using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System;
public class NodeEditor : EditorWindow
static NodeEditor _window;
public static float zoomDelta = 0.01f;
public static float minZoom = 1f;
public static float maxZoom = 8f;
public static float panSpeed = 1.2f;
// To keep track of zooming.
private Vector2 _zoomAdjustment;
private Vector2 _zoom =;
public Vector2 panOffset =;
public void Pan(Vector2 delta)
panOffset += delta * ZoomScale * panSpeed;
public void Zoom(float zoomDirection)
float scale = (zoomDirection < 0f) ? (1f - zoomDelta) : (1f + zoomDelta);
_zoom *= scale;
float cap = Mathf.Clamp(_zoom.x, minZoom, maxZoom);
_zoom.Set(cap, cap);
public float ZoomScale
get { return _zoom.x; }
float z = Mathf.Clamp(value, minZoom, maxZoom);
_zoom.Set(z, z);
/// The size of the window.
public Rect Size
get { return new Rect(, position.size); }
[MenuItem("Scene/NodeEditor #")]
static void Init()
if (_window == null)
_window = EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(NodeEditor)) as NodeEditor;
private static string getFullPath(string root, string targetFolderName)
string[] dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(root, targetFolderName, SearchOption.AllDirectories);
// Return first occurance containing targetFolderName.
if (dirs.Length != 0)
return dirs[0];
// Could not find anything.
return "";
public static string GetTextureFolderPath()
string fullpath = Application.dataPath;// getFullPath(Application.dataPath, "");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullpath))
// Return the texture folder path relative to Unity's Asset folder.
int index = fullpath.IndexOf("Assets");
string localPath = fullpath.Substring(index);
return localPath;
Debug.LogError("Could not find folder: " + "");
return "";
Texture2D gridTex;
Texture2D _gridTex
string path = GetTextureFolderPath().Dir("Grid.png");
gridTex = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath
// Debug.Log(path);
Debug.Log("gridTex is null");
return gridTex;
Texture2D circleTex;
Texture2D _circleTex
if (circleTex == null)
string path = GetTextureFolderPath().Dir("Circle.png");
circleTex = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path);
// Debug.Log(path);
if (circleTex == null)
Debug.Log("circleTex is null");
return circleTex;
private void OnGUI()
if (_window)
if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
if (bDrawGuide)
{ DrawGrid(); }
Rect graphRect = _window.Size;
var center = graphRect.size / 2f;
_zoomAdjustment = GUIScaleUtility.BeginScale(ref graphRect, center, ZoomScale, false);
if (Event.current.type == EventType.ScrollWheel)
if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag)
if (DropdownButton("Settings", kToolbarButtonWidth + 10f))
if (DropButton("ReCenter", kToolbarButtonWidth + 10f))
public void ToggleDrawGuide()
bDrawGuide = !bDrawGuide;
public void ReCenterGrid()
panOffset =;
public const float kToolbarHeight = 20f;
public const float kToolbarButtonWidth = 50f;
private void createSettingsMenu()
var menu = new GenericMenu();
menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Show Guide"), bDrawGuide, ToggleDrawGuide);
menu.DropDown(new Rect(0, kToolbarHeight, 0f, 0f));
public bool DropButton(string name, float width)
return GUILayout.Button(name, EditorStyles.miniButton, GUILayout.Width(width));
public bool DropdownButton(string name, float width)
return GUILayout.Button(name, EditorStyles.toolbarDropDown, GUILayout.Width(width));
/// The rect bounds defining the recticle at the grid center.
public static readonly Rect kReticleRect = new Rect(0, 0, 8, 8);
/// Enables and disables drawing the guide to the grid center.
public bool bDrawGuide = false;
public Color guideColor =Color.gray;
private void DrawGrid()
var size = _window.Size.size;
var center = size / 2f;
float zoom = ZoomScale;
// Offset from origin in tile units
float xOffset = -(center.x * zoom + panOffset.x) / _gridTex.width;
float yOffset = ((center.y - size.y) * zoom + panOffset.y) / _gridTex.height;
Vector2 tileOffset = new Vector2(xOffset, yOffset);
// Amount of tiles
float tileAmountX = Mathf.Round(size.x * zoom) / _gridTex.width;
float tileAmountY = Mathf.Round(size.y * zoom) / _gridTex.height;
Vector2 tileAmount = new Vector2(tileAmountX, tileAmountY);
// Draw tiled background
GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(_window.Size, _gridTex, new Rect(tileOffset, tileAmount));
// Handles drawing things over the grid such as axes.
private void drawGridOverlay()
// drawGridCenter();
if (bDrawGuide)
/// Converts the graph position to screen space.
