLUMN for partition operations
4697632 OERI[atbbjie2] from exchange partition with bitmap join indexes
4905112 CREATE OUTLINE on DML using an indexed partitioned table may dump (kauxalo)
4959915 ORA-39083 / ORA-1647 during TTS import of a range-list partition table
5022188 Direct SQLLOAD of partitioned object table of non final types fails
5034323 Dictionary corruption when adding a subpartition to a table with a key compressed local index
5063279 OERI[kdibllockrange:not validated] updating a partitioned bitmap index
5099909 Partition not eliminated when joined to non mergeable view
5136863 OERI from join between partitioned table and domain index
5139572 OERI[qkauix2] on drop partition with parallelism
5213452 Fast refresh fails with ORA-936 after truncation of default LIST partition
5220356 Partition pruning predicates not cost pushed into UNION ALL views
5220562 ORA-4030 (sort subheap,sort key) on insert a partitioned table with concurrent DDL
5225836 DROP TYPE .. VALIDATE dumps for large partitioned table
5226383 Dump (kkpapDiGetRange) from subquery pruning with composite partitions
5245038 Wrong results with query against a list partitioned table with null partition key
5262017 Query on partitioned table with bitmap index gives OERI[qernsRowP]
5331374 OERI [kdiblsorget:rowidIllegal] updating partitioned table with row migration
5370626 Wrong results (more rows) on a parallel query over one partition with anti/semi join NL.
5397953 Dump [kkpapItgetAll] accessing partitioned table using multi column INLIST
5409593 Parallel insert as select into partitioned table can dump
5411244 ORA-4022 raised while rebuilding index partitions concurrently
5472523 Non violated deferred CHECK constraint fails (ORA-2290) at COMMIT
5479902 Dump qertbStart running query on partitioned table
5500044 Waits on 'cursor: pin X' / 'kksfbc child completion' or ORA-44203 on table_x_x child from concurrent LOB append and drop partition
5524408 Wrong result when query has 256+ bind variables on partitioning column
5556025 Wrong Results from partition pruning and ORs
5556152 Dropping a partitioned can be slow (Waits on 'dfs lock handle' for CI[1][2])
5556174 Dropping a partitioned table slow (waits for 'gc current grant busy')
5566439 Dropping a partitioned table is slow ('enq: RO - fast object reuse' waits)
5576013 Wrong results (no rows) with partition pruning [PARTITION LIST ALL (LAST)]
5586632 Dump (qkaGranuleIteratorTraverse) on query on partitioned tables
5604940 Wrong results from a join and extended partition naming
5611623 Parallel query slave dump (kkpapitsize)
5618049 "mvobj part des" leaked memory after partition DDL (ORA-4031)
5630149 ORA-22877 from partition / subpartition MOVE of HASH partition
5632050 OERI[kkpolpd12] / dictionary corruption from CONCURRENT partition DDL
5649326 OERI[kksfbc-reparse-infinite-loop] can occur after DDL on partitioned table
5650372 Wrong results / OERI[kkpapdrmfkk1] from predicate elimination on partitioned table
5652906 Spatial DML fails if there is concurrent partition DDL
5677420 ORA-20000 from Text query against partitioned table
5680970 ORA-39001 when attempting to export partition defined as an object type
5690241 Dump / wrong results from OR predicate on partition columns
5718007 Spin (in qcopxla / qcopx0la) with OR predicates on PARTITION key columns
5724215 No query rewrite if materialized view is partitioned
5724540 False ORA-1 from subquery partition pruning
5747782 Update of a partition table with UNUSED columns dumps [kdddcp or kdtInsRow]
5754362 Plans can change after deleting statistics on a partitioned table
5763245 Parse may spin in kkpapRTPRuningSetup
5882954 Long parse time for query against tables with many partitions
5932060 Enh: Add support for direct SQL on partitioned table/index
5939115 ora-600 [kghstack_underflow_internal_1][pcols in kkpapdaextsqueryslvl]
5941355 "Split partition" does not move LOB to correct tablespace
5961454 ORA-29861 on DML with concurrent partition maintenance on different partition
5984440 Dump [prsatb] from ALTER TABLE .. MODIFY SUBPARTITION
5996430 Reading extent maps for unanalyzed partitions can be expensive
6025805 ORA-14403 raised when executing select for update
6041084 Spin during parse of query with INLIST against list partition key
6059327 ORA-39083 / ORA-1647 during TTS import of subpartioned table
6123567 Dump [kkosbn] optimizing query on partitioned table
6329316 Wrong number of rows inserted by ARRAY insert into partitioned table with concurrent DDL
6435544 Split partition can be slow
6776107 TRUNCATE of highly partitioned table can be slow

Performance Affected (General)
5500535P HP-IA: Async IO limit too low for Oracle background processes
5705795P* Many child cursors possible for SQL using BINDS. This bug is alerted in Note:403616.1
5079978 High US enqueue contention in RAC
5087592 "log file sync" waits from read only commits
5173642 Data not read from cache on second execution with NUMA optimization enabled
5518811 Long latencies (several seconds) on BOC acks when one instance is idle
5751672 "In memory undo latch" contention from kturimugur
5896963 High LGWR CPU and longer "log file sync" with fix for bug 5065930
5964485 High waits in RAC due to LCK0 delay receiving ASTs
6319685 LGWR posts do not scale on some platforms
6450342 Process uses too many async IO descriptors
6528336 Automatic SGA may repeatedly shrink / grow the shared pool

Performance Monitoring
5052029P HPUX-PA: "ksugetosstat failed" / no rows from V$OSSTAT
1798853 sppurge.sql does not run in batch mode
4493741 Cannot see SQL_TEXT for procedure calls from EXECUTE IMMEDIATE
4572043 DML monitoring is incorrect for MERGE / MTI
4969005 Dump [kglLockIterator] querying V$ views
5010879 V$SESSION slow and does not show any BLOCKING_SESSION column data
5087155 DBA_DATA_FILES and V$DATAFILE views do not show all files
5452234 V$LIBRARYCACHE "gets" accounted wrong
5470034 ORA-1436 from TKPROF EXPLAIN of query using a WITH clause
5485914 Mutex self deadlock on explain / trace of remote mapped SQL
5518550 Prefetch does not occur if event 10046 is set
5545735 Wrong values for V$SYSSTAT "open cursors current"
5552515 Incorrect V$SGASTAT information for "ktcmvcb"
5649377 V$GCSPFMASTER_INFO.REMASTER_CNT is never updated
5692368 Poor performance of queries against GV$ / V$ views on library cache / shared cursors
5917836 V$LOCK does not show locks for attached XA sessions
5918642 Heavy latch contention with DB_CACHE_ADVICE on
6075099 ORA-1476 from spreport (statspack)
6356566 Memory leak / high CPU selecting from V$SQL_PLAN (affects statspack)

Performance Of Certain Operations Affected
4215910 DBMS_STATS may use a 100% row sample size when not expected
4725385 DBMS_STATS on partitioned IOT with additional indexes can be slow
4736971 Delayed XA transaction recovery
4920266 RMAN backup / restore of ARCHIVELOG can be slow
5057695 SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE can be slow
5064356 RMAN backup to NFS slow due to "noac" requirement / ORA-27054 if not set
5071931 Datapump import with remap tablespace and schema is very slow
5093060 Streams unnecessary flow control at apply site
5116414 Cleanup of non-existence objects by SMON takes a long time
5219484 RMAN catalog resyncs can be very slow
5292551 IMPDP slow when importing a table with initialized column of type varray
5327658 Dataguard logical standby can be slow
5354469 Poor performance of remote fetch with high fetch counts
5364613 Performance of XSL transform extremely slow
5370578 Capture process slow on startup on 'control file sequential read'
5401776 Poor performance using DBMS_XMLDOM
5455880 Excessive recursive query on TS$ when using a "tablespace group" as temporary tablespace
5504961 ORA-2292 slow to be signalled with many child rows
5510918 Log miner slow mining direct load redo
5521682 RMAN DUPLICATE with SKIP can be slow
5530583 ASSM managed INDEX updates can be slow compared to non-ASSM
5556152 Dropping a partitioned can be slow (Waits on 'dfs lock handle' for CI[1][2])
5556174 Dropping a partitioned table slow (waits for 'gc current grant busy')
5561130 Performance of long running transaction using AQ degrades over time
5566439 Dropping a partitioned table is slow ('enq: RO - fast object reuse' waits)
5576584 Poor ASM parallel read performance
5590185 Consistent export data pump job (flashback_time) has poor performance
5604120 Performance problems after applying calendar deviation
5683652 OCIHandleFree performance issue. PeopleTools Mandatory
5709414 DBMS_STATS.FLUSH_DATABASE_MONITORING_INFO call is very expensive
5723260 Logminer slow / excess memory use processing batch inserts with LOBs
5752105 ANALYZE TABLE VALIDATE STRUCTURE CASCADE ONLINE is slow with fix for 4430244
5764993 Unnecessary "buffer busy waits" timeout during index block split
5846062 DROP TABLESPACE takes a long time on very large buffer cache
5861536 Slow DDL due to Tablespace lookup with large number of tablespaces
5881229 AV capture is slow
5893614 Full table scan very slow on ASM
5893704 Occassional 1 second timeouts on "gc buffer busy" wait
5899994 RMAN resync is slow when the standby becomes primary (during switchover)
5922239 ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION IMMEDIATE pauses for 30s increments
5955732 Two child cursors created when querying ku$_10_1_fhtable_view
5996430 Reading extent maps for unanalyzed partitions can be expensive
5998048 Deadlock on COMMIT updating AUD$ / Performance degradation when FGA is enabled
6017440 Streams capture / CDC / apply slow mining DMLs for tables with REFRESH ON COMMIT Materialized Views
6034995 RMAN slow SYNC due to too many rows in ROUT table
6037872 Reconfiguration slow in active / passive with large buffer cache
6064864 Archives containing DDL for not replicated objects take longer to process
6077514 DBMS_STATS.GATHER_FIXED_OBJECT_STATS can be slow with large buffer cache
6080303 Datapump export does not unload data until all metadata unloaded with PARALLEL > 1
6135499 Wrong Streams rule for bidirectional setup from MAINTAIN_* APIs
6143688 node startups cAN spend up to 2 mins in AQ partition code
6163622 SQL apply degrades with larger transactions
6168063 High "Flashback buf free by RVWR" waits
6376915 HW enqueue contention for ASSM LOB segments
6435544 Split partition can be slow
6529008 Slow create tablespace / add datafile
6776107 TRUNCATE of highly partitioned table can be slow

Performance Of Query/ies Affected
6455161+ Higher CPU / Higher "cache buffer chains" latch gets / Higher "consistent gets" after truncate/Rebuild
599680 Unnecessary sort for SELECT DISTINCT
4226736 Wrong clustering factor when DBMS_STATS.GATHER_INDEX_STATS runs in parallel
4273361 Unique index access not used with INLIST predicate
4336528 PQ may be slower than expected (timeouts on "PX Deq: Signal ACK")
4444536 Unnecessary sorting when access made through a global index
4483240 INLIST may use suboptimal index
4513695 Poor performance for SELECT with ROWNUM=1 with literal replacement
4545802 Poor Outer Join Cardinality estimation with filters on outer table
4567767 Execution Plan changes upon rowcache reload
4583239 INSERT .. SELECT with OR chains with identical predicates slower than same SELECT
4605810 Index may not be chosen to eliminate ORDER BY SORT
4619997 Function based index may not be used for INLIST predicate
4652100 Poor plan with bind peeking for SQL against LIST partitioned tables
4697189 High CPU usage for large sorts
4708389 Nested loop join costing ignores parallelism of index used to probe in right side
4752814 Wrong selectivity on comparision of VARCHAR2 column with CHAR variable
4872602 Sub-query is unnested even though cost is higher
4878299 Bad plan from join with FIRST_ROWS_N or a ROWNUM predicate
4913460 Soft parsing re-occurs for select using database link
4924149 Push predicate not working when function in the filter
5010879 V$SESSION slow and does not show any BLOCKING_SESSION column data
5029334 Queries against DBA_EXTENTS slow for locally managed tablespace
5030215 Excessive waits on PX Deq Signal ACK when RAC enabled
5040753 Optimal index is not picked on simple query / Column group statistics
5061079 Poor CONNECT BY plan
5065418 CONNECT BY performance degrades when temp space needed on disk
5082178 Bind peeking may occur when it should not
5099909 Partition not eliminated when joined to non mergeable view
5103126 Insert of duplicate rows with unique constraint slow
5129407 Suboptimal plan for SQL with multiple OR branches
5138741 High waits on 'row cache lock' when using materialized views on RAC
5147225 Poor performance of parallel context query with ROWNUM predicate
5161523 Wrong results / slow Parallel query due to data skew on multi-key table queues
5162867 Sort operation on a table that selects encrypted column slows down
5199213 Very bad plan for UNION ALL and push constant predicate / Wrong Results
5211863 Poor plan for CONNECT BY
5220356 Partition pruning predicates not cost pushed into UNION ALL views
5236908 Primary key index not used for IOT
5240607 FIRST_K_ROWS may choose inefficient NESTED LOOPS join
5258887 Queries on DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED Slow
5259025 The fixed table x$ktfbue has no statistics
5263572 Wrong cardinarity for predicates of form "col like func(:bind)"
5284303 Poor plan for predicates against character columns containing numeric data
5288623 CBO may not choose the best index for ORDER BY elimination
5302124 Join Predicates are not push inside window functions -- superceeded fix
5364143 Bind Peeking is not done upon query reload, Execution Plan changes
5385629 Push predicate optimization does not occur
5387148 View not merged even though the cost is lower
5396162 Suboptimal plan from ANSI query with semi join
5403489 Poor performance on 64-bit systems
5449488 Suboptimal plan for SQL with negated predicates (BITMAP MINUS)
5468809 Predicate order can affect execution plan
5482831 Suboptimal plan with FIRST_ROWS_K or EXISTS subquery
5483301 Cardinality of 1 when predicate value non-existent in frequency histogram
5505157 Predicates are not pushed in UNION ALL views
5509293 Query with subquery across DB link has poor performance
5518550 Prefetch does not occur if event 10046 is set
5519856 Wrong cardinality from CBO for "col LIKE function(:bind)"
5530958 Larger SGAs and SQL in long running transactions can use excess CPU in ktaifm
5547058 Poor plan with old_style predicate push into UNION ALL views
5547895 No transitive predicates produced for user defined deterministic function
5570942 Query Rewrite causes high parse time with high hits on 'latch: row cache objects' and dc_object_ids / Dump in STRLEN
5611962 CBO MAX/MIN optimization may not occur
5618040 FIRST_ROWS may give poor plan if index chosen to eliminate a SORT
5620485 Non code based push predicate into UNION view can get poor plan
5624216 Wrong cardinality for UNION ALL with no WHERE clause
5634346 Multi-column INLIST may not use INLIST ITERATOR
5645771 No pruning for Nested Loops Join on a range-list partitioned table in parallel
5650477 Poor plan possible due to lack of view merging
5674756 OLS does not set selectivity of predicates causing bad execution plans
5680702 Suboptimal execution path for semi / anti join
5692368 Poor performance of queries against GV$ / V$ views on library cache / shared cursors
5694984 Index distinct key count scaling is wrong for first_rows(k)
5705630 Suboptimal plan from 'or' expansion
5741044 Suboptimal execution plan as 1 row table not detected
5741121 Suboptimal plan for "not equals" predicates
5742678 Index range scan used to get MAX value instead of index min/max first row
5754362 Plans can change after deleting statistics on a partitioned table
5766310 Bad join cardinality is in the presence of histograms
5838613 Suboptimal plan from STAR transformation
5842686 Poor plan due to bad average column length for tables with LONG RAW
5844495 Suboptimal plan with VPD and DML statement
5872956 Slow or Wrong Results on CONNECT BY queries with constant predicates
5882954 Long parse time for query against tables with many partitions
5884519 V$SESSION is slow with fix for bug 5010879
5884780 Suboptimal plan for STAR transformation
5891471 Poor cardinality estimates with check constraints
5903581 Wrong Results with "Connect By with Filtering"
5910187 No bind peeking for implicit string bind to timestamp
5944076 Suboptimal plan in FIRST_ROWS(K) mode
5949981 Bad cardinality with histogram
5976822 Suboptimal plan possible
6006300 Push predicate does not occur
6006457 Suboptimal plan from ANSI outer join
6007259 CBO does not consider ORA concatenation
6011182 Parsing of large query takes long time / memory leak / ORA-4030 /4031
6033480 High parse time of query when using ANSI style joins
6041535 Wrong results when predicate pushed into union-all branches
6042205 High parse time for a query using ORDER BY
6051211 Too High Join Cardinality with Histograms Present
6070954 Skip scan may be used instead of a better range scan
6082745 Bad Cardinality Estimation with Single Value in Frequency Histograms
6084811 MERGE JOIN CARTESIAN not considered
6087237 CBO may not choose best join order
6114166 Pre-10g outlines may not work in later releases
6122894 Poor plan from UNION / INTERSECT views with OR predicates
6134565 FIRST_ROWS hint is not honored with "_sort_elimination_cost_ratio" parameter set
6151963 Wrong join cardinality with histograms
6188881 Index selectivity adjustment for anti/semi join causes wrong index to be chosen
6239971 CBO costing can differ greatly for =< compared to <
6251917 Merge join Cartesian setting optimizer_index_caching and optimizer_index_cost_adj
6274465 DML / queries run serially instead of parallel when there is concurrent DDL
6328110 Select COUNT() with an encrypted column is slow
6694548 Suboptimal execution plan using bitmap full index scan

