吴恩达Coursera深度学习课程 course4-week1 Convolutional Neural Networks & CNN Application 作业

                                                                                                           P0 前言

第四门课 : Convolutional Neural Networks (卷积神经网络)
第一周 : Foundations of Convolutional Neural Networks (卷积神经网络基础)
主要知识点 : 计算机视觉、边缘检测、卷积神经网络、Padding、卷积、池化等;




                                                                                                           P1 作业

Part 1: 神经网络的底层搭建(Convolutional Neural Networks: Step by Step)


吴恩达Coursera深度学习课程 course4-week1 Convolutional Neural Networks & CNN Application 作业_第1张图片

 1 导入库

import numpy as np
import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (5.0, 4.0) # set default size of plots
plt.rcParams['image.interpolation'] = 'nearest'
plt.rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'gray'
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

2 作业大纲



  • 使用0扩充边界
  • 卷积窗口
  • 前向卷积
  • 反向卷积(可选)


  • 前向池化
  • 创建掩码
  • 值分配
  • 反向池化(可选)


吴恩达Coursera深度学习课程 course4-week1 Convolutional Neural Networks & CNN Application 作业_第2张图片


3- 卷积神经网络


吴恩达Coursera深度学习课程 course4-week1 Convolutional Neural Networks & CNN Application 作业_第3张图片


3.1 - 边界填充


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  • 帮助我们保留更多的图像边界信息。在没有填充的情况下,卷积过程中图像边缘的极少数值会受到过滤器的影响从而导致信息丢失。
  • 使我们避免在接下来的CONV层中缩小卷积核的高度和宽度,(后面的没看懂什么意思。)(原文:It allows you to use a CONV layer without necessarily shrinking the height and width of the volumes. This is important for building deeper networks, since otherwise the height/width would shrink as you go to deeper layers. An important special case is the "same" convolution, in which the height/width is exactly preserved after one layer.)

我们将实现一个边界填充函数,它会把所有的样本图像XX都使用0进行填充。我们可以使用np.pad来快速填充。需要注意的是如果你想使用pad = 1填充数组a.shape = (5,5,5,5,5)的第二维,使用pad = 3填充第4维,使用pad = 0来填充剩下的部分,我们可以这么做:

#constant连续一样的值填充,有constant_values=(x, y)时前面用x填充,后面用y填充。缺省参数是为constant_values=(0,0)

a = np.pad(a,( (0,0),(1,1),(0,0),(3,3),(0,0)),'constant',constant_values = (..,..))

import numpy as np
arr3D = np.array([[[1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4],
             [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4], 
             [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4]], 

            [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 
             [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 
             [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]], 

            [[1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4], 
             [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4], 
             [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4]]])

print 'constant:  \n' + str(np.pad(arr3D, ((0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2)), 'constant'))

[[[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
  [0 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 0 0]
  [0 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 0 0]
  [0 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 0 0]
  [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]]

 [[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
  [0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 0]
  [0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 0]
  [0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 0]
  [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]]

 [[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
  [0 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 0 0]
  [0 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 0 0]
  [0 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 0 0]
  [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]]]



def zero_pad(X, pad):
    Pad with zeros all images of the dataset X. The padding is applied to the height and width of an image,
    as illustrated in Figure 1.

    X -- python numpy array of shape (m, n_H, n_W, n_C) representing a batch of m images
    pad -- integer, amount of padding around each image on vertical and horizontal dimensions

    X_pad -- padded image of shape (m, n_H + 2*pad, n_W + 2*pad, n_C)

    ### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 1 line)
    X_pad = np.pad(X,((0,0),(pad,pad),(pad,pad),(0,0)),'constant')
    ### END CODE HERE ###

    return X_pad

    x = np.random.randn(4, 3, 3, 2)
    x_pad = zero_pad(x, 2)
    print("x.shape =", x.shape)
    print("x_pad.shape =", x_pad.shape)
    print("x[1,1] =", x[1, 1])
    print("x_pad[1,1] =", x_pad[1, 1])

    fig, axarr = plt.subplots(1, 2)
    axarr[0].imshow(x[0, :, :, 0])
    axarr[1].imshow(x_pad[0, :, :, 0])
x.shape = (4, 3, 3, 2)
x_pad.shape = (4, 7, 7, 2)
x[1,1] = [[ 0.90085595 -0.68372786]
 [-0.12289023 -0.93576943]
 [-0.26788808  0.53035547]]
x_pad[1,1] = [[0. 0.]
 [0. 0.]
 [0. 0.]
 [0. 0.]
 [0. 0.]
 [0. 0.]
 [0. 0.]]