/// This only works for geometry inside the GUIScaleUtility.BeginScale()
public Vector2 GraphToScreenSpace(Vector2 graphPos)
return graphPos + _zoomAdjustment + panOffset;
/// Draws a GUI texture with a tint.
public static void DrawTintTexture(Rect r, Texture t, Color c)
var guiColor = GUI.color;
GUI.color = c;
GUI.DrawTexture(r, t);
GUI.color = guiColor;
private void drawGridCenter()
var rect = kReticleRect;
rect.size *= ZoomScale; =;
rect.position = GraphToScreenSpace(rect.position);
DrawTintTexture(rect, _circleTex, Color.gray);
private void drawAxes()
// Draw axes. Make sure to scale based on zoom.
Vector2 up = Vector2.up * _window.Size.height * ZoomScale;
Vector2 right = Vector2.right * _window.Size.width * ZoomScale;
Vector2 down = -up;
Vector2 left = -right;
// Make sure the axes follow the pan.
up.y -= panOffset.y;
down.y -= panOffset.y;
right.x -= panOffset.x;
left.x -= panOffset.x;
up = GraphToScreenSpace(up);
down = GraphToScreenSpace(down);
right = GraphToScreenSpace(right);
left = GraphToScreenSpace(left);
DrawLine(right, left, Color.white);
DrawLine(up, down, Color.white);
/// Shows where the center of the grid is.
private void drawGuide()
Vector2 gridCenter = GraphToScreenSpace(;
DrawLine(gridCenter, Event.current.mousePosition, guideColor);
/// Draws a bezier between the two end points in screen space.
public static void DrawBezier(Vector2 start, Vector2 end, Color color)
Vector2 endToStart = (end - start);
float dirFactor = Mathf.Clamp(endToStart.magnitude, 20f, 80f);
Vector2 project = Vector3.Project(endToStart, Vector3.right);
Vector2 startTan = start + project * dirFactor;
Vector2 endTan = end - project * dirFactor;
UnityEditor.Handles.DrawBezier(start, end, startTan, endTan, color, null, 3f);
/// Draws a line between the two end points.
public static void DrawLine(Vector2 start, Vector2 end, Color color)
var handleColor = Handles.color;
Handles.color = color;
Handles.DrawLine(start, end);
Handles.color = handleColor;
public static class StringExtensions
/// Merges the parent and child paths with the '/' character.
public static string Dir(this string parentDir, string childDir)
return parentDir + '/' + childDir;
/// Appends the extension to the file name with '.'
public static string Ext(this string file, string extension)
return file + '.' + extension;
public static class GUIScaleUtility
// General
private static bool compabilityMode;
private static bool initiated;
// Delegates to the reflected methods
private static Func GetTopRectDelegate;
private static Func topmostRectDelegate;
// Delegate accessors
public static Rect getTopRect { get { return (Rect)GetTopRectDelegate.Invoke(); } }
// Rect stack for manipulating groups
public static List currentRectStack { get; private set; }
private static List> rectStackGroups;
// Matrices stack
private static List GUIMatrices;
private static List adjustedGUILayout;
#region Init
public static void CheckInit()
if (!initiated)
public static void Init()
// Fetch rect acessors using Reflection
Assembly UnityEngine = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(UnityEngine.GUI));
Type GUIClipType = UnityEngine.GetType("UnityEngine.GUIClip", true);
PropertyInfo topmostRect = GUIClipType.GetProperty("topmostRect", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
MethodInfo GetTopRect = GUIClipType.GetMethod("GetTopRect", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
MethodInfo ClipRect = GUIClipType.GetMethod("Clip", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public, Type.DefaultBinder, new Type[] { typeof(Rect) }, new ParameterModifier[] { });
if (GUIClipType == null || topmostRect == null || GetTopRect == null || ClipRect == null)
Debug.LogWarning("GUIScaleUtility cannot run on this system! Compability mode enabled. For you that means you're not able to use the Node Editor inside more than one group:( Please PM me (Seneral @UnityForums) so I can figure out what causes this! Thanks!");
Debug.LogWarning((GUIClipType == null ? "GUIClipType is Null, " : "") + (topmostRect == null ? "topmostRect is Null, " : "") + (GetTopRect == null ? "GetTopRect is Null, " : "") + (ClipRect == null ? "ClipRect is Null, " : ""));
compabilityMode = true;
initiated = true;
// Create simple acessor delegates
GetTopRectDelegate = (Func)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func), GetTopRect);
topmostRectDelegate = (Func)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func), topmostRect.GetGetMethod());
if (GetTopRectDelegate == null || topmostRectDelegate == null)
Debug.LogWarning("GUIScaleUtility cannot run on this system! Compability mode enabled. For you that means you're not able to use the Node Editor inside more than one group:( Please PM me (Seneral @UnityForums) so I can figure out what causes this! Thanks!");
Debug.LogWarning((GUIClipType == null ? "GUIClipType is Null, " : "") + (topmostRect == null ? "topmostRect is Null, " : "") + (GetTopRect == null ? "GetTopRect is Null, " : "") + (ClipRect == null ? "ClipRect is Null, " : ""));
compabilityMode = true;
initiated = true;
// As we can call Begin/Ends inside another, we need to save their states hierarchial in Lists (not Stack, as we need to iterate over them!):
currentRectStack = new List();
rectStackGroups = new List>();
GUIMatrices = new List();
adjustedGUILayout = new List();
initiated = true;
#region Scale Area
/// Begins a scaled local area.