Physical Standby Database / Dataguard
3140249 Data guard broker hangs when standby listener is down
4193047 Sequences / synonyms / indexes not created in logical standby database
4230058 ORA-1219 on connect to RMAN after physical standby is opened read only
4398691 DG broker does not set FAL_SERVER correctly in RAC
4404952 DG broker does not support cold-failover clusters
4538727 Applied column is not updated in V$ARCHIVED_LOG
4663793 ORA-16224 on select from ALL_OBJECTS on standby with DataGuard
4690705 Repeated ORA-1041 from heartbeat ping
4767278 OERI[kcrrupirfs.20] archiving redo to standby with ASM
4969780 Dump (krvxdts) from RFS
5022127 RMAN catalog resync fails RMAN-20098
5063635 OERI[kccdagf_3] during file creation
5079641 Switchover hangs attempting to recover a log file from a previous primary
5089522 Memory leak in niotns in MRP process
5209867 ORA-38777 is thrown by MRP when flashback through resetlogs
5238386 ORA-322 possible reading standby redo log header
5327658 Dataguard logical standby can be slow
5372831 OERI:26599 / dumps in JVM after database has been closed for recovery / opened
5382088 Fast start failover can hang on broker MIV mismatch
5387017 Primary hang when physical standby "shutdown immediate"
5396680 dgmgrl returns success for a failed reinstate
5399901 Archived log entries can take a long time to search in Dataguard
5526409 FAL gaps reported at standby for log not yet written at primary
5532046 Deadlock on metadata lock during quiesce of old primary
5573544 Trace files generated on DG primary by sqlplus sessions
5576816 FAL gap resolution does not work with max_connection set in some scenario
5578157 Instance crash with ORA-600 [1433] (RSM has all message blocks)
5743829 DG Broker process dump
5746174 MRP hangs with async LNS and parallel archival
5746223 Old primary hangs after a FSFO and prevents automatic reinstatement
5757282 Broker commands to standby can error (ORA-16613)
5759876 Dump [rfm_get_chief_lock] on Broker startup
5844816 Fast Start Failover (FSFO) occurs after planned primary shutdown
5844945 Bystander cannot receive missing logfiles from the old branch after failover
5857949 Startup may fail due to dump [rfmsoexinst] from DMON
5891280 MRP0 on standby may not start (OERI:krfg_aset_1)
5893318 Broker reinstate after failover fails with ORA-38777 in RAC
5894403 MRP0 process fails with SIGFPE in kcrarmb
5899994 RMAN resync is slow when the standby becomes primary (during switchover)
5930819 RMAN ignores Streams when deleting logs if both streams and DG are implemented
5934150 MRP at standby ignores entries created when database was primary
5942620 Archivelog gap may not get resolved
5951587 Unresolved gap after FSFO (fast start fail over)
5981084 OERI[kcrrtcln.seqvio] can occur
5999200 FSFO fails with ORA-16750 "failed to activate logical standby"
6029425 ORA-1207 recovering datafile from standby
6035495 ORA-19909 during MRP / RMAN-600 on resync
6039415 ORA-355 can occur during real time apply
6082660 Old primary stays up after failover
6143316 Cannot rebuild DG broker config files without bouncing primary in FSFO
6311900 RFS writes misleading messages to the alert log
6762914 ORA-326 during Managed Standby Recovery after thread disable
6768069 Cannot FLASHBACK DATABASE on RAC physical standby

Pro* Precompiler
5389730P Solaris-X86: 32bit clients cannot use Native naming adapter (ORA-12154)
5674184 ORA-22282 when using LOB buffering

Query Rewrite (Including Materialized Views)
5898210+ Hang from concurrent MV refresh and library cache invalidation in RAC
386181 ORA-12014 when creating a refresh complete / refresh force materialized view
4054238 ORA-12899 with complex aggregate expressions in a materialized view
4119210 OERI[kkqgSetFields.2] possible from query rewrite
4200563 OERI[kkqsfcsi-1] from query rewrite
4226141 Materialized view reports NOT NULL column as nullable
4380471 OERI[kkqsfcsi-1] from query rewrite with an ORDER BY
4482978 OERI[qkagby.noexec] on materialized view recompile
4483439 ORA-904 error during Materialized View fast refresh
4485775 OERI [qsmqLockTableSummarySubheap-1] selecting from materialized view with TDE enabled
4559546 Cannot used exp/imp of MVIEW with XMLTYPE column
4681323 Query rewrite not occurring if query references a materialized view
4740187 ORA-30353 creating materializer view with SYSDATE in the refresh clause
4768022 ALTER TABLE can fail with ORA-60
4864149 Query rewrite with ORDER BY of grouping_id dumps in evagrp
4883635 MERGE (with DELETE) can produce wrong results or Logical corruption in chained rows
5008674 OERI [kkqsfcsi-1] from query rewrite
5015547 Cannot create a materialized view over a database link (ORA-942)
5073249 Dump from fast refresh of MV using "WITH .. AS"
5096560 Dump (selexe) when recompiling a materialized view with a UNION
5136425 ORA-32337 from ON COMMIT MATERIALIZED VIEW after a direct load
5138741 High waits on 'row cache lock' when using materialized views on RAC
5165904 Materialized View DDL may execute when it should wait
5169684 Wrong results (all rows no filtering) when rewrite enabled on a view
5182679 INSERT as remote SELECT using CASE can produce wrong data
5217296 ORA-32411 reported on materialized view refresh
5261145 OERI[12261] from dbms_mview.explain_rewrite
5299546 ORA-942 from create materialized view with join between local and remote tables
5354437 ORA-1435 on create materialized view of UNION ALL from different sites
5363258 Query rewrite can fail with OERI[voprvl1]
5487101 Complete refresh does not preserve parallelism of indexes
5493858 ORA-604 / ORA-1422 from materialized view operations
5501349 Compilation errors from materialized iew with OUTER JOIN
5530043 OERI [kkzg_add_ref_stmt_lst.1] can occur during materialized view refresh
5564090 Rewrite does not occur for join with selection predicate connected by OR
5570942 Query Rewrite causes high parse time with high hits on 'latch: row cache objects' and dc_object_ids / Dump in STRLEN
5572957 Dump (under kkqssjsce) with query rewrite enabled and heavy load
5583712 ORA-942 on create materialized view on remote view
5619833 Dump (qerixGetKey) from query rewrite on join including functional index
5632128 Materialized View refresh looses statistics on primary key
5660643 OERI[kkqsfcsi-1] during query rewrite of SQL with set operator
5669051 Query rewrite may dump in kkqsMMVNormalizeQBC
5724215 No query rewrite if materialized view is partitioned
5845901 Dump from concurrent CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW and DDL on base tables
5850776 OERI[kkqsMMVReAggRewriteExp:notoptfou] from query rewrite
5872368 ORA-22160 from DBMS_ADVISOR.TUNE_MVIEW
5964193 OERI[kkqsRewriteCorrCols-1] during query rewrite with ANSI joins
6017440 Streams capture / CDC / apply slow mining DMLs for tables with REFRESH ON COMMIT Materialized Views
6041713 OERI[kkzdgdefq_oci - stexec] refreshing through definer rights procedure

