二叉堆 -- Binary Heaps

1. 名词解释:





2. 存储格式及规律:

         这篇文章中实现的代码所用的二叉堆是用数组格式存储的,一维数组。假设数组名称为A,那么,堆顶的数据存储在数组A[1]中(位置1,而不是位置0,位置0在我们的堆实现中没有用到),接着,他的2个孩子分别在位置A[1*2]和A[1*2 + 1],即A[2]和A[3],A[2]的2个孩子分别是A[2*2]和A[2*2 + 1],即A[4]和A[5]。总结一下:父节点位于(P),那么他的孩子节点的位置则为(2*P)和(2*P + 1)。

3. 添加元素:



10 30 20 34 38 30 24 17

    现在17位下划线的那个,我们已经将他放在数组的最后位置了,然后我们比较他与他的父节点(位置为8/2 = 4),在位置4(从1开始数)的为34,由于17小于34,所以我们交换彼此,得到下图:

10 30 20 17 38 30 24 34

    现在17跑到位置4中去了,然后我们比较17和他的新的父节点(位置为4/2 = 2),在位置2(从1开始数)的为30,由于17还是小于30,所以交换彼此,得到下图:

10 17 20 30 38 30 24 34

           现在17跑到第二位了,继续比较,父节点位置为2/2 = 1,由于17不小于10,所以这里就没有必要比较了,走到这一步我们的新元素17添加完成。现在的堆已经添加了元素17,堆中有8位按照最小二叉堆规则排序的元素。

4. 删除元素:


34 17 20 30 38 30 24

    现在我们将比较堆顶的新元素与他的子节点,如果堆顶新元素比他的子节点都要大,则将新的堆顶元素与子节点中较小的元素交换。在这里堆顶元素为34,他的子节点分别在位置(1*2 = 2)和(1*2 + 1 = 3),即为17和20,34要大于17和20,所以我们将34与17(子节点中较小的一个)交换,得到下图:

17 34 20 30 38 30 24

    接着我们得到34当前所在位置为2(从1开始数),那么他的子节点位置分别为(2*2 = 4)和(2*2 + 1 = 5),即为30和38,由于34还是大于他的所有子节点,交换34与20(子节点中较小的),得到下图:

17 30 20 34 38 30 24

    当前34所在位置为4,子节点位置(4*2 = 8)和(4*2 + 1 = 9),由于当前堆的最大长度为7,小于8和9,没有元素与之对应,所以到这里元素删除完毕,最终结果如上图所示。




using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace BinaryHeap
    /// The heap's order
    public enum Order
        ASC = 0,
        DESC = 1

    /// The BinaryHeap
    /// The T represent the type of the heap's value
    public class BinaryHeap where T : IComparable
        /// The size of the heap
        public int Size { get; set; }

        private int length;
        /// The length of the heap
        public int Length
                return length;
            private set { length = value; }

        private T[] Items { get; set; }
        private Order Order = Order.ASC;

        /// The Cons of the heap
        /// The default size of the heap
        /// The order of the heap
        public BinaryHeap(int size, Order order)
            if (size < 1)
                throw new Exception("The size should be greater or equal than 1.");

            this.Size = size;
            this.Order = order;
            // We don't need the Items[0], so the actually size is (this.Size + 1),
            // and we just use the the value of Items[1], Items[2], Items[3]... and so on
            Items = new T[this.Size];

            // Set to 0 represent the heap's length is empty
            this.length = 0;

        /// Add new item to the heap
        public void Add(T item)
            if (this.length == 0)
                Items[1] = item;
                int len = this.length;
                if (len >= this.Size)
                    throw new Exception("The heap is fulfilled, can't add item anymore.");

                // Set the new item at the end of this heap
                int endPos = len + 1;
                Items[endPos] = item;
                // Calculate the new item's parent position
                int parentPos = endPos / 2;
                bool isContinue = true;
                while (parentPos != 0 && isContinue)
                    // Compare the new added item and its parent, swap each other if needed
                    if (Order == BinaryHeap.Order.ASC)
                        if (Items[endPos].CompareTo(Items[parentPos]) < 0)
                            Swap(ref Items[endPos], ref Items[parentPos]);

