After Dismal Summer, Hollywood Pins Hopes on Fall Ticket Sales(片段)
dismal: 1,惨淡,凄凉的(状况、环境、市场);阴沉的(天气)。2,(非正式)不熟练的;差劲的。dismal failure,白费劲。
pin hope/faith on sb./sth.: 寄希望于;指望。
Jeff Bock, a senior analyst at Exhibitor Relations, an entertainment research firm,summed upHollywood’s dismal summer at thedomesticbox office— estimated ticket sales fell to a 22-year low — by going on an “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore”rant.
senior:和职位挂钩的时候是指高级的;和比赛挂钩的时候是指成人的(对应 junior);对老年人表示尊敬的叫法是 senior citizen;如果是 senior student,那就是指高中/大学还有一年就毕业的那帮学生啦。
sum up:总结、概括,和summarize同意
domestic:国内的,非常常见的一个词。GDP里的D就是domestic,gross domestic product,国内生产总值。
box office:票房。因为早期剧院、电影院等需要购票进入的场所的售票处都是小盒子一样的亭子或者小房间,因此被称为box office,后来这个词组慢慢就演变成电影/戏剧票房收入的意思了,拍《权力的游戏》的电视台HBO的全称就是Home Box Office,因为HBO是需要单独付费订阅的,所以相比其他免费的电视台,起这个名字也就好理解了。感觉HBO起这个名字也是为了表示自己的节目都是电影一样的大制作,嗯,它显然做到了。
“The message from Americanmoviegoers over the summer was notsubtle,” Mr. Bock said. “Please, we are begging you, give us something more than soulless, half-bakedsequels and remakes that are made by committee and primarily designed to sellmerchandise.”
moviegoer:电影观众,很好理解,movie和go,加上表人的后缀-er组成。和 audience 是同义词,但后者更广,是观众、听众和读者的意思。可以是电影电视戏剧演讲小说绘画的目标。单数和复数都用,作为集合名字,后面的be动词可以是单数也可以是复数。
不负责任词汇拓展:submarine,潜艇。sub-下方的;marine海的,海洋的:海洋下的东西就是潜艇了。最近看了电影《敦刻尔克》的话,会发现里面把潜艇称为U-boat,而不是submarine。电影里的 U-boat 是专指德国在两次世界大战中使用的潜艇。
sequel:续集。如果读关于电影的英文新闻,这个词能见到好多遍。搭配:a sequel to sth. 如果某部电影要拍前传呢?则用prequel。pre-表示“前、早先”的前缀,很好理解。
更广的意思就是商品和货品了。同义词有goods、commodity、produce。强调原材料、用途的话用 goods,强调买卖的话用 merchandise。中文里常说的大宗商品常用的是 commodity。produce 则通常指农产品或制造品。
Even so, studios are unlikely toshift gears anytime soon. Overseasaudiences continue todevourwhat Hollywood serves up. And many studio executives dismiss the recentslumpin North America, which remains the world’s No. 1 movie market, as a normal part of a cyclical film business. Box officebehemoths, they insist, are justaround the corner.
shift gear:换挡。这里是指改变经营方向。shift 和 gear 都有很多意思。太多了,不想写啊,欢迎留言讨论。
On Friday, for instance, New Line Cinema, a Warner Bros. division that has been aresurgent forcein the horror genre, is expected to blow the cobwebs off theater seats with “It.” Anadaptationof Stephen King’s 1986 novel about Pennywise the demonic clown, “It” may arrive to $70 million or more in domestic ticket sales, breaking September box office records, analysts say. The fall season will also bring potentialmegahits like “Thor: Ragnarok,” “Blade Runner 2049” and “Justice League.”
mega 是表大的前缀,有一种比大还大的大。想表达Bigger than big的时候可以用。这个词/前缀受到了俄罗斯战斗民族的狂热喜爱,到处可见,就连一个街边小卖部都敢叫自己 megastore。
But it will take more than a handful ofblockbusters to undo the damage of alethargicsummer. From the first Friday in May to Labor Day, a period that typically accounts for 40 percent of annual ticket sales, box office revenue in the United States and Canada is expected to total roughly $3.78 billion, a 16 percent decline from the same period last year, according to comScore, which compiles ticketing statistics.
blockbuster:专指票房大片。很形象的一个词,block 指街区,bust 指摔坏、打坏,买票的人把一个街区都挤坏了,电影显然大赚特赚啊。Blockbuster还曾是一家影碟租赁的巨头,高峰期有近万家店,2010年的时候破产了,又是一个被网络淘汰的行业。很多90后和00后都没有租影碟来看的经历吧。
Bust是个很常用的词,送一个常用的表达。如果你发现别人干坏事,你可以大喊:busted!大意就是抓住了。希望你不是被别人喊出 busted 的对象。有首歌很精彩,主题是一个姑娘发现男友劈腿后怒砸车窗,很好听,歌名叫 Bust your windows,cei 你丫车窗,歌词简单又解气,网易云音乐上就有。
To find aslower summer, you have to go back to 1995, when “Apollo 13” and “Pocahontas” were top draws, according to Box Office Mojo, an online database. After adjusting for inflation, the summer of 1995 had about $3.76 billion in ticket sales.
slow 是幼儿园词汇了,但越简单的词意思越丰富。slow 和生意搭配的时候,是指生意不好,东西卖得慢了,生意自然就不好。所以这里的 slow summer 可不是慢吞吞的夏天,而是指这个夏天生意不好。slow 形容人的时候,绝大部分时候不是说这个人速度慢唷(除非上下文特别明显),而是指他很笨,反应慢就是笨嘛。更多骂人的话欢迎留言讨论,哈哈哈。