
1.scoop: a kitchen tool like a spoon that has a usually thick handle and a deep bowl for taking something from a container

2.bigotry: a person who strongly and unfairly dislikes other people, ideas, etc. : a bigoted person ; especially : a person who hates or refuses to accept the members of a particular group (such as a racial or religious group)

3.eccentric: tending to act in strange or unusual ways

4.controversial: relating to or causing much discussion, disagreement, or argument : likely to produce controversy

5.maim: to injure (someone) very badly by violence

6.antic: an attention-drawing often wildly playful or funny act or action : caper

7.gloat: to show in an improper or selfish way that you are happy with your own success or another person's failure

8.retaliate: to do something bad to someone who has hurt you or treated you badly : to get revenge against someone

9.brusque: talking or behaving in a very direct, brief, and unfriendly way

10.paunchy: having a potbelly

11.oblivious: not conscious or aware of someone or something

12.flagon: a container for liquids that usually has a handle, spout, and lid ; also : the amount in a flagon

13.flank: to be located on both sides of (something or someone)

14.surmise: to form an opinion about something without definitely knowing the truth