3.2 - Single step of convolution(单步卷积)



上图中过滤器(filter)大小:f = 2 , 步伐stride:s = 1(stride=你每次滑动时移动窗口的幅度)。


def conv_single_step(a_slice_prev, W, b):
    Apply one filter defined by parameters W on a single slice (a_slice_prev) of the output activation
    of the previous layer.

    a_slice_prev -- slice of input data of shape (f, f, n_C_prev)
    W -- Weight parameters contained in a window - matrix of shape (f, f, n_C_prev)
    b -- Bias parameters contained in a window - matrix of shape (1, 1, 1)

    Z -- a scalar value, result of convolving the sliding window (W, b) on a slice x of the input data

    ### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 2 lines of code)
    # Element-wise product between a_slice and W. Do not add the bias yet.
    s = np.multiply(a_slice_prev,W)
    # Sum over all entries of the volume s.
    Z = np.sum(s)
    # Add bias b to Z. Cast b to a float() so that Z results in a scalar value.
    Z = Z+float(b)
    ### END CODE HERE ###

    return Z

    a_slice_prev = np.random.randn(4, 4, 3)
    W = np.random.randn(4, 4, 3)
    b = np.random.randn(1, 1, 1)

    Z = conv_single_step(a_slice_prev, W, b)
    print("Z =", Z)
Z = -6.999089450680221

3.3 - Convolutional Neural Networks - Forward pass(前向传播)




  • 如果我要在矩阵A_prev(shape = (5,5,3))的左上角选择一个2x2的矩阵进行切片操作,那么可以这样做:

a_slice_prev = a_prev[0:2,0:2,:] 

  • 如果我想要自定义切片,我们可以这么做:先定义要切片的位置,vert_startvert_end、 horiz_start、 horiz_end,它们的位置我们看一下下面的图(只适用于单通道)就明白了。  

吴恩达Coursera深度学习课程 course4-week1 Convolutional Neural Networks & CNN Application 作业_第5张图片


n_H = \lfloor \frac{n_{H_{prev}} - f + 2 \times pad}{stride} \rfloor +1

n_W = \lfloor \frac{n_{W_{prev}} - f + 2 \times pad}{stride} \rfloor +1

n_C = {过滤器数量}过滤器数量


def conv_forward(A_prev, W, b, hparameters):
    Implements the forward propagation for a convolution function

    A_prev -- output activations of the previous layer, numpy array of shape (m, n_H_prev, n_W_prev, n_C_prev)
    W -- Weights, numpy array of shape (f, f, n_C_prev, n_C)
    b -- Biases, numpy array of shape (1, 1, 1, n_C)
    hparameters -- python dictionary containing "stride" and "pad"

    Z -- conv output, numpy array of shape (m, n_H, n_W, n_C)
    cache -- cache of values needed for the conv_backward() function

    ### START CODE HERE ###
    # Retrieve dimensions from A_prev's shape (≈1 line)
    (m, n_H_prev, n_W_prev, n_C_prev) = A_prev.shape#n_C_prev是上一层的过滤器数量

    # Retrieve dimensions from W's shape (≈1 line)
    (f, f, n_C_prev, n_C) = ( W.shape)

    # Retrieve information from "hparameters" (≈2 lines)
    stride = hparameters["stride"]
    pad = hparameters["pad"]

    # Compute the dimensions of the CONV output volume using the formula given above. Hint: use int() to floor. (≈2 lines)
    n_H = int((n_H_prev-f+2.*pad)*1./stride)+1
    n_W = int((n_W_prev-f+2.*pad)*1./stride)+1

    # Initialize the output volume Z with zeros. (≈1 line)
    Z = np.zeros((m,n_H,n_W,n_C)) #刚开始用的Z = np.zeros((n_H,n_W))

    # Create A_prev_pad by padding A_prev
    A_prev_pad = zero_pad(A_prev,pad=pad)

    for i in range(m):  # loop over the batch of training examples
        a_prev_pad = A_prev_pad[i]  # Select ith training example's padded activation
        for h in range(n_H):  # loop over vertical axis of the output volume #刚开始用的range(n_H_prev)
            for w in range(n_W):  # loop over horizontal axis of the output volume
                for c in range(n_C):  # loop over channels (= #filters) of the output volume

                    # Find the corners of the current "slice" (≈4 lines)
                    vert_start = stride*h #刚开始用的vert_start = h
                    vert_end = vert_start+f
                    horiz_start = stride*w #刚开始使用的horiz_start = w
                    horiz_end = horiz_start+f

                    # Use the corners to define the (3D) slice of a_prev_pad (See Hint above the cell). (≈1 line)
                    a_slice_prev = a_prev_pad[vert_start:vert_end,horiz_start:horiz_end,:]#刚开似乎用的a_slice_prev = a_prev_pad[vert_start:vert_end,horiz_start:horiz_end,c]

