使用Vivado和PetaLinux 2019.2的Ultra96 v1 ResNet-50例程

使用Vivado和PetaLinux 2019.2的Ultra96 v1 ResNet-50例程


Reference Design Matrix

The Hardware design is simplified by a Tcl script which generates the Block Diagram, the wrapper, and the constraints file. Finally, it generates the bitfile.

  1. Download the file Resnet50_Ultra96.zip. This contains the generating Tcl script and the DPU IP.
  2. Extract the archive
  3. Open Vivado 2019.2 and change the directory to project_path/Resnet50_Ultra96v1_2019_2/pl. This will be the new working directory.
  4. In the Vivado TCL console run the following:
    cd project_path/Resnet50_Ultra96v1_2019_2/pl
    source ./scripts/Resnet50_ultra96.tcl
    注意这里是指在Vivado TCL console输入,不是在DOS或Ubuntu输入,否则就会出现下面的错误:
    bash: ./scripts/Resnet50_ultra96.tcl: line 141: syntax error near unexpected token }' 'ash: ./scripts/Resnet50_ultra96.tcl: line 141:} else {


使用Vivado和PetaLinux 2019.2的Ultra96 v1 ResNet-50例程_第1张图片


使用Vivado和PetaLinux 2019.2的Ultra96 v1 ResNet-50例程_第2张图片

使用Vivado和PetaLinux 2019.2的Ultra96 v1 ResNet-50例程_第3张图片


使用Vivado和PetaLinux 2019.2的Ultra96 v1 ResNet-50例程_第4张图片
使用Vivado和PetaLinux 2019.2的Ultra96 v1 ResNet-50例程_第5张图片
使用Vivado和PetaLinux 2019.2的Ultra96 v1 ResNet-50例程_第6张图片

john@john-virtual-machine:~/ultra96/Resnet50_Ultra96v1_2019_2$ export TRD_HOME= ( p w d ) j o h n @ j o h n − v i r t u a l − m a c h i n e :   / u l t r a 96 / R e s n e t 5 0 U l t r a 96 v 1 2 01 9 2 (pwd) john@john-virtual-machine:~/ultra96/Resnet50_Ultra96v1_2019_2 (pwd)john@johnvirtualmachine: /ultra96/Resnet50Ultra96v120192 export PET_PROJ=“ultra96v1”
john@john-virtual-machine:~/ultra96/Resnet50_Ultra96v1_2019_2$ cd T R D H O M E / a p u / r e s n e t 5 0 u l t r a 96 v 1 b s p / TRD_HOME/apu/resnet50_ultra96v1_bsp/ TRDHOME/apu/resnet50ultra96v1bsp/PET_PROJ/


Building the PetaLinux project requires the following sequence of operations:

  1. PetaLinux project creation
  2. Configuring the PetaLinux project with HW design
  3. Modification of the device tree to include the DPU
  4. Modification of the list of packages
  5. Adding the DNNDK library
  6. Configuring the PetaLinux rootfs and enabling the necessary packages, apps, modules
  7. Setting the auto loading DPU driver
  8. Building the PetaLinux project
  9. Creating the BOOT.BIN for the SD card.

The Petalinux project is simplified by the presence of the resnet50_ultra96.bsp file that has the steps from 2 to 8 already completed.


Start this process by loading the PetaLinux 2019.2 environment.
Set two useful variables
export TRD_HOME=$(pwd)
export PET_PROJ=“ultra96v1”
Create the PetaLinux project
cd $TRD_HOME/apu/resnet50_ultra96v1_bsp/
petalinux-create -t project -s resnet50_ultra96.bsp -n $PET_PROJ --force
Configure the PetaLinux project with HW design
cd T R D H O M E / a p u / r e s n e t 5 0 u l t r a 96 v 1 b s p / TRD_HOME/apu/resnet50_ultra96v1_bsp/ TRDHOME/apu/resnet50ultra96v1bsp/PET_PROJ/
petalinux-config --get-hw-description=$TRD_HOME/pl/prj/ultra96/ --silentconfig

Build the PetaLinux project
使用Vivado和PetaLinux 2019.2的Ultra96 v1 ResNet-50例程_第7张图片