/// Returns vector to offset GUI controls with to account for zooming to the pivot.
/// Using adjustGUILayout does that automatically for GUILayout rects. Theoretically can be nested!
public static Vector2 BeginScale(ref Rect rect, Vector2 zoomPivot, float zoom, bool adjustGUILayout)
Rect screenRect;
if (compabilityMode)
// In compability mode, we will assume only one top group and do everything manually, not using reflected calls (-> practically blind)
screenRect = rect;
// If it's supported, we take the completely generic way using reflected calls
screenRect = GUIScaleUtility.GUIToScaledSpace(rect);
rect = Scale(screenRect, screenRect.position + zoomPivot, new Vector2(zoom, zoom));
// Now continue drawing using the new clipping group
rect.position =; // Adjust because we entered the new group
// Because I currently found no way to actually scale to a custom pivot rather than (0, 0),
// we'll make use of a cheat and just offset it accordingly to let it appear as if it would scroll to the center
// Note, due to that, controls not adjusted are still scaled to (0, 0)
Vector2 zoomPosAdjust = - screenRect.size / 2 + zoomPivot;
// For GUILayout, we can make this adjustment here if desired
if (adjustGUILayout)
GUILayout.Space( - screenRect.size.x + zoomPivot.x);
GUILayout.Space( - screenRect.size.y + zoomPivot.y);
// Take a matrix backup to restore back later on
// Scale GUI.matrix. After that we have the correct clipping group again.
GUIUtility.ScaleAroundPivot(new Vector2(1 / zoom, 1 / zoom), zoomPosAdjust);
return zoomPosAdjust;
/// Ends a scale region previously opened with BeginScale
public static void EndScale()
// Set last matrix and clipping group
if (GUIMatrices.Count == 0 || adjustedGUILayout.Count == 0)
throw new UnityException("GUIScaleUtility: You are ending more scale regions than you are beginning!");
GUI.matrix = GUIMatrices[GUIMatrices.Count - 1];
GUIMatrices.RemoveAt(GUIMatrices.Count - 1);
// End GUILayout zoomPosAdjustment
if (adjustedGUILayout[adjustedGUILayout.Count - 1])
adjustedGUILayout.RemoveAt(adjustedGUILayout.Count - 1);
// End the scaled group
if (compabilityMode)
// In compability mode, we don't know the previous group rect, but as we cannot use top groups there either way, we restore the screen group
GUI.BeginClip(new Rect(0, 23, Screen.width, Screen.height - 23));
// Else, restore the clips (groups)
#region Clips Hierarchy
/// Begins a field without groups. They should be restored using RestoreClips. Can be nested!
public static void BeginNoClip()
// Record and close all clips one by one, from bottom to top, until we hit the 'origin'
List rectStackGroup = new List();
Rect topMostClip = getTopRect;
while (topMostClip != new Rect(-10000, -10000, 40000, 40000))
topMostClip = getTopRect;
// Store the clips appropriately
/// Restores the clips removed in BeginNoClip or MoveClipsUp
public static void RestoreClips()
if (rectStackGroups.Count == 0)
Debug.LogError("GUIClipHierarchy: BeginNoClip/MoveClipsUp - RestoreClips count not balanced!");
// Read and restore clips one by one, from top to bottom
List rectStackGroup = rectStackGroups[rectStackGroups.Count - 1];
for (int clipCnt = 0; clipCnt < rectStackGroup.Count; clipCnt++)
currentRectStack.RemoveAt(currentRectStack.Count - 1);
rectStackGroups.RemoveAt(rectStackGroups.Count - 1);
#region Space Transformations
/// Scales the rect around the pivot with scale
public static Rect Scale(Rect rect, Vector2 pivot, Vector2 scale)
rect.position = Vector2.Scale(rect.position - pivot, scale) + pivot;
rect.size = Vector2.Scale(rect.size, scale);
return rect;
public static Vector2 GUIToScaledSpace(Vector2 guiPosition)
if (rectStackGroups == null || rectStackGroups.Count == 0)
return guiPosition;
// Iterate through the clips and add positions ontop
List rectStackGroup = rectStackGroups[rectStackGroups.Count - 1];
for (int clipCnt = 0; clipCnt < rectStackGroup.Count; clipCnt++)
guiPosition += rectStackGroup[clipCnt].position;
return guiPosition;
/// Transforms the rect to the new space aquired with BeginNoClip or MoveClipsUp.
/// DOES NOT scale the rect, only offsets it!
/// It's way faster to call GUIToScreenSpace before modifying the space though!
public static Rect GUIToScaledSpace(Rect guiRect)
if (rectStackGroups == null || rectStackGroups.Count == 0)
return guiRect;
guiRect.position = GUIToScaledSpace(guiRect.position);
return guiRect;