                    # Convolve the (3D) slice with the correct filter W and bias b, to get back one output neuron. (≈1 line)
                    Z[i, h, w, c] = conv_single_step(a_slice_prev=a_slice_prev,W=W[:,:,:,c],b=b[:,:,:,c])#刚开始用的W[:,:,c,c],这里意思是说上一层的三个颜色通道(三个滤波器)全用来产生本层的一个颜色通道(一个滤波器的输出值)

    ### END CODE HERE ###

    # Making sure your output shape is correct
    assert (Z.shape == (m, n_H, n_W, n_C))

    # Save information in "cache" for the backprop
    cache = (A_prev, W, b, hparameters)

    return Z, cache

    A_prev = np.random.randn(10, 4, 4, 3)
    W = np.random.randn(2, 2, 3, 8)
    b = np.random.randn(1, 1, 1, 8)
    hparameters = {"pad": 2,
                   "stride": 2}

    Z, cache_conv = conv_forward(A_prev, W, b, hparameters)
    print("Z's mean =", np.mean(Z))
    print("Z[3,2,1] =", Z[3, 2, 1])
    print("W =", W[0, 0, 0, :])
    print("cache_conv[0][1][2][3] =", cache_conv[0][1][2][3])


Z's mean = 0.048995203528855794
Z[3,2,1] = [-0.61490741 -6.7439236  -2.55153897  1.75698377  3.56208902  0.53036437
  5.18531798  8.75898442]
b= [ 0.37245685 -0.1484898  -0.1834002   1.1010002   0.78002714 -0.6294416
 -1.1134361  -0.06741002]
W= [ 0.5154138  -1.11487105 -0.76730983  0.67457071  1.46089238  0.5924728
  1.19783084  1.70459417]
cache_conv[0][1][2][3] = [-0.20075807  0.18656139  0.41005165]


Z[i, h, w, c] = ...
A[i, h, w, c] = activation(Z[i, h, w, c])


4 - 池化层


  • Max-pooling layer:在输入矩阵中滑动一个大小为fxf的窗口,选取窗口里的值中的最大值,然后作为输出的一部分。
  • Average-pooling layer:在输入矩阵中滑动一个大小为fxf的窗口,计算窗口里的值中的平均值,然后这个均值作为输出的一部分。

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4.1 池化层的前向传播


 n_H = \lfloor \frac{n_{H_{prev}} - f}{stride} \rfloor +1

n_W = \lfloor \frac{n_{W_{prev}} - f}{stride} \rfloor +1

n_C = n_{C_{prev}}

def pool_forward(A_prev, hparameters, mode="max"):
    Implements the forward pass of the pooling layer

    A_prev -- Input data, numpy array of shape (m, n_H_prev, n_W_prev, n_C_prev)
    hparameters -- python dictionary containing "f" and "stride"
    mode -- the pooling mode you would like to use, defined as a string ("max" or "average")

    A -- output of the pool layer, a numpy array of shape (m, n_H, n_W, n_C)
    cache -- cache used in the backward pass of the pooling layer, contains the input and hparameters

    # Retrieve dimensions from the input shape
    (m, n_H_prev, n_W_prev, n_C_prev) = A_prev.shape

    # Retrieve hyperparameters from "hparameters"
    f = hparameters["f"]
    stride = hparameters["stride"]

    # Define the dimensions of the output
    n_H = int(1 + (n_H_prev - f) / stride)
    n_W = int(1 + (n_W_prev - f) / stride)
    n_C = n_C_prev

    # Initialize output matrix A
    A = np.zeros((m, n_H, n_W, n_C))

    ### START CODE HERE ###
    for i in range(m):  # loop over the training examples
        for h in range(n_H):  # loop on the vertical axis of the output volume
            for w in range(n_W):  # loop on the horizontal axis of the output volume
                for c in range(n_C):  # loop over the channels of the output volume

                    # Find the corners of the current "slice" (≈4 lines)
                    vert_start = stride*h
                    vert_end = vert_start+f
                    horiz_start = stride*w
                    horiz_end = horiz_start+f

                    # Use the corners to define the current slice on the ith training example of A_prev, channel c. (≈1 line)
                    a_prev_slice = A_prev[i,vert_start:vert_end,horiz_start:horiz_end,c]#这里因为没有卷积(滤波)操作所以最后一维不用全取,操作的单位是每个通道进行一次所以直接选第c个通道进行池化

                    # Compute the pooling operation on the slice. Use an if statment to differentiate the modes. Use np.max/np.mean.
                    if mode == "max":
                        A[i, h, w, c] = np.max(a_prev_slice)
                    elif mode == "average":
                        A[i, h, w, c] = np.mean(a_prev_slice)