                            endPos = parentPos;
                            parentPos = endPos / 2;
                            isContinue = false;
                        if (Items[endPos].CompareTo(Items[parentPos]) > 0)
                            Swap(ref Items[endPos], ref Items[parentPos]);

                            endPos = parentPos;
                            parentPos = endPos / 2;
                            isContinue = false;

            // After the new item added, set the heap's length added by one

        /// Remove the top item from the heap
        /// if the order is ASC, return the smallest one, if DESC, return the largest one.
        public T Remove()
            if (this.length == 0)
                throw new Exception("The heap is empty");

            // Remove the first item and move the last item to the first
            T removedItem = Items[1];
            int len = this.length;
            Items[1] = Items[len];
            // After the top item removed, set the heap's length reduced by one
            // Get the removing item's childrens's position
            int currentPos = 1;
            int leftChildPos = currentPos * 2;
            int rightChildPos = currentPos * 2 + 1;

            // Set the while loop continue or not flag
            bool isContinue = true;

            while ((leftChildPos <= len || rightChildPos <= len) && isContinue)
                // Compare the removing item to its childrens, swap each other if needed
                if (Order == BinaryHeap.Order.ASC)
                    #region Order == BinaryHeap.Order.ASC
                    if (leftChildPos <= len && rightChildPos <= len)
                        if (Items[leftChildPos].CompareTo(Items[rightChildPos]) < 0 && Items[currentPos].CompareTo(Items[leftChildPos]) >= 0)
                            Swap(ref Items[currentPos], ref Items[leftChildPos]);
                            currentPos = leftChildPos;
                        else if (Items[leftChildPos].CompareTo(Items[rightChildPos]) >= 0 && Items[currentPos].CompareTo(Items[rightChildPos]) >= 0)
                            Swap(ref Items[currentPos], ref Items[rightChildPos]);
                            currentPos = rightChildPos;
                            isContinue = false;
                    else if (leftChildPos <= len)
                        if (Items[currentPos].CompareTo(Items[leftChildPos]) >= 0)
                            Swap(ref Items[currentPos], ref Items[leftChildPos]);
                            currentPos = leftChildPos;
                            isContinue = false;
                    else if (rightChildPos <= len)
                        if (Items[currentPos].CompareTo(Items[rightChildPos]) >= 0)
                            Swap(ref Items[currentPos], ref Items[rightChildPos]);
                            currentPos = rightChildPos;
                            isContinue = false;
                        isContinue = false;

                    leftChildPos = currentPos * 2;
                    rightChildPos = currentPos * 2 + 1;
                    #region Order == BinaryHeap.Order.DESC
                    if (leftChildPos <= len && rightChildPos <= len)
                        if (Items[leftChildPos].CompareTo(Items[rightChildPos]) > 0 && Items[currentPos].CompareTo(Items[leftChildPos]) <= 0)
                            Swap(ref Items[currentPos], ref Items[leftChildPos]);
                            currentPos = leftChildPos;
                        else if (Items[leftChildPos].CompareTo(Items[rightChildPos]) <= 0 && Items[currentPos].CompareTo(Items[rightChildPos]) <= 0)
                            Swap(ref Items[currentPos], ref Items[rightChildPos]);
                            currentPos = rightChildPos;
                            isContinue = false;
                    else if (leftChildPos <= len)
                        if (Items[currentPos].CompareTo(Items[leftChildPos]) <= 0)
                            Swap(ref Items[currentPos], ref Items[leftChildPos]);
                            currentPos = leftChildPos;
                            isContinue = false;
                    else if (rightChildPos <= len)
                        if (Items[currentPos].CompareTo(Items[rightChildPos]) <= 0)
                            Swap(ref Items[currentPos], ref Items[rightChildPos]);
                            currentPos = rightChildPos;
                            isContinue = false;
                        isContinue = false;

                    leftChildPos = currentPos * 2;
                    rightChildPos = currentPos * 2 + 1;

            return removedItem;

        /// Sort the heap
        /// Return the sorted heap array
        public IEnumerable Sort()
            if (this.length == 0)
                throw new Exception("The heap is empty");

            while (this.length > 0)
                yield return Remove();

        #region Private method
        /// Swap each other
        /// The first one
        /// The second one
        private void Swap(ref T t1, ref T t2)
            T temp = t1;
            t1 = t2;
            t2 = temp;