RAC (Real Application Clusters) / OPS
6017420* OERI[kcbo_link_q_1] / crash with fix for bug 5454831 installed. This bug is alerted inNote:453309.1
5898210+ Hang from concurrent MV refresh and library cache invalidation in RAC
4398691 DG broker does not set FAL_SERVER correctly in RAC
4422686 LMD/LMS cannot be frozen during reconfig
4441119 Not enough information dumped when RAC detects a deadlock
4489948 ASM hangs during a parallel mount and shutdown in RAC
4584985 OERI[kclexpand_9] can occur
4605569 LCK may accumulate CPU time on one instance
4634662 OERI:kolaslGetLength-1 from V$SQL in RAC
4699720 MMON or PMON spin in RAC
4715375 OERI[kwqmtdel] in q00 process in RAC when any instance goes down
4744529 OERI:kclpred_1 / crash possible in RAC
4760728 ORA-38301 during DROP TABLE when already dropped from a different node
4936689 Crash dump (cdmp) generation cannot be limited dynamically
4963729 Global hanganalyze can leak memory / OERI[kghgethpsz1]
4966024 VLM buffer leak on if an error occurs
5030215 Excessive waits on PX Deq Signal ACK when RAC enabled
5064356 RMAN backup to NFS slow due to "noac" requirement / ORA-27054 if not set
5079978 High US enqueue contention in RAC
5118012 Instance crash with OERI[kclswrite_3] with multiple DBW processes
5138741 High waits on 'row cache lock' when using materialized views on RAC
5165885 OERI[kclcls_8] or OERI[Kjbrchkpkeywait:Timeout] can occur in RAC
5179008 Dump (kjzhablar) possible in RAC
5225596 AQ propogation does not work after failover
5304233 DBW endlessly writes error "kjbhistory[0xaa19.27000.."
5334733 Deadlock resolution can be slow in RAC
5353526 GCS reconfiguration performance improvement
5360289 Startup in RAC can be slow
5361398 Longer deadlock token (DI enqueue) get time with higher number of nodes
5366893 CF enqueue contention during first pass redo scan
5370641 Inefficient interconnecct lost packet handling
5375583 LMS process dies with OERI[kclexpandlock_1]
5376770 Spin in kcldle in RAC can cause a cluster hang
5379206 SMON blocked waiting for CF enqueue during 1st pass recovery (for 1 second)
5388885 Hang / OERI[krvxbpns01] accessing V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS from RAC
5403150 ORA-603 when cannot get lock within Resource Manager "switch_time" in RAC
5415594 xa_commit returns -4 (XA_NOTA) after RAC failover
5454831 RAC deadlock possible on working set latches
5470095 Self deadlock should provide more targeted diagnostics
5471994 LCK may accumulate CPU time when SMON does Serial Transaction recovery
5485242 ORA-29701 in RAC environment
5503590 Logminer Adhoc can hang or error mining logs from a RAC database
5506702 Dequeue delay experienced after reconfiguration
5518811 Long latencies (several seconds) on BOC acks when one instance is idle
5526996 OERI[kjhn_post_ha_alert0-784] can occur in RAC due to racgimon problem
5530697 OERI[kjshash:!esm2] in PQ slave process in RAC querying GV$ view
5556152 Dropping a partitioned can be slow (Waits on 'dfs lock handle' for CI[1][2])
5556174 Dropping a partitioned table slow (waits for 'gc current grant busy')
5566439 Dropping a partitioned table is slow ('enq: RO - fast object reuse' waits)
5587421 LMS fails with OERI [kjmpmsg_1]
5593693 Connection load balancing does not work if db_domain is set
5596032 LMON may wait in network validation
5599293 RAC instance termination may unexpectedly stall for several seconds than needed
5600050 LMON may fails with OERI [kjbrref:pkey] during DRM
5649377 V$GCSPFMASTER_INFO.REMASTER_CNT is never updated
5663447 ORA-27544 using HMP protocol in RAC
5666733 LOB segment does not use free space from freelist in RAC database
5681955 SGA corruption in RAC (OERI [17114] / OERI [17112])
5688403 'IPC Send timeout' error just after 'flush_cache' event in RAC
5690100 RAC instance crash with OERI[kjbmpwrite:wip2]
5695610 OERI[kxfpgsg] isolation_level = serializable in RAC
5697333 ORA-25402 from TAF in RAC
5721821 SGA corruption / Dump[kglobcl] / crash if objects dropped / recreated
5730717 OERI:kclchkinteg_18 / LMS crashes the instance
5744546 MMON OERI [1403]
5751016 AQ messages enqueued at non-owner instance not moved from WAIT to READY
5764556 OERI[kctdsb_internal_03]
5843585 Additional diagnostics for "ges inquiry response" RAC hangs
5844816 Fast Start Failover (FSFO) occurs after planned primary shutdown
5854415 RAC diagnostic enhancement for corrupt messages
5855896 Reconfiguration takes a long time restarting instance in active/standby RAC
5857949 Startup may fail due to dump [rfmsoexinst] from DMON
5863519 Instance crash due to LMS dump (in kclcsr)
5881493 CDC ordered sequence causes large performance degradation on RAC
5883112 False deadlock in RAC
5884519 V$SESSION is slow with fix for bug 5010879
5891737 Dump (kcblsod) / OERI:723 / Memory leak in ASM/RAC
5893318 Broker reinstate after failover fails with ORA-38777 in RAC
5893704 Occassional 1 second timeouts on "gc buffer busy" wait
5899033 SMON dump (kfrCheckCtx) diskgroup instance recovery
5900401 Instance crash by LMON due to "skgpgpstack: read() ..." error
5933838 Database crash (ORA-449) after ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK OFF in RAC
5939241 Inconsistent diskgroup configuration after rejected DISK OFFLINE
5942620 Archivelog gap may not get resolved
5950708 'gcs resources' and 'gcs shadows' are imbalanced across shared pool subpools
5952530 Spin / hang after cluster reconfiguration
5958244 LMS processes running in realtime can spin
5964485 High waits in RAC due to LCK0 delay receiving ASTs
5968965 xa_recover on RAC may not return all prepared transactions
5973648 ORA-54 during concurrent parallel direct SQLLOAD in RAC
5974572 WRH$_SERVICE_STAT can grow very large in RAC
6001617 LCK may accumulate CPU time / ORA-4031 possible
6005113 OERI[kclrwrite_7] in DBWn process followed by instance crash in RAC
6013968 Hang / OERI:504 with patch for bug 5863519 installed
6018125 Instance crash during dynamic remastering or instance reconfiguration
6019084 RAC hang possible when node leaves the cluster with fix for bug 5844816
6037872 Reconfiguration slow in active / passive with large buffer cache
6057703 OERI[kclchkblkdma_3] can occur in RAC
6075582 OERI[kjbmpref:sh] / dump [kjmpbmsg] in LMS causing instance crash
6083037 Server side load balancing does not work
6114833 Logminer does not signal error if log unavailable in continuous_mine
6123145 Dump [ksxpunmap] in RAC
6143688 node startups cAN spend up to 2 mins in AQ partition code
6144079 Instance crash in RAC (OERI:2103)
6154655 QMON fails to update queue table affinity for several minutes after failover
6239052 LMS can crash instance with OERI[kjbrchkinteg:last]
6271689 RAC instance crash possible
6310591 DB hang with CKPT waiting for enquiry response in RAC
6442431 A node may stop receiving connections with RAC load balancing
6496514 RAC deadlock between "libary cache lock" and TX enqueue
6501007 DRM sync timeout in RAC
6768069 Cannot FLASHBACK DATABASE on RAC physical standby
6781496 OERI[KGHLATCH_REG4] on STARTUP with >61 CPUs in RAC with fix for 5508574

RMAN (Recovery Manager)
4125093 OPEN RESETLOGS is not possible if RMAN backup omits plugged-in READ ONLY tablespaces
4230058 ORA-1219 on connect to RMAN after physical standby is opened read only
4431215 "backup archivelog all delete input" from RMAN removes ASM directory
4457221 Dump [under kdxcom] doing RMAN compressed backup
4538727 Applied column is not updated in V$ARCHIVED_LOG
4541506 RMAN OERI[1880] when MAXPIECESIZE is set
4545196 Corrupt index leaf by RMAN CONVERT from cross platform transport of compress-key indexes
4659734 RMAN-6900 RMAN-6901 ORA-19921 during RMAN commands
4920266 RMAN backup / restore of ARCHIVELOG can be slow
5016125 RMAN convert with parallelism > 1 fails (RMAN-3009 / ORA-19927)
5022127 RMAN catalog resync fails RMAN-20098
5063635 OERI[kccdagf_3] during file creation
5064356 RMAN backup to NFS slow due to "noac" requirement / ORA-27054 if not set
5207044 RMAN "backup validate check logical" fails with OERI[krbbfmx_notfound]
5219484 RMAN catalog resyncs can be very slow
5247609 RMAN slow performance during register database/open resetlogs
5278539 ORA-23605 on create of new capture
5448714 ORA-1455 on RMAN backup database for files over 4Tb in size
5521682 RMAN DUPLICATE with SKIP can be slow
5705762 Duplicate may fail on RESTORE
5742127 RMAN backup sometimes fails if datafile grows during backup
5870989 RMAN restore failover gives ORA-19864 error
5899994 RMAN resync is slow when the standby becomes primary (during switchover)
5928555 OERI[krastrso_reserve] during BACKUP BACKUPSET
5930819 RMAN ignores Streams when deleting logs if both streams and DG are implemented
5932029 ORA-21000 when running RMAN "resync catalog"
5932181 RESYNC of RMAN catalog fails with ORA-1 (on TF_U2) or RMAN-20042 after switchover
5971763 RMAN-20098 during CATALOG SYNC
5977767 RMAN "minimize load" with "duration" causes backup to timeout
6013213 OERI[17183] selecting from X$KRBAFF
6034995 RMAN slow SYNC due to too many rows in ROUT table
6035495 ORA-19909 during MRP / RMAN-600 on resync
6253529 RMAN duplicate/restore database fails restoring archivelog ORA-19636
6451722 RSR table in RMAN catalog database never gets cleaned

Read Only Tablespace/s
4125093 OPEN RESETLOGS is not possible if RMAN backup omits plugged-in READ ONLY tablespaces
5693140 OERI[kdtdelrow-2] from array insert with concurrent ALTER TABLESPACE READ ONLY
5695131 HW enqueue deadlock / OERI:1153 from array insert with SAVE EXCEPTIONS to READ ONLY ASSM segment

6128197* OERI[kcrfr_resize2] / cannot recover database. This bug is alerted in Note:453259.1
4125093 OPEN RESETLOGS is not possible if RMAN backup omits plugged-in READ ONLY tablespaces
4577403 OERI [kcbr_pending_3] during parallel recovery
4736971 Delayed XA transaction recovery
4899479 Undo/redo corruption if distributed transactions used
5387683 ORA-27103 / ORA-27129 during media recovery
6010833 Recovery following flashback does not utilize changes in online redo log
6029425 ORA-1207 recovering datafile from standby
6251003 Reduce maximum reads that can be issued by a recovery slave
6267094 OERI[kghstack_underflow_internal_1] recovering logical standby

Recycle Bin
5083393 DBA_FREE_SPACE FILE_ID / REL_FNO may be wrong
6113520 Cannot add table into single table cluster (ORA-25136)

Regular Expressions
5194354 DUMP[kghalp] when executing query with index using REGEXP_SUBSTR
5682195 Dump (lstmclo) evaluating regular expression in case insensitive mode

5604698 Deadlock between 'library cache lock' and 'library cache pin' using replication

Resource Manager
4886649 OERI[kgskthrexit3] possible from resource manager
5403150 ORA-603 when cannot get lock within Resource Manager "switch_time" in RAC
5910422 SESSIONS_PER_USER resource limit works inconsistently for PQ processes
6195283 OERI[1100] / crash using Resource Manager
6241497 Resource manager with PQ enabled does not use parallelism
6816727 Resource manager does not handle errors correctly

Row Level Security / FGA
4581220 OERI:kzaSqlTxtLob1 with fine grained auditing and parallel query
5084679 OERI from EXPLAIN_REWRITE CLOB interface with VPD
5084757 OERI when executing explain_plan with VPD
5228711 ORA-604 trace from PQ slaves with FGA policy
5387478 ORA-28132 for user with EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY privilege
5844495 Suboptimal plan with VPD and DML statement
5860927 FGA records are not written for view on remote table
5913871 FGA records are written for recursive SQL under DBMS_STATS
5938452 VPD does not work when a CURSOR expression is used against a synonym
5998048 Deadlock on COMMIT updating AUD$ / Performance degradation when FGA is enabled

4766696 Loader LDR-297 / ORA-1756 from SQL / expression ending with a single quote
5022188 Direct SQLLOAD of partitioned object table of non final types fails
5104257 SQLLoader truncates nested table columns
5228136 ORA-26065 from SQLLDR direct path load of objects containing a LOB and constraints
5579610 SQLLoaded message and error return code for SKIP INDEX MAINTENANCE
5651245 ORA-1801 from SQL Loader instead of the elapsed time of the load message
5676948 OERI [qxxmslSelectLocator_10] from SQL*Loader
5716353 ORA-12899 from SQL Loader for valid data
5873852 sqlldr inserts character data longer than the column length (CHAR length semantics)
5944227 SQLloader direct path load into IOT can dump [kdblldrp]
5953355 OERI[klaprs_30] / OERI[klaprs_10] during SQLLOADER direct path load
5973648 ORA-54 during concurrent parallel direct SQLLOAD in RAC

Security ( Authentication / Privileges / Auditing )
4069679 USERENV of SESSIONID returns 0 when used in a logon TRIGGER WHEN clause
4254770 OERI:kzaSqlBindLob1 can occur with AUDIT_TRAIL = DB_EXTENDED for sql using binds
4395849 ESM tool hangs connecting to directory server on SSL port
4596532 Wrong results from V$XML_AUDIT_TRAIL
5021304 V$PARAMETER view of AUDIT_SYSLOG_LEVEL looses all characters after a "."
5078627 Audit sessionid is zero for jobs invoked by job scheduler
5081050 No audit for logout action with audit_trail=xml
5162867 Sort operation on a table that selects encrypted column slows down
5166745 Excessive redo generation with auditing enabled
5182299 Dump on grant / revoke of privileges on a TYPE
5248932 XML audit filenames should be based on process id
5254198 ALTER USER SYS IDENTIFIED BY VALUES does not change the password file
5376108 ORA-1109 when shutting down the database with AUDIT_TRAIL=DB
5437445 Incorrect username displayed from logminer adhoc query when auditing is on
5617311 ORA-1017 cannot connect through proxy using distinguished name
5654013 EUS shared server connection fails with ORA-28030
5660888 OERI[kzspvcr:1] using proxy authentication with > 16 roles
5711129 XML audit file does not record all bind variables correctly
5924763 Rows missing from V$XML_AUDIT_TRAIL
5945463 XA clients should not require execute privilege on DBMS_SYSTEM
5977486 Password changes not propogated to logical standby when password expires
5998048 Deadlock on COMMIT updating AUD$ / Performance degradation when FGA is enabled
6018252 Insert statement with RETURNING clause fails with ORA-1031
6035889 ORA-28003 from create / alter user if password verification function contains special character
6041317 OERI when inserting ASCII 0x0 into CHAR/VARCHAR2 with AUDIT_TRAIL=DB_EXTENDED
6152756 Audit trail string value not quoted
6322324 OS audit trail should include length of attribute values

Shared Pool Affected
5705795P* Many child cursors possible for SQL using BINDS. This bug is alerted in Note:403616.1
4367986 Bind peeked parallel cursors do not share
4467058 IO requests can flush the pool / signal a hidden ORA-4031 error
4581334 Cursors accessing remote tables may be repeatedly rebuilt and not used
4701527 Cursors not shared when executing procedures over a dblink
5082178 Bind peeking may occur when it should not
5386986 Leak / ORA-4031 leak when DROP UNUSED COLUMN issued on large partitioned table
5465597 SQL apply does not use bind variables while processing sequence updates
5479172 ORA-4031 with multiple partially-allocated permanent chunks
5508505 ORA-4031 while shared heap still has unused reserved extents
5548389 Library cache allocation for 'column mapping' not using uniform sized extents
5548510 _FIX_CONTROL parameter leaks memory in the shared pool
5555683 Intermittent ORA-1801 when shared pool under pressure
5573238 Shared pool memory use / ORA-4031 due to "obj stat memo" in one subpool
5618049 "mvobj part des" leaked memory after partition DDL (ORA-4031)
5704636 Event 10503 does not work in - inclusive
5841488 Extra child cursors for INSERT or MERGE SQL with fix for bug 4701527
5950708 'gcs resources' and 'gcs shadows' are imbalanced across shared pool subpools
6011182 Parsing of large query takes long time / memory leak / ORA-4030 /4031
6043052 Leak in perm allocations with "library cache" comments (ORA-4031)
6333663 Shared pool latch contention due to fragmentation of large pool

Shared Server (formerly MTS)
4739114 Dump in shared server after using DBMS_XMLDOM
5324905 nsprecv() can corrupt the SGA when using shared servers
5362897 Non linear CPU increase when adding more shared server sessions
5447395 Shared server tied to session when BFILE used
5482555 Shared server does not release memory
5654013 EUS shared server connection fails with ORA-28030
5711011 "SocketException: socket is closed" using RMI with shared servers
6056865 Intermittent OERI [kcblci_1] using shared servers
6333663 Shared pool latch contention due to fragmentation of large pool
6390420 TNS-12535 is logged twice to sqlnet.log at time-out with shared servers

Space Management (Locally Managed Tablespaces)
5029334 Queries against DBA_EXTENTS slow for locally managed tablespace
6017760 DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL does not show changed datafile attributes

Spatial / Spatial Advisor
5652906 Spatial DML fails if there is concurrent partition DDL