    ### END CODE HERE ###

    # Store the input and hparameters in "cache" for pool_backward()
    cache = (A_prev, hparameters)

    # Making sure your output shape is correct
    assert (A.shape == (m, n_H, n_W, n_C))

    return A, cache
    A_prev = np.random.randn(2, 4, 4, 3)
    hparameters = {"stride": 2, "f": 3}

    A, cache = pool_forward(A_prev, hparameters)
    print("mode = max")
    print("A =", A)
    A, cache = pool_forward(A_prev, hparameters, mode="average")
    print("mode = average")
    print("A =", A)

mode = max
A = [[[[1.74481176 0.86540763 1.13376944]]]
 [[[1.13162939 1.51981682 2.18557541]]]]

mode = average
A = [[[[ 0.02105773 -0.20328806 -0.40389855]]]
 [[[-0.22154621  0.51716526  0.48155844]]]]

5 - 卷积神经网络中的反向传播(选学)



5.1 - 卷积层的反向传播


5.1.1 - 计算dA




dA += \sum ^{n_H} _{h=0} \sum ^{n_W} _{w=0} W_{c} \times dZ_{hw} \tag{1}

其中:  Z_hw = W_c * A_prev_slice + b





da_prev_pad[vert_start:vert_end, horiz_start:horiz_end, :] += W[:,:,:,c]*dZ[i,h,w,c]
#dZ[i , h , w , c]就是由W_c和a_slice共同计算得到的一个标量

 5.1.2 - 计算dW


dW_c += \sum^{n_H}_{h=0} \sum^{n_W}_{w=0}a_{slice} \times dZ_{hw} \tag{2}




dW[:,:,:, c] += a_slice * dZ[i , h , w , c]
#dZ[i , h , w , c]就是由W_c和a_slice共同计算得到的一个标量

5.1.3 - 计算db


db = \sum_{h} \sum_{w}dZ_{hw}


db[:,:,:,c] += dZ[ i, h, w, c]

5.1.4 - 函数实现


def conv_backward(dZ, cache):
    Implement the backward propagation for a convolution function

    dZ -- gradient of the cost with respect to the output of the conv layer (Z), numpy array of shape (m, n_H, n_W, n_C)
    cache -- cache of values needed for the conv_backward(), output of conv_forward()

    dA_prev -- gradient of the cost with respect to the input of the conv layer (A_prev),
               numpy array of shape (m, n_H_prev, n_W_prev, n_C_prev)
    dW -- gradient of the cost with respect to the weights of the conv layer (W)
          numpy array of shape (f, f, n_C_prev, n_C)
    db -- gradient of the cost with respect to the biases of the conv layer (b)
          numpy array of shape (1, 1, 1, n_C)

    ### START CODE HERE ###
    # Retrieve information from "cache"
    (A_prev, W, b, hparameters) = cache

    # Retrieve dimensions from A_prev's shape
    (m, n_H_prev, n_W_prev, n_C_prev) = A_prev.shape

    # Retrieve dimensions from W's shape
    (f, f, n_C_prev, n_C) = W.shape

    # Retrieve information from "hparameters"
    stride = hparameters["stride"]
    pad = hparameters["pad"]

    # Retrieve dimensions from dZ's shape
    (m, n_H, n_W, n_C) = dZ.shape

    # Initialize dA_prev, dW, db with the correct shapes
    dA_prev = np.zeros((A_prev.shape))
    dW = np.zeros((W.shape))
    db = np.zeros((b.shape))

    # Pad A_prev and dA_prev
    A_prev_pad = zero_pad(A_prev,pad)
    dA_prev_pad = zero_pad(dA_prev,pad)

    for i in range(m):  # loop over the training examples

        # select ith training example from A_prev_pad and dA_prev_pad
        a_prev_pad = A_prev_pad[i]
        da_prev_pad = dA_prev_pad[i]

        for h in range(n_H):  # loop over vertical axis of the output volume
            for w in range(n_W):  # loop over horizontal axis of the output volume
                for c in range(n_C):  # loop over the channels of the output vo lume
                    # 刚开始用的n_C_prev,这里应该以dZ的维度为单位进行循环 (和Z的维度都一样,所以循环过程和前向传播也一样)                   

                    # Find the corners of the current "slice"
                    vert_start = stride*h
                    vert_end = vert_start+f
                    horiz_start = stride*w
                    horiz_end = horiz_start+f

                    # Use the corners to define the slice from a_prev_pad
                    a_slice = a_prev_pad[vert_start:vert_end,horiz_start:horiz_end,:]

