Error: L6220E: Execution region ER_IROM5 size (31436 bytes) exceeds limit (31424 bytes).


..\..\..\scatterfiles\scatterfile_common.sct: Error: L6220E: Execution region ER_IROM5 size (31436 bytes) exceeds limit (31424 bytes). Region contains 13 bytes of padding and 1260 bytes of veneers (total 1273 bytes of linker generated content).


1、点击“project”->“Oprions for Target 'Full_emb_cortex_M0'...”->Target

Error: L6220E: Execution region ER_IROM5 size (31436 bytes) exceeds limit (31424 bytes)._第1张图片

注意:修改IROM1的Size大一些,同时需要修改IRAM1的Start,这两者需要同时修改,当ROM1的Start+Size 大于IRAM1的Start,报错:

Error: L6220E: Execution region ER_IROM5 size (31436 bytes) exceeds limit (31424 bytes)._第2张图片

2、->Linker,选中'Use Memory Layout from Target Dialog'

Error: L6220E: Execution region ER_IROM5 size (31436 bytes) exceeds limit (31424 bytes)._第3张图片