Spatial Data
5024703 PARALLEL on Spatial index is ignored
5118210 OERI[kopuigpfx1] on insert to table with sdo_geometry column with INSTEAD OF trigger
5374225 SDO_FILTER query fails with OERI[kdsgrp1]
5959987 Spatial aggregations fail with ORA-22813

Star Transformation
4372359 Wrong results from temp table star transformation
4702830 OERI[kkoljt1] when using star transformation with an ANSI outer join
5089444 Dump (kkodsel) from select with a subquery with star transformation
5113934 PQ slave dump in qerixGetKey() when using bitmap index access
5245494 Improved control over whether star transformation is performed
5369855 OERI:733 or Spin (qksopLogSame) from star transformation
5397482 Wrong results from Star transformation with transitive join predicate
5512415 Wrong result from star transformation with EXISTS subquery
5568316 Wrong results from star transformation
5571916 wrong (duplicate) values with parallel and STAR (missing "PX block iterator")
5612751 OERI:qertqosSetPart4 if STAR transformation is considered and rejected
5670294 Dump (qknviAllocate) using star transformation
5766450 Dump [kkomprf] when attempting STAR transformation
5838613 Suboptimal plan from STAR transformation
5884780 Suboptimal plan for STAR transformation
5947231 Wrong results from parallel STAR query (with temp_disable)
5988085 Dump [kkodsel] from STAR transformation with ANSI view

Star Transformation With Temp. Tables
5381446 Wrong results / dump from STAR transformation with INDEX join
5649765 Dump [evaopn2] from star transformation with pushed predicate

Storage Space Usage Affected
4380450 Unbalanced space usage if diskgroup has only two disks, both of different size
5093837 ALTER TABLE SHRINK does not take PCTFREE into account
5387030 Automatic tuning of undo_retention causes unusual extra space allocation
5442919 Expired extents not being reused (ORA-30036)
5655612 AQ$_PENDING_MESSAGES table can grow indefinitely
5666733 LOB segment does not use free space from freelist in RAC database
5723140 Temp LOB space not released after commit
5974572 WRH$_SERVICE_STAT can grow very large in RAC
6147372 COL_USAGE$ may keep growing in size

Streams / Logical Standby
3023540 "Create index ... online" does not create index on logical standby
4061534 OERI[krvtadc] / dump in capture mining redo for COMPRESSed table
4304023 Logical Standby does not support OLS properly
4369756 Log apply may dump [krvsmso]
4373687 SET_SCHEMA_INSTANTIATION_SCN does not error if database link unavailable
4408041 Dropped foreign key column puts wrong table name in DDL redo for streams
4552393 Heterogenous apply fails for updates with WHERE .. IS NULL
4556298 Auto delete turned off after ACTIVATE LOGICAL STANDBY APPLY
4567042 Logical standby log apply may stop with OERI[knacend910]
4627457 ORA-24042 from REMOVE_STREAMS_CONFIGURATION if queue_to_queue is true
4667479 ORA-16224 when using UTL_FILE / ORA-1031 using a DIRECTORY under GUARD ALL
4681763 ORA-6502 from DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.maintain_schemas if schema is empty
4681796 DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.maintain_schemas gives unhelpful ORA-2019 error
4682527 ORA-26762 from maintain_* scripts if source db name does not include dot (.)
4684070 Password changes not propogated to logical standby
4719798 DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.maintain_schemas incorrectly requests supplemental log for IOT with overflow
4719848 Streams DELETE_ERROR does not maintain AQ$_QTABLE_I
4730249 Logical Standby or Adhoc query fails with ORA-1801 when using a different characterset
4933222 Apply update of clob in multibyte charset double spaces characters
4959652 Streams may get OERI [kwqbespayl518]
5024737 Streams LCRs may be filtered when using distributed commit SCN
5040073 ORA-27047 from DBMS_STREAMS_TABLESPACE_ADM pull tablespace
5058318 Memory leak (in "koh-kghu" heap of type "kolccst obj")
5087279 User DDL incorrectly skipped on logical standby
5087369 logical standby potential data loss during failover
5093060 Streams unnecessary flow control at apply site
5095889 PGA leak during propagation in "kwqpcbk:koioalm" and "kwqpcbk:csid"
5116197 Queue_to_Queue propagation cannot be configured with ADD_GLOBAL_PROPAGATION_RULES
5154689 OERI[kql_tab_diana:new dep] / table dependency deleted in Streams
5183594 Logical standby apply stops / OERI [kghstack_underflow_internal_2] with SKIP / UNSKIP on SYS tables
5190392 Drop of table with triggers fails (ORA-16227) on logical standby
5196175 OERI[kghstack_underflow_internal_1] with supplemental logging for LOBS
5197305 NON_SCHEMA_DDL option skip() setting causes type bodys to be skipped
5205636 Apply fails with ORA-26687 while dropping a table with referential constraints
5206649 Logical standby finish apply time is highly variable on an idle system
5220845 Large packages imported via data pump are not shipped to logical standby
5225733 After flashback operation, new logs are not applied in logical standby
5261453 Standby "apply skip failed transaction" fails
5278539 ORA-23605 on create of new capture
5287523 ORA-16216 starting SQL apply after rolling upgrade completion
5327658 Dataguard logical standby can be slow
5350292 ORA-16210 logical standby coordinator process terminates with error
5360422 Datapump export from logical standby fails with ORA-39004 / ORA-39091 / ORA-44004
5370578 Capture process slow on startup on 'control file sequential read'
5394563 DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.maintain_simple_tts does not check if tablespace exists
5399050 Logical standby does not ignore data pump external table creations (Apply stops ORA-955)
5406025 DDL on primary can invalidate related objects on logical standby
5465597 SQL apply does not use bind variables while processing sequence updates
5472702 ORA-1403 during SQL Apply of redo from table import (redo issue)
5484652 QMNC process spin in Streams
5496852 Skipping grant object skips every grant
5501269 Alter shrink operations are not applied in logical standby
5512840 Logical standby fetch slave stops with OERI [knahfgx704]
5515703 Streams table diverges after partial rollback on primary
5517195 Logical standby table INSTANTIATE_TABLE may silently fail
5529797 PGA leak / OERI KWQPCBK179 during Streams propogation
5567641 Streams capture terminates on restart with OERI[krvuatla]
5567937 False ORA-1 / ORA-1403 from logminer rolling back IOT redo
5575674 CAPTURE_IGNORE_TRANSACTION parameter handles rolled back transaction incorrectly
5581472 Streams capture excessive IO during low / idle redo generation
5584105 ORA-1 against I_STREAMS_APPLY_SPILL_TXN in Streams apply
5584790 PURGE_SESSION not deleting archive logs that are no longer needed
5588615 Single source streams with DML handler duplicates CLOB column value
5593617 Job scheduler cannot be used on logical standby (ORA-16224)
5602452 Capture gets stuck in 'dictionary initialization' after recovery
5623403 ORA-26773 invalid data type for "malformed redo" in Streams Capture
5640593 Streams OERI:kwqbmcrcpts101 while spilling messages
5653824 DBMS_LOGSTDBY.build may use wrong logs
5677680 Starting SQL apply fails with ORA-1426
5685296 Logical apply stops with PLS-103 due to NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS setting
5685645 Logminer does not support IOT with OVERFLOW if table has been altered
5715079 ORA-1281 when applying a Patch Set on a logical standby
5723260 Logminer slow / excess memory use processing batch inserts with LOBs
5744428 dbms_logmnr_d.build may get a downstream build failure
5769961 Excessive trace from DML errors on logical standby
5770059 DBA_CAPTURE . required_checkpoint_scn not moving forward
5837643 Ignored transactions not excluded from oldest_scn computation on restart
5860221 Apply aborts with OERI[17147] / memory corruption with FUNCTION BASED index
5865842 DBA_REGISTERED_ARCHIVED_LOG.DICTIONARY_END contains extra space for 'NO' value
5867943 Capture aborts with OERI[knlcloop-200] mining "ALTER TABLE SPLIT PARTITION ..."
5881229 AV capture is slow
5883622 Capture dump / error after restart
5886044 No way to purge v$streams_transactions
5924538 Logical standby apply fails with ORA-1427 for operations on IOTs
5930819 RMAN ignores Streams when deleting logs if both streams and DG are implemented
5942476 OERI [kcrrcomp.4] can occur in Streams
5977486 Password changes not propogated to logical standby when password expires
6004936 Standby apply stops after ORA-16146
6017440 Streams capture / CDC / apply slow mining DMLs for tables with REFRESH ON COMMIT Materialized Views
6034040 Apply aborts with OERI [knlcfpactx:any_knlso] using RENAME_SCHEMA
6043052 Leak in perm allocations with "library cache" comments (ORA-4031)
6064864 Archives containing DDL for not replicated objects take longer to process
6135499 Wrong Streams rule for bidirectional setup from MAINTAIN_* APIs
6136494 Capture process aborts with OERI [17112] / OERI [17147]
6154377 REQUIRED_CHECKPOINT_SCN not moving
6163622 SQL apply degrades with larger transactions
6267094 OERI[kghstack_underflow_internal_1] recovering logical standby
6640950 Update of LONG can cause Streams capture to spin / spill
6644215 OERI[krvxradfd] during autodelete of partial log on logical standby

System Managed Undo (SMU)
5079978 High US enqueue contention in RAC
5387030 Automatic tuning of undo_retention causes unusual extra space allocation
5439554 "buffer busy wait" timeouts with automatic undo management and in memory undo
5442919 Expired extents not being reused (ORA-30036)
5512921 Instance crash caused by SMON OERI[kcblus_1] / dump
5749075 High Requests on dc_rollback_segments. latch / US enqueue contention
6499872 ORA-01628: max # extents (32765) for rollback seg

Transparent Application Failover
5406976 Dump (lxhscn) if DB calls out over NET with a FAILOVER clause
5415594 xa_commit returns -4 (XA_NOTA) after RAC failover
5444539 Database connections not released after database failover or recycle
5697333 ORA-25402 from TAF in RAC
5758870 ORA-3135 from TAF with SELECT type FAILOVER
6315913 ORA-3106 for SQL using BLOBs after TAF failover

Transparent Data Encryption
4485775 OERI [qsmqLockTableSummarySubheap-1] selecting from materialized view with TDE enabled
5667253 Dump while selecting from encrypted table with CHAR column and subquery
5671774 Memory corruption due to TDE with imported certificate
6057069 Wrong results possible when the columns are encrypted
6207959 DBA_UPDATABLE_COLUMNS shows view as not updatable when TDE enabled
6328110 Select COUNT() with an encrypted column is slow

Transportable Tablespaces
4087161 Tranport tablespace import ORA-904 for tables with XMLType columns
4125093 OPEN RESETLOGS is not possible if RMAN backup omits plugged-in READ ONLY tablespaces
4545196 Corrupt index leaf by RMAN CONVERT from cross platform transport of compress-key indexes
4566516 Transportable tablespace does not handle domain indexes
4959915 ORA-39083 / ORA-1647 during TTS import of a range-list partition table
5037851 ORA-31000 from DBMS_TTS.TRANSPORT_SET_CHECK with XDB
5936058 Corrupt metadata from tablespace transport
6059327 ORA-39083 / ORA-1647 during TTS import of subpartioned table
6075487 OERI[kddummy_blkchk]..[18020/18026] for DDL on plugged ASSM tablespace with FLASHBACK

5115882+ Wrong returned value from UPDATE .. RETURNING with before ROW trigger
4069679 USERENV of SESSIONID returns 0 when used in a logon TRIGGER WHEN clause
4352110 ORA-39125 from expdp/impdp of triggers with nulls in WHEN clause
4768022 ALTER TABLE can fail with ORA-60
4893136 OERI:17287 dropping / creating triggers that use the "CALL" statement
5118210 OERI[kopuigpfx1] on insert to table with sdo_geometry column with INSTEAD OF trigger
5256791 Trigger "UPDATING('col')" clause can return TRUE when column not updated
5350339 ORA-979 using TIMESTAMP in triggers and GROUP BY clause
5579055 Dump (kxccres) updating view with instead of trigger
5616820 Triggers using :OLD values of TIMESTAMP columns see :NEW values instead
5676637 OERI[17114] using EMPTY_CLOB() in a trigger
5685411 Updating columns to NULL in a trigger may have no effect
5872835 Multiple trigger execution from SERIAL insert as Parallel select

6455161+ Higher CPU / Higher "cache buffer chains" latch gets / Higher "consistent gets" after truncate/Rebuild
4344935 OERI from DML on TEMPORARY TABLE after autonomous TRUNCATE
5213452 Fast refresh fails with ORA-936 after truncation of default LIST partition
6086497 OERI[ktspgetmyb-1] / bitmap segment corruption for ASSM segments
6776107 TRUNCATE of highly partitioned table can be slow

Unstable Execution Plan
4567767 Execution Plan changes upon rowcache reload
5364143 Bind Peeking is not done upon query reload, Execution Plan changes

Wallet Manager
5551624 ORA-28353 creating a wallet

Workload repository / reporting
4632024 MMON reports spurious high version count SQL
4748642 ORA-6502 error encountered in top blocking sessions in ASH
5088977 MMON dump (in keltfill) intermittently
5239294 ORA-1403 failure in AUTO_SPACE_ADVISOR_JOB_PROC
5245039 Tablespace space used % alert not triggered when used space is > 320gb
5376783 DBMS_SPACE.OBJECT_GROWTH_TREND can perform excessive IO
5486074 OERI [keltnfy-ldminit] when DNS is not available
5974572 WRH$_SERVICE_STAT can grow very large in RAC