                    # Update gradients for the window and the filter's parameters using the code formulas given above
                    da_prev_pad[vert_start:vert_end, horiz_start:horiz_end, :] += W[:,:,:,c]*dZ[i,h,w,c]#这个相当于da_prev_slice
                    dW[:, :, :, c] += a_slice*dZ[i,h,w,c]
                    db[:, :, :, c] += dZ[i,h,w,c]
                    # 其中等号左边就是当前卷积层第c个滤波器的参数W_c对应的导数
                    # dZ[i , h , w , c]就是由W_c和a_slice共同计算得到的一个标量
                    # 对应当前卷积层第c个滤波器在(h,w)位置得到的滤波值

        # Set the ith training example's dA_prev to the unpaded da_prev_pad (Hint: use X[pad:-pad, pad:-pad, :])
        dA_prev[i, :, :, :] = da_prev_pad[pad:-pad,pad:-pad,:]#这一步就是把非填充的数据取出来[pad:-pad]意思是从正数第pad行到倒数第pad行之间的数据(不包括倒数第pad行)
    ### END CODE HERE ###

    # Making sure your output shape is correct
    assert (dA_prev.shape == (m, n_H_prev, n_W_prev, n_C_prev))

    return dA_prev, dW, db


    # 初始化参数
    A_prev = np.random.randn(10, 4, 4, 3)
    W = np.random.randn(2, 2, 3, 8)
    b = np.random.randn(1, 1, 1, 8)
    hparameters = {"pad": 2, "stride": 2}
    # 前向传播
    Z, cache_conv = conv_forward(A_prev, W, b, hparameters)
    # 后向传播
    #dZ = np.random.randn(10,4,4,8)
    dA, dW, db = conv_backward(Z, cache_conv)
    print("dA_mean =", np.mean(dA))
    print("dW_mean =", np.mean(dW))
    print("db_mean =", np.mean(db))


(10, 4, 4, 8)
dA_mean = 1.45243777754
dW_mean = 1.72699145831
db_mean = 7.83923256462

5.2 - 池化层的反向传播

 接下来,我们从最大值池化层开始实现池化层的反向传播。 即使池化层没有反向传播过程中要更新的参数,我们仍然需要通过池化层反向传播梯度,以便为在池化层之前的层(比如卷积层)计算梯度。

5.2.1 最大值池化层的反向传播


X = \begin{bmatrix} 1 && 3 \\ 4 && 2 \end {bmatrix} \quad \rightarrow \quad M = \begin{bmatrix} 0 && 0 \\ 1 && 0 \end {bmatrix} \tag{4}



def create_mask_from_window(x):
    Creates a mask from an input matrix x, to identify the max entry of x.

    x -- Array of shape (f, f)

    mask -- Array of the same shape as window, contains a True at the position corresponding to the max entry of x.

    ### START CODE HERE ### (≈1 line)
    mask = (x == np.max(x))
    ### END CODE HERE ###

    return mask

x = np.random.randn(2,3)
mask = create_mask_from_window(x)
print('x = ', x)
print("mask = ", mask)
x =  [[ 1.62434536 -0.61175641 -0.52817175]
 [-1.07296862  0.86540763 -2.3015387 ]]
mask =  [[ True False False]
 [False False False]]


5.2.2 均值池化层的反向传播



dZ=1 \quad \rightarrow \quad dZ = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{1}{4} && \frac{1}{4} \\ \frac{1}{4} && \frac{1}{4} \end{bmatrix}


def distribute_value(dz, shape):
    Distributes the input value in the matrix of dimension shape

    dz -- input scalar
    shape -- the shape (n_H, n_W) of the output matrix for which we want to distribute the value of dz

    a -- Array of size (n_H, n_W) for which we distributed the value of dz

    ### START CODE HERE ###
    # Retrieve dimensions from shape (≈1 line)
    (n_H, n_W) = shape

    # Compute the value to distribute on the matrix (≈1 line)
    average = 1.*dz/(n_H*n_W)

    # Create a matrix where every entry is the "average" value (≈1 line)
    a = np.ones(shape=shape)*average
    ### END CODE HERE ###

    return a

dz = 2
shape = (2,2)
a = distribute_value(dz,shape)
print("a = " + str(a))

a = [[ 0.5  0.5]
 [ 0.5  0.5]]

5.2.3 池化层整体的反向传播


def pool_backward(dA, cache, mode="max"):
    Implements the backward pass of the pooling layer

    dA -- gradient of cost with respect to the output of the pooling layer, same shape as A
    cache -- cache output from the forward pass of the pooling layer, contains the layer's input and hparameters
    mode -- the pooling mode you would like to use, defined as a string ("max" or "average")

    dA_prev -- gradient of cost with respect to the input of the pooling layer, same shape as A_prev

    ### START CODE HERE ###

    # Retrieve information from cache (≈1 line)
    (A_prev, hparameters) = cache

    # Retrieve hyperparameters from "hparameters" (≈2 lines)
    stride = hparameters["stride"]
    f = hparameters["f"]

    # Retrieve dimensions from A_prev's shape and dA's shape (≈2 lines)
    m, n_H_prev, n_W_prev, n_C_prev = A_prev.shape
    m, n_H, n_W, n_C = dA.shape

