
  1. 谓语动词 do/does/did
  2. 非谓语动词 doing/done/to do
  3. 倒装

1. 谓语动词

  • 解题思路:
    1. 看单选空格是否缺谓语
    2. 看选项是否结构完整(足以组成一个谓语)
    3. 看前后半句找时态一致的谓语动词
    4. 看语态,是主动还是被动
1.1 时态变化
  1. 结构完整才是谓语动词一般态
  2. 英文时态不可跨越
  • 一般态——do: did, do/does, will do
  • 进行态——be doing: was/ were doing, am/is/are doing, will be doing
  • 完成态——have done: had done, have/has done, will have done
进行态 过去进行时态 过去+过去/现在 was/ were doing
现在进行时态 现在+现在/将来 am/is/are doing
将来进行时态 将来 will be doing
完成态 过去完成时态 过过+过去 had done
现在完成时态 过去+现在 have/has done
将来完成时态 现在/将来+将来 will have done
完成进行态 过去完成进行时态 过过+过去+现在 had been doing
现在完成进行时态 过去+现在+将来 have been doing
未来完成进行时态(少) 现在/将来+将来 will have been doing

1.2 语态变化
  • 主动语态:主语 do 宾语 have
  • 被动语态(主宾倒装):宾语 be done by 主语

The Minister of Finance is believed ________ of imposing new taxes to raise extra revenue.
A. that he is thinking
B. to be thinking
C. that he is to think
D. to think
选B, 被动不接宾语,排除AC;D是主动,也排除

2. 非谓语动词

  • 解题思路:
    1. 看句子是否缺谓语,不缺才要填非谓语动词
    2. 看选项是否结构完整(足以组成一个谓语)
    3. 找到这个词修饰的主语
    4. 看语态,是主动还是被动
2.1 动名词 doing
2.2 分词 doing & done
  • 作定语:doing/done+名词 ;名词+doing/done 短语
  • 作状语:Doing/Done…,主谓宾
  • 独立主格:名词+doing/done…,主谓宾

Seen in this light, economic crisis is not as serious as people generally suppose.
(If) Seen in this light, economic crisis is not as serious as people generally suppose.
(If)( economic crisis is) seen in this light, economic crisis is not as serious as people generally suppose.
上面三句都正确,从句的if, 主谓都可以省。

  • 独立主格, 在分词做状语的基础上多了一个名词而已
  • 主句确定时态,名词确定主动还是被动

Time permitting, we will go to the Great Wall.
All things considered, the economic crisis is not as serious as people generally suppose.
All flights having been canceled because of the snowstorm, many passengers had to take the train.

2.3 不定式:to do
  • 不定式表将来

If the building project _________ by the end of this month is delayed, the construction company will be fined.
A. being completed
B. is completed
C. to be completed
D. completed

3. 倒装

  • 句首出现介词短语要完全倒装
  • 谓语动词的数量,时态,语态是由主语决定的
  • 如出现逗号就不用倒装了
3.1 完全倒装: 谓语+主语

The house stands on the beach.
On the beach stands the house.
His votes are within 50 millions.
Within 50 million are his votes.

3.2 部分倒装:谓语1部分+主语+谓语2部分
  • 就是把谓语分成两部分,一部分提前,只有一个谓语的,就提前就好
倒装前 倒装后
主语 have worked have 主语 worked
主语 is working is 主语 working
主语 works do/does 主语 works
主语 worked did 主语 work
  • Only+状语(介词短语,副词,状语从句)

You can come up with the solution to the problem only in this way.
Only in this way can you come up with the solution to the problem.

  • So(表示“如此,这般”)

The film was so instructive that the students wanted to see it again.
So instructive was the film that the students wanted to see it again.

  • 否定意义词 (状语)

I seldom met such a brave man.
Seldom did I meet such a brave man.
He did little to help in the crisis.
Little did he do to help in the crisis.
They have the right to limit how much vitamin you want to take for no reason.
For no reason do they have the right to limit how much vitamin you want to take.