Wrong Results
6646613* IOT corruption after upgrade from <= 9.2 to >= 10g. This bug is alerted in Note:471479.1
4925103+ Wrong results using MAX() on column containing NULLs
5115882+ Wrong returned value from UPDATE .. RETURNING with before ROW trigger
5146740+ Wrong results with bind variables/CURSOR_SHARING
5383936+ Wrong results from Parallel Query with OUTER join and HASH join
5686711+ Wrong cursor may be executed if schemas have objects with same names
6044413+ Intermittent wrong results when table prefetch occurs
5010657P HPUX-Itanium: No rows from V$OSSTAT / incorrect CPU_COUNT
4319031 Wrong header_status in V$ASM_DISK when disk is offline
4346448 NLS_COMP = ANSI gives wrong results comparing CHAR with VARCHAR2
4372359 Wrong results from temp table star transformation
4407269 Wrong result with nested loop parallel query with ROWNUM pushdown
4424952 extractValue returns wrong result
4459574 FLASHBACK_TRANSACTION_QUERY shows multi row INSERT as SELECT as only one row
4490782 Unparse operations give wrong date for BC TO_DATE literals
4538727 Applied column is not updated in V$ARCHIVED_LOG
4552696 DBMS_Scheduler is suppressing no_data_found exceptions in jobs
4596532 Wrong results from V$XML_AUDIT_TRAIL
4644351 OERI[15819] / wrong results from parallel select
4668012 Wrong results from IS_ALTER_COLUMN / IS_DROP_COLUMN for partition operations
4692059 Wrong results from SQL with subquery with multi-column correlation predicate
4694156 TIMESTAMP column in DBA_TAB_MODIFICATIONS not updated
4704779 Incorrect histogram type shown (frequency/height-balanced)
4725022 Wrong results from a function call using a CONCAT of a NULL
4743582 Intermittent wrong results from TABLE SCAN with COL1 relop COL2 predicate
4770292 Wrong results from CONNECT BY query on IOT with secondary index/es
4865959 Wrong results / exception from Java Stored Procedure accessing data over DBLINK
4874013 INTEGER may show SCALE as -127
4883635 MERGE (with DELETE) can produce wrong results or Logical corruption in chained rows
4892567 DBMS_XMLPARSER does not validate XML document against a DTD correctly
4898580 DBMS_METADATA.GET_DEPENDENT_DDL does not show comments on materialized view columns correctly
4901291 Wrong results with left outer joins on view with a function
4904743 ALTER SESSION SET NLS% does not work if OCI_PARSE_ONLY used
4905638 Wrong results / errors in session that opens the database for certain NCHAR characterset
4916783 Wrong results/Missing predicates from query using INLIST w/FUNCTION BASED index
5010879 V$SESSION slow and does not show any BLOCKING_SESSION column data
5017909 V$SQL / V$SQLAREA.SQL_FULLTEXT corrupt for multibyte
5021304 V$PARAMETER view of AUDIT_SYSLOG_LEVEL looses all characters after a "."
5035058 V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS.MineValue may not show an UNDO value
5040555 DBMS_SPACE.OBJECT_GROWTH_TREND output is not correct
5049938 Wrong result order from query with ORDER BY of COUNT(col)
5083393 DBA_FREE_SPACE FILE_ID / REL_FNO may be wrong
5087155 DBA_DATA_FILES and V$DATAFILE views do not show all files
5097836 Wrong results / OERI:15818 from parallel query with range TQ
5119354 OERI from CONNECT BY and correlated START WITH columns
5120476 No blank padding with multibyte charset if no character set conversion
5126270 Version 3 TIMEZONE check script (utltzuv2.sql)
5161523 Wrong results / slow Parallel query due to data skew on multi-key table queues
5162768 Wrong results using more than one OLS policy on a table
5169684 Wrong results (all rows no filtering) when rewrite enabled on a view
5175364 Data truncation / null data selecting NVARCHAR2 over TG4MSQL
5179313 INSERT /*append parallel*/ can corrupt an index
5181547 Index corruption after insert-only merge /*+ append */ or PDML into table
5182679 INSERT as remote SELECT using CASE can produce wrong data
5188321 wrong results (no rows) OR ORA-1445 from ANSI outer join
5190543 Wrong timestamp from oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ near daylight savings transition
5197305 NON_SCHEMA_DDL option skip() setting causes type bodys to be skipped
5199213 Very bad plan for UNION ALL and push constant predicate / Wrong Results
5205394 Corrupt XML element data converting to generalized object
5236881 Wrong Results (More rows) with a CONCATENATE of ANTI joins
5245038 Wrong results with query against a list partitioned table with null partition key
5252496 Wrong result when using a LIKE predicate with NLS_COMP = LINGUISTIC
5258521 OERI[kkpapDimToLevel1] from parallel query with partitioned tables
5259741 DBMS_XMLGEN.CONVERT trims output for multibyte database
5286826 Wrong results from complex view merge with windowing
5298826 Wrong results from SQL using DETERMINISTIC function/s
5299237 Inconsistent results from v$logmnr_contents with committed_data_only
5302124 Join Predicates are not push inside window functions -- superceeded fix
5327132 Wrong results from colocated OUTER join over DBLINK with TO_DATE
5345571 Wrong results with UNION and a subquery
5348010 Wrong results using ROWNUM < # and optimizer uses bitmap conversion count
5350076 Anydata and timestamp can loose precision
5367514 Wrong number of exceptions returned executing a bulk insert
5370626 Wrong results (more rows) on a parallel query over one partition with anti/semi join NL.
5376015 Wrong results with hash semijoin when build rows do not fit in memory/Spill to disk
5377092 Wrong results from FAST FULL SCAN of an index on a CASE expression
5381446 Wrong results / dump from STAR transformation with INDEX join
5395270 OERI[qctcte1] / dump / wrong results from view merging
5397482 Wrong results from Star transformation with transitive join predicate
5401876 wrong results when optimizer uses "BITMAP CONVERSION" over "BITMAP OR"
5403791 Wrong results for query with ROWNUM and ORDER BY
5403855 Wrong result with sql_trace = true when prefetch is active
5415881 Wrong sort order returned by query
5417281 oracle.sql.DATE looses a year when constructed from BC Timestamp
5437445 Incorrect username displayed from logminer adhoc query when auditing is on
5452234 V$LIBRARYCACHE "gets" accounted wrong
5455093 Wrong results from PQ with hash distribution with fixed CHAR join keys
5462687 CHECK constraint can cause wrong results
5468695 TIMESTAMPTZ wrong near daylight switch
5475037 Feature usage statistics incorrectly show 'Advanced Security' to be used.
5481520 Wrong results with ROWNUM and bind peeking with fix for bug 4513695
5481650 GV$SESSION.blocking_session has incorrect value
5487686 Wrong results from CONNECT BY query
5488790 Wrong results from Parallel Query
5490501 Wrong Results with COALESCE or NVL2 on aggregations inside subqueries
5494008 Wrong results from LIKE in multibyte when NLS_COMP=linguistic and NLS_SORT=binary_ci(ai)
5497168 Wrong results isolation_level=serializable and WITH clause
5507887 Wrong results for CONNECT BY using CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF
5512415 Wrong result from star transformation with EXISTS subquery
5524408 Wrong result when query has 256+ bind variables on partitioning column
5526851 Wrong Results (missing rows) on CONNECT BY when using function-based index
5527727 Show parameter UTL_FILE_DIR may not show the parameter value
5531784 V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS CSF may be wrong
5533982 Updated columns set to null show old not-null values in change table using async CDC
5545735 Wrong values for V$SYSSTAT "open cursors current"
5549410 Inconsistent characters read returned from OCILobRead
5550614 Wrong results selecting BIGINT data from MySQL using MySQL ODBC driver
5552515 Incorrect V$SGASTAT information for "ktcmvcb"
5556025 Wrong Results from partition pruning and ORs
5568316 Wrong results from star transformation
5569805 XMLelement query using outer join returns wrong results
5571916 wrong (duplicate) values with parallel and STAR (missing "PX block iterator")
5573425 Wrong results from subquery unnesting with complex view merge
5574966 Dump (evaopn2) or Wrong Results with views and function-based index
5576013 Wrong results (no rows) with partition pruning [PARTITION LIST ALL (LAST)]
5580871 AQ bytes message <= 2000 bytes incompatible between PLSQL and Java
5585187 Wrong Results doing MERGE JOIN with a correlated subquery on the right side
5590163 Message dequeued more than once from single consumer queue
5590396 Dump or Wrong Results with ANSI JOINS and CONNECT BY
5592012 Wrong results with INLIST and UNION/UNION ALL
5600425 wrong results from select on external table
5604940 Wrong results from a join and extended partition naming
5608992 Wrong results from filter push with OUTER join
5621677 Logical corruption with PARALLEL update
5632192 Wrong Results with Max/Min in subquery/view
5632264 Version 4 TIMEZONE files
5638080 Wrong sort order using window functions
5642214 Wrong results / ORA-1427 from scalar subquery in SELECT list with complex view merging
5650372 Wrong results / OERI[kkpapdrmfkk1] from predicate elimination on partitioned table
5666374 FIFO does not occur when multiple listens are followed by dequeues
5672041 Wrong information returned by DBMS_METADATA
5682441 Wrong Results (no rows) joining views with predicates using PLSQL functions
5690241 Dump / wrong results from OR predicate on partition columns
5694101 OCI piecewise operation returns wrong piece length for long / long varchar data
5698193 Wrong Results when using TRIM on check constraints or function based indexes.
5708633 Wrong results / dump [ldxite] from materialized WITH clause
5708897 Wrong results from ROWNUM with semi/anti join
5715742 XMLTransform() truncates output without error message
5725761 Objects with debug privilege are not shown in the ALL_OBJECTS view
5731952 MERGE statement does not insert rows if source is a (inline) view with parallel
5759075 Wrong results from PQ with HASH on ANSI CHAR join
5762846 wrong results from filter push down with non-deterministic function
5763538 Wrong results / dump with object type column in SQL
5763576 Wrong results from XMLForest()
5837795 Wrong results / OERI from cost based CONNECT BY
5838153 CAST operator does consider NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS
5840483 ORA-937 / ORA-979 not occurring with subquery GROUP BY
5843316 Wrong results with index join and function-based index
5847521 Hierarchical (CONNECT BY) query on IOT returns wrong results
5862057 Oracle JVM incorrectly returns true for "x instanceof object[]" when "x" is a class
5865842 DBA_REGISTERED_ARCHIVED_LOG.DICTIONARY_END contains extra space for 'NO' value
5870781 DBMS_LOB.INSTR() function does not find patterns across the 4gig boundary
5872956 Slow or Wrong Results on CONNECT BY queries with constant predicates
5879627 Wrong results with ROWNUM restriction
5882372 Wrong results from CONNECT BY
5885079 Incorrect output from INTERVALDS.stringValue() for negative intervals
5888733 Wrong results from V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS referencing AUDIT_SESSIONID
5889927 Wrong results from view with un-correlated subqueries
5893396 Wrong results possible due to invalid stored outline
5893779 Intermittent wrong results when table prefetch occurs - superceded fix
5903293 Wrong Results for Parallel Query using Group By or Distinct or has correlation
5903581 Wrong Results with "Connect By with Filtering"
5906937 Wrong result using ROW_NUMBER in SQL using a WITH query block
5921386 Wrong result doing view merging and outer join
5923491 ALL_UPDATABLE_COLUMNS shows view is not updatable when it is
5924763 Rows missing from V$XML_AUDIT_TRAIL
5932203 Wrong result when comparing same column with values of different datatypes
5938452 VPD does not work when a CURSOR expression is used against a synonym
5947231 Wrong results from parallel STAR query (with temp_disable)
5961654 ldiinterfromtz returns wrong offset during DST fallback
5970288 OCCI isNull() on object column always returns false even when object is null
5981212 Wrong results (SORT ORDER BY STOPKEY pushed below a FILTER) in PQ
5985257 Wrong results from UTL_I18N.TRANSLITERATE using 'hwkatakana_fwkatakana'
5985594 Wrong (empty) result set for queries using "OR"
6005996 DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL generates incorrect DDL with UNUSED columns
6016075 Wrong Results for query with correlated subquery and predicate pull up
6017760 DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL does not show changed datafile attributes
6027610 Wrong results from CONNECT BY query
6029071 Wrong results from distributed SQL with OUTER joins
6038461 Wrong results from SQL with UNION and a fast DUAL subquery
6041535 Wrong results when predicate pushed into union-all branches
6050882 Wrong results from ANSI outer join with fix for bug 4967068 or 5864217
6051782 Wrong results using GROUPING SETS with ORDER BY and DISTINCT
6057069 Wrong results possible when the columns are encrypted
6070548 Dump (qertbGetPartitionNumber) / wrong results from bitmap access to IOT
6084485 Wrong result when aggregate column selected twice with ORDER BY
6084512 DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS shows dropped undo segments
6085625 Wrong child cursor may be executed which has mismatching bind information
6088227 Wrong Results with with count() and IS NULL
6114833 Logminer does not signal error if log unavailable in continuous_mine
6119884 Wrong results with query with OR operator with OR expansion
6156762 OCCI fractional seconds portion can be wrong
6158287 Wrong results from PQO with EXISTS subquery
6193398 Wrong results with parallel query with temporary tables inside views
6207959 DBA_UPDATABLE_COLUMNS shows view as not updatable when TDE enabled
6266023 V$ARCHIVE_DEST_STATUS reports false "destination has a gap" for disabled redo thread
6314151 '1/1/1988 0:0:0' in COMMIT_TIMESTAMP$ column when CDC apply error is re-executed
6316993 Wrong results / dump (qernsRowP) from join back elimination of 1 row table
6333108 Wrong results (duplicates) from CONNECT BY query
6400795 Wrong results from view merging
6450021 Wrong results from X$ / V$ / DBA_* views for file numbers > 32k
6653652 Wrong results from simple view merging

Wrong/Bad Shared Cursor
5686711+ Wrong cursor may be executed if schemas have objects with same names
5555683 Intermittent ORA-1801 when shared pool under pressure
6085625 Wrong child cursor may be executed which has mismatching bind information

XA / Distributed Transactions
4308334 OERI[12314] during XA commit/rollback/prepare while attached to different transaction
4377584 OERI[18201] from concurrent xaorollback and xaoprepare
4736971 Delayed XA transaction recovery
4899479 Undo/redo corruption if distributed transactions used
5378806 xa_rollback cannot interrupt a long running SELECT branch
5384248 OERI[k2gtelock: !k2gtca] / instance crash cleaning up distributed transaction
5415594 xa_commit returns -4 (XA_NOTA) after RAC failover
5917836 V$LOCK does not show locks for attached XA sessions
5945463 XA clients should not require execute privilege on DBMS_SYSTEM
5968965 xa_recover on RAC may not return all prepared transactions
5983683 OERI[17182] creating / deleting XDB resource in XA environment