    # Initialize dA_prev with zeros (≈1 line)
    dA_prev = np.zeros(A_prev.shape)

    for i in range(m):  # loop over the training examples

        # select training example from A_prev (≈1 line)
        a_prev = A_prev[i]

        for h in range(n_H):  # loop on the vertical axis
            for w in range(n_W):  # loop on the horizontal axis
                for c in range(n_C):  # loop over the channels (depth)

                    # Find the corners of the current "slice" (≈4 lines)
                    vert_start = stride*h
                    vert_end = vert_start+f
                    horiz_start = stride*w
                    horiz_end = horiz_start+f

                    # Compute the backward propagation in both modes.
                    if mode == "max":

                        # Use the corners and "c" to define the current slice from a_prev (≈1 line)
                        a_prev_slice = a_prev[vert_start:vert_end,horiz_start:horiz_end,c]
                        # Create the mask from a_prev_slice (≈1 line)
                        mask = create_mask_from_window(a_prev_slice)
                        # Set dA_prev to be dA_prev + (the mask multiplied by the correct entry of dA) (≈1 line)
                        dA_prev[i, vert_start: vert_end, horiz_start: horiz_end, c] += dA[i,h,w,c]*mask#刚开始乘的是a_prev_slice还是因为不理解原理

                    elif mode == "average":

                        # Get the value a from dA (≈1 line)
                        da = dA[i,h,w,c]
                        # Define the shape of the filter as fxf (≈1 line)
                        shape = (f,f)
                        # Distribute it to get the correct slice of dA_prev. i.e. Add the distributed value of da. (≈1 line)
                        dA_prev[i, vert_start: vert_end, horiz_start: horiz_end, c] += distribute_value(da,shape)

    ### END CODE ###

    # Making sure your output shape is correct
    assert (dA_prev.shape == A_prev.shape)

    return dA_prev
    A_prev = np.random.randn(5, 5, 3, 2)
    hparameters = {"stride": 1, "f": 2}
    A, cache = pool_forward(A_prev, hparameters)
    dA = np.random.randn(5, 4, 2, 2)
    dA_prev = pool_backward(dA, cache, mode="max")
    print("mode = max")
    print('mean of dA = ', np.mean(dA))
    print('dA_prev[1,1] = ', dA_prev[1, 1])
    dA_prev = pool_backward(dA, cache, mode="average")
    print("mode = average")
    print('mean of dA = ', np.mean(dA))
    print('dA_prev[1,1] = ', dA_prev[1, 1])

mode = max
mean of dA =  0.14571390272918056
dA_prev[1,1] =  [[ 0.          0.        ]
 [ 5.05844394 -1.68282702]
 [ 0.          0.        ]]

mode = average
mean of dA =  0.14571390272918056
dA_prev[1,1] =  [[ 0.08485462  0.2787552 ]
 [ 1.26461098 -0.25749373]
 [ 1.17975636 -0.53624893]]

Part2 神经网络的应用


1 Tensorflow模型


# -*- encoding:utf-8 -*-
import math
import numpy as np
import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy
from PIL import Image
from scipy import ndimage
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from cnn_utils import *

#%matplotlib inline

我们使用course2 week3中的相同的手势数据集:https://blog.csdn.net/zongza/article/details/83344053

吴恩达Coursera深度学习课程 course4-week1 Convolutional Neural Networks & CNN Application 作业_第8张图片


index = 6
print ("y = " + str(np.squeeze(Y_train_orig[:, index])))

y = 2

吴恩达Coursera深度学习课程 course4-week1 Convolutional Neural Networks & CNN Application 作业_第9张图片

在course2 week3中,我们已经建立过一个神经网络,我想对这个数据集应该不陌生,我们再来看一下数据的维度,如果你忘记了独热编码的实现,可回头看这里:https://blog.csdn.net/zongza/article/details/83344053#t6

X_train = X_train_orig/255.
X_test = X_test_orig/255.
Y_train = cnn_utils.convert_to_one_hot(Y_train_orig, 6).T
Y_test = cnn_utils.convert_to_one_hot(Y_test_orig, 6).T
print ("number of training examples = " + str(X_train.shape[0]))
print ("number of test examples = " + str(X_test.shape[0]))
print ("X_train shape: " + str(X_train.shape))
print ("Y_train shape: " + str(Y_train.shape))
print ("X_test shape: " + str(X_test.shape))
print ("Y_test shape: " + str(Y_test.shape))
conv_layers = {}

number of training examples = 1080
number of test examples = 120
X_train shape: (1080, 64, 64, 3)
Y_train shape: (1080, 6)
X_test shape: (120, 64, 64, 3)
Y_test shape: (120, 6)