Create BOOT.BIN and image.ub for the SD card
cd T R D H O M E / a p u / r e s n e t 5 0 u l t r a 96 v 1 b s p / TRD_HOME/apu/resnet50_ultra96v1_bsp/ TRDHOME/apu/resnet50ultra96v1bsp/PET_PROJ/images/linux
petalinux-package --boot --fsbl zynqmp_fsbl.elf --u-boot u-boot.elf --pmufw pmufw.elf --fpga system.bit --force
cp BOOT.BIN image.ub $TRD_HOME/SDcard
使用Vivado和PetaLinux 2019.2的Ultra96 v1 ResNet-50例程_第8张图片


Generate a new SDK
cd T R D H O M E / a p u / r e s n e t 5 0 u l t r a 96 v 1 b s p / TRD_HOME/apu/resnet50_ultra96v1_bsp/ TRDHOME/apu/resnet50ultra96v1bsp/PET_PROJ/
petalinux-build -s
john@john-virtual-machine:~/ultra96/Resnet50_Ultra96v1_2019_2/apu/resnet50_ultra96v1_bsp/ultra96v1$ cp T R D H O M E / a p u / r e s n e t 5 0 u l t r a 96 v 1 b s p / TRD_HOME/apu/resnet50_ultra96v1_bsp/ TRDHOME/apu/resnet50ultra96v1bsp/PET_PROJ/images/linux/sdk.sh $TRD_HOME/apu/apps/
Extract the SDK
cd $TRD_HOME/apu/apps
使用Vivado和PetaLinux 2019.2的Ultra96 v1 ResNet-50例程_第9张图片

chmod 777 sdk.sh
john@john-virtual-machine:~/ultra96/Resnet50_Ultra96v1_2019_2/apu/apps$ ./sdk.sh -d ./sdk -y
使用Vivado和PetaLinux 2019.2的Ultra96 v1 ResNet-50例程_第10张图片
使用Vivado和PetaLinux 2019.2的Ultra96 v1 ResNet-50例程_第11张图片

Build the ResNet-50 example
The original main.cc and Makefile come from xilinx_dnndk_v3.1
However the main.cc in xilinx_dnndk_v3.1/Ultra96 does not use the DPU SoftMax.
A fixed version of main.cc and Makefile have been included in this LFAR and can be found in $TRD_HOME/apu/apps/resnet50
ResNet-50 can be compiled in a terminal configured for Vivado 2019.2.
. $TRD_HOME/apu/apps/sdk/environment-setup-aarch64-xilinx-linux
.是个真真正正的命令。它是source命令的代名词,所以你可以用它在当前 shell 中执行一个文件,而不是以某种其它的方式去运行一个脚本文件(这通常指的是 Bash 会产生一个新的 shell 去运行它)

cd $TRD_HOME/apu/apps/resnet50
Update the SD card content
cp -f $TRD_HOME/apu/apps/resnet50/build/resnet50 $TRD_HOME/SDcard/resnet50/
Installing the DNNDK Host Tools
After downloading and unpacking the DNNDK package, execute the sudo ./install.sh command under the host_x86 folder to install the DECENT,DNNC, DDump and DLet tools on the host.
使用Vivado和PetaLinux 2019.2的Ultra96 v1 ResNet-50例程_第12张图片

cp –r xilinx_dnndk_v3.1/common $TRD_HOME/SDcard/

SD FAT32文件

使用Vivado和PetaLinux 2019.2的Ultra96 v1 ResNet-50例程_第13张图片


john@john-virtual-machine:/media/john/root/sbin$ sudo tar -zxvf rootfs.tar.gz -C /media/john/root
sudo chmod 555 /media/john/root/sbin/init.sysvinit
使用Vivado和PetaLinux 2019.2的Ultra96 v1 ResNet-50例程_第14张图片

Test the ResNet-50 application

Insert the DS card in the Ultra96 and switch it on. After boot, login with ID root and password root. Change directory to the application folder.
cd /run/media/mmcblk0p1/resnet50
Run the ResNet application

使用Vivado和PetaLinux 2019.2的Ultra96 v1 ResNet-50例程_第15张图片

XILINX INTERNAL Xilinx Answer 73118 – ResNet-50 implemented on an Ultra96 v1 board using Vivado and PetaLinux 2019.2 6
《Long Form Answer Record 73118: ResNet-50 implemented on an Ultra96 v1 board using Vivado and PetaLinux 2019.2》