3370858 Import fails (ORA-932) using FROMUSER / TOUSER for schema based xmltype
4277241 ORA-22813 for large xmlagg() with GROUP BY
4377659 Schema validation with number of nodes > 64k results in LSX-201
4387531 Spin running XPATH on SB table with IOT structured varrays
4424952 extractValue returns wrong result
4563159 SYS_XMLAGG fails with ORA-24347 if null value passed
4584641 Cursor leak using DBMS_XMLGEN with a PLSQL function returning sys_refcursor
4739114 Dump in shared server after using DBMS_XMLDOM
4877048 Dump (qmtModelGetMCA) on registering XML schemas using group
4887880 OERI:[qkactasrowvector_13] from CTAS with XML related operations
4892567 DBMS_XMLPARSER does not validate XML document against a DTD correctly
4931883 FTP PUT in XDB can be slow
4959294 DBMS_XMLSTORE does not follow CHAR based semantics
5018532 Insert / validate of valid document may OERI / dump
5037851 ORA-31000 from DBMS_TTS.TRANSPORT_SET_CHECK with XDB
5161782 Dump installing XDB
5205394 Corrupt XML element data converting to generalized object
5210484 ORA-21700 with xsd:restriction where parent has sqlinline="false"
5211545 Select with EXTRACT dumps in lxXmlGEntEsc2
5221989 ORA-30937 with chameleon schemas
5252061 PGA memory corruption / OERI[17456] creating a domain index
5253806 PLSQL DBMS_XMLDOM transformations may produce wrong non XML output
5259741 DBMS_XMLGEN.CONVERT trims output for multibyte database
5263631 EXTRACT query fails with ORA-31196 for XML schema using substitution groups
5326319 XMLType transform fails with spaces in parameters ORA-31011
5330677 XMLDB reports a validation error by mistake
5332686 Parsing XMLType (Opaque type) in Java fails
5347371 Dump [kkoojt] on a query against XML / XDB
5349808 IMP-60 hit when importing a table with an XML schema based XMLType column
5364613 Performance of XSL transform extremely slow
5377973 Register schema fails with ORA-4031
5382590 ALTER TABLE MOVE does not move all underlying objects of XDB table
5385791 ORA-932 with enumeration and complextype / simplecontent
5389917 ORA-30992 / ORA-1830 from XDB with DATE with TIMEZONE info
5391686 value().getnamespace() returns null
5392772 Corrupt XML output from SQLX
5399932 getrootelement() returns null even for valid single element node
5401776 Poor performance using DBMS_XMLDOM
5408970 Memory leak using XMLType() constructor on ADT in a loop
5437241 Dump accessing XML DOM in PLSQL
5437716 Wrong results with nested XML table operators
5471712 ORA-31067 from updateXML() with unescaped entities
5477912 Memory leak parsing DTD
5491132 xslprocessor.newStylesheet failS when XSL Document includes OS files
5497611 OERI[qctVCO:csform] from Xquery using XMLType constructor
5512159 doctype is appended to the XML when parsed against a DTD
5555833 Dump [kokees2c] from Xquery
5563913 EXTRACT is producing 'xsi:type="simple"' attribute after fix to 4713210
5569805 XMLelement query using outer join returns wrong results
5583634 OERI [17147] / dump after inserting a text node of size 64000
5586842 ORA-4045 / ORA-22973 from DBMS_METADATA with XML schemas
5655708 LPX-1 parsing a file using DTD loaded via parsedtdclob and setdoctype
5667235 ProcessXSL does not indicate if style sheet output is XML or not
5668025 XMLParser.Parse() can leak memory
5669015 Invalid ORA-29875 after creating number index on XML index
5687843 PGA memory leak inserting XMLDocument with many out of line elements
5690593 Datafile corrupt for ASM datafiles copied using xdb/ftp
5715742 XMLTransform() truncates output without error message
5716932 Memory corruption / OERI [17147] / dump selecting from PATH_VIEW
5734901 JDBC Thin XMLType.getDOM fails with SQLException
5735091 Memory corruption when using XMLAGG
5736250 Dump [kpotcpop] using XDB
5763576 Wrong results from XMLForest()
5766196 ORA-942 on schema level import of table with foreign key and XMLSchema
5856727 Query on schemaValidate XMLtype table fails with OCI-30937
5864763 ORA-30951 inserting valid XML document
5865159 Dump (in lxxmlgentesc2) accessing text node with size close to 64k
5872480 LPX-224 can occur in XDB
5892080 updateXML corrupts repeating elements
5920672 DBMS_XMLDOM ignores xml:space="preserve"
5947653 XE to EE upgrade fails in XDBx
5983683 OERI[17182] creating / deleting XDB resource in XA environment
6051977 DBMS_XMLGEN fails with OERI[qmxtcCtxConvertString] converting unescaped ampersand
6079393 ORA-918 on select from xmltype schema based table with 2 xmltable() used
6154575 XmlTransform does not have an option for 'pretty printing'

4087161 Tranport tablespace import ORA-904 for tables with XMLType columns
4745691 OERI[kghufree_06] from AQ propogation of XML payload

Error May Occur
5501528I ORA-6545 recompiling with PLSQL_WARNINGS set
5752399P+ Sol: Mandatory Patch to use Oracle with Veritas or Solstice Disk Suite on Solaris
386181 ORA-12014 when creating a refresh complete / refresh force materialized view
2834295 ORA-12714 declaring cursor for a function that returns a table of NVARCHAR2
3370858 Import fails (ORA-932) using FROMUSER / TOUSER for schema based xmltype
3569503 PQ may signal a false ORA-8103 under load
4038803 IMP-3 / ORA-1722 when using nls_numeric_characters != '.,'
4054238 ORA-12899 with complex aggregate expressions in a materialized view
4087161 Tranport tablespace import ORA-904 for tables with XMLType columns
4110313 ASM disk resize fails for OS devices grown after ASM instance startup
4277241 ORA-22813 for large xmlagg() with GROUP BY
4311273 ORA-2064 using MERGE statement over a database link
4377659 Schema validation with number of nodes > 64k results in LSX-201
4387531 Spin running XPATH on SB table with IOT structured varrays
4436832 False ORA-979 "not a group by expression" with literal replacement
4478139 ORA-28031 "maximum of 148 enabled roles" when creating queue table
4483439 ORA-904 error during Materialized View fast refresh
4517481 ORA-904 / ORA-20000 loading metadata with IMPDP using varying width characterset
4549673 ORA-30926 / OERI:13030 during update
4559546 Cannot used exp/imp of MVIEW with XMLTYPE column
4563159 SYS_XMLAGG fails with ORA-24347 if null value passed
4583442 ORA-22877 during move hash partition with LOB
4587117 ORA-384 can occur even if there is free space in some pool/s
4587572 ORA-12801/ORA-60 possible from parallel DML with grouping sets
4595736 ORA-6502 during impdp due to wrong logging_level put in export dump
4597871 ORA-904 from query using CUBE
4599177 Allow > 255 arguments to an operator
4609147 ORA-918 if PLSQL block has same package and function name
4624183 ORA-1017 reported using DB links with IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY accounts
4627457 ORA-24042 from REMOVE_STREAMS_CONFIGURATION if queue_to_queue is true
4658456 ORA-920 from distributed query using CASE against remote table/s
4659734 RMAN-6900 RMAN-6901 ORA-19921 during RMAN commands
4663793 ORA-16224 on select from ALL_OBJECTS on standby with DataGuard
4680009 Insert LOB data fails with ORA-3106 or ORA-8176
4681763 ORA-6502 from DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.maintain_schemas if schema is empty
4682527 ORA-26762 from maintain_* scripts if source db name does not include dot (.)
4686909 CONVERT function reports ORA-1482
4690705 Repeated ORA-1041 from heartbeat ping
4730249 Logical Standby or Adhoc query fails with ORA-1801 when using a different characterset
4736557 ORA-1466 on read only transaction
4740187 ORA-30353 creating materializer view with SYSDATE in the refresh clause
4760728 ORA-38301 during DROP TABLE when already dropped from a different node
4766696 Loader LDR-297 / ORA-1756 from SQL / expression ending with a single quote
4889807 False ORA-904 from co-located join (over database link)
4904904 Problems with DBMS_SCHEDULER JOB_START time (eg ORA-1877)
4905638 Wrong results / errors in session that opens the database for certain NCHAR characterset
4959915 ORA-39083 / ORA-1647 during TTS import of a range-list partition table
4966024 VLM buffer leak on if an error occurs
4996004 EXPDP fails with ORA-31642 when NLS_SORT=binary_ci and NLS_COMP=ansi
5015547 Cannot create a materialized view over a database link (ORA-942)
5017909 V$SQL / V$SQLAREA.SQL_FULLTEXT corrupt for multibyte
5027003 ORA-39068 from EXPDP if parallel > 1
5031712 DBV enhanced to report NOLOGGING corrupt blocks with DBV-201 instead of DBV-200
5037851 ORA-31000 from DBMS_TTS.TRANSPORT_SET_CHECK with XDB
5040073 ORA-27047 from DBMS_STREAMS_TABLESPACE_ADM pull tablespace
5064356 RMAN backup to NFS slow due to "noac" requirement / ORA-27054 if not set
5095815 Select with CONTAINS predicate on view fails
5120780 Long text for job gets EXP-85 ORA-6502 on dbms_sched_job_export
5130238 ORA-28583 in external procedure
5130732 Query using "WITH" clause can fail with ORA-942
5131157 OCI may error reexecuting a statement against a table with an altered column type
5135951 ORA-22337 on import if database schema has been evolved
5136425 ORA-32337 from ON COMMIT MATERIALIZED VIEW after a direct load
5141429 "skgspawn 27142" errors and defunct Oracle processes
5147006 DML error logging fails with lower case identifiers
5179313 INSERT /*append parallel*/ can corrupt an index
5181547 Index corruption after insert-only merge /*+ append */ or PDML into table
5188321 wrong results (no rows) OR ORA-1445 from ANSI outer join
5190392 Drop of table with triggers fails (ORA-16227) on logical standby
5205636 Apply fails with ORA-26687 while dropping a table with referential constraints
5209867 ORA-38777 is thrown by MRP when flashback through resetlogs
5211984 Parse errors with USE_STORED_OUTLINES
5213452 Fast refresh fails with ORA-936 after truncation of default LIST partition
5217296 ORA-32411 reported on materialized view refresh
5220562 ORA-4030 (sort subheap,sort key) on insert a partitioned table with concurrent DDL
5221989 ORA-30937 with chameleon schemas
5228136 ORA-26065 from SQLLDR direct path load of objects containing a LOB and constraints
5228711 ORA-604 trace from PQ slaves with FGA policy
5229137 PLS-201 compiling program units referencing tables on RDB
5238386 ORA-322 possible reading standby redo log header
5245451 Intermittent ORA-904 referencing remote objects columns
5252389 CDC apply changes lead to maximum open cursors exceeded (ORA-1000)
5254198 ALTER USER SYS IDENTIFIED BY VALUES does not change the password file