1.1 创建placeholders

TensorFlow要求您为输入数据创建占位符(placeholder)真正的数据将在运行session时输入到模型中。现在我们要实现为输入X和输出Y创建占位符的函数,因为我们使用的batch_size可能不确定,所以我们在数量那里我们要使用None作为可变数量。输入X的维度为[None, n_H0, n_W0, n_C0],对应的Y是[None, n_y]。 占位符使用参考:https://www.w3cschool.cn/tensorflow_python/tensorflow_python-w7yt2fwc.html

# GRADED FUNCTION: create_placeholders

def create_placeholders(n_H0, n_W0, n_C0, n_y):
    Creates the placeholders for the tensorflow session.

    n_H0 -- scalar, height of an input image
    n_W0 -- scalar, width of an input image
    n_C0 -- scalar, number of channels of the input
    n_y -- scalar, number of classes

    X -- placeholder for the data input, of shape [None, n_H0, n_W0, n_C0] and dtype "float"
    Y -- placeholder for the input labels, of shape [None, n_y] and dtype "float"

    ### START CODE HERE ### (≈2 lines)
    X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,shape=[None,n_H0,n_W0,n_C0],name="X")
    Y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,shape=[None,n_y],name="Y")
    ### END CODE HERE ###

    return X, Y


X, Y = create_placeholders(64, 64, 3, 6)
print ("X = " + str(X))
print ("Y = " + str(Y))

X = Tensor("X:0", shape=(?, 64, 64, 3), dtype=float32)
Y = Tensor("Y:0", shape=(?, 6), dtype=float32)

1.2 初始化参数

 现在我们将使用tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(seed = 0) 来初始化权值/过滤器W1、W2。在这里,我们不需要考虑偏置b,因为TensorFlow会考虑到的。需要注意的是我们只需要初始化2D卷积函数,全连接层TensorFlow会自动初始化的。

# GRADED FUNCTION: initialize_parameters

def initialize_parameters():
    Initializes weight parameters to build a neural network with tensorflow. The shapes are:
                        W1 : [4, 4, 3, 8]
                        W2 : [2, 2, 8, 16]
    parameters -- a dictionary of tensors containing W1, W2

    tf.set_random_seed(1)  # so that your "random" numbers match ours

    ### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 2 lines of code)
    W1 = tf.get_variable("W1", [4, 4, 3, 8], initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(seed=0))
    W2 = tf.get_variable("W2", [2, 2, 8, 16], initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(seed=0))
    W1 = tf.constant(shape=[4,4,3,8],dtype=tf.float32)
    W2 = tf.constant(shape=[2,2,8,16],dtype=tf.float32)
    ### END CODE HERE ###

    parameters = {"W1": W1,
                  "W2": W2}

    return parameters

关于tf.get_variable()和tf.variable() : https://blog.csdn.net/u012436149/article/details/53696970/


    with tf.Session() as sess_test:
        parameters = initialize_parameters()
        init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
        print("W1 = " + str(parameters["W1"].eval()[1, 1, 1]))
        print("W2 = " + str(parameters["W2"].eval()[1, 1, 1]))
W1 = [ 0.00131723  0.1417614  -0.04434952  0.09197326  0.14984085 -0.03514394
 -0.06847463  0.05245192]
W2 = [-0.08566415  0.17750949  0.11974221  0.16773748 -0.0830943  -0.08058
 -0.00577033 -0.14643836  0.24162132 -0.05857408 -0.19055021  0.1345228
 -0.22779644 -0.1601823  -0.16117483 -0.10286498]

1.2 - 前向传播


  • tf.nn.conv2d(X,W1,strides=[1,s,s,1],padding='SAME'):给定输入X和一组过滤器W1,这个函数将会自动使用W1来对X进行卷积,第三个输入参数是[1,s,s,1]是指对于输入 (m, n_H_prev, n_W_prev, n_C_prev)而言,每次滑动的步伐。文档参考  文档参考2
  • tf.nn.max_pool(A, ksize = [1,f,f,1], strides = [1,s,s,1], padding = 'SAME'):给定输入X,该函数将会使用大小为(f,f)以及步伐为(s,s)的窗口对其进行滑动取最大值。参考文档
  • tf.nn.relu(Z1):计算Z1的ReLU激活 。参考文档
  • tf.contrib.layers.flatten(P):给定一个输入P,此函数将会把每个样本转化成一维的向量,然后返回一个tensor变量,其维度为(batch_size,k)。参考文档
  • tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(F, num_outputs):给定一个已经一维化了的输入F,此函数将会返回一个由全连接层计算过后的输出。参考文档