5254759 ORA-12801/ORA-1008 occurs on a parallel query with bind variables
5259868 Text query using index in another schema fails (ORA-20000, DRG-50857)
5263631 EXTRACT query fails with ORA-31196 for XML schema using substitution groups
5278539 ORA-23605 on create of new capture
5287523 ORA-16216 starting SQL apply after rolling upgrade completion
5299546 ORA-942 from create materialized view with join between local and remote tables
5308692 ORA-1426 error when running DBMS_STATS.GATHER_FIXED_OBJECTS_STATS
5324773 Constraints using LTRIM() may fail for valid data
5326319 XMLType transform fails with spaces in parameters ORA-31011
5330677 XMLDB reports a validation error by mistake
5349808 IMP-60 hit when importing a table with an XML schema based XMLType column
5350339 ORA-979 using TIMESTAMP in triggers and GROUP BY clause
5354437 ORA-1435 on create materialized view of UNION ALL from different sites
5360422 Datapump export from logical standby fails with ORA-39004 / ORA-39091 / ORA-44004
5368266 ORA-904 using multiple TABLE() objects in the FROM clause
5370332 ODCITableFetch fails with ORA-28579
5374844 ABN model build fails using dataset in excess of 100,000 rows
5376108 ORA-1109 when shutting down the database with AUDIT_TRAIL=DB
5386986 Leak / ORA-4031 leak when DROP UNUSED COLUMN issued on large partitioned table
5387478 ORA-28132 for user with EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY privilege
5387683 ORA-27103 / ORA-27129 during media recovery
5389756 False ORA-29907 error when using domain index operator
5389917 ORA-30992 / ORA-1830 from XDB with DATE with TIMEZONE info
5391326 ORA-942 importing functional indexes as SYS
5391505 High PGA consumption for query (kxs-heap-c) from OR expansion
5400311 ORA-1436 using "_old_connect_by_enabled"=true
5402151 ORA-439 when importing into Standard Edition db using streams_instantiation=y
5411244 ORA-4022 raised while rebuilding index partitions concurrently
5413989 OCIStmtSetPieceInfo() does not work for piece sizes > 16777180
5415506 ORA-4020 when dbms_aqadm.purge_queue_table and select are run
5417204 ORA-19639 on RECOVER COPY OF RMAN
5442919 Expired extents not being reused (ORA-30036)
5448714 ORA-1455 on RMAN backup database for files over 4Tb in size
5464834 ORA-4030 (kxs-heap-c,temporary memory) using EXPDP
5467520 PLSQL errors accessing synonym to remote object
5470034 ORA-1436 from TKPROF EXPLAIN of query using a WITH clause
5472523 Non violated deferred CHECK constraint fails (ORA-2290) at COMMIT
5479172 ORA-4031 with multiple partially-allocated permanent chunks
5485242 ORA-29701 in RAC environment
5493858 ORA-604 / ORA-1422 from materialized view operations
5494866 PLS-302 'dbver_10i' importing 10g export into 9i with AQ
5497630 ORA-3124 from NULL LONG bind for an UPDATE which matches no rows
5500044 Waits on 'cursor: pin X' / 'kksfbc child completion' or ORA-44203 on table_x_x child from concurrent LOB append and drop partition
5502124 ORA-39096 importing 10.1 EXPDP file with 10.2 data pump
5508505 ORA-4031 while shared heap still has unused reserved extents
5514109 OERI [kql-hash-collision] / false ORA-955
5515882 ORA-1427 from EXPDP
5518651 ORA-1301 from dbms_logmnr_d.build
5523578 DBMS_AQADM.add_subscriber fails with ORA-1925 "maximum of x roles exceeded"
5530761 ORA-1031 from EXP of domain index
5531989 ALTER SYSTEM REGISTER may take a few seconds before connections allowed
5548389 Library cache allocation for 'column mapping' not using uniform sized extents
5551624 ORA-28353 creating a wallet
5555683 Intermittent ORA-1801 when shared pool under pressure
5557660 ORA-20 / process group leak from OCI Connection Pool connections
5564384 ORA-6502 assigning values from SQL to PLSQL variables
5567937 False ORA-1 / ORA-1403 from logminer rolling back IOT redo
5572026 ORA-942 / ORA-1031 in tracefile when starting the database as SYSOPER
5573238 Shared pool memory use / ORA-4031 due to "obj stat memo" in one subpool
5576828 ALTER PACKAGE does not always break NULL locks
5577046 ADD or DROP attribute causes UNION query to fail with ORA-1790
5583712 ORA-942 on create materialized view on remote view
5584105 ORA-1 against I_STREAMS_APPLY_SPILL_TXN in Streams apply
5594352 JMS-120 / OCI-1858 when dequeueing AQ bytes message with JDBC-OCI
5605319 Cursor leak from QMON coordinator exceptions
5613040 ORA-370 from DML against transported tablespace
5617311 ORA-1017 cannot connect through proxy using distinguished name
5618049 "mvobj part des" leaked memory after partition DDL (ORA-4031)
5623403 ORA-26773 invalid data type for "malformed redo" in Streams Capture
5630149 ORA-22877 from partition / subpartition MOVE of HASH partition
5632683 EXPDP / IMPDP may error for DDL modified tables
5636728 LOB corruption / ORA-1555 when reading LOBs after a SHRINK operation
5637976 ORA-8103/ORA-1410 from concurrent INSERT / export on ASSM tables
5641873 ORA-904 using a WITH clause that includes a UNION
5642214 Wrong results / ORA-1427 from scalar subquery in SELECT list with complex view merging
5643527 OCILobOpen/OCILobGetChunkSize do not return OCI_STILL_EXECUTING in non blocking mode
5645718 ORA-1476 gathering statistics with DBMS_STATS
5648610 ORA-25235 during AQ propagation
5653824 DBMS_LOGSTDBY.build may use wrong logs
5654013 EUS shared server connection fails with ORA-28030
5663447 ORA-27544 using HMP protocol in RAC
5664206 ORA-6502 during export of functional index expression over 4k
5674184 ORA-22282 when using LOB buffering
5677680 Starting SQL apply fails with ORA-1426
5689991 ORA-8176 fetching from global temporary table with INSERTS between fetches
5693948 ORA-31466 error when setting up CDC with table names using multibyte characters
5697333 ORA-25402 from TAF in RAC
5698225 ORA-17507 can occur using 16k block size with ODM
5699967 ORA-1120 executing "drop tablespace ... including contents'.
5711011 "SocketException: socket is closed" using RMI with shared servers
5713912 ORA-39125 / ORA-6502 from datapump import via network
5715079 ORA-1281 when applying a Patch Set on a logical standby
5716353 ORA-12899 from SQL Loader for valid data
5718757 ORA-31693 / ORA-6502 during datapump net import
5722178 ORA-1002 in non blocking mode
5724540 False ORA-1 from subquery partition pruning
5726895 Code allowed to throw ORA-0 which can give misleading ORA-1 errors
5728347 ORA-20000, DRG-10599 occurs during text query through synonym
5733637 Select for update fails against TG4MSQL
5743325 ASM instance fails with OERI[kfaDropCOP04]
5757282 Broker commands to standby can error (ORA-16613)
5757711 ORA-15080 during file creation / resize on ASM with HARD
5758870 ORA-3135 from TAF with SELECT type FAILOVER
5762750 ORA-907 when cursor_sharing is enabled
5769454 CREATE INDEX fails with unexpected ORA-54
5840434 ORA-1200 if instance crashes / is aborted right after a datafile RESIZE operation
5844876 ORA-28550 from TG4SYBS
5847881 ORA-3001 from GROUPING SET query against a view containing a function
5852253 ORA-25316 from AQ after rollback to savepoint with loopback database link
5857884 EXPDP fails with ORA-39125 / ORA-6502
5863277 ORA-1008 from SQL on second run when cursor_sharing=similar/force
5870989 RMAN restore failover gives ORA-19864 error
5872000 Healthcheck errors for 32bit database on 64bit OS with fix for 4526916
5872368 ORA-22160 from DBMS_ADVISOR.TUNE_MVIEW
5872480 LPX-224 can occur in XDB
5872788 ORA-29821 importing OPERATORS
5879179 ORA-22925 from CSSCAN when reading CLOB data
5891213 ORA-6502 / LPX-7 from DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL with domain index present
5900857 ORA-23619 from HS log based replication
5903293 Wrong Results for Parallel Query using Group By or Distinct or has correlation
5910237 EXPDP / DBMS_METADATA has wrong syntax for for nested table with row movement enabled
5924208 ORA-1031 from DDL due to using wrong shared DDL cursor
5924538 Logical standby apply fails with ORA-1427 for operations on IOTs
5932029 ORA-21000 when running RMAN "resync catalog"
5932181 RESYNC of RMAN catalog fails with ORA-1 (on TF_U2) or RMAN-20042 after switchover
5959987 Spatial aggregations fail with ORA-22813
5961454 ORA-29861 on DML with concurrent partition maintenance on different partition
5972794 EXPDP via network_link with parallel > 1 fails with KUP-4038
5973648 ORA-54 during concurrent parallel direct SQLLOAD in RAC
5974207 Unexpected ORA-1031 from LOB access - affects NCOMPed PLSQL
5977767 RMAN "minimize load" with "duration" causes backup to timeout
5999200 FSFO fails with ORA-16750 "failed to activate logical standby"
6018252 Insert statement with RETURNING clause fails with ORA-1031
6025805 ORA-14403 raised when executing select for update
6028753 ORA-907 / ORA-933 from DML over database link
6029647 ORA-12714 accessing typed column from TABLE() function
6035495 ORA-19909 during MRP / RMAN-600 on resync
6035889 ORA-28003 from create / alter user if password verification function contains special character
6057203 Corruption with zero length column (ZLC) / OERI [kcbchg1_6] from Parallel update
6059327 ORA-39083 / ORA-1647 during TTS import of subpartioned table
6075099 ORA-1476 from spreport (statspack)
6085625 Wrong child cursor may be executed which has mismatching bind information
6113520 Cannot add table into single table cluster (ORA-25136)
6136074 ORA-4068 / ORA-4065 ORA-6508 on VALID objects
6139547 Shadow process leak on ASM instance when diskspace exhausted (ORA-20)
6140330 imp / impdp cannot create object views with circular dependencies
6150438 COLLECT() does not work correctly for ADTs residing in different schemas
6162163 Wrong order of operations when mapping a buffer in the buffer cache
6268371 ORA-12996 / ORA-12998 / corruption from ALTER TABLE DROP UNUSED COLUMNS CHECKPOINT
6315913 ORA-3106 for SQL using BLOBs after TAF failover
6334552 Hang / ORA-4031 / OERI:kfrcsoDelete_3 on rollback of ASM file resize
6360220 ORA-21780 from subquery factoring SQL WITH clause
6379123 EXPDP/IMPDP ORA-39083 due to changes in MERGE privilege between 10.1 and 10.2
6436867 Recompilation may skip compilation of some dependent objects (ORA-4068)
6493035 ORA-12842 / ORA-12839 from INSERT .. SELECT
6494820 CSSCAN fails with ORA-1455 on tables with more than 2^31-1 blocks
6762914 ORA-326 during Managed Standby Recovery after thread disable

Internal Error May Occur (ORA-600)
5526987* ASM instance hang / OERI [2103] on DB instance. This bug is alerted in Note:468572.1
5605370* Various dumps / instance crash possible. This bug is alerted in Note:454464.1
6017420* OERI[kcbo_link_q_1] / crash with fix for bug 5454831 installed. This bug is alerted inNote:453309.1
6128197* OERI[kcrfr_resize2] / cannot recover database. This bug is alerted in Note:453259.1
6646613* IOT corruption after upgrade from <= 9.2 to >= 10g. This bug is alerted in Note:471479.1
4430244+ Segment advisor can load blocks of dropped objects into buffer cache (KCB OERI errors)
4450606+ LOB corruption / ORA-600 [ktsbvmap1] when updating a LOB
5081798+ Additional diagnostics for OERI[2103] when ASM involved
5363584+ Array insert into table can corrupt redo
6110331+ OERI[kcbget_37] / OERI[1100] / spin possible
5841554I OERI:kqludp2 during upgrade to
5892355I+ Upgrade to can fail with ORA-600 [22635]
3901785 SELECT FOR UPDATE with LONG may OERI[13009]
4061534 OERI[krvtadc] / dump in capture mining redo for COMPRESSed table
4095802 Concurrent DROP / LOCK against same table can fail with OERI[16608]
4119210 OERI[kkqgSetFields.2] possible from query rewrite
4200563 OERI[kkqsfcsi-1] from query rewrite
4254770 OERI:kzaSqlBindLob1 can occur with AUDIT_TRAIL = DB_EXTENDED for sql using binds
4308334 OERI[12314] during XA commit/rollback/prepare while attached to different transaction
4309607 ALTER TYPE CASCADE fails adding attributes to various types
4344935 OERI from DML on TEMPORARY TABLE after autonomous TRUNCATE
4377584 OERI[18201] from concurrent xaorollback and xaoprepare
4380471 OERI[kkqsfcsi-1] from query rewrite with an ORDER BY
4387531 Spin running XPATH on SB table with IOT structured varrays
4433838 Resizing cache crashes instance with OERI[kmgs_pre_process_request_6]
4440918 OERI[kewucmb_1] can occur
4482978 OERI[qkagby.noexec] on materialized view recompile
4485775 OERI [qsmqLockTableSummarySubheap-1] selecting from materialized view with TDE enabled
4541506 RMAN OERI[1880] when MAXPIECESIZE is set
4549673 ORA-30926 / OERI:13030 during update
4559728 Select lob from view loops / OERI [17059] if synonym dropped
4567042 Logical standby log apply may stop with OERI[knacend910]
4577403 OERI [kcbr_pending_3] during parallel recovery
4581220 OERI:kzaSqlTxtLob1 with fine grained auditing and parallel query
4584985 OERI[kclexpand_9] can occur
4587556 OERI:17069 compiling a package with a self referencing synonym
4596807 OERI[6002] on update statement with concurrent ONLINE rebuild of bitmap indexes
4600946 Dump / OERI[kghstack_free1] on array insert to COMPRESSed table
4614980 OERI:15448 from Text query
4634662 OERI:kolaslGetLength-1 from V$SQL in RAC
4643723 After type evolution extracting attributes gets OERI[17280]
4644351 OERI[15819] / wrong results from parallel select
4655998 OERI / dump from SQL involving SORT operations
4668719 OERI[kdtdelrow-2] from bulk insert
4674037 OERI:kclscrs_9 dumping processstate
4686006 OERI:[kkqsaljg:nobjs is 0] from view with exists and having clause
4694073 OERI[kgmgcdty2] possible from SQL using LIKE
4697252 OERI[kglsim_unpinhp2] can occur
4697632 OERI[atbbjie2] from exchange partition with bitmap join indexes
4702830 OERI[kkoljt1] when using star transformation with an ANSI outer join
4708822 OERI[kfiounidentify01] from PMON
4712638 OERI[15160] / dump [kkogbro]
4715375 OERI[kwqmtdel] in q00 process in RAC when any instance goes down
4744529 OERI:kclpred_1 / crash possible in RAC
4745114 OERI[kolrrdl:0rfc] using temporary LOBs in PLSQL
4745691 OERI[kghufree_06] from AQ propogation of XML payload
4767278 OERI[kcrrupirfs.20] archiving redo to standby with ASM
4864581 OERI [kkqtnlop2cbk : 1] on SELECT with extra parenthesis
4865755 OERI[9999] during DBMS_LOB operation
4868255 Dump (kpofdr) in executing a query with ORDER BY with row shipping enabled
4877360 OERI[kccscf_1] from CREATE CONTROLFILE with COMPATIBLE = 10.2
4887675 OERI[kgsclogoff-notempty] can occur during logoff
4887880 OERI:[qkactasrowvector_13] from CTAS with XML related operations
4893136 OERI:17287 dropping / creating triggers that use the "CALL" statement
4899105 OERI[19004] from multi table join
4899479 Undo/redo corruption if distributed transactions used
4902585 OERI[510] and ORA-28106 using application context over 30 bytes long
4939224 OERI[18095] during distributed autonomous transaction
4941795 OERI[kdtdelrow-2] during array DML if ORA-2049 occurs
4959652 Streams may get OERI [kwqbespayl518]
5008674 OERI [kkqsfcsi-1] from query rewrite
5015321 OERI[qerrmObnd1] [932] using binds with some functions over a DBLINK
5018532 Insert / validate of valid document may OERI / dump
5018886 OERI:[kwqitnmptme:wait] in Qnnn during propagation of delayed messages
5028099 OERI:kcbzwb_4 can occur using in memory undo
5029528 OERI:[qkacon:qkaconGetPathOps:1] from SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH
5045992 OERI[kxspoac : EXL 1] from PQ with a numeric bind
5051602 OERI[17182] from SCROLLABLE select with duplicate columns
5060402 OERI[12325] can occur
5063279 OERI[kdibllockrange:not validated] updating a partitioned bitmap index
5063635 OERI[kccdagf_3] during file creation
5076729 OERI[pmucitnxt] doing type manipulation
5081271 PMON may crash the instance with OERI:kcblibr_1 during temp table cleanup
5084679 OERI from EXPLAIN_REWRITE CLOB interface with VPD
5084757 OERI when executing explain_plan with VPD
5099891 OERI using SQL with a SAMPLE clause
5112856 OERI[kghstack_underflow_internal_1]... [kkocxj : predtailpp]
5118012 Instance crash with OERI[kclswrite_3] with multiple DBW processes
5118210 OERI[kopuigpfx1] on insert to table with sdo_geometry column with INSTEAD OF trigger
5118272 Instance crash with ORA-600 [1433], [60] due to lgwr filling up msg blocks (Messages could be for LGWR or ARCH)
5119354 OERI from CONNECT BY and correlated START WITH columns
5126645 OERI [kkqtcorcbk: correlated string no] from CONNECT BY
5128625 OERI[17147] / OERI [17182] / NULL result from NLSSORT
5136863 OERI from join between partitioned table and domain index
5139572 OERI[qkauix2] on drop partition with parallelism
5154689 OERI[kql_tab_diana:new dep] / table dependency deleted in Streams
5155885 OERI[kkslgbv0] with CURSOR_SHARING=similar
5162852 Dump from FIRST / LAST aggregations on a NULL table
5163554 OERI[qctopn1] during join predicate pushdown
5165885 OERI[kclcls_8] or OERI[Kjbrchkpkeywait:Timeout] can occur in RAC
5183594 Logical standby apply stops / OERI [kghstack_underflow_internal_2] with SKIP / UNSKIP on SYS tables
5196175 OERI[kghstack_underflow_internal_1] with supplemental logging for LOBS
5216523 OERI[16608] from create materialize view on remote table with objects / types
5218905 OERI[kcbnew_3] when segment advisor has been used
5223587 OERI[4400] from distributed PDML with DDL
5228074 OERI[12455] raised from SQL with DOMAIN index when FOR UPDATE option is used
5234379 Dump in qknlazopn() from hierarchical query
5246372 OERI[opidsii1] accessing remote database accessing 3rd remote database
5252061 PGA memory corruption / OERI[17456] creating a domain index
5254539 OERI[qkacon:FJfsrwo] on executing hierarchical query
5258521 OERI[kkpapDimToLevel1] from parallel query with partitioned tables
5261145 OERI[12261] from dbms_mview.explain_rewrite
5262017 Query on partitioned table with bitmap index gives OERI[qernsRowP]
5307199 OERI:OCIOpaqueDataLoad1 can occur using ODCI with AnyData / AnyDataSet
5326327 OERI[qctbyt : bfc] using NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS=CHAR
5331374 OERI [kdiblsorget:rowidIllegal] updating partitioned table with row migration
5337352 OERI[kkqtcpopn: 0] during parse with subquery unnesting
5345999 Dump / OERI accessing V$SPPARAMETER
5347371 Dump [kkoojt] on a query against XML / XDB
5363258 Query rewrite can fail with OERI[voprvl1]
5364819 OERI[kkslpbp:1] when using literal replacement
5369855 OERI:733 or Spin (qksopLogSame) from star transformation
5371149 OERI[qctcte1] from query with CONNECT BY
5372831 OERI:26599 / dumps in JVM after database has been closed for recovery / opened
5374225 SDO_FILTER query fails with OERI[kdsgrp1]
5375583 LMS process dies with OERI[kclexpandlock_1]
5382842 Select fails with OERI[qctcte1] using cost based transformation
5384248 OERI[k2gtelock: !k2gtca] / instance crash cleaning up distributed transaction
5385614 Need diagnostics for OERI:ktrviupk_4
5385791 ORA-932 with enumeration and complextype / simplecontent
5387049 ALTER TABLE MOVE with 255 columns or more can dump / OERI
5388885 Hang / OERI[krvxbpns01] accessing V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS from RAC
5391575 OERI:[qkaconCompareOpn:dty] from CONNECT BY with HAVING clause
5395270 OERI[qctcte1] / dump / wrong results from view merging
5399670 OERI[keltgtyp] [22303] can occur
5400158 OERI[17078] / dump running Java DDL (loadjava) concurrently
5403150 ORA-603 when cannot get lock within Resource Manager "switch_time" in RAC
5405345 OERI[kkofkrMarkK] when running a query using a database link
5434872 OERI[qolgenol-1] when executing dbms_outln.create_outline
5452715 OERI[kwqbgqc: bad state] reported after restart of database
5454975 Dump executing DBMS_OUTLN.CREATE_OUTLINE
5471453 OERI[kfkfilrqarr01] using ASM
5476507 OERI[15868] / OERI[15160] can occur with cursor sharing
5476873 Instance crash due to PMON ORA-601 / OERI[ksudlp1]
5480607 OERI:kghstack_underflow_internal_3] from DROP_POLICY
5482174 pick release database error ora-00600 and ora-00036 after upgrade to 10g
5483613 OERI [kfgscAcquireLcl_6] in ASM
5486074 OERI [keltnfy-ldminit] when DNS is not available
5494240 OERI[15201] during select from an IOT
5496041 OERI[6006] / index corruption on compressed index
5496727 OERI[7005] possible with null bind
5497611 OERI[qctVCO:csform] from Xquery using XMLType constructor
5502365 OERI [kfcDel20] in ASM
5508574 OERI[504] / OERI[99999] / Dump [kgscdump] with > 31 CPUs
5512840 Logical standby fetch slave stops with OERI [knahfgx704]
5512921 Instance crash caused by SMON OERI[kcblus_1] / dump
5514109 OERI [kql-hash-collision] / false ORA-955
5526996 OERI[kjhn_post_ha_alert0-784] can occur in RAC due to racgimon problem
5527665 OERI[kcbkzx_3] / OERI[kcbkzs_6] for SCURRENT prewarm buffers
5529797 PGA leak / OERI KWQPCBK179 during Streams propogation
5530043 OERI [kkzg_add_ref_stmt_lst.1] can occur during materialized view refresh
5530697 OERI[kjshash:!esm2] in PQ slave process in RAC querying GV$ view
5532110 OERI[qcscpqbTxt] can occur
5548895 OERI [OCIKCallPush: deprecated] from EXPDP of ANYDATA column
5555908 OERI[kghstack_underflow_internal_2] in kfrcsoDelete
5558244 OERI[kcbnew_3] can occur
5566580 OERI:15817 using parallel query with a large number of columns
5567141 OERI[526] / hang with fix for bug 5508574 installed with > 31 CPUs
5567641 Streams capture terminates on restart with OERI[krvuatla]
5571643 OERI:[kfclAttachBuffer10] in ASM
5578157 Instance crash with ORA-600 [1433] (RSM has all message blocks)
5579699 OERI [smbGetNxtAloSiz:max] from query with large sort
5580497 Dump (kkeais) during query optimization
5583634 OERI [17147] / dump after inserting a text node of size 64000
5587421 LMS fails with OERI [kjmpmsg_1]
5590396 Dump or Wrong Results with ANSI JOINS and CONNECT BY
5594381 OERI[qkacon:FJswrwo] from CONNECT BY query
5599596 Block corruption / OERI [kddummy_blkchk] on clustered or compressed tables
5600050 LMON may fails with OERI [kjbrref:pkey] during DRM
5603197 OERI[qctvco:csform] from UPDATE SQL with a subquery
5612751 OERI:qertqosSetPart4 if STAR transformation is considered and rejected
5617382 OERI[qctcte1] with the fix from bug 5259868
5631836 OERI[kghalo4] can occur
5632050 OERI[kkpolpd12] / dictionary corruption from CONCURRENT partition DDL
5638146 OERI:kqlfFillBindData:1 for SQL with thousands of binds
5640593 Streams OERI:kwqbmcrcpts101 while spilling messages
5644951 OERI[rworupo.2] querying outline LOB with ORDER BY clause
5649326 OERI[kksfbc-reparse-infinite-loop] can occur after DDL on partitioned table
5650372 Wrong results / OERI[kkpapdrmfkk1] from predicate elimination on partitioned table
5652086 OERI[15160] from ANSI join
5654584 OERI[qernsRowP] when using DISTINCT on CONNECT_BY_ROOT
5660643 OERI[kkqsfcsi-1] during query rewrite of SQL with set operator
5660888 OERI[kzspvcr:1] using proxy authentication with > 16 roles
5669051 Query rewrite may dump in kkqsMMVNormalizeQBC
5670585 OERI [kxfxsSendCounter1] / OERI [15574] / spin from WINDOW query
5673934 ORA-12801 / OERI 15810 during parallel DML
5676637 OERI[17114] using EMPTY_CLOB() in a trigger
5676948 OERI [qxxmslSelectLocator_10] from SQL*Loader
5681955 SGA corruption in RAC (OERI [17114] / OERI [17112])
5682184 OERI[kfdAuDealloc2] from resize/drop more than 16TB ASM file
5690100 RAC instance crash with OERI[kjbmpwrite:wip2]
5693140 OERI[kdtdelrow-2] from array insert with concurrent ALTER TABLESPACE READ ONLY
5694466 OERI[15160] from subquery unnesting
5695131 HW enqueue deadlock / OERI:1153 from array insert with SAVE EXCEPTIONS to READ ONLY ASSM segment
5695610 OERI[kxfpgsg] isolation_level = serializable in RAC
5702177 Instance crash from OERI[kghchoose_grow_1]
5707822 'alter table .. deallocate unused keep ..' fails with OERI[kcbgcur_2]
5712086 OERI[17147] / dump from TO_CHAR(date) with over long FORMAT string in multibyte
5730717 OERI:kclchkinteg_18 / LMS crashes the instance
5735146 OERI[6704] during SELECT FOR UPDATE
5736850 SGA corruption / crash from PQO bloom filter
5742127 RMAN backup sometimes fails if datafile grows during backup
5743325 ASM instance fails with OERI[kfaDropCOP04]
5744546 MMON OERI [1403]
5757106 OERI[15851] selecting aggregate of a constant with literal replacement
5757752 OERI:kghstack_alloc / OERI:kfcbCkpt04 / ASM crash
5762514 DBWR crashes instance with OERI[kcbbctsc_3]
5764556 OERI[kctdsb_internal_03]
5765958 OERI[qcscpqbTxt] / OERI[qcsfbdnp:1] from ANSI query in PLSQL
5837795 Wrong results / OERI from cost based CONNECT BY
5839280 OERI[15265] dropping OLS policy
5841624 OERI[kokeicadd2] accessing object with embedded substitutable attributes
5850776 OERI[kkqsMMVReAggRewriteExp:notoptfou] from query rewrite
5854634 OERI[qkshtQBGet:1] from CONNECT BY query
5855995 OERI:kksCallPopCallback possible after ORA-4030
5857313 OERI[kwqbmcrcpts101] after drop propagation
5860221 Apply aborts with OERI[17147] / memory corruption with FUNCTION BASED index
5864217 OERI [kkoljt1] from ANSI query with join elimination
5867231 OERI:qernsRowP on Text query with NLS_COMP / NLS_SORT set
5867943 Capture aborts with OERI[knlcloop-200] mining "ALTER TABLE SPLIT PARTITION ..."
5885908 OERI[12259] can occur instead of ORA-1001
5891280 MRP0 on standby may not start (OERI:krfg_aset_1)
5891737 Dump (kcblsod) / OERI:723 / Memory leak in ASM/RAC
5893340 OERI [32695] [hash aggregation can't be done] from hash aggregation
5894422 OERI[525] / OERI[kglsim_rebalru2]
5903829 OERI[qkshtTabInf2:1] can occur parsing a query
5923497 Select with constraints fails with OERI[12863]
5923866 OERI[2103] when database is suspended
5926074 OERI [12333] on update of more than one CLOB column
5928555 OERI[krastrso_reserve] during BACKUP BACKUPSET
5935527 Cursor leak with fix for bug 5260266 / OERI:17280 from Ctrl-C using pipeline function
5939115 ora-600 [kghstack_underflow_internal_1][pcols in kkpapdaextsqueryslvl]
5942097 OERI:qernsRowP from SQL with GROUP BY , ROLLUP and DISTINCT aggregates
5942476 OERI [kcrrcomp.4] can occur in Streams
5953355 OERI[klaprs_30] / OERI[klaprs_10] during SQLLOADER direct path load
5955764 OERI[kccirsd_4] during CONTROLFILE upgrade from pre 10.2 version
5964193 OERI[kkqsRewriteCorrCols-1] during query rewrite with ANSI joins
5981084 OERI[kcrrtcln.seqvio] can occur
5983403 PMON may crash the instance with OERI[kksStatsRecovery-Bad-Opcode]
5987000 OERI:qkxrPXformQbc1 can occur for SQL using a WITH clause
6005113 OERI[kclrwrite_7] in DBWn process followed by instance crash in RAC
6012053 OERI [qctcte1] from GROUPING SETs query
6013213 OERI[17183] selecting from X$KRBAFF
6013968 Hang / OERI:504 with patch for bug 5863519 installed
6013983 ASM signals OERI [kfdasecondaries01] / [kffrelocate87] during rebalance
6015158 OERI [kkshgnc-nextchild] can occur
6016087 OERI[15160] from subquery unnesting
6016707 OERI[kwqpuspse0-hwmack] from propogation
6026281 OERI[qeshCloseHTI.2] from spreadsheet query
6034040 Apply aborts with OERI [knlcfpactx:any_knlso] using RENAME_SCHEMA
6041317 OERI when inserting ASCII 0x0 into CHAR/VARCHAR2 with AUDIT_TRAIL=DB_EXTENDED
6041713 OERI[kkzdgdefq_oci - stexec] refreshing through definer rights procedure
6046844 OERI:2103 not avoided when it could be for some scenarios
6051977 DBMS_XMLGEN fails with OERI[qmxtcCtxConvertString] converting unescaped ampersand
6056865 Intermittent OERI [kcblci_1] using shared servers
6057203 Corruption with zero length column (ZLC) / OERI [kcbchg1_6] from Parallel update
6057703 OERI[kclchkblkdma_3] can occur in RAC
6075238 OERI[qctcte1] on parse of query with views / subqueries
6075487 OERI[kddummy_blkchk]..[18020/18026] for DDL on plugged ASSM tablespace with FLASHBACK
6075582 OERI[kjbmpref:sh] / dump [kjmpbmsg] in LMS causing instance crash
6086497 OERI[ktspgetmyb-1] / bitmap segm