使用tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(F, num_outputs)的时候,全连接层会自动初始化权值且在你训练模型的时候它也会一直参与,所以当我们初始化参数的时候我们不需要专门去初始化它的权值。




  • Conv2d : 步伐:1,填充方式:“SAME”
  • ReLU
  • Max pool : 过滤器大小:8x8,步伐:8x8,填充方式:“SAME”
  • Conv2d : 步伐:1,填充方式:“SAME”
  • ReLU
  • Max pool : 过滤器大小:4x4,步伐:4x4,填充方式:“SAME”
  • 一维化上一层的输出
  • 全连接层(FC):使用没有非线性激活函数的全连接层。这里不要调用SoftMax, 这将导致输出层中有6个神经元,然后再传递到softmax。 在TensorFlow中,softmax和cost函数被集中到一个函数中,在计算成本时您将调用不同的函数。
# GRADED FUNCTION: forward_propagation

def forward_propagation(X, parameters):
    Implements the forward propagation for the model:

    X -- input dataset placeholder, of shape (input size, number of examples)
    parameters -- python dictionary containing your parameters "W1", "W2"
                  the shapes are given in initialize_parameters
    Z3 -- the output of the last LINEAR unit

    # Retrieve the parameters from the dictionary "parameters"
    W1 = parameters['W1']
    W2 = parameters['W2']

    ### START CODE HERE ###
    s = parameters["stride"]
    f = parameters["f"]
    # CONV2D: stride of 1, padding 'SAME'
    Z1 = tf.nn.conv2d(X,W1,strides=[1,1,1,1],padding='SAME')
    # RELU
    A1 = tf.nn.relu(Z1)
    # MAXPOOL: window 8x8, sride 8, padding 'SAME'
    P1 = tf.nn.max_pool(A1,[1,8,8,1],[1,8,8,1],padding='SAME')
    # CONV2D: filters W2, stride 1, padding 'SAME'
    Z2 = tf.nn.conv2d(P1,W2,[1,1,1,1],padding='SAME')
    # RELU
    A2 = tf.nn.relu(Z2)
    # MAXPOOL: window 4x4, stride 4, padding 'SAME'
    P2 = tf.nn.max_pool(A2,[1,4,4,1],[1,4,4,1],padding='SAME')
    P2 = tf.contrib.layers.flatten(P2)
    # FULLY-CONNECTED without non-linear activation function (not not call softmax).
    # 6 neurons in output layer. Hint: one of the arguments should be "activation_fn=None"
    Z3 = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(P2,num_outputs = 6,activation_fn =None)
    ### END CODE HERE ###

    return Z3


    with tf.Session() as sess:
        X, Y = create_placeholders(64, 64, 3, 6)
        parameters = initialize_parameters()
        Z3 = forward_propagation(X, parameters)
        init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
        a = sess.run(Z3, {X: np.random.randn(2, 64, 64, 3), Y: np.random.randn(2, 6)})
        print("Z3 = " + str(a))


Z3 = [[ 1.4416982  -0.24909675  5.4504995  -0.26189643 -0.2066989   1.3654672 ]
 [ 1.4070848  -0.02573231  5.0892797  -0.48669893 -0.40940714  1.2624854 ]]

Z3 = [[-0.44670227 -1.57208765 -1.53049231 -2.31013036 -1.29104376  0.46852064]
 [-0.17601591 -1.57972014 -1.4737016  -2.61672091 -1.00810647  0.5747785 ]]



  • tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits = Z3 , lables = Y):计算softmax的损失函数。这个函数既计算softmax的激活,也计算其损失。参考文档
  • tf.reduce_mean:计算的是平均值,使用它来计算所有样本的损失来得到总成本。参考文档


# GRADED FUNCTION: compute_cost

def compute_cost(Z3, Y):
    Computes the cost

    Z3 -- output of forward propagation (output of the last LINEAR unit), of shape (6, number of examples)
    Y -- "true" labels vector placeholder, same shape as Z3

    cost - Tensor of the cost function

    ### START CODE HERE ### (1 line of code)
    cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=Z3,labels=Y))#刚开始忘了用reduce_mean求均值结果cost是个1*4的向量
    ### END CODE HERE ###

    return cost


    with tf.Session() as sess:
        X, Y = create_placeholders(64, 64, 3, 6)
        parameters = initialize_parameters()
        Z3 = forward_propagation(X, parameters)
        cost = compute_cost(Z3, Y)
        init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
        a = sess.run(cost, {X: np.random.randn(4, 64, 64, 3), Y: np.random.randn(4, 6)})
        print("cost = " + str(a))

    cost = 4.6648703
    cost = 2.91034

1.4 构建模型




  • 创建占位符
  • 初始化参数
  • 前向传播
  • 计算成本
  • 反向传播
  • 创建优化器


















